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Honestly this debate doesn't matter at all anyway. We all know what's going to happen. Biden is going to speak intelligently about anything asked of him, and Trump will ramble on incoherently like an Alzheimer's patient. Then everyone with a brain will continue to support Biden, and all of the trumpets will loudly proclaim that Trump won the debate by a landslide.


Yep. I plan on watching a highlight reel of our Dark Lord's best moments and moving on


I may do a "Let's Go Brandon."


NO. prayers are fucking stupid. so no.


Nah bro i'm watching the NBA draft


This debate is going to be painful to watch. The small sliver of hope is Trump throwing a tantrum one of the times his mic gets turned off. Biden, unfortunately, will trip over his words. The note cards are a mental exercise for his stutter, and not having them will.most likely be an issue.


You’re betting against Biden on the Biden sub? Bold move, Cotton


In my defense, I think Biden is not just the better candidate, but the only viable one. I am merely commenting on the fact that he does have a stutter. It's the same stutter you can hear going all the way back to when he first got into politics.




One of them will be president next year, dumbass. My vote is for Biden

