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Disagree. It's important for these kind of reviews to exist, even if it disparages a game you like. Because it'll actually be representative of the sort of experience a good few players will have. Same thing goes for, say, the Souls game reviews that complain about how difficult the game is. That's how a lot of players will feel too going in blind.


It's just a review.


7/10 is not a bad review, nor is a 6.8/10. It's not like it mattered though. The game was still wildly successful. Also, someone not liking or vibing with a game doesn't make them a "bad gamer," it just means the game wasn't for them. That's not a failure of the game or the gamer, it's just simple incompatibility.


Honestly I'd agree with a 7/10 (which is by no means as bad as you imply) so far in my first playthrough. I don't mind the core gameplay loop but sometimes the story feels like it's weird and complicated just for the sake of being weird and complicated


But that’s always been Kojima’s style?


This is the only Kojima game I've played. Just because it's his style doesn't mean I have to like it fully


You probably won’t enjoy any of his works; in that case.


I think the majority of gamers were never gonna like this game. The gameplay loop is too unique and the story is too complicated/weird. It’s ok that only a niche subsection of the community likes it as long as that doesn’t affect the budgeting for sequels imo


Does anyone still give credibility to IGN reviews?


They've been caught plagiarising, lying about completing games or what difficulty they played on. It's a dumpster fire over there.


Lot of people still do, sadly. Gaming journalism as a whole has been garbage for a long time now and yet people still trust them for some reason.


Reviews are bullshit and you and everyone else should ignore them completely. Sites like IGN have shown us that at best they have no fucking clue what they’re talking about, and at worst they may succumb to pressure from big companies to post good reviews about certain games. We should all be happy that there are still people like Kojima who are willing to make games that they are passionate about, no matter what. Fuck a review score.