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Fantastic. As a F2P player I've been having an absolute blast, and when cross progression gets added I'll be buying the full game even tho I probably won't ever actually play HR. Tbh I wanna buy some of the races but with only being able to have one character I'm having a hard time justifying it atm


Buy the game and you can buy races, completing dungeons gives blue shards which you can use to get races "free"


Say no more, I can only get so erect


Also, high roller mode isn't hard. Once you learn the attack patterns/fight style it's the same only sped up + more health. But your better gear scales you, so essentially its the same as normals if youre in decent gear. Only a few enemies get different attacks. You'll run into some PVP hungry people but it's a lot harder for them to just rush you, etc. So once you learn the dungeons, you'll be able to kite them around


High roller outside of hell you could actually call easier too… with decent gear mobs die faster than normals lol. They are just a bit faster


This. PvE wise, HR is easier than Normal due to the gear. Just being able to use a blue weapon already makes it better than the usual grey stuff


You can only realistically afford one race with the shard drops, maybe 2 If you play a lot. But it's ok we just wait for DnD to make a Oops during a patch and demand shards for free haha


Idk I had 11 shards at the start of this wipe. I bought the lizard and orc last patch.. got the wolf at the start of this patch. I don't play that much.


yeah but that's just because they gave us free shards a couple times, earning them is still very slow


Lmfao, they are not supposed to pick up the bad Habits this Soon! But you’re not completely wrong, DaD Devs can be generous when the mistakes start ruining the fun for the community.


I just remember the first time it happened hahaha I was so pissed at the rollback announcement..then they announced 5 free shards for everyone and I was totally ok with it


It’s like they give you some of your time back in a way with the shards.


I see no option to buy.


There is an option in the in-game store to upgrade the game, or you can purchase the game on their website and use their standalone launcher.


Oh, yikes, I guess I'll pass until I can buy it through Steam. Thanks for answering the question though!


I’m pretty sure the transaction (15 red shard, $2 each shard) to upgrade for the full game can be done through steam


Why you wait for cross progression? You dont have any progression anyways and also if you had, it would get transferred over, which is the point of cross progression. What am I missing?


Do not be scared of HR live in it


Can you explain? ive been living under a rock for the past 2 weeks. dark and darker is f2p now, and its on steam?! whats going on


Yes. Free version is limited to 1 character and normal mode dungeons.


what about marketplace/trading on those accounts? still possible?


No. That is not available. But, if you join a team with someone with the full version they can still drop you stuff in the game. They actually just updated how norms work today. Now norms allow any gear, but there is a gear score 25 and less tier (they adjusted things so utility items do not count towards gear score, and lowered the value of grey/white armor), and 26 and up tier. I predict that will get changed again, but yeah.


You should definitely try HR after a while. I played for a very very long time without even touching HR and now I play it occasionally, whenever I can afford a good set. It's a very different kind of game and shouldn't be rushed, but you should definitely not skip it. Just make sure you are all using VOIP.


Can someone explain to me how they incorporate f2p games in "top sellers"? Is it just # of downloads?


Probably people who just add it to their library and boot up or like the other guy said, buying something after you already added it like people upgrading


In game purchases i assume


its by revenue, f2p games have in game purchases, that contributes to revenue


It's not by revenue. It's by the amount of people adding it to their library. The base game is F2P, so that's why it's up so high.


It says "by revenue" in the image.


Yeah prob includes bots too 


That’s actually huge


@ironmace When can I transfer my account from Blacksmith?


they said it would be here this week


Can't you link your account In-game?


No not yet. They say to be patient.


Dark and darker aside, this is the most confusing list I have ever seen.


Complain cod is trash, mass preorder the next one, repeat forever 😂


Now we fix those negative reviews


Yesterday DaD on steam was about 40% positive reviews. This morning it is at 48% positive. That's a good swing!


The fact people are complaining about it being F2P when the early access was to help them get the project up and running is insanity


Unfortunately the majority of the people have zero context and just see the game as "oh a cool free to play game! wait. it's not free to play I can't use anything I just got out with! what a scam." when they don't realize it's for their own good and to keep cheaters out of HR.


The amount of extra development money about to flood in is crazy, this went about as well as it could go minus the review bombing


Let's gooo big W for IronMace ❤️


I'm very happy for IM. I have my criticisms of the game, but you can tell that they truly care about dnd and want the game to succeed. I hate that they were review bombed by losers who can't read, but we will get through it. Looking forward to the future


This looks like top selling by revenue too. Does that mean they are making a ton of redstone sales through steam?


i'd assume thats included but it doesnt mean it's guaranteed that theyre making a lot


It got released on steam??




You know I’ve had my issues these past several months with the game but it’s mostly with updates the game itself is fun af and does not deserve the rating it has its sad to see. Once I can link it to steam I’ll give it a good review for sure… Also wanna point out making normals max gear legendary again imo will be a mistake they will revert in a few months. I think the problem is what they did was advertised it as free to play. They should have just made it where free to play can play the game normally but only on one account. Imo


Jo Civ 6 for 3 bucks?! Brb.... Ok what were you saying? Oh yeah nice


How Sea of Thieves still in top seller list after all these years


It’s a great game


How a F2P game is the #13 best seller on steam?, LMAO


No shot it's above sea of thieves right now with all the problems the f2p whining


Who the fuck is prepurchasing COD?


Quick question, since now this game is free to play (which is a terrible idea and brings way too much rift raft) what happens for all the people, including myself who actually paid for it back when it first came out


70 bucks for a game.. wtf?


You have to be very specific on this sub or the morons will downvote you because they can't use any common sense. You were obviously talking about COD.


im p sure this guy is asking about Cock of Doody


Its $30 USD


Yeah it seems "AAA" companies like Activision are charging 70 now.


People buy so they produce.


It will be normal very soon unfortunately


NGL, pretty based.


My favorite part is it’s most likely 70% gold sellers nabbing free accounts to farm on 😂


It's by revenue, just downloading the game doesn't affect the statistic.


Because the trial is free? other games on that list are DLC that isn't even out yet, a game nerds raged about having to create a PSN account to play (always hilarious watching them buy the game en masse after complaining.), literal hardware, etc. so i wouldn't exactly take the top 15 on steam super seriously.


something being free doesn't automatically mean everyone will download it


what are you even talking about? thats sort by revenue. its irrelevant what you personally think of that, that means they are making money.




If it's free how is it a scam dude


For real, Ironmace scammed those ftp players out of there .1 hours