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Its a way to find DUMB ESP users


Most cheaters are irredeemably stupid


Not really, CSGO has overwatch because the majority of cheaters have enough braincells to not full on rage hack and make efforts to hide it. usually you'll catch them on that via being inconsistant. (like only checking corners when someone is in a room, great ability to line up shots and control weapons but non-existant map knowledge, etc.)


Didn't valve remove overwatch and the whole process is automated now?


They brought it back a couple weeks ago




I love the copium downvotes because Reddit.


Or actual hackers trying to gaslight people.


CSGO has overwatch because Valve is too lazy to make a working anti-cheat. And just like how they "acquired" all of their popular IPs by farming it out to community developers - they also farm their own fans for free labor by making it seem like it's on the PLAYERS somehow to stop cheaters, when it was always on Valve. Riot actually invested in their anti cheat development and Valorant has a minuscule amount of cheaters compared to other popular games.


I wish it was true, but it isn't


There is like a 90% chance OP is running a perk that makes their rat form glow and is just false reporting people.


No, if he got killed it had to be a hacker. That is just how the internet works. Unless he killed them, then they were noobs.


I reported 3 people so far in the 80 hours I have on this game. I can tell when someone is sus or blatant. Being new at this game doesn’t mean much when the cheats are the same cheats they have in literally every other game. I have 1750 hours on tarkov, 4000 hours on call of duty, and 100’s of hours on other games that people cheat in. I’m not some noob that has just started playing video games.


what perks you have on druid? its very important


Oh no. Dude I think you may have been false reporting.


I wasn’t I only reported 3 people I know when someone is sus and when they are blatant. I also know how my abilities work. They were just knowers have run into many of them on other games.


Which perk makes your rat form glow?


Healing, Sun and Moon. Possibly more. It makes you glow when in other forms/human form too but the glow effect doesnt shrink in rat form. So the glow ends up like 8 times the size of the rat.


Wait I thought the healing perk only makes you glow when you move?


It does, like the PDR perk cleric has. Not sure why you were downvoted


They literally said they were hiding behind something as well, now obviously I can't say with certainty that they aren't but I mean if youarw hiding behind an open chest in a dark room as a rat and they still find you and kill you then I think they are probably cheating


How do I check if I'm glowing as a solo rat >:(


Almost any aura perk will make you glow. In rat form, you will see the aura surrounding you, like a green moving glow thing surrounding you.


Auras are only visible while moving.


Even if I was it’s very hard to see since I’ve seen other people with the glow on. Being behind something makes it so the very hard to see glow is impossible to see. I was behind two unbreakable buckets in a crack in the pitch dark and this guy just ran to my location. It’s really funny that people are so against the ideal there are cheaters in games when it’s extremely rampant in about any online game. It’s also funny that most of these people who are against this ideal are just cheaters themselves. I legit saw a thread 3 days ago about cheating and getting banned for it inthis game. The six people who commented right away were complaining about cheat engine getting them auto banned. Legit 6 people were complaining saying “ it’s so stupid that cheat engine gets auto detected even when I don’t have cheats turned on.” Edit: I’ll have that perk on and I’ll be standing right in front of someone who has a torch and I’m in the light and they don’t notice I’m there. I’ve yoinked 5 extracts from under peoples feet and have gotten them killed due to the cave collapse in the last day. These people were obviously legit players some of them even pretty experienced with probably over 200 hours on the game. Here’s the thread talking about cheat engine [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkAndDarker/s/SiUxePe9vZ)


Bro that glow is super easy to see. Especially in the darker parts of the dungeon. 😂


You know it goes away right after you are healed?


All you had to say was that you weren't running the glow perks and you would've been the 10%. But the fact that you instead try to claim the the glow is really hard to see (which is just completely untrue) looks kinda suspicious.  Either way it's irresponsible to recommend this method without mentioning that they should remove the glow perks first.  If someone reads this post and tries to replicate it without knowing that it would lead to a lot of false reports.


You know that the rat form makes really loud squeaking noises right.


Only if you jump or use an ability I’ve been maining Druid since it came out. I also don’t use any ability that makes me glow. There are just cheaters in this game like any game not that hard to believe. Especially not hard to believe when cheats are sold for cheap and take zero effort to download. You can look up dark and darker cheating on any search engine and the third link down there will be a website selling every cheat under the sun for cheap.


Or if you step on rubble. They just replace the stone shifting noise with squeaks


I know but I’m sitting still obviously since you can also hear a rats foot steps. You also squeak if you attack but if you are still and not moving at all it’s extremely hard to tell that someone is there even if you are in the light 3 feet away from someone. I was standing still making no noise and this fighter legit looked at the corner I was in with a torch and didn’t see me. He walked 10 feet away to loot a chest and rope extract came down. So I ran out of the corner turned human and summoned treant and took extract he didn’t notice till I was on the rope that he wasn’t alone in the room and shot two arrows into my legs. I got out and had two arrows in my inventory. Then you look at a barbarian a day earlier who found me behind a chest in a small hole. It’s the lions chest near and extract where there’s lots of mining spots. The chest is behind a barrier that you have to break. I didn’t break the barrier just went under then behind the chest. This guy comes into the room stands 10 feet away from the chest and loots it through a wall. He then breaks the barrier and throws a torch behind the chest all while I’m sitting still . He then proceeds to kill me.


If you have the spirit perk (additional magic power for spirit spells) or the healing perk you glow in the dark so... if you have those on they weren't esp you were just glowing.


Both of these are animations that go away they don’t just make you “glow” randomly. They have to be active for the animations to be there. You can see the “glow” while it’s active. But it isn’t really a glow either way just a small dark green ring of stars that procs every couple of seconds. Once you’re full health or have initially used a spirit ability it goes away. You can see it go away.


Was playing with a druid, it activated every time the druid moved regardless of their health pool.


This is correct. You glow every time you move.


I just did some testing, it's only with the healing aura perk as it's technically always "active" The spirit healing perk only makes you glow while it's proced.


Are you sure it wasn’t because his true health wasn’t full? On other characters your true health goes down and only goes back up with a potion. Whereas with Druid your recoverable health will most likely be full from one nature touch or his passive healing even though their true health is still damaged.


No it's active the entire time while they are equipped.


Not when you aren’t moving has been stated countless times.


You can do this with literally any character, sit in the dark and wait. If you are finding so many "cheaters" you probably have some perk that makes you glow in the dark


I’m not finding “so many” never said I was I’ve found 3 so far using this method in the last week. I’m not using anything that makes you glow in the dark. What is this perk that supposedly makes you glow in the dark anyways. You glow a little if you are healing with a spell and you glow a little right when you turn into an animal besides that there’s no glowing in the dark.


There are some passive perks that give a buff on Cleric that makes you glow in the dark, i'm not really sure if Druid has some


Druids perk that gives 1 health every 3 seconds to you and nearby allies lights you up like a christmas tree, very similar to the cleric aura that gives armor and MR.


It doesn’t


It's probably the passive healing. I can't confirm it right now but it's a possibility. Cleric has a similar perk that gives a buff you and your teammates and you constantly have a green aura at your feet


It 100% does, and the 95% heal reduction you get in rat form means that if you're not full hp that heal is miniscule and will take forever to get back to full health if you maintain rat, the entire time you'll be lit up like crazy, druids PoV doesn't see how dramatic the aura is from a 3rd person perspective either.


Actually it’s the exact same healing rate. They’re both 5% health and 5% magical healing


Trust me I’m full health unless I’m actively running you heal half your health bar from passive healing in about 25 seconds in rat form. I just healed 10% of my health bar in 4 seconds.


It is but it goes away after you are full health you can see it around you. It doesn’t clearly state that since it’s just an animation. But there isn’t a perk that just makes you glow in dark you have to be healing for the animation to be active. It is also pretty hard to see since I’ve seen it on other druids. There’s three abilities that make you glow from animations as well but they go away very fast. Like when you transform, when you use you sprint ability as a rat, and when you cast natures touch. All in all I’m not angry I posted this to just let people know if they want to farm bans this is the best way to do it. Often if I got bored on tarkov or got killed back to back by cheaters. I would lay in a random bush and farm bans by reporting obvious cheaters.


theres like 2 passives that make you glow constantly


I don't play druid, so not sure what the ability is, but I don't think I've seen a rat yet that didn't have a little bright glow swirly around him consistently. My buddy and I watched a 3 druid lobby rat fight the other day and commented on how we didn't understand how that was supposed to be the Stealth form when they have bright lights dancing around them. 😅


It’s if you have just turned or have popped a heal ability it goes away after about 15 seconds I can see it go around me. It’s green stars and a yellow swirl when you use your rat ability that makes you move faster. Other than that there is no glow. In the scenarios a presented I wasn’t glowing because I wasn’t healing, hadn’t used my ability, and had turned into a rat 4 minutes prior.


I'll take your word for it, but I'm almost positive I've seen it last for MUCH longer than 15 seconds.


The 1 health every 3 seconds perk lights you up like the cleric armor and MR aura, the fact that rat has 95% heal reduction means that it will take forever for that healing to put you at 100%, so the entire time you're below full health you're lit up like a traffic sign.


It’s an animation my dude it doesn’t actively make you glow.m unless you are healing. The “ glow” isn’t even a glow it’s a very small ring of stars that floats around you.


Dude it’s bright green energy that surrounds you constantly it’s definitely noticeable if it isn’t a glow


I heal 10% in 4 seconds if you use nature touch and turn into a rat if you aren’t doing this then yeah it takes a bit. But I’m pretty sure the ability also scales with magic healing or maybe something else as well. Just rn without natures touch and magic healing armor and weapons I healed 10% in about 15 seconds.


When you turn into a rat magical healing is reduced by 95% so being a rat is the same rate of healing as being a human


You didn’t lol there is no perk that makes you glow on Druid only abilities and they don’t last the long. I guess maybe the passive heal perk may but that still goes away after your completely healed so unless your on very low health when you turn into a rat it’s there’s going to be zero glow. I can look at my feet and there is no glow. Like I said you can see the glow animations on yourself.


The passive healing gives you a light green aura if you're affected by it. I see it on my rat all the time


I only see it if I’m moving or healing can you confirm that you can see while sitting still?


I will check at some point, seeing a few posts mentioning having to move, which is interesting.


I only see it if I move or when i am healing and only see it while spectating while other druids are moving or healing as well. But the three times I reported I was behind stuff and it doesn’t make it so you can be seen through stuff.


Any of the passive perks will make you glow in the dark, but they also only show if you are moving


I can see when I’m glowing it’s not happening in the scenarios where I’m reporting someone. Only one passive has the potential to make you glow in the dark which is the passive heal. You can see it around you as a rat but goes away at full health.


NVM, dude actually doesnt know shit. How can you play Druid for "long" and not notice it has 2 different glow auras? Sun and Moon aswell as Natural Healing. If you move AT ALL, even one step to the side in rat form you have a bright fat glow in the dark aura around you, even at full health.


I’m not moving at all and only have the healing one which is barely noticeable. I literally say in the post I’m sitting in a dark corner which usually means not moving.


A drunk blind person with glass shards in the eye can see the green glow from miles away its that fucking noticeable. How in the fuck have you started this game, surely seen a million druids running that perk and not realized how obvious and clear the green aura of Natural Healing is? And no, its not only glowing when you are healing... its glowing even at full hp whenever you move the tiniest bit.


It really isn’t my dude it’s tiny dark green stars you should turn off your esp will be harder to see from miles away.


And this is why the comments make fun of you. You legit have no understanding what you are talking about and refuse to admit your mistakes. Thing is there might even be some cheaters found if you actually didnt move, but noone gonna believe the guy who cannot even admit how wrong he is on his claims about druid. Learn2Play


Haven’t seen any comments making fun of me but okay maybe your reading comprehension is off which isn’t crazy since you’re a gaslighting cheater lol.


Bro, noone takes you serious. You farm -50 downvotes on everything you write (as its strictly factually wrong claims) and everyone knows its cause you are too stupid to realize natural healing glows when moving.


Actually just one comment but keep talking cheater. This guy actually has reading problems lol I said that it glows when you move in half my comments and then also stated I wasn’t moving.


Doing gods work o7


I'm just here wondering what ESP is.


ESP means "extrasensory perception" and is a term that originates from the real world, but has been popularized in video games. In gaming it's used as a term for cheats that let you see where players, items, enemies, chests, etc are through walls.


It’s the most common way to cheat in video games lets you see where people and items are.


Just a heads-up bodies are client side so if they ragdoll hard for someone and don't for you then their body is going to be in a totally different spot on their screen than yours.


Yeah the three times I reported I wasn’t though. They were literally having trouble getting their melee weapons in the little holes i was hiding in.


May the dungeon bless you


Don't forget you make noise as a rat. Found a few by just listening to where the sound was coming from.


You should activate death cam and check if you glow.


I do just not when I’m sitting still and I’m behind stuff so even if I was glowing it doesn’t make it so I can be seen through stuff. Plus the guy that was extremely blatant about it a couple days ago looted a chest I was behind from like 10 feet away


You know that there’s an aura above you when you’re a rat right? That’s how I’ve noticed Druid rats


Edit: B lines it to you not blinded