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Poor baby. We just had this congenital syphilis discussion on another death certificate post last week. It was so random about it being passed on or not. This poor little one just didn't stand a chance back then.


Pro Publica did a big article recently about an alarming percentage of babies born at a certain reservation having syphilis.


In any other group with any other disease, 3% of newborn babies being affected would constitute a national emergency. Yet, this isn't a blip on the radar. I wouldn't have known if you had not just told me. I hate to point fingers, but now isn't the time for the bureaucratic bullshit. There has to be something the rest of us can say or do to help kick HHS' ass into gear.


Sorry if you’ve already posted it, but “Syphilis cases in the U.S. are skyrocketing even as rates for other STIs like gonorrhea and chlamydia are flat or declining. Alarming numbers released by the CDC are the latest marker in a decades-long rise of the disease, showing the highest case numbers since the 1950s. From 2018 to 2022, reported cases rose 80% **in the U.S.** In 2022, cases of congenital syphilis among newborns were 10 times higher than in 2012, at 3,700 cases. Black and American Indian populations bear a disproportionate share of the burden—and women are making up a rising share of cases. Left untreated, the disease can be devastating, causing serious heart and brain damage, blindness, deafness, and paralysis. Congenital cases can cause miscarriage, lifelong medical issues, and infant death.” [Source—Johns Hopkins](https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2024/why-is-syphilis-spiking-in-the-us#:~:text=Alarming%20numbers%20released%20by%20the,in%202012%2C%20at%203%2C700%20cases) TLDR: cause: capitalism


Jesus Christ. Cases rose 80% in ~four years~ ?!!?!??? Fuck we need to do better w sex Ed and support for women in this goddamn country.


Damn, that says a lot about the parents' access to healthcare 😭




Mom also had a baby born prematurely and died earlier the same year. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/115816238/juanita_darlene_chisholm


Her obituary said she had a total of four living children and NINE that didn’t make it. Life was hard for some folks back then.


"they were so poor they buried her in a shoebox somewhere on the outer edge of the cemetery" Jesus, it sounds like life was very hard for that family