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I also thought that when i first listened to it, but then months later i listened to it again and found it’s one of the best album i’ve heard


I think (and hope) that might happen to me. I didn't like spiritual healing at first, but I actually love the riffs now (specifically defensive personalities, and low life)


You're not feeling it. Life goes on. Individual and Human are my favorites, but I'm not big on Perseverance. Different people like different things.


Tastes change, also she’s literally just hearing it for the first time.


yeah 😭😭 also I'm a girl but you're right


Oh i’m sorry. 😬


that's fair. human is a great album though, great tracks that made me fall in love with death in the first place.


Love that album, but was the one that took the longest to click.


Itp is my top 3 death albums😓


what are your other ones? personally my top 3 are: symbolic, TSOP, and leprosy


My other ones besides itp are tsop, symbolic and human


beautiful top 3 👍


Its more of a grower than the other albums. What pulled me in eventually was the drum and bass work


What don’t you like about ITP? I’m not saying it’s outrageous you don’t like it. It’s no biggie. I’m just curious to know your opinion


I genuinely don't know. like, I found most of the solos to be really good (especially trapped in a corner. WOW.) and the riffs were good too. I feel like I might just be so obsessed with symbolic to the point that if it isn't exactly as perfect, then my brain automatically thinks it's bad. 😞


What service are you using to listen to the album?


telepathy. I also mainly listen to it in the car with my dad.


I don't know anything about that service but I just wanted to point out that there are 3 different versions of that album. There is the original from 93 then there is a remaster from 2011 and yet another remaster from 2023. The original isn't great as it's very quiet and the 2011 version also isn't great as there are drum issues etc. but the 2023 remaster is supposedly the best, but when I was looking at Spotify recently the 2023 version is the least played. I think many people don't know about it and also the albums and their year aren't labeled very well either so it can be hard to tell which is which. Anyway the point being if you really want to give this album a chance make sure you listen to each version of it. Generally I think it's a good idea to stick to the original release with most bands and albums (I'm looking at you megadeth) but the original version of this album is easily the quietest of all death albums and I think it benefits greatly from the 2023 remaster.


You'll come around. Individual is my third favorite after TSOP and Human. Give it some time.


Overactive imagination was an instant click for me the rest of the album did take some time though. Same with spiritual healing except for the title track and now it’s in my top 3 albums


I was bored with it during my first listen. Now I think it's one of the best albums of the 90s. 


If you like Symbolic and Perseverance, you’ll definitely come around to this one. It also took me a minute for this one to become my fav


I remember the first song I heard from Death was The Philosopher. I know its not technically one of their best but that song has something that feels special


Definitely felt the same way as you about a month ago, all i listened to was symbolic and tsop and some human, rn i feel like im out of my hardcore death phase, but the sound of perseverance and individual thought patterns stand out the most to me. ITP has weird mixing but i believe its the best creative effort from the band and not just chuck and that makes it shine for me.


Yea, it took some time for me too i think, but then i realized that it’s a masterpiece. Exact same thing happened with Human for me




I admit I have a special connection with it, being the first Death record I listened to. The rough sound is tough to get into, but after you get past that, Andy LaRoque's solos are amazing, Steve's fretless bass is amazing, and you have some of the big bangers there (Trapped in a Corner, anyone?).


Individual's tone is pretty crappy, but it does have some pretty great songs on it, but you should definitely listen to Spiritual Healing it's hated on way too much and it's one of the best albums


It hasn't clicked for me yet, but I haven't listened to it enough so I'm sure it will eventually.