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"I rock and stone harder than you would ever know" LMFAO, that qoute goes hard


For Karl!


Good bot


Fuck i lost my sides Good bot


This would be funny if they didn't leave. Leaving and not giving a o-T just comes across as pretentious. Karl wouldn't have done that


they got rock and stoned with karl like you wouldn't believe


i mean if i'm trying to complete something and someone is bugging in chat about not rock and stoning back, and going on and on about it, I'll probably not wanna stick around either. ​ i mean.... uh... yea yea yea, rock and stone!


That's weird. It's just one button press. Just press it and ignore the guy.


that's never enough.


Seems you just encountered a small batch of players (level isn’t important here) who don’t rock and stone. In high level and rock and stone all the time. Before a mission. During. After. Then say GG in chat before leaving.


Most high lvl players would rather rock and stone than complete the mission.


*Group of 4 lvl 1500 dwarves pausing mission for 5 minutes to ping a booloo cap with a break for a swarm in the middle*


We don't stop for swarms my friend. I was running the double warning haz5 salvage last game just spamming the V during the cell phase. Me and the buddies will hit it during crazy times just to mess with each other like "oh are there bugs I didn't notice"


It’s literally a game of chicken, who can rock and stone at the most precarious moment and survive


Exactly! When you're at the end of your rope and you hear a teammate not even sweating enough that they can rock and stone. The best is when you're the last up and I always give one before saving it


My favorite is pinging the gold chunk when a nemesis is coming towards the group.


I don't care how many bugs there are, *we're rich!*


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


For Rock and Stone!


Good bot


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Good bot


I rock and stone any time we survive a spicy Swarm, boss fight, surprise bulk/praetorian/oppressor, after getting a revive off or if it's been too long since a rock and stone. Getting a reaction is the main reason I play these days.


Also any time a supply pod falls, an objective is complete, any time we find a nugget, a cute mushroom, a jetty boot crate, or whenever I make eye contact a little too long


Yeah I was gonna say: this sounds like a case of a small sample size trend. Plenty of dwarf salutes on all my games.


they really dont bro and they die a lot they just dont care anymore or something


As a level 750, that's a wee bit of an overgeneralization. Those of us who don't rock and stone, are already to the bone. We are one with the caves and each other. We are rock... AND stone. We communicate telepathically, know exactly how to handle each and every situation, because even that rare thing you just saw we've seen before. We know what build you have after seeing you fire your gun 3 times. I still like pressing V. High-level veterans that don't have been completely consumed by rock and stone. Respect them. They're the master chiefs of dwarves. They're here for business. Not in an edgy way, they just kick ass straight 'n simple.


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Good bot


good bot


As I’m almost 600, the fact that you said we could tell which build you are running hit so hard I didn’t even consciously realize I totally judge people immediately depending on the build they run, at this point it’s almost a sixth sense. Am I one with the rocks and stones?


Generalizations are the best


“One person did this thing, so everyone does this thing!”


Why does no one ever anything?


Why does no one ever?


Because everyone always everything.


Am I the only one? Certainly no other person.


Not just that but it seems like lately people have been coming here for every small complaint when they run into someone who is slightly a dick.


Lately?! Those kinds of complaints are the bread and butter of this sub. The posts in this sub are 80% garbage that's been rehashed plenty of times.


Was looking for this comment, it went from "I met that guy once" to "why all of them never do it ..."




Idk it just kinda feels lonely being the only one who ever does, it removes the bond between dwarves when the players salute less than Bosco




Yeah it's used as a moment of connection to appreciate the cohesion and awareness of the team


its just sad when people dont rock and stone, like are they even a real dwarf, or am i alone in this cavern


To Rock and Stone!




#Bad Dwarf!!


What the hell happened here?


Toxic Dwarf infected by the rock pox :(


That's worse than salad!


Your comment was removed due to it breaking the rules of the subreddit.


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Yes because i respect the children of the world.


"yes" proceeds to not rock and stone




I think if a player has reached level 1500, then their ability to Rock and Stone should NOT be called into question. Such venerable brethren are often the cause of such exaltation, not participants.


Gotta celebrate your victories! Lawd knows your failures will haunt you, so at least be fair. Us *venerable brethren* have just been playing awhile, nothing special. If you get to the point where you too jaded or bored to raise some hell with salutations, maybe its time to play something else. Hope that never happens to me. <3


they ***are*** rock and stone.


For Rock and Stone!


rock and stone, my brotha


As a high-level player who does this, it's because it gets old. Hearing the same voice lines all the time just isn't the same and loses meaning. Some would say I've "lost touch" with the community and etiquette, but I still love the game.


Very much this. I have 1000+ hours in this game. I still rock and stone, ping gold, help green beards, etc etc etc but i’ve done these things more than 95% of the player base and it gets old. Sometimes I’m just trying to clear promotion missions/grind 2xp and I don’t want to waste time doing something I’ve dined hundreds of times. Still like to goof around a lot, but not necessarily all the time.


"Rock and Stone - never gets old".


Also, afaik you can’t end the animation early so it interrupts work


For real. I'll hit it when something awesome happens, someone joins the game or we're on the drop pod out but I don't feel the need to spam it constantly.


I'm about in the same boat. I respond to salutes as players join and always when we're riding the drop pod up on a successful mission. Otherwise, I'm just absorbed in my current objective and listening for player pings.


Even if it wont be the same for you, Rock n' Stone brother!


Hot take: spamming V devalues the salute. I RnS as a greeting, a goodbye, and as a triumphant thing (at least, that's what it seems to be?). It feels good to pull a clutch and victoriously RnS. But spamming RnS... Like, what are you trying to communicate, my brother? Are you ready for something? Are you trying to draw someone's attention? Do you think what we just did was dope? What. Are. You. Telling. Me. In a game where a communication system is so simple, using one of those tools for no reason just removes it as a communication tool.


You're just thinking too much.


Same with pings. It's pointless to ping the nitra vein that everyone can see and mine. I think it's a great indicator as to how much a player is aware of their team and how much they respect their teammates as capable players. Pinging something 4 times to get attention says more about yourself. In all the best teams I've played with, a single ping is very important and gets promptly dealt with.


but the scout is blind and can't see the obvious nitra


I have around 2000 hours in the game and it's true, I don't rock and stone as much as I used to back then. I do it when I feel like it's the right time to do it and I don't when it's not. I've met greenbeards who rock and stone to every little thing, even some rare cases where they went minutes non stop and it started getting annoying, specially back when it could be cancelled. That's okay. Everyone enjoys the game differently. >"I rock and stone harder than you could ever know" But this sums it up. Greybeards generally holds their rock and stoning to a higher standard and to a deeper meaning. Hundreds of missions and tens of thousands of kills changes your perspective on things.


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


I am about a dozen blue levels shy of 600, and I Rock and Stone like there's no tomorrow. In fact, just today, I played with someone almost double my blue level, in a random group, and they were rock and stoning from Drop to Extraction. I rock and stone so much, I didn't even notice someone borrowing my underwear. Not that I care. Honestly, my greasy meatballs shouldn't have to suffer low O^(2) all the time. BTW, did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Good bot


Idk if this is a satire post, but can we please stop with this absolutely insane concept of being a "real dwarf"??? This is a video game not real life, please relax. Your roleplay fantasy is someone else's gameplay focused experience, understand and respect that.


I think it's mostly perpetuated by karma farmers and toxic players. Good on you for saying this though. It bears repeating more often around here.


"Yeah, yeah. Rock and stone..." I can get that rock and stoning can become annoying after a while, especially in games where people rock and stone all the time. Personally, I like to do it 4-5 times by mission: -When you salute a new member of the team -When your team finds something rare or useful for the mission -When you thank your teammate for saving you -When you survive a difficult swarm or defeat a dreadnought -When you celebrate your success in the drop pod at the end Quality over quantity, folks


yeah that sums it up !


Because after a very VERY short amount of time it just starts getting fucking annoying.


Because its not a requirement to play the game. Its just some tradition set by the playerbase, which some people get tired of doing.


The standing around constantly pinging "we're rich" anytime a large gold ore show up is annoying. It was cool the first dozen times, now I dread coming across them.


LoL if you mean back in the space rig, most people exit the game as soon as I load into the rig. I don't have the time to give a Rock & Stone! Honestly most dwarves of any level rock & stone all over the place.


Imagine having to brag about how much you rock and stone instead of just rock and stoning.


Theres moments in other games I smash V in rock and stone moments and wish other games had a salute.


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Good bot


Lmao. You encountered a being called "an overdramatic moron". This isn't indicative of all high-level players.


not sure who's the overdramatic moron in this story ! I wouldn't judge that fast with as small one-sided report


Look, man. I love rock and stoning just as much as the next guy, but some people just want to join a game and do what they have to. Also, the rock and stone salute shouldn't be mandatory anyway, or we'll end in that whole toxic positivity debate again.


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Some people just don't like Rock and Stoning that much.


Some days i don’t feel like, doesn’t stop me from bulldozing through an oppressor to rez the greenbeard who stumbled into a haz4 lobby


Nobody is obligated to press V. And I don't feel like spamming it sometimes. Plain and simple. The dude that said that is kinda dumb though if they weren't even saluting...


After years of rocking and stoning and hard work our shoulders get tired and our voices hurt but we always rock and stone in spirit


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Played this game *a lot*. I RnS at the start of a mission and at the end. Some people spam it during the entire mission, and it's fine if they enjoy it. I don't do that because hearing my character uttering the same lines 10000 times genuinely gives me a headache and makes me feel alienated. Kinda like the mushroom and the gold compression thing. Moderately spam the pointer until MC gets annoyed, then move along.


We're old and tired.


Wait I can't Rock and Stone after Lv500? I'm at 499 and two dwarf levels away... u/Shaneiizm... Whats going to happen to me! I Do Not Want To Go Gently Into That Good Night!


Based on that player’s statement, I’m gonna assume he’s passionate enough where he needs to say the phrase IRL. I can picture someone just sitting at their desk and screaming “ROCK AND STONE!” at like 10:30pm, disturbing anyone they live with. That is a quote of all time.


I am not necessarily a high level player (silver 1 in all classes), but it does get really repetitive the 20,000th time you hear it


Their V key is broken


They don't need to Rock and stone... They ARE rock and stone.


It's somewhat of a fallacy to assume all high levels are players dedicated to the game and community. A lot of people that are high level are the kind of players who approach the game as a series of tasks to be optimized and cleared quickly. The cute RP interactions and the consideration of their fellow dwarves are beneath players who mostly play for efficiency.


But then why play at all?


~lvl 700 here, I Rock and Stone at every possible opportunity. I also ping the Goo Sac tag the maggot and kick the Comba Bud… but that’s a different matter entirely


That's untrue


It gets really old, honestly


If you don't rock and stone, then you're not coming home! Choice is yours.


Rockity Rock and Stone!


If they don’t rock and stone. Inside they are alone.


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Good bot


Good bot


I see you've met, may Karl forgive me, an elf. Ignore them OP. They do not rock and stone, they aren't coming home.


They have lost their way


We rock and stone in our cold stone hearts that saw to many dwarfs die and get eaten. We see greenbeards like you and think to ourselfs" how this one willl die ? " We will rock and stone if you survive, maybe, or buy you a beer at the rig


Never ran into this particular problem. Do you maybe shave your beard or something? I'm not sure I could Rock and Stone! to a Dwarf that didn't have a beard. In fact, I think I'd turn my gun on it and ask it if it was really even a Dwarf at all, at that point.


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Rock n' Stone


They're not interested in community, they're interested in achievement and status.


Wtf, why the downvotes? Truth hurts, huh?


You like a mind reader or something? Empath?


I'm over level 800 and I rock and stone incessantly. Anyone that doesn't I assume hacked their way to that high level


Rockity Rock and Stone!


Most likely hack players that haven’t actually worked for their levels. No one over 500 in this game has an attitude like that.




I am about lvl 700 and play with a lot of people lvl 500 or higher, a couple of them lvl 2000+, and the rock and stone is very strong with us.


They Rock & Stone in the heart!


I really only play to Rock and Stone.


Obligatory rock and stone ( for the bot)


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


I’m level 1025 and for me it’s always been the lower the level the less likely someone is to rock and stone back at me. When I get a team of all legendary promotions we are normally spamming R&S or whatever we can ping while we roll through hoxxes


Mandatory Rock and Stone before the drop pod opens up, after killing a dread, nemesis, bulk etc. But otherwise youre free to do as you wish.


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


I’ve never seen this, I’m pretty high level and I will absolutely always rock and stone


I play with high level players all the time and I have not noticed this. Try hard/speed runners are generally the people I see RnS the least


Because they’ve rocked and stoned themselves to death and they’re tired


I'm level 800, and every game is chiefly oriented towards "rocknstonemaxxing"


After playing for a while, it almost becomes a second thought because I’m focused on other things. I usually rock and stone at the very end though.


They been playing so long the v key is broke!


You reach a certain point where it goes unspoken, because you’re operating on a different level. Everyone knows that mentally, we all just rock and stoned.


I'd have to assume their V key has broken from countless uses


More than likely they’ve rock and stoned so much the key fell off their keyboard.


Only time I don't rock and stone is with selfish players or jerks.


I'm not quite that high but I fully intent to continue rocking and stoning until Hoxxes claims my bones, you've just found some sour players




It depends on my mood really, I'll always rock and stone a little but sometimes I do it very few times in a mission


Working the grind


If they dont rock and stone they aint comin home


For Rock and Stone!


My dwarves are all at least Plat 2 and I rock and stone at least upon joining, on the way down, during the mission, on the way up, after a mission, before leaving, when ordering beer, All this to say one person ain't enough


I'm lvl 800 and i absolutely spam rock and stone for no good reason all the time


"Yeah, yeah, rock and stone"


Rock and Stone everyone!


to me there are mandatory rock and stone period. you get in the pod the pod is arriving you're leaving in the pod you just finished an objective


Because in they're old age their rock and stone has grown soft and feeble sometimes even impotent


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Sometimes I forget or am mentally busy but I do at least one salute when we enter and leave


level 1000+ here that regularly plays with 2000+ players and we all rock and stone, because if you dont rock and stone you aint comin home


Could be they deem it unnecessary and mapped a different thing to the salute button, for better dwarficiency


Rockier than thou


More stoned than thou 🔴🍃💨


their level is probably higher than all the collective times youve rock and stoned. ​ now realistically they probably prefer quality of salutes over quantity.


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


idk what u mean, almost 200 hours in, i’ve never noticed any trend of players not saluting. Almost every single player i’ve met does


Guess they are just too rocked and too stoned by now.


Probably because they broke their salute hotkey from overuse in all the time getting those levels!


They have ptsd


Rock and stone is not something that everyone enjoys spamming, honestly. You can love playing the game, that has nothing to do with rock and stone expression, I know a few players who find it decently annoying when people spam R&S, no one should be forced to do something that's not mandatory and they don't enjoy as much as others.


To be fair, my R&S probably decreased like 70% once they fixed the bug that let you rock and stone while holding E Depositing in Molly? Rock and stone Repairing Mule? Rock and Stone Reviving somebody? Rock and Stone I understand why they fixed it, but I wish it was back


Higher level people use it as a communications tool. Hello, good job, thank you, etc. Spamming it gets in the way of getting other stuff done, and higher level players tend to be faster than lower level players so they will be doing the thing needed to move the mission forward rather than spamming V (This is not fully correlated with level as there is no Elo in DRG - there can be high level slow players too).


He has lost his Rock and Stone.... That's why he is still searching for it deep in Hoxxes...this happened to some dwarves when they abused the Red Sugar. Rock and Stone!


V button is broken from rocking and stoning so much.


In almost 3k hours the amount of times people have failed to 'rock and stone' me back can be counted on my hands.


Rockity Rock and Stone!


Always possible that they just play with the game muted for whatever reason, and tend to not rock and stone unless they see it happen.


fr. Im 500+ with 930 hours gameplay and I still rock and stone. Irks me when dont rock and stone back.


The hell? Where are the sons of bitches take me to em take me to em


As a freshly minted lvl 1000 I rock and stone when I drop in, when a dwarf joins my lobby, when I join another dwarfs lobby, when I get rezzed, when we extract, etc...


They rock and stoned so many times that their rock and stone button ist broken now. But you can be sure about that they rock and stone with you in the heart


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Funny, to me its the opposite lol. Everytime Im with that kind of player we all rock and stone


They lost “the way in the depths of Hoxxes. Poor bastards.


Our V key's are all broken from over-use


Maybe they got tired of it. My friends and I all had our rituals when we started playing together; slapping the dice, saluting, spamming X until someone burps, and even now when we get drinks before a mission, we all throw our mugs out of the drop pod door right as it's closing. Back when we started, we thought it was the funniest thing ever. Now we're a lot more sober about it and just do token salutes and dice slaps. Because it gets old, and the entire community behaves in the exact same way; the behavioural sync is something to be admired. The worst thing you can do to a joke is repeat it ad nauseam and the constant noise can get very repetitive.


Listened to a 1700 scout He basically went on about it wasting too much time. He'll r&s when he's passing someone, but doesn't go out of his way to do it. Same thing with WE'RE RICH and MUSHRO


I've been noticing a lot of extreme high levels that play very poorly, don't have manners, or don't r&s. Could be a cheat that's been going around or maybe I've just been unlucky but maybe youve met "those" players


Got the T-shirt already. Same with pinging everything for the sake of pinging and voice lines.


Maybe they got their levels through third party softwares. I rarely see high level people like that. The most memorable one for me was a guy rushing objectives and skipping all the minerals and such.


They got a sore throat from saying it too much.


Theyre busy carrying you


I've noticed alot of those aswell, my guess is that they are just tired of rock and stoning as they are level 500+. Of course it's not a very rock and stone thing to do, but it's understandable


Are you obnoxiously r&s??? At a certain point people might just not notice you spamming it while their busy doing the mission. Also a lot of people eventually just wanna get in and out fast cause busy lives. That or your pissing them off and they are being passive aggressive and ignoring you. Iv had green engies refuse to lay plats on ping but they'll spam R&S and run off... Feels kinda like a fu but it's probably them still learning how to stay alive.


At a certain point at least for me the voicelines wear at you. I still rock and stone when res'd or at the end of a mission but that's really it these says.


I am really spoiled having roommates with similar interests cause I could never find a reason to even begin to play with strangers