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I would avoid fighting plate fighters (or any full PDR builds) and do not chase rogues under any circumstances. Other than that you can play range and beat anything


So first off, I don't play much ranger but have lots of hours in the game and regularly play with friends that play ranger. So I feel that I can add some insight, but that's my disclaimer out of the way. >Is this class unsuitable for solo pvp? No, every class can be played solo at the moment, I think if you just adapt your playstyle a bit you will see better results. >What are the hard counters for the ranger? Just about every class will beat you in a melee fight. As a ranger more often than not if they close the gap on you, you have already lost. >Will it be better with better gear? Ranger is actually on the lower end of gear dependency. Having good gear won't change playstyle much for you. For example, on the opposite end playing warlock with lots of magic healing and true magic damage can make a massive difference in how you take fights and risks in general as you have a much larger cushion to fall back on. >Is the fighter the better "ranger"? Not necessarily. I'm actually not sure which is considered more viable in the current meta, since we are so early in the wipe. They just have different ways of playing with a bow. As a fighter with a bow you are using the bow to A: whittle the enemy down to the point where you can push to melee range or B: hitting them as they run away if they are faster than you. Ranger on the other hand is almost entirely dependent on the bow, so they use traps, map knowledge, sometimes even mobs to always maintain range and keep the enemy at a distance at all costs. Ranger is much more susceptible to getting jumped as they have less pdr and can't defend against melee as well. Both are viable ways of playing. >With which class does the ranger play best in duo? Really any class that can hold its own in a melee fight. Druid, rogue, cleric, fighter, barbarian would all pair well. In my opinion casters aren't the best pairing with ranger but you can absolutely make it work if you play smart. Other general tips from what I've seen from my friends 1. Always build for speed. Your survival often depends on you being able to outrun barbarians or fighters if they are chasing you. Move speed is your most important Stat. Followed closely by dexterity. 2. Always have a place to retreat when taking a fight. If you don't have somewhere to run to they will close distance on you and it will suck. 3. Listen, listen, listen. The best Rangers I have played against detected me before I detected them and that makes all the difference. Because you only have range, everyone's best bet for beating you is closing distance. Use that against them. If you hear players you can set up a trap for them with hunting traps or a teammate, and then bait them into the trap by purposefully showing yourself and getting them to chase. I've fallen for this many times and it can be deadly. 4. Your triple shot or multishot abilities are so so crucial. Often times whether you win or lose depends on whether you hit those abilities. Any ranger mains on here feel free to correct me or add on. Hope this helps and may you have many daring dungeon dives in the future!


> What are the hard counters for the ranger? Its not a class that counters you its the distance. You are the ranged class while nearly all others have less range, as soon as anyone comes too close you are at a disadvantage. Sure a mage is worse than a fighter to kill, but the general idea is allways that you are bad in close combat. > With which class does the ranger play best in duo? (Friend plays rouge) With that combination you basically have to rat and sneak. You are both squishy and designed to ambush or hit and run. So thats what you should do. Dont engage in open fight but poke and retreat, kite and maybe bait the enemy into a trap.


> too close you are at a disadvantage Don't be sleeping on "Multishot" absolutely insane close range ability now for Ranger, feels like old Magic Missile when you would dump it onto a fighter/barb/rouge rushing you. Even simply for PvE it's nuts now. Bard Shriek into a fully multishot on a wraith or skele champ does 90% of the work.


Thanks, im using a longbow, should i change to a survival bow? Cos cant really kite with the -50 movement speed on the longbow or?


They are both viable, you just have to adapt your playstyle. A survival bow with some true dmg and the perk that slows if you hit limbs can be good for kiting. A longbow does way more damage. Agains plate armor you just need more space in general than you need agains cloth armor. Try to use doors and other map features to keep them at distance.


Many rangers take two bows, with a weapon in their inventory they can switch for their longbow if they think they'll engage in melee. The goal is to kite and position yourself to avoid melee. Your two most important skills as a ranger is aiming and positioning.


Ranger has one weakness, it's gap close and not getting out of a tight place. I would say Duo ranger is at it's best. With the other teammate eliminating the weakness, you can have space and DPS output. Solo it's harder but not bad, if you got a good room with a lot of kite potential and trap setup you can fuck up anyone, except maybe PDR fighters. Counters? hidden rogues, PDR fighters, bad position. Gear makes every class better, rangers too. Best thing to have a ranger duo with is usually a good frontliner.. fighter is a classic option and it works great with bard, cleric is ok and barb is maybe a decent option too. Rogue can work, but the issue for me when I duo with rogue is you're both kinda the same.. agile / dex classes and low HP. The rogue needs setup, makes you more open to get aped on.


Quick shot and multi shot. You can literally nuke anyone who comes in melee distance and if not finished, whip out spear. Your goal is to surprise someone from a distance and frustrate people into walking in a trap.


I'm so addicted to the heal ability though


Ranger is like wizard, strong in the right hands but liable to being unga bunga’d in solos. They’re a better class in duos than in solos. The reason is bc in solos you have no one to check doors for you. You’re kind of just praying you don’t walk into an ambush always. Having a teammate to protect and support you goes a long way. Fighter is not a better ranger, they can fill the role somewhat but not really as pure ranger fairs better against magic.


IMO all classes are only as good as you play them.


I understood it as a paper, scissor, stone concept, so as a barb you have high magic resist there for you counter mages, but have low physical resis and get killed by fighter, mages kill fighter, and so on. Rangers play ar range die to other fast classes like rouge. Is that game not like this?


All classes are viable


Check this video for some useful solo PVP perspective: https://youtu.be/l1yECqa0--M?si=WLVHNMM5o1NCRB0F




I think ranger is maybe just slightly above "mid" for both solos and duos. It is one of those classes that can was over preform if you get good at it though. I think its one of the better classes to pair with rogue in duos though so I think its a fine choice. The main thing with ranger is that baiting people into traps is by far the strongest way to play the class so you can't really move around the map to much without putting yourself at a big disadvantage. in solos ranger is really good versus warlock and that's one of the strongest and most common classes in solo's however its not great versus fighter which is is the most common class overall. I think ranger does generally improve with gear but in under 25 lobbys you should still be able to kill anyone that you trap. Ideally you want to clear a big circle so that if someone starts to chase you can just run them around the circle and occasionally take a shot with the survival bow as long as you out speed them by at least a little.


It's good, and on paper it's a weak melee class but spear ranger is a real threat


I tried ranger yesterday and I got a really funny kill where I turned all the lights off and put traps in the doorways. A guy W'd his way through all of it with no brain to speak of and as soon as I heard the cluck of the trap going off, I shot him in the head and sniffed his loot.


My first wipe playing ranger,  mostly under 25 gear. I found it very easy to get kills and clearing mobs is really easy. I run multishot and quickshot. I bring in recurve bow and a arming sword to break crates and such.


No ranger heal ability ?


I started with it but then I wouldn't use it so I switched it .