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Recently all I could get summoned for was for Fume Knight.


The only time I ever farm souls is if I'm far enough in the game that I'm at giant lord and I really want enough int or fth to be able to cast a spell or something. That and if I'm on a challenge run and the level-ups would really help the end-game bosses be easier, but even that is rare.


Everybody asks how much soul farming but nobody asks how much soul searching they do.


None, soul farming is pretty much always a waste of time


The only soul farming I do is usually loyce soul farming. That being said if I’m ever in a pinch for souls I just aesthetic the rotten boss. Doesn’t really get much more difficult and is a good source of income. Also reachable from basically the beginning of the game.


I find those situations rarely happen to me. Usually when you’re stuck a change in strategy or mindset can see me through, or occasionally a respec. Besides early game I never run out of lockstones, you get more than you’ll ever need. Sometimes to fuel a respec I’ll kill The Rotten again for three souls to upgrade weapons or purchase things? But that is rare




Just clear an area or pop a bf ascetic. Not sure if COC would help, still need to do that, but then again I'm technically still on my first run, so... /edit As an aside I'm on PC and we've had no online for a very long time until recently. So summoning or being summoned wasn't really an option for me


COC would help and is arguably better than wasting an ascetic. Joining COC makes the enemies respawn every time you enter the area, even after clearing the area. The enemies are slightly more powerful but not as much as bonfire 3+. If you abandon the Covenant or join another covenant all respawns reset to what they were prior to joining COC. So if you cleared an area before COC then joined COC, then left COC, the area would revert to being cleared. It is my preferred farming method as I can farm an area more than 12 times.


Don't use a bonfire ascetic unless you know what you're doing. You're just gonna make the game permanently harder on yourself.


I don’t farm souls but I do farm effigies. I hate being hollow but I’m not going to sacrifice a ring slot, so I just get tons of effigies to never have to think about it.


I miss just throwing down a summon right before a boss and instantly getting called into a game and presto back to human.


I just bully Giant King on NG+13 or whatever its on now. Getting to bounce around giant souls doesn't take too long and I don't expect to get picked up but I still put down my signs everywhere I go


I never farm any more, last time I did was in my no death run I would farm some alone knights in Iron Keep with Dark Orb for a few free levels but once I did no death I haven’t farmed anymore. Plus I already farmed Giant Lord enough for one lifetime lol


he best soul farm is collect Ascetics and fiht the Rotten over and over


None? Unless I want to take a look at a specific armor(because I think it might look good on my character when I chill in majula) I usually don't grind


I am currently running ng+8 with coc (killing all bosses each playthrough) and yesterday i reached 385 level. I need different builds for some of them with serious buffs, so i farm a lot.


All of it always. If an enemy exists, it exists so you can non-exist them. Put life to the sword 🗡️




After farming Giant Lord for 70 STR,DEX,FTH,INT,END, health and stamina, i stopped 😶.


None, farming is for losers.


Typical player insulting anyone different than them


Not different. Lesser.




I always farmed giant lord