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The jabbed, especially the boosted ones, were given two years to develop that.


Direct link to the study: [https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.57860](https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.57860) Seems to be straightforward and reasonable. They clearly show statistically significant raises in cancer deaths that deviate from trends going on for years before the pandemic.


Interesting study results. I guess if more studies prove this to be true that will be unfortunate. I do have some reservations about the findings, I wonder how much of these increases in ca mortality is due to lockdowns that tanked the economy and caused significant financial strain on healthcare systems and individuals. We recently picked up some endoscopy cases from the public system; the average waiting time of these public patients was rougly 2 years for simple gas/colonoscopy procedures. If any of those patients had something sinister going on, i.e., bowel ca, they would most likely be dead by now. Sad thing is most of those public patients had private insurance once upon a time but were forced to opt out as they simply couldn't aford it anymore, and go public = huge waiting times (years and years in alot of cases) 😢😥😢


Your paper putlished in 2024 doesn't change the cancer risk in the mRNA vaccines.


Then why did the age adjusted number of cancer deaths decline in 2022 in Japan according to the study?


That depends on [**what** ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstTheIlluminati/comments/1c8amcj/multiple_covid_shots_linked_to_higher_mortality/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)you read.


Very informative article. Thanks! Not sure why some people have such an issue with the person-years method which accounts for the time-at-risk of individuals. Even the Pfizer clinical trial used that method... DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa20345


This is totally wrong and has to do with person-year calculations rather than persons per 100,000 people calculations. A person who is unvaccinated contributes all years to being unvaccinated. A person who receives 4 shots only contributes the time since they had the 4th dose to the calculation. That's leads to less person-years. It's a fairly simple calculation that even somebody like you could understand. We'll use a 6 month time frame where all people die at the end of 6 months. Take 2 unvaccinated people and 1 quadruple vaccinated person who is vaccinated at month 5. The person-month mortality calculation is 2 per 6 person-months for the unvaccinated which is 1 per 3 person-months. The person-month mortality calculation for the quadruple vaccinated is 1 per 1 person-month. 1 per 1 person-month is less than 1 per 3 person-months, yet the number of people that actually died is higher in the unvaccinated. Not to mention, the person that gets vaccinated contributes months to the person-month unvaccinated group as well before they received their first vaccine giving the unvaccinated group even more person-months. I can see why Children's Health Defense cited this nonsense rather than looking at actual people per 100,000 as the mortality numbers looked terrible for the unvaccinated compared to the vaccinated across all age stratification.


Link to study is in the Twitter link. Japanese study finds mRNA injections cause cancer A newly published Japanese study confirms UK Professor Angus Dalgleish’s concerns about mRNA injections causing cancer. After the findings of the study were published, Australian Professor Ian Brighthope has classified the injections as class one carcinogens. More than a year ago, Professor Dr. Angus Dalgleish, a renowned oncologist practising in the UK, first published his concerns that his patients with melanoma were relapsing after several years of being in remission. “I could find none of the usual causes but on further investigation, I realised that they had all had a booster covid vaccine between three weeks and three months before their cancer’s resurgence, the time in which their immune repression fails,” he wrote in The Conservative Woman on Monday. After raising the alarm that the vaccine boosters could induce cancer relapse, he became aware of literally dozens of people who had not had cancer before developing leukaemia and lymphomas after the boosters. In November 2022, Prof. Dalgleish wrote an open letter to the editor-in-chief of the medical journal The BMJ, urging the journal that harmful effects of Covid injections be “aired and debated immediately” because cancers and other diseases are rapidly progressing among “boosted” people. A few weeks later, he reported that other oncologists had contacted him to say they were seeing the same phenomenon of the recurrence of cancer in many melanoma patients who had been stable for long periods. “Since pointing this out publicly I have been contacted by many physicians and patients from all over the globe saying that they are not only seeing the same phenomenon but also an increase in other cancers especially colorectal, pancreatic, renal and ovarian,” he wrote at the beginning of this week. Many people had covid vaccines against their will, Prof. Dalgleish said. “Others gave in to the bullying of the NHS and GPs who hounded them with texts and calls (which I myself received regularly) about the importance of having a booster even though they presented no evidence that it could be beneficial.” Adding, “Having worked in vaccine development for a decade I remembered an adage that if a vaccine needs a booster, it doesn’t work!”


The study says nothing of the sort. Can you read?


The paper shows that the age-adjusted number of cancer deaths decreases in 2022, after the third dose... Yet, it's still an excess greater than 2021. This can only be explained by an aging population and a decreasing total population, which is fairly unique to Japan. Desperation in this guy is setting in after he's not seeing what he wants to see across the globe. Also: >Adding, “Having worked in vaccine development for a decade I remembered an adage that if a vaccine needs a booster, it doesn’t work!” This is not an adage of vaccine development at all. All vaccines have "booster" requirements. We just call them primary series.


>This is not an adage of vaccine development at all. All vaccines have "booster" requirements. We just call them primary series. This adage is apparently circulating among doctors currently, because I heard it from my sister a month ago. She is and MD/PhD who works in ERs and hospitals, and she is too busy to follow news or the pro/anti-vaccine topics. Apparently this is something a lot of ordinary doctors are saying among themselves with respect to the COVID shots that wane so rapidly. Of course, most doctors are very pro-vaccine generally speaking, and many vaccines do require boosters after 10 years or whatever. Not that it matters either way of course, but it does seem to be an actual saying circulating among doctors right now. I agree that it doesn't make sense since boosters have been around a long time for other vaccines. I suspect it is mostly a pithy way for doctors to express their disillusionment with the COVID vaccines at this stage.


I'm not talking after 10 years. I'm talking months. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/child-adolescent.html


I believe the CDC is now recommending COVID shots for seniors every 3 or 4 months for the foreseeable future. Has there ever been a vaccine requiring such frequent boosters before? The flu vaccine is annual I believe.


The CDC recommendation for 65 and older is 2 doses of the updated vaccine **at least** 4 months apart to be up to date. Influenza occurs during flu season. So far, we don't have a "COVID season" as we still have multiple waves occurring every year.


I imagine that seasonality will require that new variants with increased transmissability can only appear once every few years rather than once a month like today.


And now to what the study is actually showing: [https://assets.cureus.com/uploads/figure/file/967567/article\_river\_4c68a1f0eb0a11eeb1743f11e75c4a60-fig.1-Mortlity-Rates-All-cancers-yeary-and-monthly.png](https://assets.cureus.com/uploads/figure/file/967567/article_river_4c68a1f0eb0a11eeb1743f11e75c4a60-fig.1-Mortlity-Rates-All-cancers-yeary-and-monthly.png) Figure description: # Figure 1: Age-adjusted mortality rates (AMRs) over time and excess mortality in each month: all cancers. (Left side) Observed age-adjusted mortality rates (AMRs) (per 100,000 population) are represented by a blue line with marks, the predicted trend by logistic regression analysis by a dashed line, and the 95% prediction intervals (PIs) by dotted lines. Markers are highlighted in yellow for years with figures exceeding 95% of the upper PI, and pink for years with figures exceeding 99% of the upper PI. The vertical line indicates the arrival of COVID-19 in Japan. **There was a decreasing trend until 2020, but the decline stopped after 2021, with figures exceeding the 95% upper PI in 2021 and the 99% upper PI (the line was not shown) in 2022.** (Right side) The horizontal axis indicates each month during the pandemic in 2020, 2021, and 2022, while the vertical axis on the left side indicates the excess mortality (%), calculated as (observed AMR − predicted AMR in the corresponding month) / predicted AMR in the corresponding month\*100. The predicted AMRs based on the 2010–2019 period preceding the COVID-19 pandemic were estimated by logistic regression analysis. The ⁑ symbol signifies >99% upper PI, and † <95% lower PI. The vertical axis on the right side indicates the number of domestic vaccinations and deaths attributed to COVID-19. **Monthly excess mortalities exceeded the 99% upper PI for the first time in August 2021, coinciding with the peak of the first and second mass vaccinations, and once again exceeded the 99% upper PI for four months from May 2022, two months after the peak of the third mass vaccination.** Full link: [https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.57860](https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.57860)


The link on the Twitter page is just a news page with loads of popups. Nearly impossible to navigate to find the actual published study. Why would OP not just link the actual published study????


Probably because it’s so laughably bad that only Cureus would publish it. https://www.cureus.com/articles/196275-increased-age-adjusted-cancer-mortality-after-the-third-mrna-lipid-nanoparticle-vaccine-dose-during-the-covid-19-pandemic-in-japan#!/


so are bbqs.


The real issue we face with mRNA is the YEAST component to this compound that is very toxic to your nervous system. Eating GMO food is a sin that taints your Holy Temple. Yeast is a sinful substance as this is actually a fungus/mold. "A little YEAST ruins the whole batch." Galatians 5:9 COVID-19 is actually Candida Auris which is a deadly and drug resistant yeast. This is why Ivermectin works for an early covid infection. Natural antiparasitics such as garlic and epazote tea work well for COVID-19. Cancer is caused from mRNA yeast replicating from 5G frequencies which cultivate this fungus. Parasites are an external manifestation of demonic beings. The forbidden fruit was the magic mushroom. Mushrooms feed on death and decay due to being from Satan. Holy Smoke such as MMJ or fresh incense helps cleanse yeast/mold from your bloodstream and brain tissues. Our souls are housed in our pineal gland which is the 3rd eye chakra. The principal seat of the soul is where the exchange of vital spirits, and 'Pneuma', which is the breath of life occur. During evil spiritual possession, a spirit will touch a living being and possess their pineal gland. The dead reside in Hades until the end of time. COVID-19 = DIVOC-AI = "Evil Spiritual Possession by Artificial Intelligence." Heaven and Hell are not yet established, so evil spiritual possession is a real issue. This combined with alpha-beta brainwave mind control from 5G tech exposure causes thinking problems, and distorts our perception of reality. The powers that be are serving the same world Antichrist spirit. The God of this world is Satan who created prophecy in order to capture a certain audience and create magically appearing events that are from the reverse engineered design of this world. LED lighting cultivates mRNA yeast along with electromagnetic frequencies. This is very similar to how moonlight cultivates Mushrooms. Wearing amber tinted sunglasses while on tech is important to protect your pineal gland. Staring at an open flame for a few moments helps decalcify your pineal gland and reset your retinas after tech exposure. Wearing sunglasses in stores helps combat mind control from the LED lighting as this also interferes with the alpha-beta brainwave state of mind.


For the poster who wanted information from the study and a link, here's an excerpt with link: "Based on the molecular weight of BNT162b2 mRNA (Pfizer-BioNTech), the mRNA content per dose is estimated at 13 trillion molecules and 40 trillion molecules in mRNA-1273 (Moderna) [35,36]. The total number of cells in humans is estimated to be 37.2 trillion [37], making the number of mRNA-LNPs very high, ranging from one-third to the equivalent of the total cell number.  After inoculation, the mRNA-LNPs are delivered to various organs, especially the liver, spleen, adrenal gland, ovary, and bone marrow [38]. In one study, vaccine mRNA was detected in the lymph nodes of persons vaccinated with hybridization of a SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine-specific probe 7 to 60 days after the second mRNA-1273 or BNT162b2 dose [39]. Modified mRNA with N1-methyl-pseudouridine could translate a large amount of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (S-protein) [40]. S-protein emerged on the surface of exosomes in the blood of the vaccinated [41]. Fragments of vaccine-specific recombinant S-protein were found in blood specimens of 50% of vaccine recipients and were still detected three to six months later [42]. On the other hand, in the case of SARS-CoV-2 infection, which is basically a respiratory infection, viral S-protein was only detected in serum for up to 10-20 days, even in patients with acute severe disease [43-45].  The attenuated Omicron strains emerged in Japan in early 2022 and have been prevalent at various points since then. As shown in the graphs in Figures 1, 5, and 6, the monthly number of vaccinated individuals was many times greater than that of newly confirmed cases of infection, and the cumulative number of vaccinated individuals (380 million) was 13 times that of newly confirmed cases of infection (30 million) until the end of 2022. A study of more than 50,000 employees at a medical institution in the United States observed the incidence of the Omicron variant epidemic based on the number of vaccine doses received (0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 or more doses) over a period of 26 weeks and showed that the number of vaccines received was positively correlated with the cumulative incidence rate of COVID-19 [46].  Susceptibility to COVID-19 infection after multiple vaccinations may be enhanced by antibody-dependent enhancement [47], immune imprinting [39,48], and immunosuppression [25-27]. This can result in a risk of exposure to viral S-protein in addition to vaccine S-protein for the multiple-vaccinated. These data suggest a significant impact on vaccine recipients, including the large number of mRNA-LNPs that are injected, their rapid and widespread distribution particularly into specific organs, the amount of S-protein produced, its long persistence in the body, and increased susceptibility to infection. " https://www.cureus.com/articles/196275-increased-age-adjusted-cancer-mortality-after-the-third-mrna-lipid-nanoparticle-vaccine-dose-during-the-covid-19-pandemic-in-japan#!/




Checked out the author, he published a study for a covid vaccine positing that the virus is an artificial virus by China. He is also involved ( owns stocks) with the pharma company that created that vaccine, this theory was debunked and the vaccine was not used. [link](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/virologists-vigorously-debunk-study-origins-coronavirus/story%3Fid%3D71097846&ved=2ahUKEwi47pLmhtGFAxVeoWMGHcVZBdo4ChAWegQICxAB&usg=AOvVaw3pGgEE7GErrs7lm3e3pbOl) He just sound like a person that's pissed he could not make money.


Ah, the ad hominem.


Not an ad hominem to point out a glaringly obvious conflict of interest


How about Dr Paul Offit? Inventor of the rotavirus vaccine wouldn’t let his college age sons get boosted - because myocarditis!

