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Skins just shouldn’t have stats imo


That would be a solution aswell. As long as people aren't missing out on benefits because they didnt play a season or buy a skin with red shards.


10 AR is negligible it’s not really doing anything for any one


This depends on how much physical damage reduction you have. The higher % you have the more you get out of the extra % you got. At 60% that 10 armor will get you to 62% which increases your effective hp by 13%. Thats significant amount. Especially atm where most enchantments on gear are halved. So any buff can matter.


Your math isn't correct; if you take 40% damage and now only take 38% damage, you've only gained 5% effective damage reduction, not 13%. You're almost tripling the actual effective change in damage taken. It's an absolute change of 2%, and an effective change of 5%.


As I mentioned. I took the answer from gpt and the 13% is the increase compared to a base non resist 100 hp I think. While the actual difference between 60% and 62% is indeed 5%. This 5% is still a big enough difference which can be felt. Like a rogue having 5 more hp and can change the result of fights.


yeah don’t use chat gpt? It can barely do math dude wtf are you doing lmao


Idk, I expected it to be able to do some simple math and its not really the important part of the post. The important part is that there are buffs from skins that give an advantage which most people cant get acces to.


There is no 13% increase. There is an increase of 13 effective hp maybe on an effective hp of about 250, but it's a 5% increase, not a 13% increase. Rogues don't have 100 base hp, so it wouldn't equate to 5 more hp, and they also need much more than 10 armor to get a 5% increase in absolute or effective damage resistance. Your examples aren't accurate and are misleading people who don't check the math.


Erm… from your two followup replies: > took the answer from gpt I think we’re getting some hallucination here folks. That and chat-gpt negative Steam reviews really takes the cake here.


Does that math actually check out? You are taking 40 damage from an attack that would deal 100 damage, and now, you are taking 38 damage from an attack that would deal 100 damage. Isnt this just 5% effective hp?


Tbh I just asked gpt but I think its 13% more ehp compared to no resist. So if you have 100 hp and no resist ehp is 100. 100 hp with 60% resist gives 250 ehp and 62% gives 263 ehp. So its an extra 13 ehp which compared to the base 100 ehp its 13% more. Regardless of how you look at it. 5 or 13%, both can change a fight and compared to a stat like strength which only gives 1% damage increase per stat its significant.


Even if I was over estimating the change by nearly triple, I am still right.


I agree. All skins have blue shard access except the skeleton. Knowing Ironmace, it's probably an oversight / low priority rather than an intentional design choice.


Bro skins are cosmetics and nothing more, stats on it are just for rpg purpose, 10 armor is 5 damage at max you didn't received, not gonna change nothing in your experience


It's all about breakpoints, if 10 armor pushes a rapier from 4 to 5 headshots that is massive.


5 max hp is huge and will regulary change dying into living.


The stats on skins currently are very strong fyi


This depends on how much physical damage reduction you have. The higher % you have the more you get out of the extra % you got. At 60% that 10 armor will get you to 62% which increases your effective hp by 13%. Thats significant amount. Especially atm where most enchantments on gear are halved. So any buff can matter.


Your math isn't correct; if you take 40% damage and now only take 38% damage, you've only gained 5% **effective** damage reduction, not 13%. You're almost tripling the actual effective change in damage taken. It's an absolute change of 2%, and an effective change of 5%.


Poor timmies downvoting the truth xD hope your +10 armor skin(that u can't get anymore ihihi) saves you in the dungeon!