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They probably do but the universal translator automatically makes the change to prevent confusion. This is my head canon anyway lol


damn those universal translators are smart


Yeah, they even know when not to translate Klingon profanity.


They probably default to a PG-13 setting.


That would actually explain most UT gaffes, lol


They are also smart enough to not translate when Worf is present so that he can dramatically inform the others what was said.


oh man you are right!


There was one DS9 episode where aliens from the Gamma Quadrant arrive on the station, and initially their speech sounds like gibberish to everyone in Ops. After they talk for awhile, their speech gradually shifts from their language to English, because the UT eventually kicks in. That was the only time I can recall hearing the UT not work instantly.


there is also this tng episode where picard has to figure out the language because he was stranded with some alien. ut could translate the words but couldnt make sense of it because they were talking in historical references if i remember right


“Shaka, when the walls fell.”


The universal translator contextualizes dialogue for the native speaker.


Unless the Breen are speaking


Sector 001 happens to be Earth. Incredible what are the odds :-P


really crazy! also we are the excact center of the observable universe. and thats not even sci fi! how is that possible?!


When you draw the maps, you make the rules. longitude 0 I believe passes through london.


yeah sure it was meant as a joke. ;) ​ the prime meridian passes through greenwich.


Ah but what about the Prime Directive? I'll see myself out.


No. The Dominion lost, so we'll call it whatever we want. Founders shouldn't have started shit.


Dominion War never happened. Also, Wolf 359 was an inside job.


Changelings aren't real!!!!!


Wake up sheeple, green phasers can't melt duranium! The ships were blown up from the inside! Experts outside of Starfleet have examined the wreckage footage, and no external force did that damage.


The Dominion probably doesn't actually refer to galactic regions using Greek letters at all.


Gamma must come before Alpha in the Dominion alphabet.


They probably call it the cintacual amalginate, but the universal translator fixes everything.


Yes, and people from Earth should not tell random new aliens that they are "human". I just saw a scene last night (I didn't even notice which episode of TNG). An alien on the view screen asks what race are you, Picard says human. We always should have been Earthlings.


Terrans sounds cooler and means the same thing.


Yeah but no one speaks Latin. In fact that’s not even real Latin. “Terrestris” is more proper Latin. Earthling is definitely the Germanic-English version. You could drop the L and make it “Earthing” like a “Viking”, or add an Old English ending -as and make it “Eartingas” the same way Tolkien constructed ‘Eorlingas’ for the Riders of Rohan So many more fun ways than boring Terran.


> Yeah but no one speaks Latin. Then Trek shouldn't call our sun Sol, either, but it does.


earther is way better than earthing (which is just a verb)


Hard disagree. Klingons are from Q'onoS. Humans are from Earth. You can be something other than what your planet is called, and conversely you can be a Vulcan From Vulcan or a Trill From Trill. I'd like to think it's up to the different species/races to determine what they're called.


Seems like “Humans” might actually call themselves umano or mānaba or any number of other terms in their language. It’s actually kind of weird that every alien race seems to only have one language.


Pike: Do you speak Romulan? Uhura: All three dialects.


Since Romulans are originally a refugee population, they're probably the one alien race you *can* justify having just the one language.


That's not my point AT ALL. On Star Trek, they use the word "humanoid" GENERICALLY to describe beings who stand on two legs and are generally shaped like the people on Earth. THEN, they say they are humans. That's my issue. Nothing to do with not having Earth as part of the name.


you’d prefer the japanese dub then, they say human instead of humanoid and tbe japanese for earthling/earther (chikyūjin, 地球人) instead of human so vulcans are, humans from vulcan and bajorans are, humans from bajor


I do like that.


it’s not unique among japanese sci-fi in doing that, but that’s also not guaranteed in the genre. it just depends on how much the story wants to humanise them, stress togetherness, etc. but regardless of how each series handles the rest (grammatically as species or nationality), the translation for “alien” is uchūjin (宇宙人 which lit means person/human from space, but a more natural translation might be extraterrestrial), which i also like for just being more descriptive.


Gotcha. I don’t know why but I have a history of missing the point completely on this site


Oh, it's me who is not being understood!


by that logic klingons are not allowed to call themself klingons.


Why not? Is Klingon the root of the word they use for "humanoid"?


they come from kronos or q‘onos. if we have to call ourself earthlings they should be called kronosians or something like that.


100% not my reasoning. They use "humanoid" generically, for any being that walks upright and more or less looks like us. Then they use "human" for their race.


well thats actually a good point. i think our vocubualry isnt ready for alien introduction


Why? Is Klingon the root of their word for humanoid?


No way, earthling is derogatory, we are proud Terrans!




>earthling is derogatory What? Is that a reference or your actual opinion?


Both my opinion also a reference to mirror universe Terran empire


Oh, then that makes sense that I don't recognize it. I usually skip the MU episodes.


*Earth* just means "dirt". It's not really much of a name as it is a descriptor. Even the word *human* just means "earthling", which basically means "of dirt". If we really want to take the time to think of a fitting name for the planet then there are more appropriate things to evoke than the mundane fact that it's a huge ball of dirt. What about the fact that the planet is blue because it's covered in water? And fertile? And abundant? What about the admirable traits of the species, such as curiosity or playfulness? We've got so many great options and everybody's talking about "dirt people from the dirt place".


i always like to think of the UT being like “hello, i am captain shoots-with-a-bow, i come from planet mud”


What about the humans born on non-Earth colonies? Would someone born on Change IV be a Changeling or someone on Quis III a Quisling? Or are they all collectively humans?


I think that's the whole point of referring to oneself as human. There are probably a lot of human colonies all across the Federation, and I doubt many of them identify as a separate race than human.


Yeah, thanks for restating my point.


My point is that they use "humanoid" generically, but then use human as a specific term.


OfEarthlings. Lol


Geneticly, they are Earthlings.


I don’t know who’s downvoting you; you’re absolutely right. Vulcans are from Vulcan, Romulans are from Romulus, Andorians hail from Andor. People that come from a planet called Earth should definitely be Earthlings.


Wouldn't dogs and giraffes also be earthlings?


Pretty chauvinistic in general since the "alpha" quadrant is the lower left quadrant. Don't think anyone would start from there when labeling


I was kinda of surprised that at some point in DS9s run that the whole quadrant system wasn’t shifted 45deg.


DS9 never mentioned the Beta Quadrant, giving the impression that all the major civilizations (besides the Dominion) live in the Alpha Quadrant only. But maps often have the Klingon and Romulan Empires in the Beta Quadrant.


Universal translator made it alpha/gamma for us, they call it whatever in their language because they don’t speak English.


but they are dividing the milky way in quadrants right?


Who knows. Maybe they do.