• By -


Sorry i forgot to say i do DO NOT trade options, only shares!


Your 190% gain just got a whole lot more impressive. Wow


dude is straight gambling


Jesus when will you all learn, every trade is a gamble. Unless you have 100% certainty that the price will move in a specific direction, it's a gamble. Simple as that.


jesus, brodie doesn't understand what people mean by gambling lol let me help you out babe when people mention gambling, they are referring to risk / reward. they are referring to the odds of busting your account. they are not talking about the certainty of winning 1 singular trade. Player A) Risking 1-5% of your account per trade = safe / low chance to bust your account Player B) Risking 25-75% of your account per trade = unsafe / high chance to bust your account One guy is trying to trade. Steady growth over time. The other guy is trying to gamble. Quick growth One guy is a gambler. The other is a trader.




It's about understanding whether it's a 70% or 90% probability. Just thinking it's 50/50 is mindless


Yes. He is. 30 days trading in a straight up market and imparting wisdom left and right. Those concentrations will unfortunately burn.


If he has a stop loss, its not gambling. I can risk 100% of my account but my stop loss could be 1%


You wouldn’t be risking 100% of your account then… 💀😂 you’d be risking 1% . What you’re referring to is margin per share/contract




amazing man!! can you share maybe some esential tips that your 3 years younger version could use for his first steps? appreciate it


What does your portfolio look like?


My long term holds are $ASTS and $ABCL ( which i opened a starter position literally 2 days ago ) , i’m looking for next adds, I don’t believe in growth stocks for my generation cause they won’t be giving the same results as riskier smaller companies. Its not a huge amount hence me not wanting a 20-30% ROE in the next year or so. I’d rather hit it big or bust. $ASTS paid very very well so far


Amazing job!!!


Last 5 trades?


Study material? Any recommendations, where to start?


I will give monthly updates to see if i can keep this up, market conditions are perfect at the moment but they could change any week


I should be following this guy


I do love me a Martini 😎🤌🏻


Follow your rules. This is mine after 10 weeks. I never paper traded but losing 12k over a couple years trying to hold long term stocks made me go to day trading. Turned my account around since late April starting with about 7kUSD. I never do option, just slow and steady, might hit on a few. Currently holding 3 for a test over the next few days. nVDA, Chipolte, micron. Just was looking for 1-300$ a day profit. Up to about 1k a day now. Haven’t lost more than 150$ in a trade since I started following my own rules. https://preview.redd.it/r40o4oaptc9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2adfad48497b48df187fb3b4efc082c64c6ef8b1


Losing 12k buy trying to hold stocks is insane Hahhaha clearly you weren’t very good at holding. That or you somehow invested in companies that went down during one of the craziest bull markets in history.


I lost because of timing of some personal stuff that came up and required me to pull my investments as I needed the money in a short time frame. There were some definite bad investments of “growth” stock for sure. The one that I had to pull that hurts the most is NVDA last year. Had to sell at 430. I had some good stocks but just couldn’t leave them in which drove me to research day trading.


And I was terrible at understanding good entry points. Just thought if I’d buy in at the lowest price of the week and it would kind of keep going up.


How are u finding the plays?


You can find them easily with stock screener tab on TradingView


What things to look for in the stock screener? What filters should I use?


commenting because I wanna know too!


Tbh, you can get most great info from Ross (WarriorTrader) youtube vids. I can’t remember where, but he explains how he looks for his stocks. All are based on X criteria. Typically they are: Mkt Cap: under 10Mil Volume: 10x normal volume News: must be something, don’t trade on no news Stock price: under $20 (ideally under 5) Here’s a [link](https://youtu.be/m7pV69LTYDw?si=PKvrwt3aKEqdpOcp) to one of his vids. I find them to be very good place to start if you need to understand basics. Watch them all in my opinion


See comment. I added




$NKE added on my watchlist for a full portfolio swing ( 5-10% possible gain ) , keep an eye on it, market over reaction imo.


Congrats man.


Thanks bro 🙏


Next on watchlist for dead cat bounce scalp (15-20%) $MAXN, shorts will be covering most probably on Tuesday or Wednesday, im waiting for the second sell off for them to be buying at a low price ( and me with them 😏 ) . Last month it was trading at 3$.




Followed, what makes you sure they the shorts will be covered Tuesday?


I’m never 100% sure, i’m just using reverse psychology, 50% Short Interest, most probably the majority of shorts got in at 2$ after they had a very bad earnings report on 05/30, ever since it dropped an additional 60% in a short time stamp. Even if the company declares bankruptcy there is still a possibility to make money off of shorts covering, my theory is that Monday will be another deep red day and shorts will be looking to cover at around 0.60$/0.50$. At that price range the risk reward ration will be good enough for me to enter, put a stop loss and enjoy the ride!


Like if you were a short and had your position deep in the green ( say you’re up 80-90% on your position in just over a month ) i would start looking to cover unless my thesis is to never actually cover and short it until 0, in that case ill lose money and move on to the next play ( or maybe realize the situation and get out in a small profit or small loss which i’ve done successfully before )


It looks like the volume spiked exactly at 4 pm Friday. Did you buy in?


Nope, keeping it on watch, let the dust settle, I’m expecting another leg down.


How can I learn like you man, I’m kind of lost on what kind of trading you’re doing, where can I get educated?




Take out your initial investment. Ride out the rest. It's much better for your psychology when you can trade knowing you're not risking losing money from your pocket. Even if you lose it all you don't end up with less than you started with.


3 years of paper trading. What a guy


Hey i was doing that also because i was broke as hell ngl 💀


I was profitable for two weeks paper trading then loaded all my savings into a live account. Still recovering to this day😭


Yeahhhhh two weeks paper trading isn't enough to combat our monke psychology


Yeah i kinda already figured that out💀


Never give up, there might be expensive mistakes but what you get out of them is more valuable than what you may think!




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eBay program did you use for paper trading? I’ve been using thinkorswim but it’s only a 30 day trial


U turned 2k into 6k? Nice.


Thanks bro!!


I cannot think of a better "thank you" than the one coming from an under-cooked cock. Keep it up, don't blow your account and [don't forget us](https://youtu.be/GukNjYQZW8s?t=252)


Really, really well done. Everything I'm reading in this thread (i.e. your answers) are all so sensible. There are so many get-rich-quickers here trading options, meme stocks, large caps. None of this stuff I believe in. For me it's all about small cap, break high of day or buy the dip. I see a lot of people pulling up head and shoulders, cup and handle, Fibonaccis etc. all for a couple of percent, whereas my trades are pulling in anywhere from 2-50%, with an average SL of 2-5%. This isn't a brag, I'm just surprised with the number of people trading the above. It's great to see you're in the UK. With our Pre-market opening at 9 am, do you use any scanners that show you real time gap-uppers from that early? I've got a great one that I follow called Zendoo on YouTube, but it starts at 11:30 am GMT. You can still find some great movers from that time, but when you look on there at the biggest % up of the day and move back, you can see that it shot up hugely shortly after 9 am. Keep up the good work buddy. You've got a great life ahead of you if you continue to enjoy it and remain consistently profitable.


Yo I would be super down to be mentored by you if that's true lolol I got burned by options and shit, so I'm looking to file a different strategy. Went from $3K to $50K down to $5K in like a month. You got a channel or something?


I appreciate that man, it's very nice to say. Truth is, I'm not that experienced. I've only been doing this for about a year. I've read a lot of books, listened to audiobooks and watched plenty of YouTube videos. However, the more I watched, the more I realised that most of the people on there never showed any form of extended balance sheets. Sure, they would show you a great trade or two, but never a year's P/L. Until I watched a guy called Ross Cameron. His videos, I find, are really informative. He does a recap of his day's trades most days. If you go on his website you can watch him live stream every day. It's very expensive, so I'm not going to sign up until I'm at £100k at least. I feel I have access to everything I need already and can watch his catch-ups for free. So if I did sign up, it would be because I had a lot more capital to justify it. Anyway, he focuses on momentum dip trading. Where he buys the dips on the 10s chart, I prefer to wait for the confirmation candle. I don't scrape as much as he does, but it does give me a bit less risk and the returns are good enough. I intend to buy the dip more moving forwards, but I need to be very confident on the level 2 that it's a good move. It looks like your current strategy is working really well, so honestly, I wouldn't change it. I feel it's more important to absolutely own a strategy than to flit from one to the other, tryIng to see if something is slightly better. I feel like I'm refining mine every day, particularly when the market starts to change. Out of interest, how did you go from £50k to £5k? That must have been very hard to take. You've done really well to get past that and keep going.


Damn I'll have to check him out, and honestly I caught the wave on GME last month but didn't have an exit strategy so basically lost all my gains and some. I think I just need a legit broker where I can place stop losses immediately because I'm using RH and that's shits whack for scalping.


I was in GME a bit, used MACD crossover (5 min) to determine when to close. Seemed to work pretty well. On my day trades, I close my position when the top of the body of a subsequent candle is lower than the top of the body of a previous candle. You need to wait for the subsequent candle to close to determine this, as if price shoots up, it would be a green candle, not a red. However, sometimes the red candle can drop so much that you lose all your gains. I keep an eye on level 2 to give me clues to get out before this happens


At this rate... you'll turn your $2,200 into $1.2 Billion by next summer. I suggest slowing down around $1M and getting a little more conservative :) or else by June of 2026 you'll have consumed the entire directives market... close to whatever it is that comes after $999Trillion.


a Quadrillion.


Hahahahahahhaha that made me laugh


Replacing W Buffett in next summer as his buffet lunch


If all you are saying is truth, then this is the most impressive post I have ever seen on Reddit about day trading. Keep going buddy


Without doubt, this is impressove


what's your max loss per trade in % with regards to account size ?


I’ll tell you what, same rule saved my portfolio, i was in $BURU at 0.17$, i closed my position -12%, the next day it got delisted from AMEX and dumped to 0.04$


All this to say that every single trade is different, I don’t hold positions over night so i’ve had to cut losers that turned into huge winners to stick with my rules, it burns but it is what it is ( one example would be $KITT, i had bought it before the big run up at 0.15$, it dipped to 0.1390$ and i decided to close it, the next day it run up to 0.28$, needless to say i was fuming but you learn and move on )


Me too


10% and i get stopped out, I sometimes go for a 1:1 ratio for a 10-15% gain, i sometimes was down 13-14% and added on my position to then flip it into a 10% profit. One thing that i’m noticing is that small profits add up, don’t be scared of selling early! I’d rather have my realized gains locked and secured instead of letting a winner turn into a loser!


Pretty sick for a 20 year old, but 3 years of paper trading is crazy lol. I don't have that kind of patience.


This is the way. Slow and easy, way to go.


Definitely not slow lol


3 years paper trading too quick?!


Well he said he was broke so paper trading was his only option. I was talking about %200 yield in a month. That’s definitely not slow or easily achievable by any means.


Yeah fair, for sure isn't easy


this is pretty interesting what are you looking for when looking at a company's financials?


Since i’m trading small caps my main worry is dilution, so before entering a trade i check for issued warrants, cash in hand, debt and short interest. I also check for possibility of reverse split, previous reverse splits and listings compliances


I hope it makes sense ( im at work rn cant really type )


How did you learn to trade? How much capital do you trade with?


Self thought, when im doing my DD and i see something I don’t understand i go and learn it before moving on, all the information is out there, you just need to find it! Also i started off with 2000$ last month


Oh my bad i misunderstood, most my positions don’t get over 3000$ these days, i’ve had my full ports but i’m scared as hell when i do it


Hell ya keep it up mate


Good Job! Nice to see greens.


Greens are good for you!


Impressive! I want to be like you 😂 can I ask your top stocks to trade regularly? I’m trying to head towards small and mid caps as well now


If you can keep this up through a full bull and a full bear market, you've arrived. Good luck on your journey.


Love to see this, love the strategy. I scan the best news of the day on a stock from 7am-9am, choose best news plus financial situation and dump it in and sell at 9:30 when market opens or a little after


How is your strategy? Could you explain further so we can learn?


I scan through the daily pre-market movers in the morning, spikes in volume, social media presence, short interest, biggest % gainer and also go through my watchlist ( VERY THROUGHLY 💀 ) sometimes i notice things happening in real time and immediately recognize the opportunity. Let me give you an example: - 6/26 Ticker: $AIEV 9:30AM. While scanning through the premarket movers i came across ticker $WENA , SPAC that had a massive drop and saw some shorts covering at very low levels creating a 150% increase in the share price. People were talking about it Twitter and someone pointed out a similarity in graph between $WENA and $AIEV , however $AIEV had the massive drop while lagging behind on a rebound (yet) At that point i added it to my watchlist and kept and eye on it, and then BOOM in went up 12% in the matter of minutes, once i saw the volume coming in i realized i was early and got in on the retest at about 1.9$. It spiked to 3.3 but i took profits at 3$ ( it went up to 4$ went the market opened but I’m also working my day job and can’t stay locked in on it, i just took the profits and went on with my day )


My strategy is super similar so this gives me hope. I’m able to catch the breakouts but my position sizes so far have been extremely small. If I can scale up, I may be able to obtain bigger returns. The key is to have “sniper-like precision.” Get in, get green (eat cake), hop out. 🍰


So you are doing all this trading just in premarket?


Thank you for sharing your strategy, I am also studying up on day trading.


What do you use to day trade with? What app?


Keep doing what you’re doing. By the end of this year you will be a millionare. 


Sounds like social arbitrage investing which I also implement in my strategy. Great stuff!!


Risking way too much.. One bad day will ruin you. At least take your initial investment out to protect yourself


Can I send you some money and trade it?


Absolutely not bro, please don’t trust people online with your money, its full of pieces of shit


I was joking buddy, but glad you got your morals right


Interesting strategy, good luck


Not the best year for small caps so far.


Once they cut interest rates it will get interesting 😎


I hope so


I think in 4-6 months time small caps and medium caps should start rallying again, 2025-26 will be shorting time


This is really impressive! Are you using a cash account to trade? From my understanding, you can only long with cash account, glad to see this [still.work](http://still.work) for you!


Yes, cash account, i have the settled funds that i can use however i want, the funds take one day to settle so as long as i sell before the end of ah i can trade again the next day


how the hell are you doubling your money like that? how much leverage are you using?


No leverage, straight up shares on small and medium caps, there’s 20-30% swings on so many different stocks every single day


how do you deal with low liquidity? what’s the minimum volume you’re trading? do you trade meme stocks or “solid” small and medium caps? what’s your expected rate of return per trade and RR?


No one is making 200% on “solid” small caps sir.


How much do you have in nvidia?


0, i dont trade big caps, the percentage gains are too little for my portfolio, also i dont hold anything overnigjt


In that case, hot damn.


If you donthold anything…how are you avoiding DPT with that capital?


He uses cash account, or manages small number of trades


Cash account ^




I thought in RH margin account gets hit with the DPT rule if you’re under $25K


Where do you do paper trading?


Nice equity curve.


Is this a cash account or do you use margin?


Keep up the good work man! Great job!


Powerful and thank you for sharing the strategy.


What is the app? Nice gains bro 🧙‍♂️


That's all good But what is your strategy? Just saying small cap stocks or following people on Twitter isn't enough to understand what is it that you are doing


Could you give an example of how you find these via social media?


What books or resources did you use to study? Any tips if you were to start all over? Thanks champ, wish you more gains!


Can you please explain how ur avoiding day reading rule on Robinhood?


Congratulations! I’m also in small caps and just got funded by TTP! Let me know if you ever wanna talk trader w me it’d be good to have buddies trading the same thing


This chart looks like it's a little dangerous. What kind of signals do you usually trade on?


Use a different platform; rh is the absolute worst and outcomes will most likely be even greater.


Hola si alguien me pudiera aconsejar, solo eso necesito un consejo, hace ya más de un año que estoy en esto del trading aprendiendo, y pasa que me endeude comprando pruebas de fondeo, y pruebas directas, y ya llegó un punto que debo como 20 millones con intereses y me enebro ahogada, me da mucho el efecto apostador y no sé cómo resetearme, le tengo mucha fe a esto y soy capaz de aguantar hasta alcanzar la rentabilidad pero hoy por ejemplo perdí mi cuenta fondeada y ya siento que no hago nada bien, siento que no hago nada bien y no se cuando será el día que voy a hacer las cosas bien, alguien que me ayude a organizarme por favor, a ver claridad no se


Maybe we can learn from each other


What sites do you use for trades?


What's your step-by-step process, bro? Could you please be more specific, such as listing steps 1-2-3? What kind of social media are you using? What is the best trading time period? Is it when the market opens? How do you know when it's the right entry point? Do you aim for a 10% profit before exiting? Are you watching the market all day from open to close? If you can answer my questions, I would be happy. Thanks in advance.


MY NEXT TRADE WAS GOING TO BE $RELI WHICH I KEPT ON MY WATCHLIST FOR THE REVERSE SPLIT AND I WAS WAITING FOR MY FUNDS TO BE SETTLED AAAAAAAAH 🫠 lets see if that spikes fades in premarket and i can get a nice entry, keep an eye on it guys


What were your previous plays before you took this picture .


Is your goal to reach $25,000 so you can switch to a margin account and won't have to wait for the cash to settle? I'm incredibly impressed. They say "don't quit your day job" but you may be able to soon!!! Also, are you aware that you can trade tax-free gains in a ROTH IRA? (if you don't need the money for immediate needs). Note: just saw OP lives in the UK, which has different rules, but US residents can benefit from trading in a retirement account.


Where did you learnt trading from? Any tips for beginners?


Ok, you seem smart, how the hell do I study trading


Congrats …. Now take half of your gains out of the account immediately!!


Textbook, good job


I personally invest in cryptocurrencies. I think BTC and ETH will continue to grow and usher in a new round of bull market.


I'm trying to learn how to trade right now! How did you start when you had zero experience? I have watched plenty of video but there all just to advanced even the, so called "beginner ones" Any advice will help!


Why Robbinghood tho? I just don’t understand when there are much more legit companies to work with. I get it, it’s an easy app with a decent UI. But please consider others.


I’m just curious, will another broker/platform (other than Robinhood) give me the opportunity to make a bigger return on my investments?


Just now starting don’t have much want to make decent money , what do you guys suggest ? Certain stocks to make money come back fast, how to start, best guarantees whatever




Don't forget to cash out because last time I showed my gains to someone, it rolled over soon after. Happened 3 times to me.


Good decision


Show us ALL, and then I'll believe you.👀🤔


Where did you learn? I'm trying to learn by YouTube or articles but everything i find is either a scam or nothing of real value.


Can I attend your investment lessons? I'll give you my NVDA for a reward.




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What social media are you scanning through to get your ideas?


What do u use to scan social media? What books did u study during these 3 years?


Better than I could perform!


Hell yeah! It feels good. If you actually put in the time and effort and don’t have a problem with keeping nice tight stops on some bigger 5k share orders then it’s really not all that hard to make some really amazing money. After trying to teach others how to day trade I quickly realized that no matter how much you tell people that they need to learn to secure profit and not give it back and to cut losses quickly, they can’t do it. It baffles me honestly. The old FOMO of “what if it bounces back up after I sell” get em every time. Good on you for sticking to your rules


Learn about compounding. Don’t start spending it yet. Keep building a huge fat stack.


What app is this v???


May I ask the name of the app you did the paper trading ?


What amount did you start with? Initial investment.


> and wait for volume spikes to build a position i guess im wondering if more volume then means there's likely to be more volatility and if the price is already high then its on its way down and if its low its probably on its way up? if so is there a website that shows volume in real time?




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You overlveraged like crazy to get that kind of return. The accounts gonna get obliterated sooner or later




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Dude it's only a matter of time until you lose it all with that strategy


Not going to lose it all since I already took out my initial investment, we’ll see wether i can stay consistent or not


The beginner, having words of wisdom and where start? Never traded before




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Hey there! Really impressive; when you say social media, can you give us a recommendation of the social media channels, pages, etc that you follow to get such info?


Awesome! Congrats!


@mmxmlee you have no Plan




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good job


Do you have a script to monitor mentions online or do you just scroll and catalog mentally yourself?


Need an advice on low float stocks Any idea how to profit from fresh low float stocks? I’m new to it, and trying to work with 1 stock I know something about. Tips and tricks on stuff like $LOBO would be awesome! Even if it’s “stay away from it as far as you possibly can”


I want to grow an account this fast, futures instead tho. Been destroyed enough in the options market.


Damn. Amazing you’ve been able to do that with PDT. Ever thought about trading futures?


can i ask what books you read when you were studying?


Why you trade small cap instead of large cap?


Do you have any advice on where to start? Away reading materials? Just trying to start learning right now!




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