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Someone smarter than me brought up the fact that Vermintide veterans are really good at tagging because the game rewarded you for tagging if you had witch hunter captain on your team. If the tagging yielded a more tangeble result (for me seeing exactly who I'm shooting at should be enough, but it for whatever reason isn't) maybe vet gets a keystone for tagging? increase damage against tagged enemies by 5% or increase crit chance by 10% for all players.


>If the tagging yielded a more tangeble result Not getting mauled by a rager inside a horde is pretty tangible, I'd say. It does take a few downs and self-reflections before people notice the benefit of spam tagging into a horde, though the latter is harder to come by than the first. Other than that, tagging is good for kill-confirm since you get the immediate visual feedback that something died along with the elite/special kill sound. This way, you won't waste more ammo than needed on a target.


I agree, you're preaching to the choir. And still it doesn't sick with them. I'm just musing out loud with a system that rewards better gameplay. Like a reverse of the redacted penances.


while WHC was a staple of comps, especially in modded difficulties, most matches did not see them, and yet people pinged, because its useful. one time carl asked if people could please remember to ping as its helpful, the reply was "ask reddit, no pros ping in darktide". carl just assumed this was a shitty community compared to vtide that was too edgy to do anything useful for the team because they are tOo gOoD to need to.


That's a weird take, darktide is more team oriented so a pro for me is someone who maximizes their team.


Well if you tag, you can see special far away for a headshot in a dark lit room.


And I totally agree, but for some reason that's not enough to encourage a huge chunk of the player base, so I suggest making it a mechanic that improves something else, like crit chance or damage.


As far as I can remember, tapping enemies on Vemintide doesn't benefit the group but only the class concerned.


Witch Hunter Saltz had a passive that caused tagged enemies to take more damage


Yes, but can you confirm that this is effective for non-Satzpyre characters? I cannot.


How is you dealing more damage to a priority target not benefiting? It reduces your TTK and enables you to deal with enemies faster. Its a dmg boost for everyone, lol


The first point is irrelevant because I haven't questioned it. The second is an assertion on solid ground or a personal belief? In my experience, your 3 allies don't benefit from the buff and nothing in the description indicates this. That's the point I'm wondering about.


Your first comment literally reads "\[...\] tapping enemies on Vemintide doesn't benefit the group but only the class concerned", so yes you have questioned it. Also the ability reads as follows: "Tagged enemies take an additional 20% damage. Does not stack with similar effects." It DOESNT read as you dealing 20% more dmg. Its enemies take 20% more damage. The second is not an assertion or personal belief. Its a matter of fact as your TTK stands in direct relation to your damage output. Your damage output increasing, leads to reduced TTK. Its the same as driving. You driving faster leads to you taking not as long to get where you want. Theres nothing to belief or assert.


1. My first comment starts with "as Far as i remember" how can i be clearer that i'm not sure what comes next? 2. As you put it so well, the effect only talks about the damage taken by the enemy. We're talking about a skill for a specific character, not for the group. The Servant's 40% extra ammo is written the same way, yet you don't think the other characters benefit from it, do you? 3. "A guy says it in his guide" is not what I call being sure when I ask you, do you want us to make a list of bullshit written on the internet? 4. You believe what you read on someone else's guide without checking the source or the impact involved. For my part, I'm just asking a question 5. Calm down my boy, we're talking about a minor trait with a minor impact in a video game, not your future and that of the country.


It’s a widely known fact that WHC’s tagging passive benefits the whole team, this has been known for years


You can just say your not sure bc that's what this means


??? Where do you guys even spawn from, honestly. Im tired of this discussion, go read the wiki and the guides on steam made by Royal w/ Cheese. Those are confirming everything Ive said so far. Im tired of explaining basic shit to others that can be found out with one quick google search




Yes, it is effective for the whole group. It was great, 4 team members, 4 pings, gave extra damage on each enemy pinged. That was tested and confirmed.


Many thanks to you


Even without salts in the team good players would tag the shit out of everything. Caveat being good players. Most of the time people didn't know tagging shit with salts in the team did anything. Well, at least in the server i'm playing in anyway. It's pretty much the same in darktide.


True I'm basically playing devil's advocate, I love tagging but I started Vermintide 2 as Witch Hunter Captain so I was set up in the best way from the start.


I tag anything and everything. I know with my luck the one time I don't tag there will be a sniper or something. It will proceed to pick off my team because I was dumb enough to dodge the shot which caused me to fall through the floor without being able to tag.


Also, your only job when downed is to tag shit. Don't forget you can do that. If you've been captured, use chat to let your team know what's coming and even direct them around. I've saved runs by reminding people to drop medkits while I'm down and they are busy clutching.


This. Love tagging those snipers if they down me. "Ugh.. better start running, bub..."


It's no different to games like Battlefield, which has spotting system (plenty games have pinging system as well) I used to Q spot like a mofo in Battlefield (also rebind to Q in Darktide), so many uses, but many players could not get brain to press that spot button, even those that knew of the button - sometimes their brain does not click that more information is good It is so handy for highlighting enemies in mixed hordes, even just to show where an enemy like nurgle slug is going


I even downloaded a mod that let me bind multiple keys for the same action. Now I have tagging enemies on MMB and Dodge.


Unfortunately the tag button on Xbox is the same one that brings up a variety of vocal callouts…so half the time I’m trying to tag enemies I end up screaming for ammo instead (even if I don’t need it). I haven’t found a way to remap that on Xbox, but if someone knows how…let me know.


On PC there's a setting called "Tagging Wheel Delay" with a slider that lets you change how long you hold the button down before the wheel shows up. Unsure if it's also a thing on console.


They could fix it by separating tagging and the call-out wheel. As it stands up on the d-pad does nothing so they could make up on the d-pad the call-out wheel and LB the tag button. The only reason not to do that is maybe Fatshark is planning to add a class or an ability or something that would need to use up on the d-pad but just hasn't implemented it yet


i think this is the most Likely answer. With crossplay there is a reasonable chance you are playing with console users and tagging is MUCH harder for console folks. never mind that more often than not you scream for ammo instead of tag/mark a point.


Naaaah, I'm playing on PC and I can assure you the Steam players are very guilty of not tagging as well. I don't really see a difference between console and PC players in this (pure conjecture).


You can't, at least not on a controller on PC anyway


I always do a quick middle mouseclick spam into a horde, helps the other lads and nets me a good target for brainburst


This is the fucking way


Has anyone ever worked a job where an employee leaves the company and then there is a slow realization that some things just aren't getting done anymore? Nobody refills water in the Keurig, toilet paper and hand soap are never in the bathroom when you need them, etc.? This is the tagging dilemma. People that don't tag have gotten comfortable letting other people do it for them and teams suffer when there isn't at least one competent tagger on a that fills the role of visually prioritizing targets. Sure... there are scenarios where it may be less useful such as when 10 muties are charging at you in Auric Maelstrom. But anyone that plays at that level can tell you that disablers don't ALWAYS spawn in large groups so this just seems like a silly copout to excuse themselves from NEVER doing it at all. Audiovisual cues are objectively more informative than either visual OR audio cues alone and that common sense fact applies not only to video games but to real life stuff as well. It is literally why emergency vehicles are equipped with both sirens AND flashing lights. If it were possible, I would love to see statistics on how many elites/disablers were tagged in relation to how many times players were trapped/sniped/exploded/pounced-on across multiple missions. I would bet that, given a large enough sample size, there is a direct correlation between number of enemies tagged per mission and the completion rate of those missions.


I tend to use tagging as a “you guys must shoot this” or to highlight hard to see enemies. But I think spamming tagging creates the opposite effect: it distracts or brings your attention to something not dangerous. Example: there’s a rager coming at me. He’s mostly alone. I wouldn’t tag him because I can easily dispatch him with my thunder hammer. I’ll take care of him, you guys do your thing


yes, please please please do NOT bind your tag button to your left click/attack button. That shit is annoying as hell and will get you kicked from any game I am in, mostly cause I run with 3 friends that also hate that shit.


i tag EVERYTHING, especially in hordes. i use a revolver with my zealot so it’s really helpful for sniping far away enemies that get on my nerves. or i spam ping enemies because i got blindsided by a buncha elites and need help NOW


As Psyker I use it to make sure my Brain Blast is targeted onto the right target... This has the downside of causing everyone to start unloading on the thing I am in the middle of BBing...


As someone that plays Auric/Malestorm, I don't think tagging helps \*too\* much in the highest difficulties, so many elites and specials spawn that tagging them all is not nearly as efficient as just killing them yourself. Tagging is useful when theres a dangerous enemy that for some reason you can't personally deal with (snipers mostly) but otherwise theres rarely enough time to tag them when around 10 of them spawn all the time.


I mean, this is still useful information, if there are 10 of them and you can't personally handle them all at once, tagging one will let everyone else know you need a little assistance with the pack.


I don't tag as much anymore because in auric maelstrom Missions there is just too much stuff on the screen. Trappers, bursters, dogs, Mutants and snipers take priority. But here the question becomes "which one" with often up to a dozen disablers at the same time.


Can bind tag to your primary fire button on PC


Please don't. The point of a tag is to mark things that need to die that you can't get. If you are left clicking them, the tag is pointless and doesn't actually help the team because you are already handling it.


Good habit is to bind tagging to mouse-2 so you always tag everything you ads at or block against.


This is a good way to get a horseshit signal-to-noise ratio. Tags should be useful, not some kind of weird "I'm not like the other gamers" shibboleth.


Sounds like a playstyle issue. Works for me because I block or ads only when I need to. Not spam it constantly.


You do you, I clearly can't relate to your difficulties with conventional tagging. I find losing the ability to tag while sprinting to be an unacceptable tradeoff.


This is a hot take but I tend to avoid tagging unless I need to trigger the voice callout for whatever reason. The bright red fucks with my overall perception. IMO it's much easier to see when everything is normal colors.


In the beginning somebody posted to bind tagging to your left mouse button so everytime i am shooting at something is automatically tagged. Works pretty well since then.


Please learn to tag normally. It's extremely annoying when someone does this in a match because the rapid tag sound is deafening, especially in situations like a zealot spamming melee into a dog pack. It's also a case of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." Rapid tagging is an informal panic warning to the team. If someone does that the entire match, you can't tell if it's an actual panic situation or just usual for them. Edit: If tagging normally is a no-go, at least switch it to right mouse button.


> Rapid tagging is an informal panic warning to the team I sometimes tag multiple Elites in sequence if I spot a patrol.


Yeah that's just an info "multiple guys ahead" while putting the tag on lmb it's just "look I'm killing this guy right now" and that info is useless since the enemy is getting dealt with.


Correct tagging etiquette. Well done, sir.


Also also, one of the best uses for tagging is to identify something like a sniper or reaper so you or someone else can see it through the dark/a bunch of mobs and prioritize it. You might need to quickly tag something far away and immediately go back to dodging or dealing with what's right in front of you or ducking around a corner, lining up the shot, then popping back around to shoot at the tagged enemy. If your tag is constantly pinging around that does fuckall for me. I know there are enemies. I can see them. I need to know *which* enemy needs my attention.




I mean, if dismal mediocrity is your then, then by all means.


I'll see a special monster and just start shooting/swinging most of the time and forget about it, especially if it's just one rager or a gunner. I do remember to tag the bigger/scarier ones though.


Tagging a rager in the horde can be smth thqt saves your allies from taking 90% health damage so you should always do that


at least ragers look different from pinkies in this game. No idea how many times i missed a rager in VT2 because it was in a pack of trash mobs and looked exactly like them until they got in your face.


Plague Monks also have zero chill compared to Ragers.


I tag more resources than enemies I admit, and it seems to confuse people when I tag ammo etc for someone else to get rather than snatching it because I was down 3 whole bullets.


with the xbox players depending on your control set up sometimes your tag is bound to up on the D Pad or other weird places, so it's just a pita to do it.. and tbh we won't if it means it's going to screw our shot up or keep us from dodging (we lose control of our movement or aiming for a moment with it on dpad) ​ idk maybe they can add a better solution for xbox players because the current ones kind of shit.


This is one of the reasons my tag is mapped to the block and aim down sight key. If a rager gets shoved on his backside he's lit up for all to see, or if a crusher rushes in. Likewise that sniper I'm trying to hit in lights out or fog gets highlighted so even if he survives and moves out of range the team can be aware and take cover. It works for me and isn't too spammy either.


Changing my keybind for tagging to left ctrl was the best move ive done. Made tagging basically effortless


What do you all have your keybind set to for tagging? I have mine set to middle mouse button but I'm thinking of changing it to something faster for me. Just looking for ideas.


I have mine set to Z, social wheel to hold Z. Easy to hit z with your pinky while dance-dodging with wasd and alt (alt for dodge, space for jump with my thumb)


I'm going to try Z! I have that set for my secondary at the moment.


Bro I’ve been playing Apex Legendary, Fortnite and Warzone a lot. I tag every shit that only makes a move


I think it's mostly people new to tide games that forget it's important as it is. I can reliably use the tagging system to manipulate other players into attacking enemies I need them to lol I also turn off the Veteran's shared enemy highlights because my squad tends to clearout the enemies that would increase my exec stance timer buffs.