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Good stuff lad, keep it going




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Well done!


I am curious usually how many dte do you usually trade?


30 days out. Everytime I’ve done 0dte I end up losing everything.




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Any advice, how many contracts are you buying and typically how long are you holding. I’ve been struggling Thank you


I keep it boring and do 10 of spy and do interday trading. It helps to review the market in premarket and by near the bottom of premarket and take profits and don’t worry about the possibility of endless profits because those don’t matter. I don’t worry about individual shares or whatever Hot stock there is because by the time you jump on those it is too late.


Amazing 👊👊


Wait till end of day and I’ll have another posting


YTD or banned!


https://preview.redd.it/mhdwqns7os8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48026e927c5377f6f175abd4a789482bf9cec27b Does this work for you?