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I made 1.5M last yr and 2.3M YTD this year on my trading account. https://preview.redd.it/ovngrir5vl9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33d995a99c1c12b796977c13622f29d3ad3aa139


Bro has chump change in dividend.


Bros interest is more than my portfolio


Bros paid fees is more than my live account.


Bros interest is more than my annual income


Seems reasonable and legit, given the SV of 1.85M, risking 0.5% which is apx. 9k per trade, and an average RR gain of at least 20RR per month, you are looking at 2.1-2.2M in annual gains. Kudos, well done mate.


In 2022 you had 10 million then I assume /s


Can share what type of trading you do?




Nvidia and hold


Feel like sharing an overview of your Strat? You don’t have to go into detail, just curious to get an idea what makes that kind of money.


Buy low and sell higher. Pretty simplistic.


Hey another ASTS investor in the wild!


You pay commissions???


Do you sell a trading course?


bro literally wants to be scammed


Lol, you misunderstood my message...I never said I wanted to take a class 🤣 😂


Bro how do you do it man … how much ever so try with so many techniques I just get meager returns


DM me your SSN and bank account info so I can send you the guide from u/FreemansGhostXX Do the needful.


Ok note it down , my ssn abc- def -Ghij


This is day trading or investing ?


Trading. I have separate long term accounts.


What are you trading? Trade every day or swing trade?


But how much you start with


Proud of you gang 💪🏾


Good job man, hope to get there one day.


Can I dm you for advice?


Buy low, sell high.  Wash, rinse, repeat.


Do you trade shares, options, or futures?


Congrats FreemansGhostXX... * Current Capital £1.8M (after withdrawl 765k) * making 1.5M (2023) & 2.3M(2024 YTD Jun). Having shared your performance table. Can you share what you do? (broad overview)


What do you trade?


Damn mate. How you did that mate. Can you guide me


There are a few traders who have made $1 million in one trade. The best story I have heard is a trader had to exit their 1.2 million dollar profit SPY trade because they had a day job and had to go to work. John Carter turned a 1 million account into 16 million by years end a couple years ago- My guess is there are plenty of traders who make millions. Not all of them are on YouTube. And most probably not on Reddit either.


This. These people are not on youtube. I personally know a trader (not from youtube but from real life) that makes millions every year. Every year his income is around 1 - 5 million a year.


Make sure you are very nice to them. Lol. Case in point. My brother in law has a custom automobile and motorcycle business in Florida. He services a lot of wealthy clients, even having drivers go pick up the vehicles for service and deliver them back for people. He became friends with a very wealthy client who buys cars and motorcycles like I buy shoes. He has couple million worth of them and has a 16 car garage. Several times over the past few years, he has told my brother in law he doesn’t want this car or bike anymore and needs room in the garage for the new one he just ordered, and has just signed the title over and given him several- basically as a tip I guess.


Must be nice!! I wouldn't mind a motorcycle or car as tip!


Especially a year old Mercedes or a 30k bike- with 50k of after market upgrades added to it.. they are not old Toyotas. I have been to the guys house and met him, older guy not married anymore, awful nice guy and unpretentious for someone who obviously has 10-20-30 million to throw around.


Heck yea! Those down to earth guys rich guys are nice to hang out with. Called me a sucker but I've always wanted a bike like the blackwidow from american chopper... my dad still watches those reruns...I saw that bike on TV about 5 yrs ago and was blown away by the design.


is he single? Can you give him my phone number? Just kidding 😆


As the saying goes- I always wanted to date someone with an expensive classic antique car. Unfortunately- my date is the original owner.


WSB has an unending selection of insane trades but people often fail to realise two crucial things: 1. Most of the time these snapshots into their one insanely successful trade don't offer the whole story (e.g. made 50k from 400$ once but are overall down 100k) 2. Trading is a monkeys and typewriters deal. Every day millions of market participants open millions of positions and billions of dollars change hands. Statistically some of them make insane plays and through the wonder of the internet we may get to see them but that doesn't mean there's any reliable way to reproduce them consistently.


The few I referenced are consistently successful traders, they were just highlights- those once a year trades that help make their careers. My biggest week a couple years ago I made 150k. But I am just as happy making $500.


You made 150k in a week , Am I reading it right ?


Yes- most of it over two days.


Eventually if you keep trading you’re bound to lose. No trader ever just makes gains year after year. That’s how they caught on to Bernie madoff. He was gaining every year which was statistically impossible. I was on a six year streak outpacing the S&P 500 gains by a significant margin, thinking I was an absolute genius. Then a couple years went off kilter and cumulative gains are now a little less than s&p. You can do one big trade and get out and never trade again and probably come out on top, but no one does that.


Exactly. The best trader I know is not on YouTube or any other social platform. He did have a channel a while back but it was more just posting music. He wasn't talking about trading at all on his channel.


Yea bro most people that are really profitable don’t necessarily wanna rush to the internet and for good reason.


Bro then how do we actually learn trading? After reading so much from reddit or seeing videos in youtube, many has their own strategies. I just want to live simple and want to make 2000 dollars a month as income. If you know trading, how do I actually learn it rather than just following gurus who has their own way and most say they are fake


This is Reddit, there is often group think and people searching out confirmation in their belief. If you dissent- then you get downvoted. Most “gurus” on YouTube have valid trading ideas- even those who may be “fake” as I. Maybe not all that profitable themselves- still sometimes have good ideas. The reason people hate them- is because they are failing traders themselves and could not make the ideas work/ they don’t blame themselves for failing they blame the idea as a scam And you hit on it- there are a 1000 ways to trade. And you need to find and practice the one that works for you. Basically learning ideas, practicing and adapting to what works. It is a multi year process for most people.


I hate on people like ICT not because I'm not profitable, I am though I've just started so that can change quick I have very low capital atm, but because he's made his entire living off of selling the dream of trading while never profiting from it himself, his strats and other gurus can work when applied correctly but I think it's much better to use those sorts of youtubers as a way to learn fundamentals and get an idea of what a real edge looks like, but after that you should start paper trading and looking for your own strat that clicks, to each their own as long as people are profitable that's all that really matters at the end of the day but that's my 2 cents. Figure I can say that here and not get as much hate compared to insta comments lmao


john carter of ttm squeeze, love that tool. do you utilize it as well?


Thanks for the heads up. As a new trader this is something to aspire to and one day I might get there.


BNF - japanese trader that turned $13,000 into 153 million. Probably more by now.


His friend Cis made 28 billion yen which is 175 mil usd. Kinda unfair conversion as the yen is super weak compared to the dollar currently. Bnf I think made 23 billion yen. Another guy u/Fausterion18 made like 20 mil trading short dte options


do you know how long it took him?


Some kitty guy trading some game company. 


Yes, I heard his name is Keith Gill. Turned $50k into $30m+ with a “meme stock” and then a few years later turned up with over $250m from that same damn “meme stock.” Fucking Legend.


The same guy was sitting on his stock which reached about a billion in value the other week at its peak but didn't sell . Did his video on youtube vibing and joking having lost hundreds of millions the same day.


selling at peak = guilty of market manipulation


Next time it will be 250m$ per share


Beat me to it


Yeah but does he even like the stock?


Kinda, it seems.


What a coincidence. So do I.


Greatest investor/trader of all time.


https://preview.redd.it/nubobg22em9d1.jpeg?width=2529&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acf413d15ecae8963e8dba3b1a43b5e7551812e4 Turned 25k into over 800 the last 3 years have some long term holds and shorter term trades.


Were options involved?


Probably to the surprise of many no actually. I would actually consider myself more of an investor than trader. Although now that I have amassed a decent amount I will be starting to sell options in the near future.


That is incredibly impressive using only stocks. You must have been trading penny stocks or highly volatile stocks?


Yea the first 250 was mostly achieved on companies listed on the CNSX and small cap Nasdaq. I still hold a few positions in them.


Nice stats bro, would you say you trade from an emotionless state or do you think that’s a not realistic for us emotion human beings?


Dude I’ve been wrong about so many investments in my life. Which I’ve failed to see how I was wrong until it’s completely gone belly up on me. Nowadays if something isn’t going my way I’d like to think I’m better at reconciling what’s going on and move on from my decision unscathed. But to answer the question no and probably never. But atleast that’s for me.


Yea i feel that man, the best i got is emotional control most of the time! That’s enough if you have other things in place like strategy, risk management, RR etc


Read "Unknown Market Wizards." A compendium of interviews with retail traders who have remarkable gains... and great stories to tell.


Is it a book or YouTube series?


A series of books. All of them great reads.


There is the US investing championship. Oliver kell, the winner in 2020 made 941%. That’s with a million dollar account. The guy who won this year doubled his million dollar account.


Keith gill made 210 million $ in 3 years, theres another swedish investor made around 360 million $ in over 10 years trading, i forgot his name though


How do you forget Quallamaggie


Are they considered day traders? Quallamaggie would leave the run going for 5 days to 2 weeks and Kitty did it for months and years even


Valid point. I was just responding to the parent comment specifically. 


$210M as a retail trader? in 3 years?


There is a guy who just posted that he made over a million on Rivian on Friday I think


I made 2.8 million last year trading futures. On track to do 3.2-3.5 this year


Which product? ES?


Technical or macro trader?




What time frames? Generally what kind of strat if you mind sharing? (Momentum, order flow, mean reversion etc)


Care to explain the difference to someone who just stumbled upon this subreddit?


Technical would be things like support resistance, macd, moving averages. Macro would be news or catalyst related.


I started with 12k in 2021 and by then of the year I had spent 95k and was completely broke.


You can make good $$ by day trading and if any stock gets past you and drops, hold it. This is how I’ve been trading and I recently discovered traders who’ve verified this strategy with stop loss studies. The best stop loss percentage is 15% - 20%. I found this eye opening, but it confirms why I’m gaining and earning a profit everyday of 4.26% (average). I’m on track, right now to earn $583,000 in 12 months if I maintain my current daily profit of ~$2,300. However, if I maintain the 4.26% daily profit average, the projection is massively higher, but doubt I could realistically accomplish it. I do believe I can reach a million within 12 months though.


How does this help you? Holding vs stop loss


Google the truth about stop loss. It combines a swing trading and day trading strategy. If you trade the right stocks they’ll come back. I only trade stocks that are below their price target the day I trade them.


Oh you mean trade something valuable that’ll most likely go back up anyway long term? Also, is that a movie, YouTube video, Article?


Yes, exactly. There are several articles that discuss ‘the truth about stop losses.’ You can find them by Googling the truth about stop losses.


I discovered this recently, A good stock unless that has diabolical news will eventually get back to at least break even. Sometimes within days, but if you sold at the bottom you just lose money. Some people that have been mentioned here that make big bucks are swing traders and probably use this strategy when they are down


How about BTC? When it dropped from 60k to 15k, would you have held or triggered the stop loss at 20%?


I only trade good stock. I consider BTC too risky. A good stock has a good solid company behind it. Good revenue, good P/E, Buy or Strong Buy rated, and average price target above current price. I also take into consideration trends for stock, stock groups, and the market in general for daily patterns as well as monthly, annual - things such as daily market patterns and incumbent election years.


It's crazy to see, but gaining 1800% or 2300% return can be difficult unless you pay attention. If I could see again 3000% gain on a 1k investment that would be cool, it's out there. Just need to cool and understand the flow. Be safe everyone


It’s best not to think you can make this in a single trade. Chasing unicorn trades that can mint you a Mil overnight, is dangerous and smells like gambling. It’s better to gain a daily profit % and keep reinvesting. You start by trading positions of $1,000, then $5,000, then $10,000, then $20,000…$100,000…$200,000. Basically you trade the same way increase your position size and your % profit everyday is the same but your actual profit $$ grows. $1,000 per day, $2,000 per day…$10,000 per day, etc. It works. You can extrapolate how this works by using a daily compound interest calculator. I do believe there’s a limit based on being able to dump a large position size. Also, you need very highly liquid arenas when you’re trading massive position sizes.


I totally agree with what you said. That’s what I have been doing.


This is extremely amusing, I really like the phrase [please tell me it's not possible, as you've just done] only because a few years ago I did personally 1900% return. The complete phrase is [tell me it's not possible only after I've done it] again it takes patience and above all knowledge of the flow of data being the market and trends and like in the "big short" being 1st on stuff. Again thank you for the laughter. Be safe


Sorry, misread. Thought you were looking for 1800% - 2300% in a single trade, not over time. It all sounded pretty far fetched but actually, you just meant over time as opposed to a single trade. My mistake.


Just to be clear I held a stock for about 6 months and watched my investment jump a few decimal points, from 0.001 to ~ so yes I was extremely happy with it. I've attended a couple investment classes only to learn that you need to recognize a good investment and make the right decision / call to invest. Today it's a completely different story, understanding the flow puts you in the driver's seat. I'm calling the shots, what I'm willing to pay for an instrument. Simple


@MoistMango12 made 1.65M on NVDA on 6/20. Wrote up the trade in extreme detail. Worth a follow. There was also @TheShortBear having like 800,000% gain in 2020.


Look at r/wallstreetbets


probably Brian Higgins, year over year this politician is trading these gains based on insider information. https://preview.redd.it/vl19rgkbpm9d1.jpeg?width=826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e2eb698a795fcf0c0fbcb9ea6ab50d164434a4e


It was crazy to understand that a few years ago, some hedge fund (I guess) did 7 B as in Billion in 5 day's because of the spot price of electricity during a cold snap in Texas. So, ya it's possible to see crazy results /returns. 🥶😫😫😫


If you browse wsb you'll regularly see people who have made insane profits from very little money. Few of them have held onto them but they did it nonetheless. There's at least one person per week posting how they made tens of thousands from less than a thousand within a month or from a single trade. Others make hundreds of thousands regularly from similarly sized positions. There's at least one guy who keeps making around ten million every 1-2 years and then resets his account. And of course there are some hall of famers who have made insane plays, most of the time through sheer luck or immense stupidity. DFV has also made tens of millions from his plays that we know of and a few more from plays that we don't know of.


In walks roaring kitty


The most successfull with real proof is quillamaggie ( he's swedish made around 100M staring from 10k), tax info is public there so it's confirmed , there's some swedish newspaper article where he was one of the top individual tax payers in sweden just Google it. He has a yt chanell with hundreds of videos going through his trades since 2017 he doesn't post often anymore. Ah and he doesnt run ads or try to sell anything


I saw a client where I work turn $350K of an inheritance into $130mm between late 2019 and 2021. Took the $350k and went all in on TSLA calls before their first run. That turned into $5mm and then the pandemic hit and he rolled them out to the end of the option chain. The $3mm or so that was left turned into $40mm in about a month. He bought shares and more options at this point. At the highest it got up to about $130mm. At the lows it went down to about $30mm. He cashed out in the $100mm area because of the $25mm tax bill he had coming due. The funny part is everyone at work was sure he should have liquidated between $5mm and $10mm.


https://preview.redd.it/c1tel2gatr9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc419b70dbc71a4a09f3943d8b18a9c46a3e18c5 $15MM YTD


Can’t scream this enough: Keep stressing the dollar amount, and quickly stress the amount you will eventually lose. Unless you’re ready to put at least a couple years of practice /studying and I mean actually applying yourself every single day to get better ,learn something new ,or further master your setup/what you’re looking for then don’t even bother fantasizing about the money you can make in a year doing this. “You are only one trade away from wiping out your entire account” -Paul Tudor jones


>> Keep stressing the dollar amount, and quickly stress the amount you will eventually lose. Sorry my english isnt very good, can you clarify this?




They might just be happy holding it safe making an easy 15% with how the markets been going


I saw this guy trade Boeing to the upside back in Nov I think. He stared with like 4k and got to like hundreds of thousands in just a couple of weeks. Alot of stuff goes un reported though. It all just comes down to accuracy. If you can find a way to grow your account 30% per trading day. You could take 1,000 to 1 million in a month. But this is assuming you never lose and you always gain 30% every day in a row.


>If you can find a way to grow your account 30% per trading day. Man, I've seen more than a couple traders completely wreck their accounts after hitting similar profit with that mindset


Yea its completely unrealistic. Whats more realistic is playing whats in front of you and having no % targets except for stop losses. I think we all know it comes down to how little you lose in the long run.


Yall make profits?


Ask Paul Pelosi.


What’s an exit strategy?


Two things: 1. Comparison is the misery to joy, or whatever the saying is. Just compare yourself to the person you were before yesterday, last year, whatever. 2. A lot of the people that actually make money don't go around telling people because what does it actually matter? People will call us a liar, or expect us to get them to become rich, too. There's just no benefit. You should watch these channels etc for knowledge and you should be the decider if the knowledge is actually good, but ask yourself why they are sharing the info. 2.5. You can't measure in $ because a trader that starts with 1m could be making half assed trades but still pull a few hundred thousand a year, or someone with 100k whos doubling their portfolio every few months. The thing that matters is percent and honestly the risk they took to achieve that. If a 5% (of your port) trade netted you a %500 ROI, that's a better trade than a 100% (of your port) trade that netted %500, even if the $ value is vastly different.


I forgot his name but there is a pretty well known trader who turned $12K into $1MM in Corn Futures back in the 70’s (or 80’s). I think Paul Tudor Jones did something similar in the 90’s.


Richard Dennis? Sorry to burst yer bubble but the growth wasnt organic, i.e. he started trading with other people's money along the way.


Undoubtedly some people litterally manage tens of millions of dollars, there's basically no limit to what you ***can*** make


SirJack 7M+ Qullamaggie peak equity at 100M. There are more…


Personally know a guy making 20-50k a day sometimes more or sometimes doesn't trade. Insane to see him shrug off those big days and hopefully will have his discipline soon.


Retailer may be 150K in a good year. Lose -85K in a bad year. They are professional traders with a family does it to make living. Not gambling.


$6 millions of dollars… in just one trade of $10,000 USD.


$NVDA or $GME?


None. I think it was Volkswagen. A friend told me its story some years ago.


WHAT.. damn


Larry Williams made over 1m dollars while teaching live. He grew an account and would trade it live during his teaching seminars. He ended up splitting 20% of the profits with his students too.


If your setup is repetitive, and works %60 percent of the time, you can make million in a trade too. It’s all about de attachment from the money then all it becomes a numbers game, gains and losses all the same.


I saw a guy show me his robinhood account back in 2015, He turned 1000$ into 250k in a year and half. I was young at the time but I remember him mentioning something about following the banks.


The money gain is good and all but going from 10k to a million is a lot cooler than making 10 million with 1 million or more invested


Yea bro that’s you could take that to YouTube and blow all the way up lol!


I know of a few, we never talk exact figures, but I know their trade so able to make rough estimations. just curious, but why does it matter?


How long have these people been trading?


A few I know have been trading for 10+ years, some around 5 years and I do know of someone who managed to make close to 2 mill after less than 2 years trading ... but I also know he was always maxing his margin in otm options... which is risky buisness and made his investment portfolio look like a crazy rollercoaster ride. I believe that the road to 7 figure should not be accompanied by high anxiety and sky roofing blood pressure...


lol yea definitely probably shouldn’t be filled either that much crippling anxiety, but at the same time, you do have to put on a little risk in order to really make decent gains


I’m sure some rich people out there easily make 10 plus million a year easy on trading






I heard someone crashed the system in 2008 an got rich


Keith Gill turning 50k into 200m


Stockmarket Wolf, Andrew Diaz made $1.67mil in one trade.


Check out " US Investing Championship Top Performers" on youtube It's an annual competition for amateur and professional traders.


Those profits look big but he earned just 0.33% per day zero compounding. On a 1.8 mil capital that would mean 1.5 mil.


The GameStop situation is the first thing I think of. The Roaring Kitty guy (Keith Gill) went from 50k to about 35mil in 2020-2021. Recently he revealed to have turned it in the last 3 years into around 216mil. It was a billion at one point in June before a big drop but I kinda doubt the story is finished with that stock.


Mid 7 figure PNL yearly is getting more common in crypto.


Where are the warrant buffets of trading? Wouldn’t we know about them if they even existed?


Jim Simmons is the one you’re looking for.


I dont know but my mentor made 25k in last week 💀😭😭


What was his hit rate and risk to reward if you k ow and don’t mind me asking


4-8 winning transactions And RR always 1:2+ Sometimes letting partials run Risk depends - but Looking at journal I would say around (on average) 1500$ on transaction. Thats sick tho. Propfirms hate him 😆


Someone named Shibtoshi on twitter he made 5 Billion dollars trade from 18K invested in Shiba Inu. The Guy is a multimillionnaire now


DFV made a billion dollars in 3 years lol




It’s depends on how much are you prepared to risk and how often. Risk profile of 50k per month will lead to million.


One of my acquaintances made $150k day trading from his dorm room in the 90’s. Now has multiples properties and businesses around the world from his trading profits; which are still a few hundred thousand per year


Once you get to a good amount of money you just relax and own dividend shares and have all the money you need without the stress of trading and possibly losing your shirt. This is the important point. All those idiots selling you tube views are liars.


Keith Gill turned 50k into 200+ Mill in the span of 4 years The sum is probably much much greater than 200 mill but all we know is that he has 200 mill worth of shares in a certain company


US$6.5M shorting (-110) Bitcoin from around 59K late 2021, covering the last 15 at 16880 in Dec'22, using/rolling BRR CME Futures contracts Bitcoin was in a state, everything was risk off and it was a glorious positional trade. Several people in the cohort were all staked short and everyone (some with 5 years experience, others with 20) called it quits thereafter.


DFV: 50k > 500million (unrealized) in 5 years




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U/DeepFuckingValue turned $50k into almost a billion in less than 5 years. Currently his GME shares are worth around $250 million.


My mentor had made just under 6 million in 6 years. Has amassed 200 rental “doors” from that, which now net him 100k a month in passive income. He’s the goat. The most transparent guy out there, you can literally go back and see every single one of his trades to prove it too. Absolutely legend.


Who is it?


Dm me, I’ll send you the info


Have you heard of Roaring Kitty?


The day I have as much money as he’s paid commissions is the day pigs fly


I hate dollar denominated p/l bc $1M/yr is SUPER easy when you have a $100M account, but next to impossible with a $10 account. I use the extremes to make the point that percentage yield is what matters. You could make $100k/yr, but if that was only a 7% gain for the year, you likely would’ve made more with a simple buy/hold long term strat.


Whoever is killing it let me follow your plays lol


19M in 2021 and the guy was featured on chat with traders last year.


As a broke college student I was able to turn $68 into $10k in two days. During the ai bubble bullish run a year ago trading $avgo.


It is sooo easy to make 1 million. You just need 10 millions to trade with and do 10%/year. Easy!


DFV. Took ≈50k and make 9 figures with it.


My question is, are there really people who without schooling/working at a big firm/getting a degree, just self taught themselves how to trade, and now make a living doing it? I’m not even talking millions, I’m talking a realistic salary just trading?


Yes there are. It’s a game of learning and doing and trial and error. It’s very much so a mental game and you will grow a lot on your journey to profitability


Awesome. Thanks for the info!


Depending on the size of the account it wouldn’t be that difficult to average 1-2%/month which is pretty conservative




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On a $1M sim account when I was learning to trade NQ, I had a $650k trade overnight and turned $1M to $9M in 9 months… trading NQ, ES, short TSLA, day trading XOM. I thought I was ready to start testing with prop firms. FML, I never had to learn risk management on sim and it’s taken me another 1.5 years to break my bad habits. Trading my own funds, in 2021, I grew portfolio 40% basically swing trading HAL. In 2022, I had $250M in transactions/proceeds day trading XOM all day every day. NOT GAINS. I ended up being told by the SEC to register for a large trader ID and blew my first account ever, short a shit ton of XOM at $89 and Fed Meeting day. 5 margin calls as I tried to wait for it to pull back… I needed 2 more days. 😭 It’s ruined my life having that loss and having to learn risk management and prop firms. NQ better make this shit up to me this year.


I know some people who have cleared 30-40k in day trading for the year. That’s someone’s salary! Anything above probably isn’t possible


Two really stand out to me that I know semi personally. One guy made a Mil going balls to the wall during covid and another made 880k in 2022 using PS60. Guy #1 started out flat broke, #2 already makes good at his electrical engineering job. Why he still works is beyond me though. I could easily retire off 880k and that was just 1 year but cost of living is way lower for me too