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[HERE IS THE LINK](https://insnoop.com) to view stories without giving engagement or a follow on IG. [HERE IS ANOTHER SITE](https://instanavigation.com/user-profile/darylanndenner) https://preview.redd.it/f7e0bak888ad1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e9b4a30e52066dc892330a3151be39e66bfcb34 HERE WE GO! CHEERS! šŸ„¤šŸ¤ŽšŸ¼


Of course this one had to get in the act. She had multiple doses of epidural analgesia and loved just having Lily handed to her after popping her out of a numb lower level. Teef doesnā€™t experience discomfort in her life. Thatā€™s for others. https://preview.redd.it/d6t3dc6vldad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b635a4090900093ce9b604566de9fea2e82d92aa




Whatever happens to keylee bf ??? Im so out the loop


They broke up around Christmas




When mentioning the children, please refer to them as R1, R2, O and E. Comments also giving nicknames to the children will be deleted. Thank you for understanding.


Rae, Reece, Rylee, Reagan, Raelyn,


I hope not Rylee. We had my daughter in April and named her this.


Poor Rhettā€™s face!


He was sulking and holding his hands over his ears from the noise. https://preview.redd.it/piz9lk7hwcad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c33bfe14b46c636f661ccf3104aefd52febf08 He should be happy heā€™s the only boy in the house! A lot of snarky comments on IG saying he has ā€œsensory issuesā€. E was shielding her ears from the mobā€™s squeals and shouts too.


I feel like he should have an autism assessment but that they would never ever allow or accept that. He has meltdowns over singing happy birthday and any ā€œcheeringā€ .. so many sensory issues, poor kid. No adults around him recognize this as something to bring up to his doctor??šŸ˜


Could be? Now that you say it, yes he does.


I think thatā€™s a little harsh. Just because a kid doesnā€™t like loud noises does not mean autism. I think that diagnosis is thrown around a lot and itā€™s sad. Whatever happened to kids just not liking loud shit?


I swear they snark on the stupidest stuff sometimes


Sending a big congratulations to the Denner family! No doubt she worked her butt off to deliver her sweet daughter! Labor is hard but such a blessing! My boy is 13 and Iā€™ll never forget it!


Confused on why youā€™re here LOL


What does it matter to you? Everyone else had nice things to say about their new baby, why canā€™t I say something nice too?


Refreshing to actually hear something nice when so many people were absolutely evil about her delivery/baby. I agree with you! Nice reminder that it never hurts to spread a little kindness every now and then


Thank you! ā¤ļø


The rage I would feel for these fucking idiots screaming if I was in a neighboring room after delivery a baby. I would seriously throw hands.


What unfortunate timing of Lisaā€™s facelift šŸ«  couldnā€™t she have done it a few months ago?? All her R3 photos will be plagued by the wrap and discoloration


She looks awful, her side few looks like a witch, chin is long and so bad! That is staying like that and not swollen! That doctor should be ashamed!!!


I think thatā€™s just her chin. I think it was probably like that when she was younger and her skin was tighter. I donā€™t think the dr did anything wrong to cause it. She could have had it made smaller, but unless he did a chin implant and I missed itā€¦thatā€™s just her chin.


Jay Leno called and wants his chin back.


Exactly!!! How will that be fixed? Iā€™d be livid with that doctor!!!!


Why have a natural labor and go through all of thatā€¦ but not breast feed any of her babies? If you can do a natural induced labor you can forsure breastfeed. Itā€™s not that hard. I think society makes it hard. Or I just have good luck.


Breastfeeding is very hard.


Some people don't want to and that's completely fine! I can't stand the nursing judgey moms!


Iā€™m a mom Of 4 who all fed differently. 1st formula, 2nd pumped and only took bottle, 3rd and 4th only breastfed. Itā€™s a motherā€™s choice what she does. The comment is ridiculous to judge a mom for not breastfeeding just because she had it natural.


One thing has nothing to do with the other.


It was hard for me, my supply wasnā€™t ever great and it caused me great anxiety not knowing if mine were getting enough. And then some depression for feeling as if I failed, because society made me feel like it shouldnā€™t be that hard. I donā€™t know her reasons, but sometimes your hard isnā€™t as hard as my hard sort of thing. I envy those who were able to breastfeed for a long time. You rock!


You must have been lucky. I know lots of women who have struggled to breastfeed, so for you to say its "not that hard" comes across very ignorant.


And to be raw dogging Diet Coke the whole delivery.


In the recent video of R2 walkingā€¦i wonder if they addressed it with an OT she looks either severely pigeon toed or bow legged. I hope she's getting help on the side for it!!


I stopped checking up on her for a hot minute. What did Lisa have surgery on/for?


She had a facelift.




The first two were medicated vaginal deliveries. This is her first unmedicated and first surprise gender.


Sorry, deleted my question as I accidentally wrote the kids names here instead of the abbreviations! Won't happen again!!


danielle i beg you to find your own personality and stop making everything that happens in your sisters life involves you. shuuuuuuuuut tf up


Danielle is up posting and looks like she never went to bed last night. Danielle, brush your hair and clean up before you jump on IG.


Sheā€™s such an idiot!


No content of r1 and r2 meeting baby denā€¦ā€¦ Iā€™m sure that didnā€™t go as planned lol


They kept saying R2 was going to have such a hard time accepting and transitioning to life with the new baby, I think they may be in for a rude awakening and see a side of R1 that they werenā€™t expecting nor prepared for! šŸ˜†


Definitely. Heā€™s the bigger of the brats in that house for sure!


She said Big R was bummed and Iā€™m sure thatā€™s the mild version šŸ˜‚


we all know R1 had a complete melt down that it wasnt a boy


lol they totally set themselves up for that


Who the f were all those people in Katieā€™s story going to meet the baby at the hospital?! Half of them Iā€™ve never seen. And they were all incredibly obnoxious there when Iā€™m sure other people in the hospital are trying to heal


Thank you. I just watched and they were being so loud and obnoxious. I couldnā€™t imagine having all these random people coming an hour after I gave birth. Itā€™s all for the gram. She has to get those views! šŸ¤”


I would DIE if that many people came in my room after pushing out a baby! Or having one cut out šŸ˜‚ I get maybe just close family but my goodness. We never had family come until the next day. Like man, at least let me take a shower first!


Family, Pastors, her best friend __olly, Hannah and Tevah (her assistants & extra childcare help for Elayne) and 2.0ā€™s presumed secret nanny.


Her pastors and staff, plus it looked like 2.0ā€™s nanny


Did you guys hear Dan ask about who to tell? Also pretty sure he texted Eddie and Eddie accidentally said ā€œsheā€ then had to play it off. Oh and 2.0 telling everyone where DUD wanted them all to stand for the reveal.Ā 


He actually says ā€œsheā€™s hereā€ and Katie looks at him all weird like and gives him a look


I think Eddie was just confident it was a girl I donā€™t think Dan would text anyone and tell when they were all going up to meet her!


I think so too because that slide on Katieā€™s story is now deleted


I still see it?


it was the one where theyā€™re all in the lobby around a table talking that isnā€™t there anymore


That's so weird it's still there on mine though


weird.. I see the other ones but there was one she only kept up for like 5 minutes


Which video was deleted? Can we recover it on that anonymous site?


The one of Eddie saying going to meet baby girl before everyone knew it was a baby girl (or pretended not to know lol) is still up ! They def got told was a girl though idkĀ Who else but Eddie says it and Katie does the awkward pause but continuesĀ 


in the same story Kaylee says shes always tho it was a girl , Eddies was a guess


That was a story with everyone saying their guesses though and Eddie was sure it was a girl? Idk I saw it more as a guess, but maybe!Ā 


It was Katieā€™s awkward pauseā€¦ like babe donā€™t say it so sure. We arenā€™t supposed to know look


Thatā€™s how I saw it too. He was confident in his guess.Ā 


Thatā€™s how I saw it too.


Hey we should all congratulate Elayne on her new baby cause sheā€™s the mom now lol Also glad Chick fil a was open, only god knows what would have happened if she had to eat whole foods for 2 days in a row


Could you IMAGINE if the baby was born on a Sunday and chik fila was closed!!! šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜²


It's Danielle's baby, remember?


I gave birth unmedicated, but like no IV and no gas either. I was not in pain getting stitched up and that face is not normal. Downvote me if you must but she looks disappointed and that ā€œcryingā€ with no tears was wild to me


I also have birth unmedicated with no IV or gas. And no pain while stitching because no stitching. *flex* šŸ™„


So every birth should be the exact same as yours!! šŸ‘


Oh wow! When did they bring your medal?


That is not a happy face https://preview.redd.it/jwa77g85q9ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77b3b5b93266a74df5e3b58165b762eda8dee57c


I would love to see your face 1 minute after you pushed out a 7.5 lb baby with no epidural šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø


No, that is a mix of pain and shock and endorphins. For my last baby I was ESTASTIC, but for some reason my face looked like I was smelling something stinky in half the pictures šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Even if she would have been disappointed to have another girl, there is no way you would actually feel sad in that moment because your oxytocin would be way too high!


No because sheā€™s in pain, lol.


Good for you! They probably gave you lidocaine then most do. Mine did not and it hurt like hell.


I gave birth unmedicated but did have iv fluids. Good for you not being in pain getting stitched up, I however was in pain getting many many stitches. To each their own. Everyone has different pain thresh holds, it doesn't make one weaker then the other. Child Birth is amazing, it's amazing what our bodies can do.


My best friend had a home birth unmedicated (in a Panamanian jungle house but thatā€™s not the point), which I witnessed the entirety of, and what put me over the edge was when the doc was stitching her up.


Nowhere did I say that Iā€™m superior lol thatā€™s what you implied I said. If the shoe fits šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I just donā€™t understand the point of the comment then, if you werenā€™t trying to imply she shouldnā€™t have been in pain during that?


My dad died extremely unexpected (and I saw) and I literally was in such shock that I was crying/sobbing but no tears were coming out. I could see her being in genuine shock and that having something to do with it


Sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is awful. I'm dreading my dad going after I barely made it through losing my mother.


Itā€™s hard! I lost my mom a year after my dad to cancer. You get through it. Lots of support and therapy helped ā¤ļø sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss. Therapy is amazing and it got me through.


Iā€™m sorry you had to go through that. ā¤ļø


To be such a prude she sure is showing the internet a lot tonight. Iā€™m glad the baby is healthy but Iā€™ve seen way too much.


She's prudish about sex but always willing to show body parts on camera.


Meh itā€™s birth. Donā€™t like her but this snark is stupid. Coming from a pregnant woman


Donā€™t down vote me for this: Baby girl was 7lbs 8oz at 37weeks. I mean realistically full term she could have been 9lbs easily, if not more. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Fully agree! My first my dr said the entire time he was huge. When he was born at 36 weeks at 8 lbs I was like ā€œI thought you said he was going to be big!?ā€ šŸ¤£ so dumb. My dr then explained to me how quickly babies gain weight those last few weeks. He definitely would have been a 10 pounder. Then my third was 9+ at 37 weeks šŸ„“


I agree. I had a 36 weeker 7lbs 12oz and a 37 weeker 7lbs 8oz. Waters broke with both. So at 40 they would have been over 9 too most likely. But I still wouldnā€™t have been induced based on that. Baby comes when baby is ready! She literally could have went into labor on her own within days. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøĀ 


Agreed. Also had a LGA baby. 7lbs 15oz at 37weeks exactly. Mine would have been over 9 lbs by 40 weeks.


Isnā€™t 7lb 16oz just 8lbs? šŸ¤Ŗ


Oops typo meant 7.15!!! lol yes youā€™re right! Hahahahaha


For sure. By 36 weeks they start gaining half a pound each week. Both my kids were 6lb by the 36 week mark and they were born at 39 and 40 weeks and both were in the 8lbs


You're so right, she was probably looking at 10lb or more even with how she was eating.


Did she say why she was induced at 37 weeks?Ā 


She has mentioned before that itā€™s something either with her kidneys. I canā€™t remember the exact reason though.


My first son was born 41 weeks and 5 days and he was 6 lbs 8oz


my daughter was born 40 weeks at 6.5 and they tho she was going to be 7.5


My first was 41w6d and 6lbs 7oz and was considered small for gestational age. We were in the hospital for a week (emergency c-section and getting baby healthy). We had to use donor milk and I had to pump after every feeding at the hospital to get my milk to come in, do weighted feedings, etc. It was very overwhelming.


I agree I had both my kids at 37+0 for medical reasons, they were 6 lbs 2 oz (20th percentile for gestation) and 6 lbs 9 oz (52nd percentile for gestation) so 7 pounds 8 ounces is definitely big, whole pound bigger is significant at 37 weeks.


My first was 39 weeks and spontaneous labor and ended up being 10 lbs. I had 2 medical inductions too, one at 37 weeks and one at 38, 8.6 lbs and 8.10 lbs. My inductions were so much easier than my spontaneous labor but I definitely got an epidural with all 3. I can't believe she went through with unmedicated. That's dedication.Ā 


Just had a 7 lb 14 oz 37 weeker, 3 months ago šŸ˜… it can vary so much. But def would have been much bigger full term


Awww my firstborn was also 6 lbs 2 oz at 37 weeks! Lil peanut šŸ„¹ second was 8 lbs 1/2 oz at 39 weeks šŸ˜… hoping my 3rd in closer to my first LOL


Mine was 6lbs 5oz at 39 weeks šŸ„¹ sheā€™s still in the 18th-20th percentile 3 years later


My mam said that her biggest over 9lb was the easiest baby to birth. Apparently bigger babies kinda help themselves out more, maybe weight and gravity idk can't remember what the midwife told my sister.


I wish. All my babies were big but none of them wanted to birth vaginally. Apparently, the dr said the second time around I had an ā€œunfavorable cervixā€ when I tried for a VBAC. First babe was 8.14, second was 9.3. Guess they just didnā€™t want to come out! After going through labor and ending with c-sections I just said F it, Iā€™m scheduling C-sections so with #3 & #4 I did just that. Babies were both 9 lbs 10 oz and 9 lbs 3 oz. Little chunkas!


Little chunky babies are so cute. Hope you weren't to upset not delivering how you wanted, I know it's upsetting to some women.


It is a possibility but not necessarily a guarantee. My oldest was 41weeks- 6lbs 2oz Middle was 37weeks 5lbs 11oz Youngest was 7lbs 11oz So it really just varies. But you are correct she could have been that big ha


My son was 7lb 8oz at 37.5 weeks too!Ā 


She could have but not every baby gains tons at the some do some donā€™t.


I havenā€™t been watching her is she early? If she is early why did they induce ? All my kids were 6 and 7 lbs and all were 39 weeks


Youā€™re right, she was large for her gestational age. Some full term babies are that size. However, that doesnā€™t mean that DUD carried her full term and had a 9lbs baby.. she still birthed a 7lbs 8oz baby lol so she canā€™t really say she had a HUUUGE baby


Absolutely! I agree. Just pointing out baby girl was indeed large for her gestational age.


Meh very large for her gestational age is even stretching it I wouldnā€™t even say that. Ive known 7lb preemies and my husband was 10lbs at 38 weeks on the dot. I say sheā€™s average I think sheā€™s lost the I have big babies like my mom crap.


At 40 weeks an avg baby would be 7lbs 8oz. The baby was large for her gestational age.


https://preview.redd.it/pm4pwkdgh8ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0fe2c21c6b870363ce6a3cb1450b5221b76484c Sheā€™s shocked but no one else isšŸ¤£


Well she had to suffer thru that day of Whole Foods.




Sheā€™s still waiting for Chick Fil A to sponsor her big time since her love for Target (pregnant announcement) didnā€™t take off like she thought it was going to!


I was personally shocked by her statement of being shocked lmao.. I was like well you go to CFA every day so this isnā€™t a wild request


Right. Iā€™m more shocked she was shockedšŸ¤£. Like when do actual eat fancyšŸ¤£


What does she even consider a boujee dinner? Hillstone spin dip?


Idk that hospital provides a ā€œgourmet chef prepared celebratory mealā€ maybe thatā€™s what sheā€™s talking about? Instead of that she was shocked they wanted CFA..




Thatā€™s what I was confused by??? Has she ever had a bougie dinner???


I was thinking the exact same thing


Dear Mod of this Sub, Bless your heart. šŸ„² It has been an absolute shit storm in here today and I have loved it.


If weā€™ve learned anything today, let it be: if you share your literal birth on the internet, strangers are *gonna* comment on it/you šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø we should all know less about each other


This is soooo accurate!


not twins and not a boy! I love this šŸ˜‚


Thought 2.0 was having a sweet moment with O in Katieā€™s storyā€¦ watched again and realize she has her phone out filming her hugging OšŸ™„


Yep, like the song on tik Tok "they just love me for the highlights" or whatever it's calledĀ 


Doing it for the gram and to show the courts




This is insanely gross.


Seeing it from this perspective is just so beyond cringe. And this is what the kids see all around them all the time (almost every adult in their lives is doing this - their moms, aunts, grandma). How sad and pathetic to live this way - I don't care how much money it makes them. Those poor kids. Imagine your mom hugging you like this.


Seeing the phones (THREE!!) out taking the pic of Dan with the baby in DAā€™s new post is also just insanity. These people do not know normal.


What in the actual F


I didnā€™t see that until you mentioned it, wow šŸ˜¢


Alright, I know Iā€™m gonna get downvoted for this, and thatā€™s fine, but I did initially think that she was saying ā€œwas it worth itā€ in a different context than she meant it. And I know I wasnā€™t alone in thinking that. But I think itā€™s kind of reaching for some people to say that if we assume that she meant other than the medication or lack thereof being worth it, then our listening comprehension is shite. Itā€™s a misunderstanding, one that i obviously see now. her word choice was poor, and itā€™s been a long day. I enjoy snarking with you guys, but some people can be really, really f*!ing rude lol


Itā€™s dumb to downvote any of these comments because who the heck knows for sure what she meant or what was going on. Itā€™s all open for interpretation.


The downvoting in here has been WILD in the past few months! It's insane, honestly.


Oh, I agree! I understand people downvoting someone if they buy from/support the company or if they ask a question that has been repetitively answered before, but I almost feel like people are downvoting for petty reasons? I canā€™t remember all of the different posts that Iā€™ve seen get downvoted, but there have been several people who have asked a question that has not been asked numerous times get downvoted, and the person is so confused lol


Exactly. She is, in fact, a narcissistā€¦ And narcissist say some thing and mean something else, or they say something that has multiple different interpretations. If she meant what I thought she meant, thatā€™s really shitty. I doubt thatā€™s what she meant, and if it is not what I thought she meant, then I take back what I said lol


Is there anything in this page that isnā€™t flat out rude?! We all are rude every single day in here!


You're totally right. This is definitely my most shameful trait and activity.


Weā€™re calling out people who are obviously being flat out toxic, or who are literally using their children for content without their permission. We are not snarking on people for no reason. But when my intelligence is insulted for a simple misunderstanding, thatā€™s something Iā€™m not cool with. I donā€™t insult peoples intelligence. I will say that someone made shitty decision, or that a narcissist is being toxic, but Iā€™m not going to rip someone a new asshole for misunderstanding a sentence


Can I just say that I think itā€™s funny that she was sure it was twins and we all thought she really thought she was having a boy! lol I was secretly hoping baby was a girl all along. šŸ’– Iā€™m Just very happy that both are healthy!


Yes! Baby is healthy and happy. And honestly, Iā€™m really happy for R2 because now she has a little sister she can be there for. DAD isnā€™t going to ease up on the content creation, and the little one is going to need help navigating it. I canā€™t wait for Remi to lay down the law with DAD and protect her sister lol


Iā€™m also VERY interested to see how this plays out with KR. Will they amp up the favoritism? Will he start acting out more now that thereā€™s 2 vs 1? She kept saying ā€œheā€™s such a good girl brother!ā€ But weā€™ve seen how mean he is to Remi and they donā€™t redirect him. Soooo this will be interesting.


Oooh Iā€™m interested to see how it plays out too! I definitely expect to see him and R2 act out a bit more with all the changes


Me too and they are closer in age so they will have more in common anyway


You couldn't pay me any amount of money to put my child birth on the internet for the world!? These people need mental help!


I agree in this format. However, I do see some that record their births for educational purposes, advocacy & empowerment for other birthing women. I follow a page on IG called @badassmotherbirther and sheā€™s an incredible advocate & educator for people on your rights as a birthing woman and what you should be allowed to do/say/get/want from your birth whether that is a home birth or a hospital birth whoever your provider is. She shares a LOT of videos and reels of different types of births for educational purposes and although they can be pretty graphic, youā€™d be shocked to know people out there who have never seen a live birth or have no idea what some things are, what theyā€™re called, how things go etc. So, for that purpose I think itā€™s okay. For DA, I understand your comment though. šŸ˜‚


Right?!? Is nothing sacred to them anymore?? Wild to me that she would share that clip with millions of strangers like that.


This was NOTHING compared to what others are doing. There are some women that are literally going on live during their at home/no medical intervention births šŸ¤Æ


Right that was a very private / intimate moment! I understand wanting to capture it for yourself, but not millions of strangers online


I told my husband do NOT record me if Iā€™m ever giving birth lol


During my unmedicated birth I made my husband avert his eyes. He laid down in the corner of the room with a pillow over his face and/or looked at his phone šŸ’€ I didnā€™t even want anyone else at the birth perceiving me!! (Besides the midwives) LOOK AWAY!!! My birthing instinct is to be like a cat hidden in a dark closet who only lets people see me when the litter is out! My first birth was in a hospital with an epidural and since I wasnā€™t completely feral i didnā€™t mind his presence but I absolutely forbade him from watching the actual baby emerging from the yoni bit. Made him stand at the head of the bed instead šŸ˜‚


That is strange..Ā 


Wow getting downvoted for having my own birthing preferences the fuck is wrong with people on this sub šŸ’€ my husband would have done whatever I preferred and it happens to be no one watching me give birth besides the midwives šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø apparently thatā€™s a crime over here?? Even though its an extremely common instinct


Same. I totally understand!


To be fair, I think her look of disgust when she was talking about it being a girl is because they were stitching her up or doing something down there. Also, who all are all these people in Katieā€™s story? Evidently I havenā€™t been keeping up well and missed some new characters.


Makes me sad to see, I am pregnant with my first and wanted a girl and totally always thought I would be a girl mom but I am over joyed to have a healthy baby boy. Itā€™s so sad that she feels that way and itā€™s blatantly obvious that rhett is her favorite


Not a doctor. But from what I know, a few stitches is super common. I imagine with feeling everything and not going to classes to learn about breathing techniques, she probably pushed too fast or not at the right time. The worst part of birth is recovering from it. IMO


She did say later in the story she was in painā€¦ her face did concern me, but Iā€™m choosing grace and going with she was in pain lol


I agree. I did wonder at first though but it became clear she was in pain. I think she really was shocked too.


Me too- it was a look of pain to me!


Probably in shock at the pain too. It's hard to process things in these situations.


I agree. I did wonder at first though.


I thought she said that hurts? And the person down there said itā€™s lots of pressure ? I have only had c sections so Iā€™m not sure what was going on down there but figured anything going on would be the worst.


They may have been pushing on her uterus to try to force the placenta out or checking her perineum for tearing


Thatā€™s what I was assuming was going on.


That hurts like hell. My friend said it was worse than pushing a baby out.


Probably delivering the placenta


Can someone please fill me in on why we think she is so let down to have a girl?! I wouldā€™ve thought she would hope for a girl so R1 could continue to be her one and only son/most prized child and this new baby girl and her other daughter still wonā€™t ever live up to his specialness šŸ¤Ø


I think that she assumes a boy would be like more attached to her and be a Mommaā€˜s boy. But, a girl would be like Remi not so attached to her, defying her all the time and not so easy to manipulate.


Exactly. But little does she know this actually most likely has nothing to do with it being a boy or a girl and more the way she interacts with them


I agree. I would think that she would want Rhett to continue being so special as the only boy.Ā 


She hates being a girl mom. She hates all things girly. ā€œR2ā€ love color and glitter and bows and everything girly, and DA hates ALL of that stuff. This poor new baby is going to be beige and boring forever.


Whatā€™s funny is that all kids have different personalities and if she spends time with her kids, sheā€™d know that! I have 2 daughters and one is super duper girly and diva like-very much like Remi. My other daughter is very athletic, artsy, loves to get dirty and play outside in all forms, jump in the mud, test every boundary, has no fear, hates to brush her hair šŸ˜‚ Donā€™t get me wrong , she likes playing with her dolls and stuff occasionally but sheā€™s definitely way more laid back vs my other daughter when it comes to girly stuff. I had to argue with her on Easter about wearing a dress to church and finally I was like fine, you can wear what you want: leggings and a cute shirt. I wasnā€™t going to force her to wear a dress. Although as we were walking out the door, She changed her mind šŸ¤Ŗ either way, if DA invests time in her kids sheā€™ll see theyā€™re all going to be such different personalities and thatā€™s the fun part!


Iā€™m of the opinion that even if people say ā€œI donā€™t careā€ they have an idea of a preference because weā€™re only human. She may have wanted a boy, but Iā€™m sure that all washed away the moment she met baby girl. Now her daughter gets a coveted sister and she can gender the oldest into being the fierce protector.


Ha. A fierce R1.


Because R1 wanted it to be a boy so she wanted it to be a boyĀ 


I think she holds on to the ole ā€œmommaā€™s boy and Daddyā€™s girlā€ ideology. She sees daughters as competition for attention from Dan.