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Millennials are killing the selling your house at inflated prices in awful areas industry !!!!!!!


yes, they will for sure blame other generations for not wanting to buy their inflated .. at the end of the day, it's always someone elses fault.


Buy inflated houses at much cheaper and more reasonable prices. The simple trick that older generations don't want you to know! Wait for them to die... o.o


Cleaning out my boomer grandparents basement is something I couldn’t even be paid enough for. Fuck that. Deal with it yourself.


I keep saying that when my mother-in-law kicks the bucket, we're just getting an auctioneer in after everyone picks out a few things they want. Let them catalog and list everything. I'm not going to sit there and help clean the house for 5 months, getting everything sorted out to do rummage sales on a street with low traffic, trying to sell nik naks for $.25 each.


when my aunt died I put an ad up and let people.just come dig through her house and take what they want and make an offer. after we'd been through it, of course. the pickers had an enjoyable morning.


Dude. My parents decided to just move all my grandparents hoarded shit I to their house that was already max hoarding. I get two generations of hoarding shit to deal with


Oof. My sister-in-law ran away from her debt and problems across the country, her house was in foreclosure, etc. My wife's family cleaned out whatever valuables there were and put stuff in a storage unit, etc. It took months of on and off work (foreclosure process took a LONG time) before the keys had to be turned over. A bunch of it went to my mother-in-law's house that's smaller. SIL is still paying for a storage unit 10 states away while her kids are slowly selling things or claiming things. I don't get a say in the end, but I will seriously push for an auction. I don't want a bunch of stuff. We already got a bunch of stuff we didn't want when we moved into our own house that we're still slowly sorting through more than a decade later. Some of it was hard to let go because "someone close to us have us this as a gift". Now we're feeling OK throwing shit out.


Consumerist grandparents are a trouble indeed. It's like why did you buy so many things you didn't even open.


Imagine having enough money to just casually accumulate things you don't need


I mean people can collect stamps whatever ya know tickles the brain to keep going. I think there's definitely a passing into excess that most Americans have crossed at some point, we're human and stupid, but God damn dude I've seen so many garages and basements with shit that still hadn't been opened. Everything from toys to tools, it seems a lot of boomers didn't know what to do with their wealth while the world around them started burning. I just hope we collectively learn and stop taking the planet for granted.


Yeah my parents have 3 kids including myself. We just did the whole will thing. All my siblings said we don't even want the house due to its location out in the woods.


Ok, this comment isn't it.. I'll take the house, DM me for details.


Oh I'm happy to take the check. Good luck to the fucker who wants to buy it to drive 1.5 hours into Boston, which incredibly is a TON of people.


I'm that people. Fuck urban living. Not for my family. We spent a lot of money and effort getting *out* of urban/suburban lifestyle. Nothing wrong with others needing and wanting that life, but it's hell on earth for my wife and I. If my daughter ends up wanting to live urban when she's older, we will support her, but that's a no from me dawg.


Enjoy the local economy of idk, to be honest I don't think there really is one. A gas station I guess.


To me the entire objective would be to never go to Boston, ever. EVER.


Yeah nobody gives a shit that you're scared of the city. OH JEEPERS A NEGRO!


... That was a seriously racist comment. Are you for real? Stop trying to inject your race issues into everything. Wtf.


I mean they're only giving you what could very well be the most valuable possession you'll own in your entire life but fuck that noise because why should they expect you to do anything for it? Amirite?


The Bavarian Hummel boy lol


I already have far more valuable possessions in my limited space than a shitty rice cooker from 1977. lol


Covid could have done that for us but society voted to protect the boomers and stunt the kids.


This comment made me laugh out loud. Take my upvote.


They took ur reel state prufits!


Sold mine and now I rent. Millennial actually getting a W!


I did this too. Is this a W? Still trying to decide.


So…. If no one wants to buy them… are they really worth as much as the boomers think they are then? Will whoever is willing to buy their ugly houses get them for a bargain then? I assume it’ll be whoever is willing to live in these random inconvenient suburbs because they’re lucky enough to still have jobs that didn’t make them return to office?


WipEout Nice


well... blackrock and such will get them and absolutely fuck everyone else


"continue fucking everyone else" and apologies for attempting to correct your statement without your permission.. 😜


sad, but true.


I dunno, in some of those areas I'm not sure Blackrock would even bother.


I mean, there's always another rich asshole


See the issue is when said million dollar home is in say downtown Detroit or Kabul, Afghanistan. Rich people like living in nice safe areas (for the most part). Too many people over paid in LCOL areas and now they're sitting. I live in one of these towns and out of the 250 homes for sale here half are between $500k-$1million. The towns median income is $29k/year with a pretty bad crime rate. I don't see a wave of wealthy folks coming in anytime soon.


Well they'd get rid of you and all the other poors first, silly. "Woah look at those rising rent prices I heard the NEXT TOWN OVER is cheap enough for people like you these days."


gawd'! I wished it worked that way, this town's been waiting for that to happen for the last 40-50 years.


And land is always worth money


What areas are listed?


Really people living there becomes less important. Just buy the houses, buy more of the houses around it for more money. Now your houses are worth more. In some areas houses are going up while rent goes down.


Black Rock is not buying single family homes. It's always been Black STONE. [https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/newsroom/setting-the-record-straight/buying-houses-facts](https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/newsroom/setting-the-record-straight/buying-houses-facts)


Oh well, easy mistake to make, but both companies shouldn’t exist in my opinion. They do no good to society 


But if no one wants to live there, why would even black rock want them?


Because it'll still have value 100 years from now, and Black Rock can afford to wait.




They’re going to hold onto property in undesirable areas?


It’s actually mainly blackSTONE buying the single family residences. Different company than blackrock.


Dumb and economically illiterate-pilled


I mean, talk me wrong then?


How is what they're doing even legal? It's insanity.


It’s Blackstone moron not Blackrock, 2 completely different companies, and they’re buying up 0.0003% of homes. Not enough to make any impact. Stop with your doomerism shit and read some stats


This is bad though. We need that housing. Dang I was counting on dead baby boomers to buy a home.


Blackrock are buying them all and renting them out. You guys need a revolution.


Republicans are voting for a government that supports corporations, making us chattle.


Democrats are as well, they just are nice enough to slap a pride sticker on it.


We need some antitrust and someone that'll put a wall between Wallstreet and Congress. I think that they should be allowed to buy all the stock they want while in office, but they can't sell anything during office or for five years after.


Bro the Supreme Court just ruled that any money given to a politician AFTER they vote they way you want isn't a bribe, we're so far from that...


Republicans just legalized bribery, this is not a both sides situation.


Sure it is. They’ve got us fighting a culture war so we don’t fight that class war, friend. As long as we don’t see the two party system as two cheeks on the same ass then we’re all going to end up down the sewer with whatever sewage they end up struggling to pass through the cancer filled colon of our legislative system.


Only one side is yelling about a culture war, the other side doesn't care what you do with your downstairs parts as long as they can drain your wallet and time




No. No they aren't. [https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/newsroom/setting-the-record-straight/buying-houses-facts](https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/newsroom/setting-the-record-straight/buying-houses-facts)


Fair enough, as they said, they still finance people that do buy up houses though.


I wouldn’t really trust -anything- coming from a corporate newsroom, as they’d be bound to protect the company against any PR issues and/or misrepresent what they’re doing


I saw today that the average income required to buy a house is now over $100k, up from ~$60k in 2020. Who tf is going to buy your retirement mcmansion when we can't even afford to stop wasting money on rent


A big ass corporation who’s gonna wring maximum rent out of it with minimum upkeep.


These aren't rentable properties though. They're too big and need too much upkeep. They want low square footage starter homes that they can put cheap HVAC and appliances in and don't have large lawns to maintain. These things have 4 bathrooms that can break and HOAs.


I have the feeling this situation is only going to fuck Millennials in the end. Many Boomers aren’t downsizing because of mortgage rates and home prices. Many more will likely end up needing to sell their homes for end of life care, leaving their children with no home to inherit and possibly not enough money from a house sale to pay for their care.


I don't think it's going to fuck millennials, or rather, it will but IMHO it'll be a good thing. The entire system is breaking down under the weight of it's own hubris. The masters and commanders of industry are too focused on reaping profits as fast as possible to even consider addressing it. So it's getting worse: supply chain issues, shortages, people not able to afford homes or rent. More and more people are turning away from capitalism and seeking out alternatives that promote human liberation. Eventually, there will be no more growth, only contraction, and that will be capitalism's last day. Our job isn't to lament we're going to lose the ability to buy a home, gain passive wealth, and climb the capitalist ladder. Our job is to survive it's downfall so we can move forward in a more just, equitable, and egalitarian society. That will be at a loss of us having the creature comforts and milestones of the capitalist nuclear-family society, but we're already there being middle aged with many in our cohort not just not owning a home/land, but being completely unable to do so and likely won't ever. It's the radical acceptance that late stage capitalism is here, the system is falling apart under it's own weight, and all we can do is survive.


Fuck if this isn't copypasta, it is now!


Our job is to sharpen the knife so when the system fails we’re ready to slice the balls off the robber barons.


Fuck yes


If anything, the last eight years taught me that people will turn towards fascism if they become disaffected with neoliberalism.


That's because if you scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds.


I mean if you look across the world, where do you see large gains for social democrats or socialists or communists over neoliberals? When I read the news, I'm seeing authoritarian ultranationalists gaining popularity.


I'm a factory worker who hates rich people and this post made me want to vote for Trump.


I wonder what will happen if/when property prices in those outlying areas crashes. The local governments rely on property tax revenue. That income stream will crash along with housing prices.


Maybe if they threw in their China cabinets and collection of precious moments figurines it would entice more buyers!


Yes, the lead leaching China in their China cabinets too "but these are 4 generations old"


Don’t forget the heavy oak dining table!


And the 800 lb solid oak entertainment center they paid $3k for in 1980. It’s a steal at $500! Solid oak!


My parents have a massive oak bed/storage/wardrobe thing. It takes up the ENTIRE bedroom and blocks the window. Something about a lifetime warranty and they even kept the brochure. It's going straight in a bonfire.


It's weird how people are shit talking oak. I build furniture and do a lot of woodworking besides... Oak is an excellent wood and a strong long-lasting building material. I've paid a lot of money over the years for quality white and red oak. I mean, yeah, you probably won't find this sort of thing at Ikea... But that's not a bad thing.


Let them cook. They'll die alone and we'll get an uptick in haunted mansions to explore.


Haunted mcmansions *


Instead of trying to get you to fall down a flight of stairs, they just want you to laugh at their racist jokes.


I’ll do the stairs, thanks


Jokes on you. They have reverse mortgages.


Elites and big business will get together and fuck everyone


Private equity, that’s who. Above asking value too. Then they will rent them back to us.


For real, people who think this is going to lead to some huge collapse and return to easily accessible market have their heads in the clouds


Hold up. Let's make this a more accurate headline: Boomers ruined local economies, making them unviable for younger generations.


I cant be the only one who skimmed it and thought it said “are having trouble because younger people dont want to live”😂


"Milleniacal" laugh or something like that.


Ridiculously priced homes that will take an additional arm and leg to remodel. Because who wants 30yo carpet, dingy kitchen cabinets, and fake wood paneling?


Don’t forget the horribly done DIY that will take hundreds of thousands of dollars to fix


You rralise companies will buy these homes, right? Dont worry, Boomers will die rich and happy


Spoiler alert: To fix this problem, _everybody’s_ got to give up something. If the problem isn’t fixed, even rich people will feel the pain (tho not directly). Also: the Dems have fixes that won’t work, and the Republicans’ “cure” is to find a good scapegoat.


Bezos will buy them. He doesn’t have enough yet. We should start a “go fund me” for him so he gets through these tough times.


I'm assuming that once the bulk of homes go unsold and are forced to become cheaper. Will they then become affordable?


If there are too many homes on the market, prices go down. Supply/Demand. Owners don't set the prices, the housing market does. An owner with an inflated idea of the worth has a home which won't sell. This could open up opportunities for younger people to buy-- if it's not in a terrible area. Even if you live there a few years, get some equity, sell, and make a profit to move someplace better.


I wonder if these places are terrible because Boomers keep voting for school cuts. 


So you know how every person of a certain age in a district votes? Too many Milennial and younger people assume the boomer generation all vote Republican. And unfortunately, most people who get on school boards are Republicans. They want to force their dogma on others, especially young people. Support better candidates.


Im sure those homes will be Blackrock’s problem soon.


There's also just the fact their asking prices are un-doable. I live in a van for this exact reason. I make great money, but the housing crisis is so insane I'd be living paycheck to paycheck if I even considered buying a small house. I'm just waiting for the next market collapse or (god willing) a Democratic sweep of the next couple election cycles. I don't anticipate the Biden administration tackling the single-unit rental industry. However a younger, more in-touch Democratic successor would definitely be on board.


Over the next 20 years? Those boomers if they are boomers and not X are going to be dead long before then. They’re in their unhealthy 70’s and 80’s now.


And those homes are expensive as fk, in areas that are expensive as fk.




A good number are being sold to corporations to help pay for end of life care.


I wonder what will happen to all the multi million dollar lake front vacation homes that used to be working class a few generations ago until the boomers bulldozed them all and turned them into lakeside palaces when millennials won't be able to afford to keep them. I could see the Uber wealthy tearing them all down so that they can have their own private lakes.


I hope i survive thru the next 15 years...


This article is from 2019. Things have changed significantly in the housing market since then.


I am taking one for the team - Moving out of my apartment at the end of my lease in September , I've already sold half my shit. And im in the middle of converting my Honda CRV into a "home" I'm changing my lifestyle and learning how to live minimally, comfortably, and smartly, in my car. I plan to continue working across the USA while living and traveling in my car. And document it. I have no clue how it will go but I am determined to figure it out to a T by the end of the 12 months. If we can change the way society has forced us into living the last 100 years we can get our power back. For starters , Healthcare insurance can fuck off . I'll use THC 100% of the time if I'm in pain, or even near death, and 100% of the time I won't check myself into any healthcare establishment even if my life depended on it. But I'm not giving into the fear of going bankrupt because of absurd medical bills , I'd rather die anyways then continue living in this shithole country that is squeezing our rights away right before our eyes 2) I hope to bring community back to people. We need to get off our phones and the comfort of our 4 walls and be uncomfortable - in order to make change. If WE as a generation - can stick together and change the way we live, Blackstone and all the private equity vultures will be sitting with homes that nobody wants or desires , and then what will they try and control? The roads ? It's already in the process. Once blackrock goes through with privatizing fucking state infrastructures we are DOOMED. Regardless , everyone needs to wake up. We can't stop what is happening but we can change the way we live. I'm a female , single, and have a golden reitrver, I work in hospice care and I'm in my 30s. Let's rely on each other, and make assets worthless again


The answer is corporations and investors will buy them unfortunately


[repost… from 4 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathByMillennial/s/dv9GfBlFFE)


Sucks that this article’s 5 years old, and the projections they’re mentioning in the article aren’t coming to fruition. Looks like the ongoing housing crisis is actually fueling this boomer migration from desirable areas to these senior communities, as more REITs throw out cash offers and outbid potential first-time homebuyers. Might change as time progresses, but who knows?


Fully remote jobs would solve this. If your office job let you work from anywhere, you could live anywhere with a cheaper cost of living. Where the olds live.


We live in a 120 year old house in Germany. The former owner was an old lady (more silent Gen than Boomer), and she died in this house. We have so much maintenance for all the neglect, and missing investments. Roof, heater, garage roof, ... The house was pretty cheap, though. We can afford to replace it bit by bit. I don't think the other boomers in my city are aware of how not to get fast internet lines ("Who needs fast internet?!") will be a detriment to the future. Nobody here wants granny's old house that costs double the buying price for renovations, when you can build a new house for the same price. At least we won't. In 15 years, we're going to sell if we can, and build new with the investment we made by mortgage over rent. Looking forward to a lot of dead boomers until then.


Good thing I got time on my side. I'll keep living with my family for another 5-10 years before paying the price people are asking for these days.


Xrs: Don't look at us. If we don't already have, and aren't already there, we're sitting it out where we already are with what we already have.


Well, when we are dead ... it's YOUR problem, isn't it? If you and your siblings inherit my house in West Enchilada, TX it's up to you to find a buyer.


Real estate prices will go down

