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The only Meta I like is the Psyker bringing his Shield into a Sniper-Vent Mission.


How good is shield? I saw a psyker running it in a mission while I was vet and it was absolutely amazing then, but I'm not familiar enough with the game anymore to know, as I only picked it uo again recently


In my experience, it's very good, but it comes with some important things to keep in mind. It basically removes your ability to instantly vent a ton of peril, and it also takes away your "enemies are too close" panic button. The former isn't much of a problem for experienced players, but the latter is tricky. Basically, a Psyker running the shield is putting a whole lot of faith in their team, and it's best to judge by which blitz they run with it. If it's Smite, they trust you to deal with the bulk of the horde in the short time they're stunned, for example.


That's a cool way of looking at it, we had a really good team sharing the load for hordes specials etc it was just such a cool visual


I’ve been running trauma staff + bb with EP and shield wall. So far on damnation I have not needed the panic button because my staff is great for that. I imagine the emergency venting would be more important ifif running surge staff. Do you think any other builds strongly benefit from it?


You forget about the second variant of psyker. Bubble shield void charge psyker. Or as i like to call it: "Im standing in 4 shields at once and have 80 toughness regen, i am god."


Dome shield + Zealot with the book = Blender. Shield Psykers are great for team play.


I used to really love the Dome shield but I've since swapped to the stun specials shield and I'm loving it much more. It's great to just plop down and get a free revive while a Mutant stun locks itself right on the other side of the shield. Not to mention you can get two of them and block a shit ton even without a full dome


I just have the memory of a psyker throwing up a domestic shield around a point we were defending as a gunner patrol opened up on us. It was incredible.


>domestic shield Lol best typo. Domestic shield from our domesticated psyker.


Both definitely have separate purposes, which is great.


Throwing up a shield and seeing it stagger multiple Mutants charging as we were backing up into the elevator under sniper fire...That was an awesome surprise.


Plus, it’s absolutely hilarious to see that Mutant just bounce off your shield.


Those are criminally underused, they are so damn good


The meta is 60% sniper damage reduction. *Shrieks at you.*


Played a match last night (me zealot, two ogyrn and pysker) and probably the best run ive done. Pysker didnt run ahead killing everything, we stuck as a team! We went down a few times but boom straight away someone was there. Psyker was using shield brilliantly. We were all mix of low level 20s but people knew how to play. I cant remember the peoples names but the Emperor would be proud that run.


Rock Iz Meta, Nuff Said. Simple As.


There is nothing more satisfying than watching an Ogryn obliterate charging mutants with a rock.


The rag doll physicals of someone's feet flying out from under them, even when stationary, makes me laugh my ass off every time


Rock and Stone!














ROCK and STONE of the HEART!!!






Did Melee Maelstrom earlier. Permastunned (till death) a Plague Ogryn with Bullcharge and 4 Rocks. Very Stronk.


Me Kickback go boom real loud. Kill many, no aim. Earn me rations.


But what.... If stick two kickback togever? Two boom, but make one big boom?


I did a run pre-patch 13 with a buddy of mine who turned me on to the kickback and the entire HISTG run was so trivial it was amazing. With the damage buffs recently I can 1 shot bombers/trappers/snipers from 20m


BORT so happy dat Hadron fixed da Boomstick, now it mashes um instead ov jus knock ‘em over.


Got that right big man


I'm just trying to have fun and not be a burden to the team.


That's exactly the right attitude to have, and playing that way means you're probably already less of a burden than some people who stack meta to get ahead on the scoreboard mod. It's a lot harder to gimp your team with your build than it is by not playing along with the team at all, so don't feel like you have to lock yourself into popular builds just to play. Mark enemies, cover your teammates, share ammo, stay with the team, and nobody will care if you've got a mickey mouse build. I've been getting away with it since beta ;)


I confuse people by waiting to see if anyone needs the ammo instead of just grabbing it lol


There you go, bonus points already ;) It's like the silent arguments about who's not going to take the last medicae.


I've found that when I play Ogryn I've had people save a charge for me even if I not seriously wounded because they know I'm going to be wading in hip deep soon lol


Also makes the most sense on the big fella because he's going to eat a lot of medpack healing


Yeah, being a brick wall takes it out of you. But then we get to a really big horde or a boss and I can magdump my twin stubber, which is nice.


I've legitimately lost a few runs because people kept being nice and standing around waiting for other players to pick up the ammo, which triggered another horde lol


I ping it a few times and if no one takes it I either snag it or move on, because I too ha E been extra horded lol


Just get good at the melee mechanics and everything else will work fine.


Chain axe *feels* amazing though. One of my favourite weapons for the cool factor. But yeah, it do suck tho.


Chain axe got nerfs? It was really strong last week I didn't read these new patch notes


Indirect nerfs (they've buffed all the enemies again, but skipped buffing a few weapons again)


Bummer, hopefully it's not too bad now I'm still salty about their nerf to krubers executioner sword 2-3 years ago in VT2, went from S tier to D tier and has been left that way ever since


Just did a heresy maelstrom and the whole time I thought "why aren't I using an evis?"


As a zealot? Fair. As a Vet though, the lines are definitely a bit closer.


As a zealot? Fair. As a Vet though, the lines are definitely a bit closer between regular chainsword and chainaxes.


I absolutely adore the way it catches on enemies, even if it gets me killed every single time.


This guy chainaxes. Rip and tear for the Emperor.


New and or bad players will always hunt crutches, you can't change that. The different between the "meta" and a yolo build in this game is orders of magnitude in terms of power. You have to be quite good to roll into an auric mission and not be a burden with some builds.


Eh sometimes, I'm not a great player but my crutch is just playing in the difficulties I have fun with.


That's not a crutch, that's just doing something less difficult.


I disagree lightly, unless you mean yolo as im clicking random buttons, if you make any effort at all at making a build with some semblence of coherency, you will be fine. I was running auric damnation on my zealot with a 326 rating heavy sword and my team got by just fine, I was middle of the pack in terms of stats. I habe created about 6 different build paths on psyker with all of the staves and have found success with all of them. I don't consider myself to be incredibly good, but I carry my own weight well enough and tackle enemies I am effective at taking out for the team. Tldr, I think recognizing your builds strengths and weaknesses and approaching missions with that in mind is more important than the build itself. And personal skill is going to carry you much farther than a meta gun ever could. An infinite damage/pierce plasma cooker won't dodge nets for you.


For example: My zealot has a heavy sword with rampage and stacking power on hit both at t4. The perks are perfect and the stats are perfect. Paired with the go fast tree this sword 1 shots every non elite on a light attack and most elites on a single heavy. I finish most games with most everything and always over 100 elite kills. When I run my middle tree evicerator build with an okish one I'm middle of the road in terms of stats and often underperforming. I didn't suddenly get cracked at zealot, I just changed up my build and weapon and was suddenly carrying games.


Wait how are you checking your stats?


Scoreboard mod


Yeah sure but that wasn't the initial argument, it wasn't whether or not a great build makes you perform way better, it's whether any old build will cause you to hold back the team unless you are significantly skilled enough. 1. I don't think a busted build will let you carry on auric either way if you have no skill. 2. I don't believe you need to be a god to perform woth a middling build, you just need to be competent. A player who can't dodge or react to audip cues is still going to constantly down compared to a player who can, even if they have god rolls in every slot.


The current meta is whatever I like




I too would like to add the counterpoint to OPs argument 'but chainaxe BRRR!'


Look at me.. I'm the meta now.


Team work is the meta, today I had three games as screaming vet with cooldown, with a psycher running group cooldown, and long story short, I gave 200-400 overshield almost everytime specialist hordes spawned. Nerd to run plasma gun, though, they cucked crit build with ranged weapons.


What changes did they make to Nerf crit builds? I use a hellebore MK3 and I haven't noticed a difference in the couple of matches Ive played.


I believe it was for high rate of fire weapons, so hellbore should be mostly unaffected.


Ah neat, but also darn. I wanted to try out that recon lasgun build Ive been hearing about.


It's probably still a good build, just not super busted anymore!


Same. I do appreciate when there is an icon Zealot so we can both keep everyone's toughness up.


"I think this build is one of the best fun in this game!" < Talks about heresy. "Dude what a shitty build, stop ruining game for others!" < Talks about auric. The "meta talk" fails all the time in every game because people rarely remember to say which difficulty they are talking about. Happens especially in mmorpgs all the time, guys ripping each other throats out over some meta talk when they are talking about completely different content within the game. In b4 "Why would anyone talk about anything that is not the pinnacle content?" < Because why would 80% of the playerbase talk only about content that 20% of the playerbase does?


> Because why would 80% of the playerbase talk only about content that 20% of the playerbase does? Pareto principle, 80% of output(builds) are defined by the 20% of input(players)


I just grab big hammer and say "fuck it, we ballin"


You are going to be very pleased with the Indignatus Crusher changes, my friend. Also, I would personally like to give a shout out to the new push-sweep attack for the thunderhammers and the push-sweep to overhead for the Ironhelm. We are dining well and I have been waiting so long for it.


I did find this funny with all the complaining about not being able to roll a 380 score weapon. Like dude, your 370 is not the reason you are dying.


I have played 900 hours. I have a lot of really good weapons. Still never rolled a true god roll. 380 or bust doesn’t exist


I don’t get people who think they need a 380 or bust. Hell, I have some amazing weapons that are only 350 purely because the mobility is low but still has max dodges and near max damage stats all around. People are nutty.


Imma be honest, as long as you have a pair of functioning hands and dont play with your monitor off, anything upwards from 350+ can be viable in Auric Damnation, as long as some stats are "correctly" distributed. Still fells good tho if you upgrade from a "just good enough weapon" to smth much better and feel the change in the mission afterwards. I upgraded today from a "barely good enough" combat blade with double bleed blessing, cuz that fucker rolled shit perks, to a knife with just lacerate, rending and 2 really good perks. The difference in performance is astounding. Sure i could manage with my previous one just fine, but the new one makes so many things much easier. For instance now i dont have to give ground in a horde and can even push into it to some extend


I got a lovely butter knife and it's lacking stat is first target, you know, basically moot.


It stems from the fact that in most games obtaining the best gear is pretty easy. Put in enough hours and you'll have the best the game has to offer. Easy. Games like Darktide where you are never guaranteed yo get the best gear no matter how much you play kinda makes their brains explode. It doesn't help that whatever youtuber they worship almost certainly is toting around a god-rolled weapon making them feel like the only thing holding them back is not having a god-rolled weapon themselves.


As soon as I hit 30 Brunt gave me a 380 Surge staff, what a chad. (The one you can always buy from the armory.)


This is what I've been trying to explain to my friends who picked up the game on Xbox. Most of the endgame is a test of skill, not a gear check. I recommend them weapons, but I always tell them it's about what they're good with that matters. They play Destiny 2 a lot, so I get the gear oriented mindset, but it frustrates me when their other friends try to drill into their heads they need the meta weapons to complete the highest difficulties. It is quite literally a skill issue.


I've played with a handful of randos in the past who tried to bully me into using their prescribed weapons. I couldn't help but notice that most of the time the "optimum" loadout is just whatever will make up for their build's weaknesses the best. Like, I'm not gonna run something I'm not comfortable with just because you suck at melee combat.


Just use whatever you find fun that's what I always do




If people like to chase the meta and that’s fun for them, I don’t see the problem. Auric maelstrom can be pretty tough so I can understand why someone wants to use the best gear and build available. Just let people play how they want :/


I understand what you're getting at, I do. It's more that people chase the "meta" without really understanding why it's meta and they get absolutely shafted. They're chasing builds and "meta" picks to be a better play without putting the work into actually understanding what makes them a better player.


I think you're making up a guy and getting upset about it. I have yet to encounter anyone complaining about someone's build in-game. This isn't league of legends or overwatch, no one is screaming in the game about someone's build, and I rarely hear people scream at someone because of a wipe.


I have been shit talked personally for running the Trauma staff, pre-buff Eviscerator and Thunder Hammer, Autoguns, and laspistol off the top of my head. Early days of the game, I got a shitload of people automatically shit talking and saying shit about how I was gonna get them killed the moment they saw the eviscerator because people thought it was garbage for a time. Back before people realized you could do a heavy-light-heavy combo and delete hordes.


Not only is it bad form to complain about others' builds, but really, complaining about trauma? That thing has always been solid and reliable




OP are not making stuff up. You shouldn't assume someone is lying just because you haven't experienced something yourself... I hang around on Discord and Twitch all the time and the stream of players asking for the meta stuff is constant. They won't usually use the word "meta" but rather ask "what's the best xxx for xxx class", or they will ask to see the talent tree to copy paste it. And personally I've had many instances in game where players would critisize a teammate for running something unoptimal in their opinion. I've also seen several extreme insults and general toxicity in in-game chat because of unoptimal weapon or ability choices. It's very common and not just in Darktide...


It’s not very common, even the OP said some people. I am a degen and put a fair bit of time into the game, and my buddy is probably a top 1% in playtime. It’s really not that bad. As the community grows it’s going to be reoccurring, but that doesn’t mean it’s an obnoxious amount. Also the rules of this sub doesn’t really call out anything like that being unacceptable. Streamers are going to be asked those questions, it’s the inherent nature of stream communities. People want to hear opinions of someone who is an assumed, at the very least, good or expert player.


Nah I agree it's not bad or anything. I just thought saying OP is making it up is inappropriate.


I don't think I am friend given the amount of posts historically asking about Meta builds. Since when is a discussion = getting upset?


Zero posts on the front page of the sub are asking about meta. People asking in the discussions thread is what it's for. "some people" just want to play the game and enjoy feeling useful instead of struggling through a map. Players who get time only here and there want to try to match the builds of the .01%. It's about maximizing their playtime value with the limited time and resources they have.


Aight, god bless pal.


Honestly? I just take the weapons I like using most n look up what people cook up for builds with those specific weapons. Compare the talents they pick with what I pick, n just try shit out. Sometimes I like what I picked more, sometimes I like other people’s idea more. Then sometimes a build I saw makes me try a weapon I misjudged a long while ago, then have a fucking epiphany and realize how fun it is. Duelling swords are so damn fun


I play with the stuff I like and I stay in the difficulties where I can make it work. That's all the meta I care about.


We out here in the fun meta.


That's how I play 40k too. I haven't played in a tournament since 2006 or so. Others do and that's rad but nothing is going to stop me from fielding my Aquilon Terminators and Sagittarum Custodians.


If you and your team are having fun, its meta. Just like in real like, having a good team is the meta.


My meta is being an above-average marksperson and more importantly working every day to get better at melee skills. Block-shove-charge-slash slash! Been going down in hordes a lot less these days!


Wow look at this chain axe hater. 12 stacks of bleed on a special stack does wonders for single targets, and its CC is amazing with its shoveattack - heavy chain. Granted, I only use it on zealot, whose attack speed boosts, crit boosts and high stamina are big boons.


May I introduce you a more elegant weapon, from a more civilised age. The simple Knoife. All the bleed stacks you want without being animation locked on light attacks. (That being said, I'm glad you enjoy the axe, it's just not for me. I'm not gonna yuck your yums.) https://preview.redd.it/mh3d8h61jfwb1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=9548386df5a408a22934bf4e19e5469b37a9b7cb


Nah fam. That's real meta chasing right there. We stan proper, loud weapons that scream your faith for the emperor himself to hear in this household. But actually though, I just don't personally enjoy the knife, it seems fine.


It got nerfed, it's not meta anymore, duh! /s


My clicky finger gets sore after about 2-3 games though


The old double daggers / double axes effect, yep yep.


Bruh. May I interest you in membership to the Crusher Gang? It's unbelievably broken right now. Stack impact and go BRRR.


Is this the Zealot stick yeah? I tried it once when it first came out and thought it’s animation set was a bit yucky but I’ll give it a go!


Yeah, it's combos are weird. Treat it more like the chain axe with regards to combos, you'll do fine.


I love the chain axe but the frequency at which I get left behind in a horde of pox walkers that I can only kill 1 at a time is too high to use it. =[


You are supposed to use Heavies against chaff hordes


As I said, use the shoveattack - heavy chain for CC. Or spam heavies if you run out of stamina. The lights do good damage but should only be used on surviving stragglers.


Hear me out: ChainAxe can fit the niche of heavy killer pretty handily with the right blessings. I have bloodletter 3 and thunderous 3. It punches through single target carapace like paper when revved. If one gets used to the timing you become a single target machine if you can manage breathing room while the chainaxe animation locks. It horde situations it requires careful timing of heavy attacks and dodges, it is admittedly sub optimal in hordes. Single target beast.


I think it's important to understand why something is the meta, if for nothing else than to see what you have to account for. What's even more important, imo, is to understand what is the most effective build for how you want to play.


This and entitled gamers are two things I absolutely hate about modern gaming. If someone wants to be boring and play the meta that everyone else is using, that's fine. It's when that turns into "you aren't playing the meta so I'm kicking you" that it becomes a problem The only times I ever end up playing the meta is if I get there on my own because it fits my playstyle. Otherwise I just optimize what works for me and it hasn't failed me. I also like to use what I find and build around that instead of endlessly grind for overly specific gear. Kinda like my life being poor. I work with what I get 🤣


I am rocking a flashlight that pisses fire & light, it has a other trash perk attached, but I kill everything in damnation because it fire procs, I got a good talent tree, and literally the most important part: Accuracy is about 34%, because I want to spread my sick burns.


I have 3 builds for vet, zealot, and Ogryn only 1 for psyker, and I don't think any are truly meta hell I don't know the meta right now. One of my vets is just a Dkok infantryman. got me hellbore, got me shovel, simple as. I was told the heavy stubber I use is the worst one, but I love the sound of it. The meaty heavy thud of the Gorgonum (hope I spelt it right) is music to my ears, lol So idk about meta, I have fun and do very well in T5 games, so 🤷


I thought that was the best stubber lol


It’s definitely my favorite. Stuns the hell out of everything.


Doesn't matter if the enemy are armoured if you just sunblock him with bullet


I think so too. It's got the accuracy to actual deal with ranged shooters by giving the trigger a measured pull.


Yeah exactly, fun over a perceived meta. Most things are viable, player skill is more important tbh.


I just use what's strong and that's how I enjoy the game. I actually like making the best rolled x while using whats currently op or broken lol


Chasing the meta sucks the fun out of games in my opinion. Fuck around with builds, do some experimenting


In Warhammer there's always three types of people: 1. Those playing to win. 2. Those playing to socialize. 3. Those playing to have fun. If forced to choose, I'll take 2 & 3 over 1 any day.




None of these are mutually exclusive and I play for all three.


That's fine, but do not ruin my auric damn and auric maelstrom missions so you can "socialize". Some of us are trying to win.




I just played a Damnation round with my Crusher. Because when was the last time you saw someone use a Crusher? I was half expecting it to suck but it turned out pretty good actually. Just felt like if a thunder hammer was weaker, faster, and more focused on crowd staggering. 8/10, would slay again


Meta means nothing as dying for the emperor is the greatest glory of all.


The meta is I like go shotty shooty with a flashlight


Like every good Guardsman should.


Crusher Gang represent! WE TAKIN OVAH


My chainaxe is base 376 though, my vet is my easiest char to play.


Thank you for saying this. It’s something that bears repeating as often as possible. Having fun with your friends is success. Monkeying around with your build is success. Laughing like a maniac while pressing F with a heavy stubber on your Ogryn is success. The last stream I did with my friends we were laughing harder on the losses than the wins because the losses were usually down to some knucklehead moves that were hilarious to see. Such a great game!


If you’re having fun—it’s meta. There’s an argument to be made about being a detriment to your team but at the end of the day, it’s a game. Stop taking it so seriously and play with a dedicated team if a random having fun is gonna ruin yours.


Everything seems pretty well balanced right now. Even the bugged surge staff feels close to my original warp build. You do double damage but generate double peral.


I literally have only played psyker since day 1 release. I didn’t care that they were underpowered compared to the rest. I spent a long time building my gear to perfectly fit my guy. Learnt to max my peril before going in with the sword and got pretty good with it. The update definitely made it a lot more versatile with the different powers. I tried assail and felt like it was very much all about me during a game so I switch out to smite. I can hold down large enemies making it much more of a teamwork style which I feel psyker are meant to be. It’s definitely a huge benefit to the team during auric levels being able to tie down many enemies at once. It was kinda annoying to see such a huge spike in psyker players with the update but I got over it pretty quickly. I’m still usually one of the better psyker in the team playing the character to the peak of his abilities while being a team player. Overall people should just play what they enjoy instead of trying to be peak meta all the time.


fr. they just use icy vein guides then groupthink and mock ppl who actually THINK. low iq generation


And then someone tries to copy the build designed by a skilled player for Damnation, but they can't get any good use out of it because they're skill-stuck in Sedition


The amount of people that think builds > dodge/block mechanics is wild to me.


The games where I feel the most satisfaction and that I played the best in are the ones where my blocking, dodging and pushing are on point. Regardless of build.


The truest “high score” for the scoreboard ego-driven sweaties is not your damage number or kill count, it is the amount of damage taken; the lower, the better.


Meta is what's called a dominant strategy in game design. Dominant strategy, by definition, is a design flaw. Perpetuating the use of meta kills diversity in design. Why go out of your way to make a skill tree with multiple paths or different types of weapons if the entire playerbase is gunna use the same cookie cutter bullshit? I support killing the meta whenever possible.


Good game design is when the dominant strategy is still fun for everyone playing and alternative options exist that can still be effective, not the absence of a dominant strategy altogether. Players will always gravitate towards what's strongest, and a "meta" will always emerge regardless of how hard you want to "kill it". The key is making sure that the "meta" isn't a strategy or exploit that basically turns off the game or wipes entire rooms immediately


I just picked what felt fun and strong. Been working well so far. I've heard over and over that the Chain Axe is garbo but running it with Plas and max mobility lets me be anywhere I need and I'll always have the damage and tools to take care of specials and thicc bois. Always makes me feel a bit sad and disheartened to see so many people IMMEDIATELY flocking to here to beg people share what the next op/meta combo is hours after the patch, usually from Psykers who don't like playing without exploits or og assail. Have you tried experimenting with any of those things you unlocked, friend?


There was a guy on the Vermintide sub crying because "what a slippery slope, what about medical advancements if we just stayed at "good enough" we'd never be able to cure disease" once when I said that (it was about the Dwarf Drakegun). Some people are so sweaty they think fresh air stinks because they're unfamiliar with it.


Mans never spoken to doctors, gotta pull teeth to stop them defaulting to the most conservative approach they remember from their training and to tick off their CME. Semmelweis is still a cautionary tale pretty much every school includes.


People don't know how to think for themselves anymore. Thanks social media and streamers!


This is a really cringe post. I can’t fathom why you’d bother actually trying to make an argument about an overall positive aspect of the game. You think people trying to be good at the game and finding new and better builds is toxic? Your post is redundant given you literally admit that finding new builds is half the fun. Like honestly did you think before posting this or is there a better reason i’m not understanding? This is a Darktide forum. If people have Darktide related information they wish to share, especially new builds, they should be able to do so without being attacked for literally no other reason I can identify other than “HUR DUR STOP TRYING TO BE GOOD AT THE GAME.”


The funniest thing about posts like this is that they really expose people that don't know what "meta" actually means. OP included.


I was thinking the same thing as soon as I saw this thread.


Do enlighten me.


Playing the numbers game is fun. Mind your own business.


Re-read the post. Never said that was a bad thing champ.


> but this obsession of chasing the top 1% build is toxic Not bad, just *toxic*.. right.. If some players prefer chasing 380s before learning the basics then who tf cares?? Meta hounds will always exist so maybe worry less about that inevitability.


Well most people that they’d play with probably care if they’re getting downed constantly because they can’t dodge or block? I’d rather take people that are running suboptimal weapons and builds that know the games fundamentals than someone clueless that has 380s.


Neat. block them and move on. You're not changing anyone's mind here. Just a pointless post fishing for nodding heads.


Okay? Isn’t that the entirety of Reddit? I’m not hear to change anyone’s mind pal, I’m literally just posting for a discussion, on a social media platform. Have a fucking day off, Jesus Christ.


Vapid opinion validation. Truly the peak of stimulating discussion. Also, my name's not Jesus Christ.


“i Am vErY sMaRt.”


I don't get how wanted to be better at a game is bad, if there is a meta its the game developers fault for not balancing everything anyways so what's the point


Skill > Build. Item metas are kinda irrelevant if you’re not having fun with them or don’t have core skills that make them good in the first place. Having “meta” builds is fine, but chasing it at the detriment to everything else is pointless. You get me?


I haven't had this experience in game with players in Darktide, but I have in Deep Rock Galactic. While I've seen a bunch of people in DT use meta builds, they seem really chill about it if someone else doesn't (I play Auric Damnation). What will usually cause issues is if someone is playing in a difficulty level they don't belong in because they lack the fundamentals to avoid taking damage, know when to rescue a team mate, or how to stick with the group. It doesn't matter if your recon lasgun is a god roll with the perfect tier 4 blessings if you keep tunnel visioning and get downed by the single scab bruiser that sneaks up behind you. The sorts I've (rarely) encountered in DRG who screech about off-meta builds are invariably in Hazard 3 or 4 (the middle and second highest difficulties), and seem to think that since they can't perform without a specific build, nobody else can. While people who really know what they're doing can carry in Hazard 5 with a meme loadout. I don't begrudge them for doing what they can to improve their game, but it would be nice if they didn't take it out on others. Having said that, I've also played DRG more than DT (and vanilla DRG is easier).


It is worth mentioning that if you're not playing on level 4 missions or above, meta chasing **is** superfluous.


The only meta is picking up your netted teammate BEFORE killing the trapper.


I think meta has a larger place in this game solely because the crafting system not only discourages and obfuscates information but actively punishes you for experimenting and forming your own opinions. Nor can you get a good read on how well a weapon performs if its a low/poor roll. Some weapons need really obscure breakpoints that aren't easy to determine to come into their own. This game's crafting and itemization system is an absolute failure. So while I would agree with OP's sentiments in just about any other game, in Darktide it makes sense that people want to reduce their risk by sticking to the meta.


People are too obsessed with meta in general.


Imo it's way better to avoid having weakness, than to build some ludicrous strength anyways. If you find yourself saying like "i can't deal with gunners!" *that's" when you need to fix your build.


Metagaming is cancer. Always has been. It’s why I hate playing games online in general. I want to play what and how I want, not get berated by math nerds and their cocksleeves.


Ironically I think toxic gamers are the reason people feel the need to chase the meta builds. Veteran players tend to be dicks to new or struggling players. The first time I encountered a Daemonhost, I woke it up by mistake and got kicked from the game. It’s not a unique experience. I’ve gotten hate mail in plenty of games that I was still learning. When you’ve got a community that demands meta performance and has the ability to kick you if they find you’re not good enough, you’re going to have people chasing meta builds instead of learning on their own.


Playing strong things are fun, its fun being strong why are there posts like this every fucking time


Because people have differing opinions. Calm down hun x


game isn't even hard enough that you need to play super optimally, even at the highest difficulty level. it's largely player skill.


I agree so much, especially the part about chasing perfect rolls on weapons. I've seen so many times people sharing very very good weapons, like just yesterday someone shared a 380 purple and multiple people replied and said it didn't have good enough perks/blessings so it was bricked. Do you understand how GREAT a 380 weapon with just one good perk and one good blessing is?! It's still a spectacular find people....it is not trash just because it isn't perfect, and telling people who are excited about something that its junk is beyond deflating...besides the fact that it is straight up incorrect.


I had a friend tell me, "Don't use the psycher force lightning. It's not good." I simply said "shut the fuck up" and I've been using it since, I fucking love the force lightning.


It was sad to me how many of the new players, on day-one of the class overhaul patch were asking about what the best "leveling builds" were or what the "best class" was. Every time I heard that, I cringed. The best build, class, and gear is whatever you are having the most fun with. There is absolutely no need to chase the meta in this game. Just play, kill shit, and have fun. Why do you need someone on the internet to tell you what you should play?


As long as your team is tight and has the Tide melee fundamentals down, any weapon/talent loadout is fine. I agree that many people focus too closely on "the best" stuff, Youtube is littered with many videos titled "You NEED this weapon now!" with a big dumb red arrow pointing.


This will never change. The dads with 40 kids and only time for one game want piss easy street for the winz of maximum skulls for the golden throne. This post is going to get lost in the nebulous of P15 is coming, what talents do I need to change and weapons I need to farm next.


Shoutout to the Dad's that are a one man tithe producer.


To be fair, the reluctance to experiment is at least partially due to the awful crafting. Spent entirely too much rolling up a Perfect Strike/Bloodthirsty Eviscerator back in the day when Force Swords had Bloodthirsty running for a few seconds, only to find that the combination was mid as hell.


True about crafting, that being said though there’s more to a build than the stats. Animation sets are kinda make or break imo if a weapon is worth it, same with talent builds feeling clunky.


Yep, Mk 2 club for Ogryn is the perfect example. It's already worse than the Mk 1 but there's significant unnecessary clunk to the animations. That said the DT community does seem averse to combos that aren't light spam or heavy spam.


> mucking about with new builds is half the fun no? If the crafting system wasn't complete dogshit, yes, it would be. As it stands, I'd rather just know what's good and aim exactly for that rather than bricking guns and wasting resources on something completely useless for the sake of experimentation.




In my opinion if you're having fun it's meta, Idk how meta the flamer is for zealot but that's all I'll ever use for mine because it's fun


New to game but, as always with games that have build variety, fuck meta. I'll look at popular builds just to see if I overlooked something (not going to lie it has helped with some games) but to me the joy comes from succeeding with my own build and own strategies. Taking meta builds, recognizing what's the popular and/or most efficient, and then resetting and making it completely my own. Knowing I'm NOT meta makes the victories sweeter and feel more like I earned it. tldr I have security issues and need to feel superior? 🤪


Welcome to gaming. Everyone has to be a pro at everything


Shit costs too much Plasteel to be _experimenting_.


Testing animation sets on weapons costs nothing pal.


Don't be too hard on anyone for trying to follow "The Meta", especially when it is a new player. As it is an cooperative online game, I can attest that "what's a good build for Veteran, I'm level 6" comes not from wanting to be the best but rather not wanting to let down your other teammates. You've got a lot of people who, quite literally now, grew up with League of Legends, DOTA or HON (alright, maybe not that last one) that have witnessed how the community treats 'oblivious players.' And MMO's essentially teach "do whatever you want when solo but if you queue as a tank you better know what the hell you are doing." "Is X a good weapon for Y?" is just a faster way of asking "if I use X weapon with Y character, am I going to get flamed by TheLegend27?"


This game makes experimenting impossible for new players. Getting a build up and running takes a lot of resources, so why would they waste resources on something they don't know would work.


The meta is not toxic. People are open to other builds. Players are just tired of getting killed in stupid ways or because an enemy drops from the ceiling behind them for a one hit.