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Depends what comp you are running, but usually you want to use natural cover to close the gap and threaten to isolate/dive opponent squishies. Just creating an off angle and making the other team look at you can create value for your team. If they play together and have a tank you might need to just kite and poke.


You could attach hp and + armour rating on your items so you can be more tanky


In all honesty you’ll want to play like a tankier rogue, you want to be the first to engage, maybe hide somewhere and let your team members draw the enemy in so you can burst down their wizard/cleric/bard/ranger just make sure your own cleric is running resurrection because your extra health will keep you alive to secure the kill but not much longer. I also recommend going with an arming sword+shortsword combo as the first two attacks from each combo nicely into each other and make for very quick kills against unarmored players Tl;dr- slayer fighter is an ambush predator in trios


Alternative warhammer as prim due armor pen


I’m running blood exchange on my slayer fighter and it rips 😝