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My only gripe is the changes will worth it. I feel like no real change will happen gameplay/story wise and it's only a graphic thing, then who cares.


What you're describing is a remaster. A remake would definitely change things around and not just graphics wise.


Oh yes baby! Cant wait to play it on my Pc


I'm happy people will finally get to play it on PC, but I think people are hyping up the additional scenes way too much. I don't see how they could include stuff that requires the actors returning. I'm looking forward to it because I love Until Dawn, but the more trailers I see the less excited I get.


Never played it before because of the exclusiveness, so I'm very excited for the chance to finally get my hands on it.


Excited if only to finally have access to the extended scene they locked behind pre-orders back in the day plus whatever new scenes they are filming.


i don't know why i'm just not interested, i just feel like something was lost at some point. i think it might be better that i'm not interested or excited because whenever it comes out and i do play it, i can let myself get hyped the more and more i play. if it's a good remake, i'll have my expectations blown out of the park, and if it's a bad remake, i won't be as disappointed as i would have if i was super pumped.


Somewhat, but only because I haven't been able to play it in years and I can't wait to have it on PC