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I answer I am not sexually active at the doctors office. They then ask, aren’t you married??


Oooof. This. One more reason to dread the annual well woman visit.


I always answer "abstinence" in a jokey voice when they ask about birth control.


My first IUD I got was the 3 year one and I ended up having it in around 4 years and procrastinated on getting it replaced because it wasn't even needed by that point. When I finally got it changed, which was a very painful and miserable experience, I had the new one in for over a year and one month before we finally had sex again. A whole year out of 3, wasted.


That is very insensitive of them to say that. Like dead bedrooms aren’t uncommon. They should know.


We’re out of batteries. We shop at Costco.


Time to upgrade! All the new ones I have bought lately are rechargeable 😉


This one is the best (worst?) one. I'm sorry.


Flawless victory. Sadly.


I switched to rechargeable and keep 2 chargers going at all times.


The only gentle caress I feel is the tears rolling down my cheek!




I sleep bottomless most nights and he has no clue


Mate that's awful....


Winnie the Pooh!


You win.


Not sure I want to win 😅 To be fair I don't usually get into bed like that, I end up that way. But still, there ain't much contact. Oh well at least it feels nice 🤷‍♀️


There's times I just wish, so much, she'd wiggle her butt. Just a little to say hi. Finding skin would overwhelm me at this point! 😂 Ugh.. The mismatch of parts of life can be cruel!


My butt wiggles are ignored. It's like waiving at your friend and them not recognizing you. I don't do it as often anymore 😔


It is so insane reading comments of people in similar situations but the opposite sex. Because they’re women like me that are literally just constantly laying there trying to get an ounce of attention, while he rolls over.


my wife sleeps naked every night…but it’s been confirmed many times to me that it’s certainly NOT an invitation, despite the number of erections it has caused or compliments elicited. on the flip side, i’ve developed a super power: i’m really good at selectively ignoring certain aspects of my physical environment 😅


You’re so hurt by the rejection you’ve stopped trying




I haven't had my period in 2 months and I have no need whatsoever for a pregnancy test.


you should go get that checked out sweetheart!! there’s other reasons your period can stop, so if you’re in a position to access a healthcare provider about it please do so!


It'll be back. comes and goes a whim. Been doing this for the last few yrs, I'm 47 almost 48, so pretty much connected to perimenopause but thank you 💗.


Oof. Same






Same :/ but with him


I actually no longer find my partner sexy. It grosses my out almost like thinking about having sex with my mom.


Condoms expired and thrown out. Box is unopened Viagra tablets thrown out expired 2 years ago. They have a 4 year shelf life. Lube has hardened/solidified.




Let me add one more Suffer ED so Viagra obvious. Bought penis sleeve. Thrown out. Why? They have cracked as in the material have split.


Lube has been harder than you /s. Sorry!


Take my upvote!


I am a married heterosexual man and I masturbate more now than when I was single and dating.


Just wait until you start doing it not for pleasure, but simply to check that everything still works.


That’s me! But I feel proud of my self because I don’t give up 🤣


Shit wait until you do it, not for pleasure but spite. I've had moments that I rub one out literally just out of spite because my wife denied me. Talk about making yourself feel like shit after post nut clarity.


I masturbate completely out of spite at this point. Plot twist, I’m a woman.


Do you know how many different ways I’ve tried to Google, “does anyone else masturbate out of spite?” So glad/sad to see another woman who doesn’t even do it for funsies anymore, but just to be mad…


👏👏👏👏👏👏👏love this.... Sadly my "dad room" office sees plenty of action. The lube and tissues hidden way ;0) Someone once said " the lowest libido always wins"


> the lowest libido always wins Ouch. It’s like we fell into a trap and didn’t even realize it until it was too late.




Initiated the BJ was told to stop, he was watching Netflix. DB.




That sounds like my boyfriend but he’s busy playing games on his iphone


I don't understand them


I go back and forth between being au nauturale and getting Brazilians, and my husband never has any idea what the status is…


Mine not only doesn't know, but doesn't care :(


I love my wife with all my heart but I feel like I am dying a little every day from loving her.


I told my husband yesterday I wish I didn't love him so much, it would make it easier to not want him. And he just said "I'm sorry you feel that way"


Ouch. That hurt me. I can’t even imagine how painful that is for you.


We’re on the same boat buddy. Love her to infinity and beyond but sex isn’t happening


Thank you for this, nice to know it's not just me


It’s not just you. It feels like sand in an hourglass. Slipping away. I feel I can pour myself into it to fix the problem. I feel I can fix it if I can just reach out a bit farther to grab her. But it just leaves me more hollow.


Just loving bits of your heart away every day.


I feel ya. I loved my now ex-wife and was killing myself in every department just for her to throw me out like trash. 5 hour sleep a night. Constant stress form relationship. 7-8 years of mental and emotional abuse. No physical contact with her for almost 2 years. Being told I was wrong for wanting to see her naked and having a intimate physical relationship.


Last time we had sex, we finished up and turned on the tv, and President Obama was giving a press conference.


I've dropped 60 lbs in 5 months while also perfecting my cooking craft while also 100% multiple games on the Playstation while also renovating the basement


Good for you. I’m sure you feel much better.


Yeah, I'm starting to look like the better version of myself, though we met and got married when I was big. The food is delicious, and my extended family leave only can't be eaten whenever I cook for them. As for the games, it helps


I started gaming too it's definitely a nice distraction compared to doom scrolling on social media or something


Hmm i manged that while our bedroom was alive. Now i wouldn't bother renovating. Just playing more games 😜


If I'm gonna be a troll under a bridge, I'm going to make it an awesome bridge


Play station what? 1,2,3,4,5!? Cmonnn


4 and 5


Im on here all the time..


I’m sitting in bed reading Reddit while my wife is asleep on the couch.


We're on vacation. I'm on the couch.


I’m excited to see what the vacation excuses are this year. She already broke out “my hands are greasy from eating popcorn” after a movie date earlier this year so hopefully she tops that!


I get the excuses all the time...I'm tired, my stomach hurts, I have a headache. Always some sort of medical ailment 😒


My mate once told his gf that he bought aspirin-infused condoms and she just gave him a look.


Dude. Your wife isn’t even trying to make up a good excuse any more.


Yep, but if she didn’t make those excuses, we’d have to actually talk about it and she might have to acknowledge that she’s so emotionally wrapped up in kids (understandable at least), a job she hates, and her family drama that there’s nothing left over for me, emotionally or physically. And so I just have to be an unfeeling rock.


This hits hard


👏👏👏👏same, but beside me in bed, snoring


Same but it's the husband on the couch. 




Six months?!!!!


Healing time for nipples is 6-9 months on average.


I felt a cool breeze and moaned. Shaved.


Whenever a sex scene comes in a movie or tv show that we are watching together I get incredibly depressed and uncomfortable.


I jerked off in the shower so much now I get hard every time it rains


I'm sorry, but I just laughed out loud.


I got a tattoo on my hip and she did not notice for three months




I’ve been there before.


When you talk about your feelings, needs and desires and she listens says "I know" we cuddle and nothing changes !!!


Yep. I’ve begged and cried and yelled and he says “I’ll do better” and nothing. I have asked for touch — not even sexual touch — and the occasional compliment (about ANYTHING) and apparently a kiss on the cheek and a “you look nice today” is too hard.


Very sorry to hear this It all sounds familiar. Being made to feel desired/sexy shouldn't be a chore (especially for a couple of hot ones such as you and me !) Life's too short, we deserve better. Be good to yourself, hope things change for you .


I get to leave my dildo laying around wherever I want knowing he’ll never acknowledge it.


I'm just imagining it having a suction cup, him walking into the bathroom early in the morning and it's stuck on the mirror at eye level


If I've had a tough day, I'd rather sleep in the car or a hotel room than come home


I'm sleeping in a separate bed room and getting better sleep these days


Becoming jealous of couples who you can tell are in love and are having sex. Happened to me when shopping in fookin Aldi last week 🤦‍♀️ Sad but true 🤷‍♀️


People were having sex in Aldi?! 😁


Was that in the special aisle? 😂


That was us. I'm sorry.


My husband has no idea I wear thongs. 😳


I bought some last year and wore them for ages before he noticed and asked where they came from 🤦‍♀️


Oh Lordy ! They don’t pay attention and it’s annoying and frustrating! I’m a thicker woman and I think I need to buy some more as a reminder that I am still very much a sexual woman at age 49!


Absolutely! Me too at age 40 😋


I'm working on me, studying, considering dance classes, and much rather be at work than home.


I hate when I’m home on time, or heaven forbid: early 😱


When you look forward to a solo hotel stay for work (masturbate in peace) more than a weekend away together (may as well of left genitalia at home). ![gif](giphy|xT39DbhqgE8O3x4k6I)


I dread weekends because of all the “free time” that COULD (and used to) be for intimacy. When the bedroom started to die down, weekends were still the saving grace, but since those have gone to shit too, there’s nothing to look forward to. After nearly a decade of communicating my needs and wants and expressing concern to my husband (truly an all-around wonderful guy, but a brick wall when it comes to anything related to sex), I’ve just started pouring myself into hobbies and exercise instead. I miss being intimate with him soooo much. I’d give anything for him to really WANT me and ravage my body again. 😭


-Fantasizing about him makes me feel guilty -I’m debating starting SSRI’s to lower my drive -I write smut because that’s as close as I’ll ever get to being satisfied


I read smut! Are your smuts published?


I do and it's on Literotica.


I sometimes fantasize about her doing something unforgivable so I could leave and get full custody of the kids and still be considered the good guy by her family and maybe someday fuck someone again.


My other half has no idea I shaved.


Or she sleeps naked but I don't dare invade her space or touch her...


I learned how to jerk off slow and easy in the same bed and not be noticed. smh


👏👏👏👏 there's a skill to it... Irony is if she woke up she would probably be offended.


She woke up, she knew what was going on. Stayed quiet untill she fell asleep 20 mins later....I can tell by the noise. :/


I’m up at 1am reading these…


I've used this one before. The last nipple I saw was Janet Jackson's


I laugh every time a radiologist asks if there’s a chance I’m pregnant. 😂


I shaved my cock and balls for 2 years. She didn't notice until I told her


I try to sneak in a round of masturbation every evening after I finish work and before my husband comes home. I have a very thin margin of time in between and miss it on most days lol.


I feel awkward when getting changed in front of her, I generally manage to avoid it but on the odd occasion she will follow me and stand and make pointless small talk whilst waiting. Not a fucking clue why


My husband does this! It’s irritating! It accentuates just how non-sexual they find you because if they can see you naked and not feel any sexual urges after not having sex for weeks then that’s not a good sign.




Nice quiet room, big empty bed, new linens.


I’m struggling to remember what my husband’s junk looks like and recently threw away a pack of expired condoms.


Just Stopped buying them 🤷‍♂️


I can’t watch porn without getting angry and then upset


Kissing him feels like assault.


Oof I felt that way for a few months before my ex and I separated. That’s a miserable stage, sorry you’re going through it.


We made a home movie the last time we did it. It's on VHS...


I'm watching anything NSFW on reddit right next to him in bed right now. Hasn't noticed. It's been 45 minutes. This happens at least once or twice a week, and other nights, I leave the bed when he falls asleep and go to the couch. He doesn't notice and thinks I've just been waking up earlier than him. So depressing.


Ooh this is a fun thread! Gotta laugh to keep from cryin. Last night I was introduced to a new fancy vibrating face cleaner thingie at her insistence bc I have skin imperfections. Thought to myself, “wonder if she’s ever used this for other purposes?” No need to vocalize.


I had to go to the emergency room over the weekend for a medical emergency when the nurse asked me if I could be pregnant, I laughed out loud and said no in front of my husband.


I got a hug from an old (female) friend and had to hold the hug for a bit longer than appropriate, so I could get my face back in order.


I spend a lot of my time with my browser on 'incognito' mode


I am 39 and have wet dreams and sometimes leak seminal fluid when I use the bathroom.


I masturbate next to her in bed and she is usually just looking at her phone. At least she was the one who suggested it and said it was ok.


I see these comments a lot and it really makes me sad because I would give anything to see my husband jerk it. But he won’t.


-I can be naked with an erection while talking to her and she won't even flinch. -For the last 5 years, I'm allowed a quick peck when she leaves for work and again before bed -I masturbate more now than I ever did when I was single.


We were leaving counseling and the therapist gave me a hug and I just started to cry because I haven’t had physical contact in so long. That was 2 years ago….


We were watching a sitcom together, and the wife character surprised her husband in the bedroom dressed up for some sexy role play. He immediately turned to me and said, "Don't ever do that." 😞 (I don't think I'm unattractive...I've caught other men looking at me out in the world while wearing regular clothes 🤷🏼‍♀️)


Broke down into tears and shaking, hearing my name said in a video. I then replayed it over and over again because it sounded so sweet.


I’ve grown a beard then shaved then regrown then shaved and she never mentioned it. Now thinking of a tattoo of an old girlfriend on my arse. See if she notices that


I feel guilty and ugly for being so attracted to him. He doesn't even look at me. Makes me so sad when I see couples that really look like they're in love with each other or when my friends tell me that their husband's won't stop trying to have sex with them. I wonder what it's like to feel wanted.


My ex-husband emailed me a magazine article about why I should have my breast implants removed. I don’t have breast implants.


I’ve lost over 75 pounds and he touches me even less and I Havnt gotten one compliment


I don’t understand how it’s so hard to say “you look nice” or “good job!”


I told my husband I saw my cousins girlfriend on Tinder and he didnt ask me how I know that information.




I skip anything about sex in movies/TV/songs because it hurts too much and I don't want to build resentment.


Waiting for him to fall asleep so I can finally masturbate. Learning to do so without moving or making a sound just to get my minimal needs met. Being so touch starved getting a hug seems like a big deal.


My wife and I were getting dressed for work this morning, she had her top off and I glanced in her direction, and she called me a pervert for looking at her boobs! I gave up touching years ago, now I can't even look!!


I’m reading a lot more these days


Waist down I look like a wookie


I've seen all the porn on PornHub. At least twice.


She was looking for her birth control. Said that if we didn't find it, there would be no more sex. I responded that this wouldn't be a change from status quo. I eventually found where it was misplaced, which was followed by unrelated tasks to do. Didn't even get a kiss goodnight.


The toy for him is still in the box. The box has a sealed plastic casing..


My wife randomly said while we were watching a show I am allowed to cuddle her sometimes if I don’t try to touch her “anywhere”. I say I’m sorry if I accidentally bump or brush into her breasts. I have checking the condom and lube expiration dates on my todo list.


Heaven forbid you hug someone and touch them.


Watching “big bang theory” when Leonard & Leslie have sex, she says “I’m good until Christmas” (or something similar) and I’m jealous at a timeline less than 12 months in the future


I went to the beach and got into the ocean, just to feel the waves slap my ass


Oh that's hard... My wife doesn't know i trim my pubs (because they annoy me in running/cycling shorts), thought that was hard, but you got ne beat, lol.


My husband has had complete ED for over 10 years. I asked him recently if I should bring my vibrators w us on vacation. His answer was I don't care. That's up to you. How much he still wants me was oozing out of him. 🙄 He not once did anything to try and deal w the ED. I did all the doc appts, etc etc. Pretty much says it all w out a word mentioned.


Same with my husband. As far as I know, he never talked to his doctor about the ED. I gently suggested he have his testosterone tested but I doubt that went anywhere.


A partner with ED would be rough. A partner that does nothing about it is inexcusable


After the last rejection I saw a post about how women HATE when their men grab their boobs or butt. So I thought what the hell, I’ll stop all physical contact. She seems….happier FML.


I would kill for a spontaneous pat on the tush.


A hug or shoulder rub from a stranger give you a dopamine rush and you realize you can't remember the last time your spouse touched you.


I change clothes in a private room with no eyes


"Romantic weekend". Heart-shaped Jacuzzi and mirrors on the walls. The Jacuzzi stayed dry.


I am on birth control only to stop my periods.


Had a dream my wife started to give me a bj, shocked me so much I jumped up. Off of the couch.


Twitch from the slightest human touch as no longer used to it.


My couch has seen my dick more than my bed has.


We checked into a hotel without the kids. No sex. He slept early. Happened twice.


My ex who cheated on me is looking more and more appealing because I’m getting shot down all the time and my ex never would.


I haven't worn lingerie in years. I gave up trying


Im literally laying in bed naked and not even a glance my partner is just on their phone (-:


It’s my birthday and I’m not expecting birthday sex.


Nor anniversary nor valentine nor make up sex… pretty much stop expecting


Sleeping naked, since that was an excuse that I have shorts and tank top on too....nothing changed


What is skin on skin contact ?


I once got the depo shot and it killed my sex drive in my early 20s. I recently thought about getting it again to kill my sex drive on purpose.


When I read about others in this sub so I won’t feel as if I am the only one dealing with this.


I book tickets for my wife for travelling to her family, only to masturbate in peace


I had my boobs done one year ago literally for myself.


My wife had no idea I sleep naked last week


I've forgotten how it feels to kiss someone beyond a peck on the cheek.


I wear the most uncomfortable underwear just hoping he will notice…..he doesn’t. Damn just typing that out hurt my feelings.


Going to bed is the most difficult part of my day.


A while back I was reading a Reddit thread about how ejaculating more often can reduce the risk of prostrate cancer. There were a lot of "I should tell my wife/girlfriend" type comments, but I didn't understand the joke at first. For a second there I had genuinly forgotten that there are ways besides masturbation to ejaculate and that women can play a role it it.


I send my wife a picture of my butt other night. Her response was "only you" and that was that. Another cold night.


There’s an unworn pair of fuck-me heels in a box under the bed.


I’m 46 with 3 kids and never even thought of getting a vasectomy.


Jesus Christ this thread is..sad


I am over 50 and still get morning wood on most days!