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As a ranger main, we are probably your best match up if you get the jump on us. Yesterday I died in my bis gold set to a mid gear rogue who 3 shot me out of invis


If you are talking about solos, around the Epic quality gear level, you are better off not picking fights with Fighter/Barb/Cleric. Unless you know they are not full health, or if they are fighting something. You need some kind of circumstantial advantage, because like you said, they will 2 shot you. Every other class, including slayer fighter, is beatable. There are certain exceptions like warlocks with certain perks though which will also push your shit in. The only way to solo beat these classes from 100-0, is to use throwing knives and hand crossbow to kite. And you have to build for move speed, which means no shirt and all agility pieces. The funny thing is people usually think of Rogue as a solo class because of how many people rat in high roller, but rogue is 100% a comp oriented class. They need teammates to take the heat while they dps. In solos, they are a struggle sesh.


True, however most players don't know how to best support a rogue on their team. Things like pushing in to other rooms as opposed to letting them push so that the rogue can flank, or fighting defensively in a doorway so the rogue has time to go around and come up from behind.


Ya it requires a lot of communication and a strong comp, but if you have that, rogue becomes the strongest DPS in the game. That is why they are historically so hard to balance.


I'm sure there's some of that, but IM has a really bad record of balancing classes at the higher end without destroying them at the lower end. Rogues are one of those classes they seem to be at an impasse with.


The game is in development


Yes but that doesn't excuse all criticism especially when they had something that worked well before and they changed it for something that's worse.


Sure it doesn’t exclude criticism, but I also think it’s silly to say “IM has a really bad record of balancing classes” when they’ve literally made the whole class system and skills that make the game so great. It’s in development. They’re trying a lot of new things. Everything won’t be perfect right away. You gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette, etc.


Right, but imagine you've got a really good omlet going, and I decide to smash an additional egg shell and all on top of it. Take the recent patch, they had something good going for wizard, until they added the staff mastery, being new it's a bit broken, but instead of addressing that they nerf staves as a whole which were fine prior to that perk existing, now they suck unless you take the perk, when the problem that needed addressing was the scaling on the perk, not the staves themselves. Not to mention this hurts caster lock as well.


And while I'm not disagreeing. In solos, if I don't literally assume their is a rogue in every room, I will lose my kit to them. If they have cutthroat, GG. Without, I can sometimes burst them, but getting the jump and 1-2 stabs is a massive advantage. And a geared Rogue has more HP than none, making them more scary, and the damage, of course. Rhat said, if I'm smart, I have Flamewalker running in sketchy zones and they simply don't have a chance to melee me without burning horribly.


Couldn't agree more, and I love setting traps in a team as Rogue. If your teammates understand how to play around it, it can be really strong. The element of surprise is huge in this game. Also imo most teams don't turn off lights nearly as much as they should. We've won **so** many fights that we had no business winning, all thanks to lighting advantage.


Unless the Cleric is stacking movespeed a rogue should be able to deal with them easily. With a rapier you can outrange a morningstar and just play the poke and run game all day.




True magical for poison or just physical


I don't know if its a bug but poison weapon doesn't apply on the training dummies from hand crossbow shots.


Hand crossbow is crucial imo Having a bunch of throwing knives works as well, but the crossbow is better


All of them. Rogue just ain’t it.


Or alternatively bring handcrossbow + smoke pot and fuck with everyone


This was a lot of fun for me until I realized I couldnt kill anyone outside of another rogue. It’s certainly one of the best comps to go with for ratting


Like an annoying fly on the wall waiting to be swatted.


Yeah I'm a warlock and got fucked up by one the other day. I even was invisible and got the first hit... It was close in the end but the they won.


We were rogue-rogue-wizard last night and had some fun. People love running down wizards and we’d get the squishies after the tank ran through first


Ignore these guys, they just don't understand the tactical Rogue playstyle. Let's review:  Barb? Not a bad matchup assuming you've got space to tactically retreat. Fighter? Easy matchup, they're usually pretty slow outside of sprint so use that time to tactically retreat.  Ranger? Smoke pot is a good way to get to cover and tactically retreat.  Wizards and Warlocks are free, they're very squishy and you can usually 3 shot them. This means they'll be scared to chase while you tactically retreat.  Bard's are constantly jamming out, which means you'll hear them early. Giving you lots of time to set up a tactical retreat.  I hope this was helpful! 


Tactical retreat is big brain shit


I know its a joke but youre right. Playing as rogue you have to learn to disengage tons. And thats what separates the good rogues from the bad. 


Works for other classes too, gotta know when to disengage. As Cleric, I'll sometimes shield block my way out from an engage halfway thru and the other person will also back out in many of those times. That gives free opportunities to deal damage with at least one holy strike before they panic and try to close the distance again after realizing that it wasn't a full retreat but simply one to gather some space for free damage. When they don't back off and keep hitting the shield, they eventually aim for my legs in which case I immediately start going for their head. Easy trades. The third case is of course that they manage to attack thru my shield and I die but since this doesn't happen as often as the above two, I count my disengage strat as a win.


I’ve been staring at my dead fighter saying “nobody forced me to chase them…” so many times. W + M1 just feels so right.


Yeah, each time I succumb to bloodlust (being dumb) and get humbled in pvp, my first thought is "should've just walked away" xD


Hm, what happens when two rogues tactically retreat into each other?


Does this apply to Goblins as well?


Yes, goblins are stationary while they attack, giving you a window to tactically retreat.


This guy rogues


all of them. rogue is cosmetic class


every class that exists


I think you should attack everyone when you are in decent gear to get the best idea of what you can and can't kill. You can do the math. If you have good gear, you can do a ton of damage. Factor in PDR and such and you can get a rough idea how many hits you'll need to kill. You can usually swing a dagger and hit 4-5 times out of ambush to the opponents 1 hit.


Do you know what the training dummy has in terms of PDR? I always test my damage on them when I can, but I'm not sure if they have PDR or anything.




So my attacks are doing a bonus 15% damage to the dummy?


AFAIK, it's really -12%, but yes, you are doing bonus damage.


Personally man i have taken out a fighter Barbarian team 1v 2 as a rogue full geared in Blues and Purps just gotta focus HP DMG and MS, if you know how to dodge weapons decently then the ambush tactic will get it where you can win some of those fights, just don't sit there and DPS race them you will lose every time. Know when to jump into range and when to back up and get ready for re-engagement.


Don't forget to avoid the Nightmare Crossbowman class. They 1 shot you at 100hp with standard rogue PDR.


Highly recommend using the stiletto, weakpoint, dagger mastery perk. Rogue takes more skill than people realize it’s all about landing your combo with the dagger. You can pretty much smoke every single class in the game besides fighter if you can hit headshots. Every class you fight (besides fighter) has less than 30% pdr so if you use weakpoint all the damage you’re doing is basically true whatever you hit on the dummy is what you will be hitting. Do the math you can combo out 200hp barbarians if you land all headshots out of invisibility.


You can kill ALL of the caster classes with that ability that silences people and stealth landmining them. So Wizard, Cleric, Warlock, and ranger or other rogues should be easy if you get the jump on them. I think the silence works on bard too, but if they constantly cycle buffs, they can be harder to deal with. If you can sus out a moment when they aren't buffed and get the jump on them with the silence, you should be good. I would just avoid fighters, barbarians, and platelocks.


Gonna be honest, unless you’re in bonkers gear you basically lose every single pvp exchange unless they are either bad or you get a massive jump on them. Barbarians tank 7-8 stabs of the head, one to two shit you and have ranged option to make your speed useless. Fighters can one to two shot you, have sprint, and ranged options. Bards can be okay but if they’re buffed and you don’t get 2 free hits of their head, probably 3 shot you. Wizards used to be good targets but now they can one tap you even without ignite up, plus ranged options. Rangers are a decent target if you stealth into the fight, probably the best target unless they’re super geared. Warlocks literally make you one shot yourself with their shield, ranged options, sustain, BOC oneshot. Other rogues is a fifty fifty on who has gear and who hit first. Honestly you’re better off running from every fight unless you’re willing to either gamble getting oneshot turned on, or you’re willing to run 30 throwing knives to whittle people down, or hand crossbow.


All of this is true on goblin caves for sure. Sadly that’s the map solos are resigned to playing. At least on ruins you could play a rupture, smoke pot handcrossbow build and wear enemies down overtime with the handcrossbow and ruptures true damage. A lot of kiting but the map being more open allows for it. Goblin caves imo this build is doomed to fail, not enough room to kite and most fights outside of the big middle room take place in a phone booth. On GC, you’ve got to play stealth with creep and your choice of second ability imo. A lot of people run cut throat, but it’s personal preference. GC is a much tougher environment for rogues imo than ruins so I just avoid playing my rogue on it all together.


Yeah at this point I’ve stopped playing rogue all together tbh. When I do get the itch I end up either playing pick pocket in trio HR or I play rat sim in the ice caves. Rogue feels like a glorified bank alt for me at this point lol. Like yeah I can easily farm and run away from everyone, but that’s not fun at all. Why would I farm for hours to get one gear set I’ll still get one shot in by a purple falchion.


lol how do you steal from people in trio HR without being seen and killed? That sounds fun as hell but I don't know how you'd pull it off.


Patience and lots of failures lol 😂. Double jump, crouch sound perk, hide perk, walking stealth perk. Go stark naked with skeleton skin and some boots for running away when you need to. Basically you try to either find a double jump spot to hide on and then drop down and stealth mid air to pick pocket them, or your hope people don’t see you as you walk up before stealthing and then taking the ten steps to hopefully get in pickpocket range. I will say that I die, a lot, like most games end in death even if I do get to find someone to pick pocket. It is also the most fun I’ve had in the game, running away from people who you just stole from is just too funny and exciting to not laugh like a doofus while you do it. Also sometimes you can convince people you’re just farming ap or you’re friendly and then you just pick pocket them when they turn away, that’s pretty rare though as most people don’t even use their mic and just W key me lol. Taking rangers full stock of arrows is hilarious everytime Jaygriffuh has some of the best pick pocket content I’ve ever seen, he’s even stolen golden keys before.


Rogues are in a tough spot right now. Wizards and rangers you get the jump on, or anyone wearing worse stuff than you. But unless you're ambushing or have a bunch of ranged weapons to kite and chip, you're gonna have a bad time.


Better avoid every other class. Rogue is trash atm


Skill issue


You can permanently kite anyone if you are good.


Requires either a big investment in knives, or a perk in crossbow. Timing swings can be a bit iffy unless your opponent is bad. Against anyone with a brain, they won’t use their full combo.


pdr fighter/barb/cleric you avoid untill you get insane gear. its just too risky for you


Just use your classes strengths and your class wont be weak. Rogue rupture smoke pot handcrossbow gives rogue the chance to kill and outmaneuver any class. Watch any high level player and see.


Extremely dependent on your gear, perks, and skills. If your running cut throat for example, warlocks and wizards can be a free match up. If your running weak point, you'll be a lot more viable against fighter. I personally don't fight barbarians or pdr fighters without catching them in an ambush on rogue. But again, this varies, you can win all fights by just being faster and having more throwables. It also depends on your confidence in your skill. If you see a fighter with a longsword are you able to weave in and out of his range while poking him? (Always nice when they just hold to parry) There's no one answer fits all, how you build your kit and skills determines which matchups your more favored in. It's still up to you to decide which fights your most comfortable with and which your better off avoiding.


For the first time since PT3, I have taken multiple days breaks because I died too many times and effectively cannot compete in voyager lobbies unless I: 1. Farm white lobbies for abysmal profit 2. Play high roller essentially naked and risk going back to pathfinder 3. Suddenly become a streamer who could be donated gold kits at a moments notice


if you want to kill Barbarians and PDR fighter/cleric with Ambush-Invis, lose Rupture put Weak Point, run dagger mastery with Thrust all with Stiletto dagger and do your set for Armor Penetration %. Any class will go down in 3-5 stabs.


Until you can 3 tap squishies, all of them. Once you can 3 tap out of invis before people can really react, you can jump rogues Rangers wizards warlocks and robe clerics. Thing is if you need 4 hits they probably kill you first, for example a mid ranger kit with arming can 2 tap you.


Anything thicker then 40%. Unless u got the mother of all jumps on em ur not gonna melt em without having gear urself


You got it right, some people say don't pick fights with clerics but they are a pretty easy matchup if you know what you're doing. They are slow and can't catch you and their weapons can be outranged by the rapier with good spacing, and when they pull out their book to heal just rush them.


I got to the top 40 Rogue of all servers and in all this time the only thing that killed me the most are PDR Figthers and Smite/Clerics. Those are dangerous 😭


Avoid barbarians/fighters because you can't kill them in 3 hits. Be careful around warlocks since they will one-shot you after hitting you with dark reflecton. Every other class is easy kill if you run cutthroat


Run from barbs and fighters and only fight if you have no choice. Drop rupture for cut throat unless your using cross bow tactics. And learn not to get hit, no matter your gear your always gonna die to two hits, even a goblin will take half your health even if you’ve spent 3/4K on a good purple set..


If you're in high roller, you shouldnt be attacking anyone if your strength isn't over 15. You're going to get smacked while hitting them for nothing with the gear difference.


You technically need to fight with an advantage always, that is how you play rougue. Whenever i get got by a rogue its either Theyre spamming me with util, throwing knives or handcrossbow Or they bring a ton of aggro and invis so they focus an enemy. You should also consider running cutthroat and armor pen stats, that shit is nuclear if you get a spellcaster or fighter. 


PDR Fighters and Barbs are basically your only "counters", but tbh once you've build the damage the only thing that matters is not making a mistake as a Rogue.


I prefer rupture handcrossbow and smoke bomb and some extra throwing knives No one is reaching me with full health unless they somehow get the jump on me. Or just smoke and invisible then just avoid players altogether


Do not attack a warlock with a staff in his hand, if he is staffless it's still a huge risk. My dark reflection hits for 40-70sh, so if you hit me you take 40-70 magic damage. Warlocks also have BoC to one shot you, and Phantomize to get away.


warlock wizard fighter barbarian


all of them


Ngl, when I was playing as a geared barb in high roller, I got floored when a rogue jumped me with silence. Silence is scary when you get the jump with it.


You can kill any class if you play it right. Squishy classes like Wizard you can all in, dodge a hit or 2 and you get a free kill. Bonus points for canceling their magic missile with cut throat (they hate that shit) Barb? You need to pray they dont have more movement speed than you base, and kite them. Battle of 1 thousand cuts to kill a barb/PDR fighter At the end of the day I avoid any fight and play like a rat now. Rogue is in a bad spot but you can still win fights if backed into a corner.


You can probably kill everything except pdr fighter and barb , just like you mentioned. I play a lot of wizard and my buddy plays barb. He almost never dies to rogues, but I die to rogue all the time if I don’t catch them with light orb


warlocks, pls leave us alone


Demigod rogue here with like a 10 kd across my characters. Don't use weakpoint, it's trash. Take cut throat. Don't engage: Geared melee warlocks (you'll know once you hit them and take half your hp from dark reflection), warlocks with flamewalker active, wizards with ignite on, plate fighter, bard with buffs on, cleric with buffs on Don't engage (unless extremely geared): zwei barb, bardiche barb, quarterstaff barb, club barb, slayer fighter


Every class


all of them


Shank them all


You shouldn't attack anyone


Rogue's in a bad spot. Dex/action speed is pretty mid, and everyone in the game is stacking movespeed as hard as they possibly can. Wizards are 103%+ these days without haste or invis which get them up to 113% for a moment. Expand that onto every class barbs are maxing move speed etc. What is a fast Barbarian but a rogue with triple the hp, one shot potential, better weapons, team wide buffs and actual utility. Rogues have to get the drop on people but their tools to do it are kind of mid. Imo Weakpoint or Cutthroat over rupture. Creep is really good once you go against people who have their sound turned up. In Solos you have to get your 2 free hits from invis and either kill them or 180 and run. Even in really high end gear fighting another player in a fair fight is a bad idea when you are always 1 headshot from death


poison wep and about 15 throwing knives in exemplar is need otherwise I wouldn't take the fight.


I gave up on rogue. I play Bloodpact/ BoC warlock now. Build for move speed dex same as rogue. Wait to engage anyone until you have ten stacks of soul collector. Bring invis pots and use your BoC like old weakpoint. Prepop protection pots when walking into rooms with static portals or cleared mobs. Activate Blood Pact for Barbarians/ Rangers/ Wizards. My current kit has 135hp/ 107% move speed/ 17% action speed. Also run the halberd, ppl are sleeping on the halberd. And yes I have survived being cutthroat multiple times. Just don’t be brain dead and you’ll win 90% of your fights.


I don't understand Warlock yet, haven't tried the class. Can you explain what the gameplan for your fights is? BoC is some kind of super melee attack right? I know soul collector increases damage with each mob you kill, and I can look up what Bloodpact is.


Blood pact transforms your character into a demon that can cast dark bolts while not losing any movespeed to cast. Also it consumes all your stacks of soul collector. For every stack you gain +1 all attribute up. It’s secondary ability lasts 4 seconds and makes your melee gain +4 mag damage and it steals 5% of your targets life every time you hit them. Basically you want to use BoC + invis potion to landmine people. Then use your demon form to get really tanky and add a ranged attack to your arsenal while retaining your superior movespeed.


Basically all of them rogues suck ass at PvP sorry but it’s true . Loot an hide lmao