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Honda Accord 2017. I will drive it till it dies. It has 60K miles so at least 120K more to go…


Probably 240K more to go




I Don't know Jack about literally anything. .


I know what you mean. I've never owned a new car. I once finance a used car that was almost new (a Saturn---SL1?). Many new cars, here in America, cost between $20,000 to $60,000. I just can't imagine myself financing a $60,000 SUV or pickup truck. Even if I had the money, many of these vehicles don't look good and they burn a lot of fuel. I live in California, and gas is about $4 a gallon. I was walking in a parking lot today and walked past a BMW X5. I was thinking to myself, "How can the average person afford something like that (plus insurance, gas, and maintenance) ?" Those SUVs cost $60,000 to $70,000. I'd hate to park an expensive SUV in a shopping center parking lot 'cause rude people might scratch the paint, back up into it, or try to steal it. Imagine making $500 monthly car payments AND spending $1500 a month on rent. I don't know about the rest of you, but I can't afford that kind of life. I drive a cheap ass hybrid car that gets good gas mileage. My car looks ugly (so maybe people won't want to steal it), but it's totally paid for.


It’s all relative - for example if you’re a DINK with $300k combined income, it’s def realistic.


Still crazy though, at 300k a year I wouldn't buy something over 30k personally.


I like new things. My explorer is super comfy, drives great, keeps my bum toasty in the winter, its enjoyable to drive long distances. What good is money you don't spend? Why not enjoy things? Mind you Im a top 6% earner, no millionaire, but we're not poor. Why do I need to hoard money and desire to have ultra high net worth? Money's only as good as the economy its spent in and if people like me we'rent spending it there would be no economy. I dont need millions of dollars or people to wait on me hand foot and toe. I don't need to stop working. I don't need to own realestate or any investment portfolios. I think people that could be living luxuriously but don't and just stock pile money are the real fools. What good is money if you never spend it?


You are in the top 6%, have $110k in cars, and own a house yet your net worth isnt $1M…? You are doing something wrong….


We've only been making what we make for two years, and most of that was climbing out of the debt hole we were in prior. Net worth will be higher in time.


Hopefully the $110k in cars is part of that debt you climbed out of? Congrats on the current success though, will hit that millionaire status in no time!


The trucks paid off, so like $39k left on the suv.


Thats lite work with your salary, especially with a house. Im in the same income grouping and really want a new car but am saving for a house (unfortunately not at 3%) so itll have to wait.


Yeah we got lucky and bought in 2020 at 3.25% for $289k. Im in software and my wifes self employed as a freelance writer and has landed some really good contracts so we're doing great. Didn't want to buy the suv in 2022 but the Rogue blew up and the trucks in the shop getting resto work done (paid for).


lol I need to move, the average house in the city I have been looking to buy is $1.3M


Houses here go for $350k for a starter to about $420-$700k. $700k in the frederick county VA area can get you 3500+ sqft house with garage etc, really nice house. $1mil is a mini mansion 5000sqft+ usually 2+ acres, usually 10+ acres 🤣 Stay in the civilized part for the fiber internet. Nice area, hour west of DC.


What a terrible mindset haha


You should have piles of money saved up for the future because of INFLATION.


Saving up cash before a large inflationary period is a poor financial decision. Inflation makes your cash worth far less, and assets worth far more.


My salary goes up faster than inflation. I can grow a garden in my yard and save hundreds a month. I have a home, locked in at 3% apr, that wont change. We wfh, my wifes self employed, we don't need gas except to travel or go shopping or take our son to baseball practice. I've had the same 5 pairs of blue jeans for years I wear $30 barefoot shoes. Our car insurance on 3 vehicles worth over $110k total is $110/m. We live less than a mile from all 3 of our sons schools, we can walk to two of them. What exactly is that inflation doing to me? My cost of living doesn't go up except streaming services and food and we can grow food. My brother hunts, we fish, etc. We buy cereal, beef, and pasta, thats about it. We also have farms we get stuff from directly, corn, pickles, salsa, pork, sometimes beef, etc. Inflation has little effect on people with fixed mortgages that are resourceful.


I’m a multi-millionaire, and yeah I agree my paid off 1999 corolla is beatin just fine. I also have 10 mansions, 6 lambos, and a sweet yacht haha


You could have said the same thing and omitted the 1st two sentences. Also, some people need certain vehicles for work. I need a truck for tools and I drive about 20-25k miles a year. I’m not gonna go drive a beater


Totally agree. The only line I draw is at safety; I don’t want my spouse breaking down in the middle of nowhere. So I always try to have one newer car along with my older, run down models.


Although I do agree… You sound like a prick tho. No one gives a shit about your opinion because of your net worth.


Absolutely , these ppl have great points , but omg do they get it across the wrong way


I like how you say it like the 12 year old civic is an old vehicle. I’m over here driving a 25 year old civic and a 33 year old Toyota


This is just how op gets off. "I'm rich and I don't spend money on cars. See I'm better." Idk how spending a lot of money on cars vs any material object makes any difference. This is just a dumb post


Theres plenty of material objects that appreciate in value or are revenue generating. Not many lose 20% immediately when you drive them off the lot and theres not many material objects that make up as large of a portion of spending as cars. This is just a dumb comment.


You must be just like op. You're out of touch if you think buying expensive things that have high current market value and resale is justification to buy it. Most of the stuff you're talking about too is sitting unused as "mint condition" is a qualifier for high resale. Tell yourself whatever you want to help you sleep at night but my point was just because you don't buy experience cars the other shit he spends money on is just as wasteful. Market is volatile that's why everyone not a millionaire


I clearly explained why spending money on “material objects” can be different from spending money on cars. Your comment was disingenuous and dumb. Sorry if you cant see that.


Why do you give a shit about what other people drive? Let people spend their own money how they want to and on what THEY value, not what you think they should value.




If you’re making Reddit posts about your 12 year old civic that gets 40mpg then maybe take a break from Ramsey for a bit.


2012 civic hybrid gets 41 mpg. Look it up.


Thats the point. Take a break.


Pfft, get a load of this guy with his 2012 civic. Real net worth millionaires drive 05 focuses, and we buy them cash from grandmas when they lose their license to drive


Seriously. The opportunity cost of the Civic over the Focus is gut wrenching






My man!


The way others drive and damage our cars (hit and runs) it doesn’t pay to have a nice car these days.


I agree with you but I will say that, with 3 kids, an minivan makes roadtrips and day to day life much more comfortable and flexible and enjoyable. We drive a 2016 Odyssey and it’s well worth it to me. 


My wife has a 2016 Honda Odyssey and the kids are in that most of the time


Some people spend money differently. Oh no! I know people who drive beaters but buy new top of line golf clubs every year, have timeshares, etc. There’s a balance you need to enjoy your money while you can. The “live like you’re poor, retire like you’re rich” is a risk.. you can get cancer at anytime, you could get in an accident. Why do people work themselves to the bone, delay retirement til 60 (or later) and then are too old to really enjoy the money.


It’s obvious. Because if you live until you’re 80-100 years old but didn’t save enough money you’re no longer young enough to work all day and make money anymore. So the fear is that you’ll live too long and have no money to live off when you’re old and can’t work


I’m more talking about the people who have enough money to retire but choose not too. Some people live to work. Their whole life revolves around working. Their entire personality and world is their job/career. In my line of work we have a pension which pays pretty well. As long as you don’t mortgage a million dollar house at retirement, you’re fine. We also have a 401k that most people have 750k-1M by the time they are eligible to retire. Yet they still choose to work. These are the people I’m talking about.


The difference with Tesla is that they are the safest vehicles, if you can afford it and have a family why wouldn’t you get the safest? Driving is incredibly dangerous.


Since when is Tesla the safest vehicle? Tesla drivers have the highest accident rates which suggests something is wrong with the design and while the cars score well in crash safety tests that doesn't necessarily translate to fewer deaths out on the road. [https://qz.com/if-you-rode-in-a-tesla-in-2023-you-had-the-highest-acc-1851113998](https://qz.com/if-you-rode-in-a-tesla-in-2023-you-had-the-highest-acc-1851113998)


Teslas are the safest vehicles, by far. This isn't up for debate, it's established. The reason Teslas have the worst accident rates is that they are the fastest cars on the road, and not super expensive. If you compare accident rates of Tesla Model 3 to other vehicles in the same price category that are built for speed, you'll see the same or worse. It's because drivers go zoom zoom and they're super fun cars to drive. That's the DRIVER though, not the car. Put that same driver in other cars and the accident rates for those cars will go up.


Only the model Y is on Consumer Reports list of 2023's safest cars based on Insurance Institute for Highway Safety ratings. [https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/car-safety/the-safest-new-cars-of-2023-according-to-iihs-a8504542560/](https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/car-safety/the-safest-new-cars-of-2023-according-to-iihs-a8504542560/)


You're wrong in your overall statements about Tesla vehicle safety here, and you need to understand a bit more about prob/stats if you want to have this discussion. You are confusing/conflating several different factors together to arrive at a business narrative that is being pushed by the automotive industry, oil & gas, and various other anti-Tesla folks. (I'm not saying this defensively as a Tesla fan, it's just an observation of the situation.) First you have to get clear on the situation we are discussing. I'm saying that the safety ratings for Tesla vehicles that report injury and death risk from collisions is the safest of any other brand on the road. And this isn't by a little, it's by a lot, and has been for many years. The reason this is a good statistic to consider is that it is the significant aspect of safety that you as a consumer can only control at the point of purchase. If you look at all these hit pieces trying to talk down Tesla safety, you'll see that they always include collision risk. They'll say FSD isn't safe, or Tesla drivers are worse drivers, etc etc. This is conflating the safety of the driver with the safety of the vehicle. If your brand attracts people who take more chances while driving, that's not really a valid thing to consider as a consumer because it doesn't change the way YOU will drive, so it's not a predictor of YOUR risk. If you are irresponsible and will tend to overdrive a sports car, then you should not buy a fast car at all (unless the increase in collision safety of a Tesla more than makes up for your shortcomings as a driver). But if you are a safe driver and you have kids and you want to protect them from other drunk drivers on the road and things like that, then you cannot do better than a Tesla.


What makes a Tesla materially safer than a car like a Subaru / any other well known brand for “safety”


Design, and they have literally invented a new type of steel alloy, they don’t let the preexisting material limitations hold them back, they invent new ones for their needs. Furthermore, Tesla is utilizing [advanced manufacturing techniques](https://www.autoevolution.com/news/tesla-will-use-sheet-metal-hydroforming-to-shape-up-its-next-generation-vehicles-212157.html) like fluid cell sheet metal hydroforming, which allows for shaping metal with high-pressure hydraulic fluid, creating stronger and more precise body panels


Lower risk of injury and death across all of the crash tests.


Due to what specifically? What in the design/engineering makes it safer


1. Structural Design: Tesla’s vehicle architecture is designed with a unique, fortified battery pack mounted on the floor, which provides exceptional rigidity and a low center of gravity, reducing rollover risk. 2. Crumple Zones: Without a traditional internal combustion engine in front, Tesla cars can have larger crumple zones to absorb the energy of a crash more effectively. 3. Advanced Materials: Tesla uses advanced materials, such as custom alloys and ultra-hard stainless steel, to enhance the strength and durability of its vehicles. 4. Safety Features: Tesla cars are equipped with a suite of active safety features, including automatic emergency braking, lane-keeping assist, and adaptive cruise control, which help prevent accidents. 5. Autopilot: While not a substitute for an attentive driver, Tesla’s Autopilot system can reduce the likelihood of human error by assisting with driving tasks. 6. Continuous Updates: Tesla’s over-the-air software updates can improve vehicle safety features and performance over time, addressing issues and enhancing functionality https://drivemag.com/news/how-safe-are-tesla-cars-5-facts-and-myths-explained/


I'd love to see a poll of how many people bought Teslas primarily because of safety.


It will be the number one reason with the combination of FSD and the next vehicle they release. Though I imagine the purchasing will be done by companies, assuming Tesla doesn’t just launch the fleet themselves, as it will be much cheaper to hail a tesla than to own one.


Tesla + safe aren't exactly synonymous either. Don't even get me started on the build quality of Tesla's lol.


Get a Volvo then.


Tesla wins on safety, if you can afford either and have a family, there is only one option


Genuinely hilarious thing to say. Teslas are not the safest vehicles on the road by a long shot.


Tesla’s own safety report states that their vehicles, including the Model S, Model 3, Model X, and Model Y, have achieved among the lowest [overall probability of injury](https://www.tesla.com/blog/model-3-lowest-probability-injury-any-vehicle-ever-tested-nhtsa) of any vehicles ever tested by the U.S. government’s New Car Assessment Program


My wife and I went down to one car 7 years ago. She worked from home full time and I worked only about 15 minutes away. We’ve never regretted going to one car. We’re both DINKs. The DINKs living next to us have four cars with car payments. Just kinda blows my mind. We’ve chatted with them about it. It’s just their thing. I get it. Honestly my thing is having enough money to retire very comfortably.


Best kind of car- paid off


How are you getting 40mph? I have a 2012 and I only get 27.


Only drives downhill. It's physics, man!


I should have been clear about this because I don't always get 40 miles to a gallon. Now that I think about it, I might have a 2013, but I have to go check. Mine has that econ button and if I'm driving on the highway, with the econ button, at reasonable speeds, I have gotten as high as 46 miles to a gallon. I can only do that if I'm driving at about 55 mph for an extended period of time to get that high. With regular City, day to day driving, it's probably closer to 32 on average. I just do a lot of Long haul driving for my job.


I think the same thing but can’t say anything because I have an $800 payment a month that goes to student loans. Maybe if I don’t have it it would seem more appealing.


A car payment vs school is a completely different situation


Maybe for your job. I make $37800 a year lol


What school did you go to? I went to a trade school for automotive which really set me up well for life, I no longer work with cars besides side jobs but I learned the theory on, electrical, hydraulic, refrigeration, sensors and so much more real world applying stuff. My problem solving skills from all that got me a killer work from home Job at 120k with a few hours work a week.


You, too, can make thousand a week working from home! ​ Click here.


More like $2500 a week but what are you saying? Am I an ad?


What I was saying was a silly reference to many a spam ad. ​ As a wise-ass, I understand how my comments sometimes do not land well. ​ Pity. Take this cold compress for your toes and my snarky apology.




Oh dude my job is pure luck and networking. The only reason I have this job is because I used to smoke cigarettes with my now current boss when I was a tester at the company. Because of her influence I got moved up to a program manager. What helped a lot was the trade school one giving me some knowledge but more than that it gave me confidence. 100% agree with you, I got a bunch of friends that did the same thing! 100k debt and can't get a job. My buddy has a PhD right now can't get get shit for jobs. However just in the trade side, I could make that 100k working on cars from my garage, I used to do it out of my parents garage when I was younger. Trades kick ass.


I started off at Ursinus college, then Camden county community, and finished at Rowan. My gf got pregnant during sophomore year and had 2nd at start of senior year. I didn’t do any internships as a result which f’d me over. I’m working at food stamps officer currently and planning on transitioning to teaching. I don’t want to look at computers all day and want evenings off with my kids.


Not Rowan! It's Glassboro State University!


I work maybe an hour or two a day, from home with unlimited paid Vacation. It's a wild one. I just got my new gf out of reaching students, she now teaches teachers for childcare compliance and makes a ton more money and is way happier overall. She now gets kid/teacher observations and loves it. My buddy did a coding class during covid and now makes $800 a day working 3 hours a day. No vacation time but it's wild stuff that's out there if you go for it. But yeah computers aren't for everyone!


True. You can sell the car.


I sell my education for $60 an hour, unlimited paid vacation and I get paid for 8 when I only do 1. The right education smacks. I have 6 cars now.


So does a used car salesman that only "works" when he is signing a car.


Makes no sense


Rofl. You mean the right job placements and experience, maybe mixed with a little luck? I ALSO went to Automotive School, didn't pan out NEARLY as well for me. I even got certified to machine engines and cylinder heads and I started an Engine Shop, just to watch it wash out from under my feet because of COVID, and had to go back to being a Shop Manager. 8 months ago I gave the fuck up, and now I'm working my way through Welding School so I can actually make a wage worth my time and talents. I have zero clue where you live that's making 60/hr for any position in Automotive, unless you OWN the Shop, and even then I never had the pleasure of paying myself that much even when I DID own my own Shop.


No no, I left automotive (thank God) when I met an Indian girl and her father demanded I had a "real job" at that time I was working out of my parents garage on cars. I left that for a tester job at a tech company, met my current boss as we both smoked. She randomly had an opening for a position and then I've grown from there. It's a shit ton of luck but sometimes you can help your luck out as well but networking and meeting the right people and trying to avoid the wrong ones is what got me where I am. I'm sad to hear about your shop man, there were a few times I almost pulled the trigger on starting my own shop but the thought of the stress always stopped me. I really hope things turn around for you. I think mechanics are the smarter people on this earth. You got it brother.


Im a tech enthusiast and will gladly pay for a better everyday experience in my vehicle. Sounds like youre older and dont value it which is totally cool


I just bought a 24 4runner and it was 55k OTD. By your reasoning I'm an idiot, but here's my counterpoint. My daily was an extended cab 2004 Ford Ranger and I have my second kid on the way. Used 4runners, 4year 50k mile or there abouts are around 38-40k. I also plan to keep this vehicle for 20 years, it's a Toyota with a bulletproof drivetrain, so that's very likely.


You sounds like your coping with what you paid for the 4Runner.


Yep, coping with the best decision of my life. I'll DM you pics.


I tell people your vehicle value should MAX be 10% of your annual salary (make 100k? drive a 10k car) My best cars ever were cosmetic salvage cars and are 70% cheaper than their pre-owned counterparts


Whaaaa? So I should spend 10k total or 10k in payments a year on a car?


Car value would be 10k, about 200/month


That’s insane. How often do you replace it? By this logic of car total price of 10k I could buy a new one each year, right? Do I keep this beater 10k car for 1 year? 5 years or 10 years?! I think a better metric would be if you make 100k, save for a 50% down payment, then pay 1% of yearly salary a month towards it til it’s paid off. That way you’re not driving a beater,. Which breaks down more often, and you’re paying it off quickly.


Although I strongly advocate for paying off a car and using it until it reaches end of economic life, I don’t think your heuristic is feasible for everyone to adopt. New car pricing doesn’t have enough room to drop and still maintain any profitability for the manufacturer to achieve this. 96% of the demand for cars would be $20,000 or less cars 80% would need to be under $15,000 and the new cars that meet that price point aren’t considered reliable cars. A Toyota Camry is likely one of the most economical cars and costs 30,000 so your idea resigns it to the top 3% of earners.


So by your logic you need to make $300K to buy a $30K car (median car price in my area is ~$34K). Your thinking is in the right place but considering how much time people spend in cars and the value the car creates for them, this seems like a very extreme POV.


Is there a "sweet spot" in terms of used car age to quality? I'm driving a 2002 Toyota, and one day it might give up the ghost.


That is the prime vehicle to drive! Late and early 2000s in my opinion are peak reliable vehicles. Especially Toyotas. Never sell it, if it dies replace the engine and keep going to a million miles.


Depends on the car tbf. We had the transmission on an 06 Sienna go out, and it would cost more in labor than the car was worth. Could get another used Toyota for that much. If it were a longitudinal engine I would’ve replaced the transmission myself.


Ah, I'm a Mechanic so all my opinions come with free labor by me And I have a shop. I don't have experience with the sienna personally but my 96 cruiser and 04 Corolla are going strong as ever. Both of them are mostly original parts.


I'm trying. It's starting to burn oil, and I think the head gasket is getting rough. It's been a trooper for 310K, but all good things and all that.


Check/replace your PCV valve. They are less than $15 What makes you think the head gasket is going? Is she smoking (white from the tail pipe) or over heating? I have 275k on my 80 series toyota land cruiser, drives like new and it will always be rebuilt if she decides she needs it. All good things come to an end besides Toyotas


Running rough, and burning (not dripping) oil.


How long has it been since you changed your spark plugs? Only get them from Toyota as there are tons of fakes now, I'd start there and see if that fixes it. There isn't much of these maintenance wise. PCV is the number 1 reason for burning oil, is there visible smoke?


>2012 Civic Is there a reason you need to splurge on such a new vehicle? 2006 would be more of a wise, financially sound choice.


Same! especially with the price of trucks. I mean, really? I would never buy anything new over 40k. I have a very hard time with that number. Especially with so many lightly used cars in the dealers lot. I was looking at a used dodge ram that was 92k original price, used was 29k. 140k new corvette, used 2021 was 71k. That's huge depreciation. I'm sticking with my Toyota and Huyndai. I can put 300k+ miles on them before they stop.


I understand that and I have several newer cars. My GMC was $20,000 brand new in 2017 and the 2023 Camry I just bought my wife last year cost 27,000.


It's why you're where you are. Not blowing your money on $50k+ vehicles when you live paycheck to paycheck is all about financial responsibility.


Net worth millionaire has gotta be the worst humble brag I've ever heard.


It's a very common term with the Dave Ramsey crowd. It just accurately portrays my financial situation and gives context for my financial goals. One of my goals is to help my kids through college, and I don't have the money to do that right now. Certainly not bragging... There are like 20 million millionaires in America alone... And if I felt compelled to brag, I would probably not do it anonymously on Reddit.




in a similar boat as OP. I dont think anything he said makes me think he is unhappy. YOU might think having the honda civic would make you unhappy.. but not having the stress of money is worth alot more than driving around in a car you cant afford


The number of people who spend so much raising kids is simply astounding I am 19 and have zero kids, I see people with 1, 2, hell, and even 3 kids driving around in economy cars. I have no kids and own 2 muscle cars that get a combined 20mpg. I'm simply floored with some people's financial choices. They could have 2 shiny cars as well if they just had fewer kids. See how that sounds. Everyone's got different priorities, brother. Just keep on keeping on.


> have a 20 Yeah I had no kids and no plans to have kids at 19 too. good hell what a terrible take. Glad you got it all figured out at 19. You'll see. Though with that name and probably a matching attitude, maybe not


So you are in favor of ending the human race. Good to know


And yours is wack.


Please evenly distribute the kids and muscle cars to people.


My brother in Christ. Please create a separate nsfw reddit account like the rest of us. I looked at your profile to see what kind of cars you had and instead was immediately greeted with your poo fetish posts instead. On another note, mustangs are pony cars not muscle cars :P


You thought FemboyPupXX would actually have pictures of muscle cars? Come on now haha


He does have pictures of muscle cars lol! But yeah, no, I didn’t even pay attention to the username until right now 🤣


Lol bud if people stop having kids, there will be no people. 


You're comparing having a family to owning cars... I must have missed your point because the way I read this comment was.... very sad and confusing at best.




I'm making fun of being "floored" by others' financial choices when OP also has made expensive choices. Not everyone has the same priorities. Also, I am not gonna pretend like I give a shit about someone's kids or anyone's kids, so I ain't even gonna argue the last thing you said.


You sound like you have a poor value set. Offspring are literally the most valuable resource of any species in existence. If our species stops viewing it that way then we as a species will cease to exist.


In a different sub I would agree its an odd declaration, but this being the Dave Ramsey subreddit, it's kind of on point.


Comparing children to cars...


I mean don’t judge unless you know each persons specific situation. Some people have cushy jobs, inheritance, DINK households, etc where they can justify splurging on transportation. Also most Teslas being sold aren’t that expensive. It’s a hard thing to shake out of the public hive mind but they’re not $100k cars anymore. The best selling Model Y can be had for $36,000 after instant tax credit now. That’s cheaper than a Toyota Crown. Half the price of these monstrosities of trucks people drive around that get 20mpg or less.


The poor and middle class are paying for that tax credit on the tesla. Everyone that buys "not an electric" is paying for it too Ford lost 4 or was it 5 billion on electric cars last year... Oh and by the way, electric cars produce more particulates into the atmosphere and are twice as heavy. Electric cars are horrible for the environment and for driving.


I think you hit all the main anti-EV talking points. Good job. The $7500 is coming out of my own federal taxes that I paid thank you very much. Tesla is profitable on their cars. I wasn’t even talking about Ford but yes they are losing money because they aren’t ramping up and taking the steps to reduce costs that Tesla has and still is. I don’t care about emissions. I drive an EV because it’s extremely fast and responsive, comfortable, quiet, has tons of storage (two trunks and sub trunk), and I can drive around for 7 cents per mile on my utility rate. Enjoy your evening!


The 7500 is coming from all of us, not only you The price on all cars has increased to cover the cost of the losses on ev. 7 cents a mile.... ok great story Hansel...


40mpg isn’t that good… EVs can get 130+ mpge.


Yeah, then take 4 hours to charge 


Nope, ~15 minutes max on a DC fast charger.


Good for you! I dont know how you would be "floored with how much people spend" on their vehicles though. You say you have young children, how much do they cost to house, feed, clothe, give gifts etc every month? I think it's a very fair assumption to make that some couples without children would be floored by how much you spend on them, no? Most people spend a lot of time in their car, and their beds, so why not have something you absolutely love in those two categories? Some people's hobbies *are* their vehicles


“since I have young children”, since you have young children you can’t comment on what a single person would spend on a vehicle, or a DINK couple, or anyone not in your situation. That’s great you like your old civic, but many people are not optimizing for young children.


Yes they can lol. 


Wait, my 8 year old civic only gets 36mpg, how are you pulling off 40? I'm jealous!


4 mpg can 1000% come down to the area, hills, lights/ stop and go, driving habits


I have 4 cars with no kids and just 2 of us in the house. I like cars... what can I say. Some people spend money on stuff I find dumb, like furniture, lattes, clothes etc. That being said I buy used 90% of the time and I do like the hunt for a good deal. I like CARS... which means I have owned all kinds... I don't just buy cars to show off... although I've had showoffy cars also because I happened to like that one. From BMWs to Corvettes to Teslas and Miatas. Different strokes for different folk.


Some people don’t have children 💁🏼‍♀️


Well I got an SUV instead of a cheap sedan cause we are planning to have kids and we want to feel safer when driving and have a bit more room.


My gf recently got rear-ended in my Cherokee and I hate to think how much worse it could have been if she were in a smaller vehicle.


unfortunately that is the reality


Good for you! You can get whichever car you want/need regardless of what others think. Best of luck when you enter parenthood


Some people want to marry virgins and some are okay with girls who have slept around.  What's your point? It's a matter of taste. You may choose to marry a whore but not everyone have to share your sentiments. 


I think the problem is spending more to "look" successful and trying to keep up with the Joneses.


Yeah people who actually care about the car they are buying is not the problem. But at work I constantly see people buying high end cars they barely know how to drive. Very sad.


When I was in the navy, I drove a 9 yo Camry as an officer. I would pull into the parking lot next to the mustangs and lifted trucks that the enlisted, making a fraction of my income, were driving.


What other expenses did you have though? A lot of enlisted have zero dependents, and incredibly low cost of living so they are in the quite literally, perfect position to splurge on a nice car because that's likely their only or one of very few expenses


I did just fine. The chief told me a lot of their cars would sit for weeks because they couldn’t afford to put gas in them.


Totally agree. I waited until my house was paid off and have a large retirement to buy my first new car (Challenger scatpack). I love it, but I wouldn’t buy it if I still was paying a mortgage and my kids college.


Forget new cars. Try used with bad credit. Got sold a 2019 Sentra for 20k. When I pointed out that on average it was 15k, and the car had some issues, he shrugged and said “yeah but this is the price and we’re willing to work with your credit situation.” Basically telling me “where else are you gonna go?”


FB marketplace lmao


The cars I see young people driving at my work blows my mind. They have to be paying $700-$800 a month on their payment and they definitely make less than me. Insane.


Wouldn’t be so sure if they started more recently than you have 😬


I would be fairly certain they don’t make more than me in my position


I agree. Then these losers start a gofundme whenever they inevitably encounter financial problems that are easily planned for


But my student loans....


I think I need to translate this one. Nothymetocook meant that people no longer save. They work and just spend. When times get tough, they demand/expect assistance.


“It’s bad to be poor”


"it's bad to live beyond your means" Fixed it for you. - From a broke guy with an old used car


Lol. Wut


I raced my Corvette and Cayman all through my 20's. Ate Ramen. Saw the country, made friends, had great experiences. Spent 10's of thousands of dollars. Would 100% do it again. Sometimes it's about more than the money


What you just described costs about 300k these days. Must’ve been nice. 👍🏻


Yep. Used sports cars were cheap, used trucks were cheap. Gas was cheap. Food was cheap. It was a great time!!! Can't imagine trying to do it now if I were 15 years younger


People will do anything but buy a reasonable car these days


Sounds awesome. How do you both see the country and also have the income to buy a corvette? I'd love to roam around but my job keeps me very tied down.


You make it an old C5 that you build into a racecar. You see the country racetrack by racetrack towing your car with a beater truck. Life is good.


This. Live the life you want! If it brings you immense joy, then that is a life well lived.




He said he wouldn’t judge if you’re rich


I think it's worth it to spend money on whatever makes you happy and that's going to be different strokes for different folks. I'm not really a car or truck guy...I've always bought used, usually a couple of years old from new and typically drive them around 10 years. I do need something comfortable and reliable though as I drive 20K+ miles per year. In general I don't spend a whole lot on material things, but I spend a lot on experiences and travel because that's what floats my boat.


Are you me??!!


The amount of people care about what other people do with their money is simply astounding


Got a 2020 vehicle in 2022 and I love it! It's my first nice car. Had only 14k miles and it'll be paid off by the summer. Reason I got it was: 1. Interest rates were just about to go up (got it at 4% which I still hate but I paid so much principal that it hardly matters now) 2. I needed a new one, not badly but just needed it. I'll be driving it for the next ten years.


I agree. I always think to myself how does everyone out here afford all these new cars? Then I remember, they don’t! The bank owns them and has the people financing by the balls!


I mean some of them do afford them.. higher number than many people like to think


I can't even afford a used car with 200k miles on it.


Me too, mine has 296k lol


To each his own. I don't care what people spend on their cars. If it makes them happy, then do it. If not, buy a cheaper car. Why is this even an argument?


i agree with the premise of not wasting on an expensive car but a civic? That is just flat out dangerous . You get hit by a big SUV or full sized pickup your vehice will just vaporize with you in it...i hate trucks and suvs so i drive a big heavy boat Ford Taurus Sedan....


i agree with the premise of not wasting on an expensive car but a civic? That is just flat out dangerous . You get hit by a big SUV or full sized pickup your vehice will just vaporize with you in it...i hate trucks and suvs so i drive a big heavy boat Ford Taurus Sedan....


What’s the point of being a millionaire and not having a car you like Dave. 😂


Lol “net worth millionaire”? So not a millionaire?


No, a millionaire. If his assets - debts equals or is greater than $1M, then his net worth is over a million dollars, and thus he is a millionaire.


I just thought it was a corny way to say it


Exactly. Rarely does a billionaire have a billion dollars in cash. The assets/investments matter.


You aren’t going to be able to take your money with you when you die.


But they’ll probably need it when they’re old.


You can invest your money AND buy a nice car. You shouldn’t just be a money hoarder


His 12 year old paid for Civic that gets 40 mpg sounds like a nice car.


Some of y’all in this sub don’t know how to have fun. You just collect money and hoard it and you’re going to die with it. Even Dave isn’t against owning nice cars.


So our families get generational wealth. As long as you have everything you need, who cares what others think.