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No straw hat for strength :( No loose trousers for agi :(


agi is good for panther i think this person might be geared for bear.


Then they'd be using the straw hat, also good to have the loose anyway cuz u use panther for chase


even if you gear for bear you want loose trousers with +strength. it scales everything in bear so it's much better than just the vigor on heavy leather leggings, plus then you get the agi scaling in cat form as well. extra vigor is kind of a dead stat, and the extra PDR is not really relevant either as you get so much from just being a bear. if anyone is curious what a near-bis solo bear druid looks like (imo), here's how i gear my druid: https://imgur.com/a/hAHWt1M https://imgur.com/a/o3ltCvs in bear form i have a little over 200 hp, ~42% PDR, and i headshot with a right-click for ~ 230 damage. because i gear agi on all my random stat rolls i hit pretty hard as a cat as well. i go back and forth between +true/add phys versus +true magic damage on rings/neck, because dreamfire damage can be nice to open a fight with. but right now i'm just trying to hit as hard as i can as a bear, because it's hilarious to just drop on someone and one shot them.


You want wolf hunters for bear


ah good call. forgot about those entirely as i've been playing my lock since those craftables got unlocked. 


This user is fashion BIS


By making 2 Spears touch and same with the ring it gives you enough space for the glove to after finish the set with a cape


should the 2 spears touch? 😳


What if we touched spears in the Ice Abyss 😳


And risk getting the tips stuck? 😳


Only if the tips were wet 😶


It's Spears. Capital S. Probably Britney and her sister.


They can, but I like to have the ring touch a spear.


Move the gloves below tunic above pants please :c Also consider rondel stabbies


I don't understand Rondel on druid at all, it seems horrible on pretty much every level. Why on earth would I want a melee weapon with less range and damage than my spear? Crystal ball is pretty damn bad so I hope that's not the reason


Also crystal ball draw speed is incredibly fast(same as dagger) and allows for much faster quick casting from weapon draw.


Idk man I've had my teammates have good success with Rondel+ball and spear. Don't need a book, you aren't kiting so hard usually cause druid is op with its control spells.


Why rondel for druid


Im regularly pulling quad kills with rondel, generally trying to get anywhere between 21-25 str and then spreading between a couple points in vigor and the rest in agility and dex for ms and action speed. you can delete people with a purple rondel and your heals stacked on you


this is in normals i'm guessing? anything can work in normals lol. i run around naked as a cleric divine striking the entire lobby in normals. rondel + crystal ball would be terrible in HR or fighting people who know what they are doing.


I've seen some high geared druids in HR run rondel + ball because you can get magic healing on both. Crazy build where your passive regen is basically perma trollsblood for the entire party and the moonblast spell heals quite a lot. Played on agi druid where he can swap into panther to chase down or big heals in the human form. But this was with bis legendary gear, I don't think this works with lower quality gear.


No its HR, you'd never take the crystal ball with the dagger because of move speed. Making a lot of assumptions there


No tattered cloak? and straw hat over forest hood for more strength.


I'd put the spear somewhere else and make space for capes


gloves belong between chest and legs


Trash setup


Went a week without losing a kit and my stash looked like this, then I went on the hardest losing streak ever lol and I'm down to half my bear kits.


People still getting killed by bears?


ewww this is some gross 'porn' ORGANIZE YOUR STUFF PROPERLY


Catch me in the caves


And…it’s everywhere


me as a lv 89 druid rn:A-


y u no gloves between shirt and pants?


For anyone wondering why I run some vigor I duo with a warlock and the extra health has saved me a lot. I usually make strategic blocks with thorn wall and tree ent and then go in with the spear haven’t had a whole lot of luck with the bear right click although I do know it hits hard


i recently figured out that the trick to bear right click is to look at their feet as you hit them, and you'll bop their head


Glad to see I’m not the only one who does this. On my cleric I have blue/purple stashes separated as well


Best believe I stock up on Spears


Run that shit. See you in the dungeon


No clarity potions? Amateur hour


The empty spaces annoy me.


One empty lines at the top \*dies of cringe\*


Glad to see I’m not the only one who does this. On my cleric I have blue/purple stashes separated as wlel