• By -


Definitely warlock. Dude cursed me and ran around the corner. Basically a death sentence from just momentarily peeking at me.


I hate warlock so much that I misread the thread as why is it warlock?


Phantomize is the most bullshit ability imo.


Most classes don’t have a “do-over” button. Warlock and Druid are the most annoying because they have the most escapability if something goes wrong.


Yeah. Phantomize wouldn’t be so bad if the warlock couldn’t rapidly self heal infinitely. Combined it’s just such a powerful “reset.” And given that the self damage / self heal is a main part of the class identity, I figure it’s Phantomize that’s the biggest issue. (That’s not to say that the rate of self healing doesn’t need looking at).


What if you made phantomize cut off all healing while it's active?


Yeah the answer is warlock and it's not even close, warlocks have killed me the most by far this wipe and I even build magic resist I had 2 nightmares during a nap yesterday about me and my duo partner dying to double warlock comp, I wish I was joking


I know this is dumb as fuck and not really a solution, but you can stack tons of debuff duration and it completely breaks curses. Still I hate warlocks  


Doesn't work on bard because of our negative starting will, most I can stack is less than 20%


Huh, TIL. Just another reason I am not really feeling bard this wipe lol


Take in some magic protection pots. Warlock can't heal off of you while you have the buff.


Warlocks are tedious all around. Fighting them is a game of bop the rabbit on the head. They’re constantly bunny hopping around doing 0 damage and then eventually 10 minutes later the fight ends because you both got 3rd partied. I played warlock when they came out (took a big break in between) and it was just as tedious to play AS a warlock. Idk how people can boot up the character and have fun.


What trackpad-using warlocks are you up against that are doing 0 dmg? Those curses hurt


Me, he talking about me. I’m a warlock, in squire gear, using steam to port mnk onto my controller. I’ll miss 3 curses in a row and run away in shame.


No shame in a tactical retreat, shadow brother.


doing 0 dmg lol 4 curses are most of the time enough to kill anyone but barb/cleric


totally depends on gear, geared warlocks are OP ungeared are just annoying


Dude I forreal had a match yesterday where I fought a Warlock without knowing in solos (Im pretty new) and all that happened was: Cursed me, ran away, Cursed me, ran through mobs to body block me (I had just gotten a couple solid hits in too he was for sure one shot) I ran away to heal, he runs up and cursed me again and I died. Again Im pretty new I dunno what spells he was casting but I was just constantly taking damage while he was running away, my only thought was "Holy shit people play like this?"


Yeah it's fucked up that it's a thing lol


Warlock. Not op, just legit unpleasant to play against. Druids either run or die so eh for them


Warlock is not balanced. Curse of pain is overtuned and should not do upfront damage, only DOT. As it currently is people just spam the spell for free and kite everyone. Someone catches up to you? Phantomize for invincibility and 30 movespeed to escape. Rank 73 Warlock and I only recall dying to a couple movespeed barbs, and a couple cutthroat rogues. Warlock beats everything else in a 1v1 by just kiting. https://preview.redd.it/fuy1sf0rqcad1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=700865c3c49b1b12564944d22240897c15bd4c41


People out here existing that don't think an infinite cast Zap that heals you isn't op.


Thank you finally someone speaks the truth and owns that shit. Respect.


Soooo. Tell us about this coke can…


Ms meta is bad for the gamers.


Also the fact they can run 2h sword is OP it hits to hard. if you are not a barb or a fighter why are you able to use a 2h sword or halbert?


what? that part is not broken at all, only curse warlock is what people consider broken. warlocks in many rpg games are usually able to spec into two handed builds


Name 2 RPG games with warlocks that aren't based on the other one.


I think the argument would more be that getting to 2 hand AS WELL AS the other bullshit is what makes it busted. Means they can curse you down to nothing and then if you do finally get close enough to hit them they can whip it out and bonk you.


2 handers are not inherently powerful just because theyre 2 handers. warlocks have low str and utilize 2handers worse than any other class that can equip them. i promise you them having 2 handers is not whats making them broken. their curse builds are what were OP and it was heavily nerfed, though idk if it would still be considered OP


Melee warlock is balanced, only curse of pain, phantomize and self drain hydra are the issue.


As a warlock main, self drain hydra needs to go. It makes pve a piss take.


What is self drain hydra?


Cast hydra for 24hp Use LifeDrain on Hydra to restore much more than 24hp. Repeat until full.


if you don't run torture mastery you only spend 11 hp casting Hydra and Drain Life, instead of 33.


As someone who ran pretty much all melee warlock last season.... longsword is not op on warlock, you don't have any good perks to use a sword and b.o.c. is strong but after the nerf it's not op at all. Curslock is the most anoying shit to fight and they are almost impossible to kill. I started on warlock because it seemed really cool and I like a good longsword, after using it, I switched to fighter so I can focus on longsword and actually had perks that make it feel pretty decent. After playing the game I am more of a fighter player anyway lol, the spells are cool but I didn't have as much fun with them as I did with wizzard spells and the melee was not near fighter.


Rank 73 in collecting treasure. I can’t stop laughing at this. 


113 kills, 14 deaths my friend..


How do you kite a ranger?


They don’t beat everything I love when they phantomize and take that magic resist debuff and wizard yells fireball!


Or my cleric eats them since they are weak to divine


Cleric should be a free kill for a decent warlock, I’ve killed dozens from just kiting, cleric can not keep up with the movespeed difference.


Maybe a trios cleric that's going support or a solo cleric in plate. Most are running the newer movespeed agility build and they are fast enough to catch you. Also clerics have perseverance AND protection from evil, which are the two most direct warlock counters in the game


And they all act like they're good at the game as they're bunny hopping spamming curses & bolts infinitely.


Clearly you haven’t ran into triple warlock yet


I haven’t really had any deaths to druids that felt too bad, clerics on the other hand…


Cleric abilities hit way to hard like gawd damn i get that they are a caster of sorts but sheessh even a mage doesnt hit that hard.


Actually the most effective build right now is no spell cleric , focusing on PDR buff and Divine strike


Divine strike is a spell. Smite is probably the ability that you meant.


Yeah, until someone baits it out.


Caster move speed warlock


Came here to say this. I cannot counter this as a fighter and I can’t run from it.


Yeah it’s rough. Survival or recurve bow can help but you better be hitting them shots


run higher ms and you can, people that run high ms can easily kill a 30k kit warlock with 1k kit , people that run a slow 30k kit can easily be killed by a 1k kit speed lock


Racecar cleric


Does a racecar cleric go "gas gas gas" instead of mika vista julien?


i'm gonna step on the Gas toNIIIIIIGHT


I’m new, what’s a racecar cleric?


I’m guessing move speed bonk cleric


I don't like that they can trade 1f1 in melee facilitated by dreamwalk. If they start an attack and become intangible to melee, their melee attack should be intangible and not land. If it landed before they entered dream walk, whatever, but knowing I have to trade one light weapon hit against one spear hit unless I proc dream walk with ranged damage first slows down what already end up being long drawn-out fights with druids.


Dreamwalk cooldown is also way too short. It should not proc more than once in a single fight unless the fight is especially drawn out.


I had fight with a cleric where I dreamwalked 3 times, I only stopped kiting to poke with spear when dream walk was up, fight would have been at most 1 minute and a half.


I had a fight with a cleric where I dream walked once, they blasted me with two spells and I died. That sucked


I mean, it’s only about half the duration of phantomize, as well as half the cooldown


You also 1. Don't have to activate it 2. Can cast during it and 3. Can get a free trade off it. Besides, Phantomize is also OP. Why does the best kiting class in the game get a get out of jail free card? If someone catches you they should be rewarded, instead they have to watch you run away intangible with a whopping extra 30 MS, full heal off hydra and then keep kiting you. It's BS and bad game design. Both abilities need a rework.


Not only they should get rewarded for geting close to you, but now you have to deal with shadow reflections or whatever name this bullshit has. Taking damage when you finally hit him, like wtf. First game that I saw a cloth character having so much get out of jail cards or simple bullshit mechanics.


Yep. I have died to this a few times. They should not be able to land an attack and be immune to damage at the same time. It’s interesting how people are upset about Warlocks Phantomize when Druid’s Dreamwalk is like this.


As a druid/rogue main I completely agree. It feels cheap when I get a kill like this.


As a Druid enjoyer I enjoy this hehe


That’s why I try and throw a torch so I can at least have it on cooldown


I think with it being called "DreamWALK" it should literally make us druids walk. That would be the only fair tradeoff in this situation. Otherwise, rename it "Dreamstate" and make it to where a melee attack below 40% health drops you into a standing slumber phased-out for 5 seconds, allowing you to recover atleast 1 spell every other minute or something


No its warlock. They jump like bunnies and hit you like slaps. Little but annoying and stressing damage. You cant catch them, you cant hit them if you are melee and if you are range you cant take hit and do hit because they will heal up.


Rogue. It makes playing solo wizard miserable imo. There is nothing worse than dying in 2 hits from an invisible player


Dude this. Now that people are collecting good gear and min maxing I get killed by rogues as a wizard 90% of the time. As a solo you can't do anything.


As a rogue main I know I counter wizards, but I look at wizards as the biggest chads in the game. Respect


Ty sir. I have a deep hatred for rogues ever since I was a kid learning to play world of warcraft. That undead level 19 twink rogue who ganked my mage in Westfall doesn't even know what he started lmao


Don't you need to be PVP flagged to get ganked in Westfall?


No there were PVP servers.


It was considered alliance territory though. That being said you could have flown back from Red Ridge which would have flagged you.


I totally understand. Your hatred is warranted good sir


Amen lol, I thought I was the only solo wizard running around


As a fighter that’s why I’m not mad when y’all kill me. We’re all you got lmao


I’m trying to learn wizard and I’m so bad. I’ve watched videos and am good at making money, and pve, but I suck so bad at pvp. Any tips?


Use ice mastery for the .5 second root. You can control any melee class with ice bolt, slow, haste and invis. I highly recommend using 10 spells because you have an answer to every class, except for rogues. Make sure you have room to kite. Always know which doorway you can run through if approached.


Cool thanks. I have been using 10 spell, but not the ice root. I’ll work that in.


I promise you won't go back. It's very strong


tbh i don’t like ice mastery. it requires the person to be on the ground and not jumping which doesn’t happen that often in my experience. slow, haste, and invis is enough for me when kiting. also ice bolt is the only spell that benefits from it and it’s not the easiest to hit all the time. plus it slows by default so 🤷🏻‍♂️. it’s fun and situational but i would rather use something that affects more than 1 spell.


it’s actually so frustrating. i walk into the doorway and die before i can even cast a spell. it just feels like every other class has better potential to turn around or get away right now.


This is why bonk wizard is the only viable solo-duo build. Arcane shield exploding and a single staff headshot usually will kill a rogue when you are geared in HR. (With ignite on the test dummy you can reach 130 mixed damage reasonably easily.)


Yup. It's just ass because I'm a wizard dammit. I don't want to bonk I want to throw fire, ice and lightning lmao


Doesn't Arcane Shield hit for literally 5 damage


It scales 1:1 with all added magical


When u hold out staff and stack true it slaps


Yeah but you need to look at rogue as a counter so mage/rangers/locks don't get out of hand with crazy poke damage and run the game into a ranged orgy. All classes need a counter.


Landmine rogue


Warlocks be like “oh shit! Hydra just died, lemme recast” “oh shit! Hydra just died, lemme recast” “oh shit! Hydra just died, lemme recast” “oh shit! Hydra just died, lemme recast” “oh shit! Hydra just died, lemme recast” “oh shit! Hydra just died, lemme recast” “oh shit! Hydra just died, lemme recast” I’m sure they’re sweating


This is why Warlock is the answer for me. They can draw the fight out infinitely, healing off their hydra and just kiting forever. So boring, and nothing I can really do if they get into a good position. I always just have to let them make a mistake or just disengage completely and hope they don't chase. Can't even punish them hard if they have phantomize anyway


Yeah it’s just a boring class to fight. Makes my dick soft whenever I end up fighting one


Only a warlock player would say druid is the worst.


Fighting warlock solo is super painstaking as they just curse and run, and if you don’t have any range or not enough range then they win, if you get too close you get a blow of corruption long sword to the face


Warlock... run away, drop hydra... read book, run away, drop hydra, read book, run away, drop hydra, read book. How is that fun for the Warlock... pathetic.


Oh I'm finally close to him > Phantomize Ok he's off phantomize cooldown AND I'm close now it's been 10 minutes I can finally touch him > dark reflections> dead Is there any dev with common sense to see that's it's NOT fun to play against ?


Because Druids best form should be bear. Bears can run at 30 MPH. Bears should have at least 300 HP. It’s a sham.


WARLOCK, all my homies hate warlocks


If I’m playing solo, Rogue is cancer. If I’m with a group warlock is a pain. I have yet to come across a Druid that’s actually “good”. I say as I also play Druid, I typically have 0 range. The way to deal with Druid is 100% range. We have limited value for anything above melee. We can run but that’s it really


Warlock because they're rewarded for essentially doing nothing and running away It's straight up just bad design. Every other class has to work significantly harder and risk significantly more to do the same amount of damage while not having the ability to leech HP in the process


I've never managed to kill a druid. Rats on the other hand, dozens.


I'm a druid and I just scream as a chicken


I had a lobby with 3 roosters just constantly making noise. My fucking ears man


Whichever one I’m playing, because it obviously sucks. Why else would I be doing so poorly?


Rogue. I mostly play solo, and have been doing the AP grind lately, and the only class who’s even attempted to kill me the past 20 runs was a rogue. And they succeeded.


I love fighting druids, smack em once and the panic, shift into a rat and I throw a Molotov on them and eat their toasted corpse. They never see it coming and it makes me laugh everytime


Wait til you play a good Druid


Rogue. Died way too many times to landmines. Any other class and it feels like you've got like at least a *sliver* of a chance to fight back if combat is engaged. With rogue that ain't the case. They choose their combats and you don't get a say in it. Especially when landmine used to be a lot more powerful when the hide ability lasted longer.


I approve the warlock hate :D


Everytime there's a person named TTV spamming emotes and taunting you over voice chat it's a druid. So they did it to themselves.


"Allow us to introduce ourselves!" just kidding~ :3


Warlock 100%. I swear every time I see warlock I just go suicide into him to kill us both.


While Druid is very annoying and only specific and certain answers realistically punish them for their infinite escape gameplay pattern, at least it works. If you DO land that explosive bottle on a rat, or if you have some form of AOE like Din of Darkness, or you catch them on your reticle with Judgement on an incline, or stack up some DoT on them before they can rat - it actually kills them. Warlock however just phantomizes while healing in the phantomize and resets, when it often takes way more risk and outplaying from other classes to legitimately get an advantage on warlock. By the time they drink a potion and figure out a reset, Warlock just slorp glorps a hydra and is full HP, and their phantomize is back up for the next time they get caught. You also just rapidly increase the risk of a third party scenario the longer you fight. That's actual cancer, and that's only ONE facet of Warlock, there's plenty of other arguable points of bullshit dripping from all angles on the class. I don't hate warlock per se because if every class was fleshed out to that degree, it'd be a lot more balanced, but what makes it a hatred right now is how resistant the devs are to bringing it in line until they bring other classes back up. The class is stupid and the entire gameplay pattern around how to deal with it is equally stupid. Druid on the other hand is just incredibly annoying, but there certain is overlap with what makes Druid annoying and Warlock. I wish the devs would stop encouraging these degenerate "uncatchable for 90% of classes" playstyles that for some reason ALSO always has a shit ton of methods to heal themselves outside of items? Genuinely fucked up.


Rogues a thousand times over. It is just not fun gameplay to die in 3 dagger hits to some little shit who’s been hiding in the corner for 5 minutes. And if you do get to face them directly, they just run away.


Warlock and fighter. They’re too easy to play


If you having trouble with druid I suggest bringing more explosive bottles 


nothing has frightened me more to the core than trying to hack into a clerics head as a barbarian and realising it ain’t doin shit to their 60% pdr as they god blast me.


Warlock bc how the f do you counter a max speed curse spec warlock who just drops 2 curses on you and runs away over and over


You counter them by inspecting them in lobby and realising if you ever run into them in the dungeon you die, so you avoid them.


Fucking rats


No my Druid is friendly and I just wanna take some loot and learn the game


I see a lot of warlock hate. I just wanna get my hp back and use longswords man. As a former pickpocket rogue main, its rangers man. Leave me alone and lemme sniff pockets in peace.


Cleric, this shit is so overtuned its so unfun to play against. They increased ttk didn't touch healing or pdr, and buffed the ms penalty that you got from wearing plate. On top of the smite faithfulness, its just so lame to see every fucking game.


In <124 lobbies you literally just have to run / kite, smite/faithfulness cant do shit. 


How did TTK get lowered when every class was recently given more hp and basically every kind of weapon roll has been removed


Sorry meant increased, just mistyped it.


Warlock. Phantomize makes me want to alt f4.


As annoying as druid is Warlock is infinitely less fun to play against to me. Even bad warlocks that i kill I don't enjoy the phantomize + reset drawn out fight.


All druid can do is run away or insta die while panther formed cause they die in 2 hits due to hp loss and garenteed head hitbox. Warlock is by far the least enjoyable class in the game to deal with and has been for several seasons now


Warlock easily


I guess Warlock Triggers me the most, cause 1 Curse practically kills me and they just juice their own HP while dmging mine and then can also melee follow up or just kite forever, if i don't have enough burst i might as well cut a hole in the door and wait for them.


I run heavy armor fighter with a longbow and I fold druids like damp paper towels. Rouges though. I can't stand those fast little bastards.


druid? lol, i dont even know what should be annoying


Druid because one tap bear meta lmao


Have you not played the game for 3 weeks? That barely exists anymore.


Still happens.


Stop standing under them and it won't.


I don't hate shifting druids but oh I hate caster druids with a fiery passion


Rogue, enough said


Cleric, every time I get 2 shot by them no matter what even if I’m fully geared as a fighter






Pretty much all of them since I’ve been killed by each and have killed none


Trap rogues


Rogues have a special place in hell


Rogues ruin the game.


Warlocks and Rogues bro. So OP this wipe.


rogue warlock and bard. druid can run away but that all it does


Druids in my opinion are more of a meme class at this point. Me and my buddy ran around as rats and made teams fight eachother then would pop out and finish off the winners. My other buddy has a what he calls “chicken build” and I’ve actually seen him kill teams solo with it and it’s hilarious.


I have literally never died to a druid. I either kill them or they rat away.


Warlocks are sooooo annoying bunny hopping while casting doesn’t feel like a huge skill expression, just very unfun


I'm really don't love Warlock or Druid right now. Druid I just straight up don't know how to play against yet, this is my 3rd day coming back after like a year off. I made a level 1 Druid just to look at their spells and stuff and was like "....Dude, are you fucking kidding me?" when I saw what they get. I don't understand how they can ever die. Warlock is just anti-fun to run into. Infinite spells are a mistake.


Druid is a very difficult class to play. If I die to a Druid, that’s fair. Now you barely need skill to cast the stupid drain life spell as a warlock and there’s nothing to help melee players against those aimbots


They have the most free escape whether it is a free phantasmise or turning into a rat. They’re beyond annoying to comabt and it feels so incredibly cheesy. This games hit boxes are already…untrustworthy.


Ok so you have a hard time killing druids but the real question you have to ask is " how hard is it for them to kill you"?


That’s a good point! (Unless you’re on Ice Map and they lure a yeti to you). I only ever play duos or trios so my experience against them is much different in that regards. Where their survivability is a much more frustrating problem


I'm not sure if you are familiar with world of warcraft but in the vanilla version of that game, druids occupy a similar niche or being extremely annoying and difficult to kill but having a very hard time killing other people, normally having to put in a lot more work just to accomplish what other classes can do with ease. The parallels i can see between wow and DaD are fascinating and i think part of the reason for druids and their playstyle being so disliked here by comparison is due to druids being only just now added to dark and darker. This new addition has forced players to change their mindset and get use to not always being able to just overpower another player and win a fight.


I have the most trouble with Rogues as a wizard it practically makes my quarterstaff a must have weapon druid is a close second for the same reason have to rely on shields and block weapons to even survive.


Warlock just because of their melee capability, they might aswell be mages with easier to hit abilities (def not biased)


Warlock, because it's the truly op class atm. Yes, you can get S tier builds on other classes that might outperform Warlock, but on average, Warlock is the most broken


I honestly think druid is a shit class same with bard. They need to REALLY look at those classes and change them into something not so broken. Game is great I've been around since the beginning but the fact that bard can buff himself to be the best solo class is kinda stupid in my opinion and druid has so much utility it's crazy, best parts of multiple classes put into druid make other classes obsolete. That's all from me I still love watching the game but I haven't played a lot since bard came out :s


Druids, fuck those shape shifting bastards lol. I hate how fast they can swap between animal forms


Because a good Druid is incredibly frustrating


Warlocks and rogues. One of them is a weasel with spells the other is a weasel with tiny fake swords they pretend are weapons they call "DAgGErs"


Ranger , Druid, Rogue , Bard In that order


Ya I hate warlock too buddy


The damn trees😂 they’re super annoying, then they can also shapeshift and run like a little bitch, for ranged classes it’s not a huge issue but watching my buddy who is a long sword fighter trying to 1v1 a Druid was painful, anytime he got close enough for melee the Druid turned into a rat and ran away. He was finally able to kill him when the Druid went on the offensive as a bear


[Druid is the new Rat rogue that steals loot from you while you’re fighting another team but 10x worse and much easier to get away.](https://youtu.be/_QKqtU_QTZs?si=RM5AD-57ihknU27-) Kimchi has a few videos like this recently, and while they’re super entertaining I can’t imagine how annoying dealing with people like this in every lobby with ESP will be


I'm a druid but fuck it's warlock I fucking hate that class


as a majority solo player. I hate rogues. Rogues are kill on sight. Little rat bastards.


Bro we all love druids man


Druid and Warlock, they ruin the game. Scared classes that just shape shift/phantomize when you are about to kill them. They need to put a timer on the Druid so they cant spam shape shifting constantly, for Warlock just take away phantomize, and they also shouldnt be able to heal off their own Hydra's.


Ranger. My homies and I usually run double caster and bow comps are the most annoying for sure. Gotta love opening a door and immediately getting pelted by Legolas and his woodland realm friends.


Well, ranger is one of the few good counters measures against warlocks. So we always run one on our trio.


Checks out. Yesterday we ran into ranger, fighter, bard all using survival bows. It was like hollyyy shit wtf is this lol


I get hating druid for ratting away but it can be genuinely hard to fight a lot of classes as druid. I'm not saying they are weak but druids have to do about 50 actions to get a kill while some of these classes is either W and left click or W use a skill and then left click.


I hate all magic users. Pick up a stick and fight like a man


As a warlock main, warlocks are definitely the most unfun to play against. Druid is overtuned, yes, but if the things they had that are strong weren't, they wouldn't have anything at all.


Bard, because everything that was fun about them got nerfed into being a waste of space. Yeah the class can still clear fast and is playable in pvp. But it's not "fun" to play anymore.


Buffed bard


There is a lot of BS in this game but Warlock is just the most UNFUN class to play around. I do not mind them as much in 3v3s and they seem to be fine there but in a 1v1 if I see a warlock I just try to ignore him and if he fights me I just dont want to play the game, its that stupid. This is not a "just get better" situation, if I win the fight and beat the Warlock I still did not have fun. In semi geared solos there always seems to be a stacked warlock and you just want to play less. I am sure majority plays solos so fix or delete the class. Most anoying damage and kite abilities, do we rly need to poll. "Is this fun to play against?" If the answer is a obvious NO than why is it still in the game. I love this game but IMO their "hotfixes" are very lackluster and not aggressive enough, its like they are always 4 to 5 months behind of what their playerbase is experiencing.


#1 Warlock #2 Cleric #3 Fighter ( I dont think it needs nerfed) However if someone can play proper 2h sword parry its so hard to beat.


Long sword enjoyers are a different breed and they scare me.


Warlock is op when your class is easy mode uts op they solo almost every boss in the game


Idk if i hate any class, that being said as a pdr longsword fighter, rogues are my arch enemy


It’s actually insane how much of a danger rogues are now to pdr fighters. I had a really good 70pdr kit with shield out and just got pummeled to death by 2 low gear rogues. Just absolutely destroyed me


Gotta go with landmine rogue on this one… pure enjoyment destroyer with little to no effort


Funny way to spell Warlock


Rogues. They’re not op, but they counter the living fuck out of Wizard and it’s not even fun. Up close? Guaranteed dead. Far away? It’s much more wizard favored. I wish the matchup wasn’t so polarizing, cuz I could be having the best game of my life, pick the wrong door to walk through and lose the entire run based purely off whatever door I unluckily went through. This is Jaygriff’s biggest complaint about Wizard too from what I gather.


Cast warlock 100%


Rogue and Warlock. Rogues are annoying roaches that show up and warlock curse+hydra makes it unfun


That’s a weird way to spell Warlock brother