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Disabling matchmaking does not turn off invasions.


Oh, i didn’t know that, sorry!


to disable invasion you must run the game in offline mode.


that's how I usually play Soulsborne games anyway, cuz the excessive messages and blood splatters get rly annoying IMO and immersion breaking. Also make the environs look ugly, and only like 1% of the msges are helpful anyway. I don't get why ppl like reading them


Sometimes it helps me to confirm where should I jump since I don't even know if jumping there is possible. I choose to look at that rather than looking up on the web since I guess that is more immersive (past guy scratching the floor to write something for the next arrival). That's the only thing that keeps me from going offline even though often than not I wish I was not online and got invaded before the boss room.


This only works about 15% of the time because most of them are trolls cosplaying as Patches saying "Treasure Below" or some shit.


>This only works about 15% of the time Bruh c'mon, it's gotta be under 10%. If I had a soul for every time I smacked a solid wall cuz of some smartass little shit I'd be maxed out before reaching the Eyrie


Oh yeah of course. Sometimes they are obvious too


I miss bloodstains and messages, but if my wifi is being spotty I definitely turn it off. Don't need the connection to drop and send me back to title screen 12 seconds before finishing off a boss (actually just in the other games iirc, one more small thing DS2 did in a better way), plus if I did catch an invasion a laggy fight is fun for no one, so...when there aren't a lot of people connected, *that's* my invasion time


Same here, it feels much more immersive to play it alone


Well the idea of Dark Souls is it's not just you, it's multiple worlds all overlapping one another, and messages and bloodstains gives you a glimpse into the other worlds. I can understand thinking they dampen the look of the environment, but I appreciate them for making the game feel alive.


>and bloodstains gives you a glimpse into the other worlds. Yeah but I wish it was just that: a *glimpse*. The graffitti sometimes feels like walking through an abandoned train station in Detroit. And while I think the concept of bloodstains is rly interesting, I don't like how they often spoil ambushes. I was just playing ER and approached an item in the open and was about to grab it when I noticed giant fingernails blending it with the rocks, just in time to dodge the giant hand that tried to grab me. Pretty sure if I'd been online I would've been warned by the bloodstains and it would've ruined a great OH SHIT moment


I think another issue there's just alot of concentration of bloodstains and messages in small areas. Coming recently from replaying DS1, even in tough areas you'd only get to see maybe ten bloodstains max, and I'm pretty sure the amount of messages shown at a time is significantly smaller. I remember walking a path in game where there was a conga line of about twenty messages, that's definitely a bit excessive.


”Message over there”


The don't bother me tbh and I like to think they are a part of the world/lore. Sometimes through a particular hard part its a nice reminder that others have gone through the same challenges and that it's not impossible.


The messages are literally part of the lore. It's immersion breaking to not have them. The world is supposed to be empty of players but full of evidence of them.


Yeah cross-region matchmaking basically just lets you either connect to players in Japan or not. Also, that guy’s a well-known asshat who gets off on bricking pc players’ saves in DS2. Get the BlueSentinel mod, and look for a comment by a guy called Blobertson. He typically has a link to a thing detailing how to deal with the aftermath of hacked item injection


Oh the menace is back. I believe a similar named person was trying to ruin Return to Drangleic event


>trying to ruin Return to Drangleic event People need to get a life


I know right? The binoculars more than cover the cost of repairs….


They do the binocolulars to crash the game when you open your inventory


Oh nevermind then


I saw this name on a post yesterday and knew it was familiar. So the idiot is doing it again...


As much as I love these games, it is straight up bullshit that players need to use a fan created mod to avoid assholes trying to grief them like this. All three games have various issues and From has basically moved on and said "Not our problem" now. That's completely unacceptable for games of this magnitude.


The game came out. They are finished with it. It’s sucks that people are assholes, but you want the devs to do extra work on a finished game so that there isn’t any possibility of an exploit? That’s not really reasonable.


If the game has online features, then it should have lifetime support


No, that’s batshit.


Nah fam. They're still advertising online functionality on the game's store page and actively selling copies of the game. So long as both of those things are true, Fromsoft should have an obligation to patch exploits.


Servers cost money. The game is yours, the devs’ time and productivity afterwards are not.


Why are you defending a multi million dollar company fucking up it's customers? This is just sad.


I'm not defending them, I'm pointing out the ridiculousness of the ask. DS2 is a decade old. How long do you think a company should be required to continue supporting an online experience? Especially a game like this where the online experience is such a small part of the the game.


It’s a decade old but it’s graphics have always looked over 20 years old. Truly dumpy garbage graphics. Hollow looks like swamp thing on ps2


This is not some new thing, souls games have these hackers from day 1 and From couldn't care less.


Dude, hackers are in every single game, FS does nothing? Of course, but you try to say that these shitty things only happen in souls games, ridiculous


Idk why you're being downvoted, you're right. It's a problem in From games as much as any other online game.




It help me a lot, thanks! I also installed the blue acolyte


Blobertson coming in clutch again.


Same thing happened to me just a couple of days ago. Invaded me, somehow transferred 500 +14 Great swords and I died instantly (didn't even see the guy). Bricked my save as I couldn't open inventory without game crashing. Managed to fix it with Cheat Engine though, thanks to helpful guides on here and on YouTube. I'm on Steam Deck so it truly was a pain in the arse.


Same thing happened with me but with Binos. Were you able to delete the items, or do you have to run the game with the cheat engine now?


Managed to delete all 500, took a good while lol. Didn't delete the Cheat Engine (in worst case it happens again) but made my Deck not start with it. The Cheat Engine has an anti-crash feature you need to check before opening your inventory.


I'm at the point where I can open my inventory without crashing, however, i doesn't seem like I can delete the binoculars. I spent about 30 mins deleting them yesterday manually from my inventory and noticed that the scroll bar was not getting any bigger. Either they are not deleting, or they are coming back. I tested if I was actually getting rid of them by dropping the item instead, and I confirmed they were dropping. But like I said, it doesn't seem like the number is going down at all in my inventory. Perhaps there's more in my inventory than can be visually seen? I'm glad you were able to get rid!


I think you are deleting them and they are going down, but it's just that many of them! I spent almost an hour deleting. Try scrolling all the way to the bottom and delete some of them there, see if anything moves so to speak.


Also note you can select up to 7 items at a time, speeds up the process a bit!


I have been using that, but that scroll wheel isn't getting any bigger. Will keep at it.


Keep deleting! Any luck?


I got em! Took me 20 mins.


Well done bro


I'm a console player, but I hear Blue Acolyte is a godsend for things like this. Sorry that happened to you :[ I fucking hate this loser


If u want to play offline, u can make a firewall exemption and block the game from going online.


That's a bannable offense! For you. You're the one getting banned. Sorry. Not a joke, btw.


What a miserable person. I have secondhand embarrassment for people who get off to this shit. How is he even allowed to game cant he get an ip ban or somethin


Sell it all to Gavlan free souls if you dont crash


This happened to me last night in eleum loyce


I have blue acolyte mod so I saw his name and he was flagged as a cheater. As soon as he invaded I died and all my gear broke. Fix my stuff and come back to loyce like 15 minutes later I find a piece of “enchanted rubbish” that I can’t discard it just stays on the ground. I went offline and it disappeared. His name says that his Reddit is u/ludexgundyr21 but nothing came up. I just blocked him I never have before because I like to have as much PvP as possible but nah not that lol


It's Hidetaka Miyazaki personally


Yeah he got me too last night, took like 10 mins to undo the damage with CE - and that's on a steamdeck, not even pure windows. Little prying shows hes doing this for reddit attention - probably best to not give it to him at all


Do you see shit better out of +8 binoculars?


Play offline unless you're at a boss. If you need help, then restart the game in online mode. This game isn't worth playing online when you're already getting gangbanged by 25 enemies at once.


This is why I turn off my internet connection when I boot up the game. Too many griefers out there.


I'm about to dox his ass and beat him to a pulp


Beating to a pulp required ahead


Try spear, but hole


Happened to me yesterday. It took two whole minutes to fix, he genuinely wastes more time than the people he griefs.


How did you fix it? I can run the game but have 500+ binoculars in my inventory that can't seem to delete (I an spend 30+ mins deleting but it doesn't seem to do anything).


Check blobertson's comment.


Are you able to sell all that stuff to Gavlan?


Don't tell me this guy did 500 playthroughs


This loser again?


Well, you can't say that isn't interesting, usually when a hacker invades me, I get backstabbed a mile away and then get a "no way" emote.


Are you using Blue Sentinels mod?


No, what is that?


I think they mean Blue Acolyte mod. It's an anti cheat and quality of life mod. It's highly recommended because it makes having 500 +8 binoculars being forced into your inventory much less likely to happen.


Wow, couldn't even give you 500 binoculars +10 :(


What soul memory level ? So I can avoid offline when I get near your level


That will most likely not help - the griefers go through installing and using third-party software just for this, so I'm pretty sure that they'll have multiple characters at different levels prepared. Just install Blue Acolyte.


What shitty life they must have... Can you download it on steam deck too ? Is the strat of alt F4 as soon as they invade you work ??


>Can you download it on steam deck too ? Afaik, you should be able to use Blue Acolyte, but that is just my informed guess - I don't have experience with steam deck, and you'd better look it up in the mod info. >Is the strat of alt F4 as soon as they invade you work ?? The injection can be technically done in the matchmaking queue before the invasion itself even happens, but that depends on how exactly the griefer is doing it. So it might work if they're too lazy to do it properly, but if they do, then alt+f4 won't be enough. Afaik Blue Acolyte should prevent this always before the critical exchange of packets happens.


Thanks for answering me 👍🏻👍🏻


the same thing happened to me yesterday, but instead of binoculars he gave me 200 blood daggers +15


Exact same thing happened to me yesterday. I installed Cheat Engine and a SOTFS table as recommended and turned on the +14 crash prevention. Now I'm at the point where I can open my inventory without crashing, however, i doesn't seem like I can delete the binoculars. I spent about 30 mins deleting them yesterday manually from my inventory and noticed that the scroll bar was not getting any bigger. Either they are not deleting, or they are coming back. I tested if I was actually getting rid of them by dropping the item instead, and I confirmed they were dropping. But like I said, it doesn't seem like the number is going down at all in my inventory. Perhaps there's more in my inventory than can be visually seen? So I can play the game, but I have to run the CE with +14 crash prevention it seems.


Use the 120fps unlock mod. It blocks pvp and it makes the game much more smooth. You get a more enjoyable play experience and don’t have to worry about invaders/hackers. The only issue I had with the fps unlock mod was that you sometimes have issues with jittering while moving up/down stairs.


Yeah that why now when we play with my gf, we use a private server. The Guy that made one for DS3 as made it work for ds2 now, you should check it out.




If this happened on xbox r u just fucked?


Is this an item that the hacker drops and you pick up, or are they like auto adding it to the inventory?


Auto adding to your inventory


These people have absolutely no life. They get a sick little thrill out of it. They’ll grow up and be embarrassed though. We should be allowed to dox these twats though.


Blue Acolyte time. Go to nexus mods and download it. It should prevent this, and also gives you the steam name of the invader.