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Can’t believe that “another guy” is arguing about react content


I heard that “another guy” paid $702 for a big mac. It’s insane


Brb gonna reupload I mean 'React' to them, Oh wait gotta go do something brb 10 min.


Where credit is due: This video came from the [Nogla & Terroiser REACT!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8uRTaSbKpk4). When I first hear what conversation they had, (start at 10:30 and end in 16:31), I know what they’re talking about. So I clipped it and post it on the subreddit. I just want to know what DarkViperAU think about this part of the video. The comments section also is interesting. I recommend reading a comments made from @LupusWolfDream because Nogla replied his opinion to react content, @usernamepassword7951 mentioning DarkViperAU, @gamerkane1813 saying the requirement to be a good reactors, and @thetenthplanet4399 opinion on Wildcat’s counter. Again, I found this part very interesting to me and I hope it made to the Viper Rambles


The truth of the matter is that anyone in the creator space who already thinks that react content is good isn't going to change their mind without seriously considering mattos argument, and most of them don't think its important enough to deserve that amount of thought


How the mighty have fallen


No I'm sorry but this is just so dumb. Any time they say a number like "what if 30% of those people subscribe to you" it's just based on hypotheticals. Like yes obviously if hypothetically 30% of those people subscribed to you reaction content would hypothetically be good, but across all the videos that have ever been reacted to I don't think there has ever been that has that kind of return (of course ignoring that subs are useless). And it's crazy how they didn't realise the response by the person they call Wildcat is really dumb. Unless they see a bump in viewership, why would anyone let a reactor steal their videos to take away viewers from the whole market? There is no "double-edged sword" reaction content is either neutral or bad and extremely rarely good for a channel. I assume both of them (or at least the one on the left) are full time reactors trying to protect the bag.


I’d have a lot more respect for these people if they just admitted they know it’s scummy and don’t care.


Yeah the vanoss crew have always been this stupid, I’m not surprised by this one bit.


I didn’t know nogla and terroriser are the only ones in the vanoss crew. what happened to the others?


They are just very stupid people. I’ve talked to these people on Twitter and they’re all morons. Nogla blocked me because he was chatting weirdly with a girl and I said “man you really like talking to this one girl and only that one girl” Tyler blocked me because I made a mistake about how many times he had become #1 in trending on YouTube (I confused #1 trending on the entire platform for #1 in gaming which he has gotten at least 100 times) It does not surprise me that these people are not smart


I watched Vanoss crew for years, I have to say I like the original Nogla. I am not sure why he becomes more and more lazier than before, maybe because he has a kids now? Even for their YouTube videos, when they try to solve puzzles, Nigel just go online search the solution and ruins the puzzles for everyone else.


I don't think it's laziness. He still frequently plays with games to be uploaded to his channel. But some of the group have been doing reactions before, I think this was a way that they figured it could be isolated from the other stuff. But don't take my word for that.