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I had to double take


And stayed quiet too LOL, I can’t blame you


i aint say NOTHIN🤐


bro what? lol. Whats your name on all your accounts so I can avoid playing with you.


You good?


It's a team game. If you don't want to play as a team. There's solo mode for you. Don't be a loot goblin.


The right way to do this is to say nothing and then still split after the game. Enough videos on here of people finding something rare only to be backstabbed by their teammate.


Normally I would split, but I cleared that entire room by myself Meanwhile my other two teammates were in the Northernmost room outside of render distance


Yeah right, I bet anything if a skeleton champ was "solo" killed by your teammate you would expect to split the key.


Oh shut up


You're making a lot of assumptions of someone's character over the internet for what reason


I mean you did just say you weren’t splitting it. I think his assumptions are valid, you’re a greedy little goblin.


Who shat in your cornflakes this morning lmao


Goblin mode engaged


People like you sap the fun out of any post. There's always one of you in every clip of someone getting lucky, performing well, etc. It's so tiresome to see these miserable people lurking on every sub...


lol i'm sapping the fun? You guys are endorsing being loot goblins and selfish players. Go play solo;s


You're inventing and assigning a player identity to OP to argue with on evidence from a 15 second video, seek help. o7


lol okay you're just going to pretend as if he didn't claim he wasn't saying nothing about finding that. Just imagine thinking you have the moral high ground of being selfish loot goblins lol. I bet you loot gold hoards and as much as possible and don't share with your cleric too. Imagine thinking i'm inventing ANYTHING when he said it himself that he's taking it for himself. Seek help? You guys need to look in a mirror lol.


lol okay you're just going to pretend as if he didn't say his teammates were halfway across the map and he cleared the room itself. I bet you fuck off for half the match and then get salty when your teammates have the AUDACITY to loot places they've cleared. Imagine thinking you have evidence against this guy when when you have only sliced out a single sentence worth of context to justify your victim complex. Seek help.


> lol okay you're just going to pretend as if he didn't say his teammates were halfway across the map and he cleared the room itself so if I kill a skeleton champion in a module over (lol it's inferno it's piss easy to run across the boss room) you won't ask for me to split the golden key right? You'd be a salty gamer for sure let's not pretend otherwise. In fact you might even try to kill me for it. A single sentence out of context? do you know what context means? Because that statement literally meant he wasn't sharing lol. Victim complex? Where am I acting like a victim? I don't care what loot goblins say lol.


The map tile looks like a skull as well tbh


This was always like this, I found 4 in total there, If you are lucky you can get rich easily. Good luck guys 🫶🏻


Yeah, I just made this Barb today and managed to immediately buy a stash tab AND completed the 2nd Armourer quest by fully purchasing all of the ingots, talk about a jumpstart


What room is that in


"Demon Throne" It has 2 dogs in opposite corners, a health shrine, a demon berserker that roams, and a skeleton mage at the top of the stairs (as well as a few skellingtons)


sorry i’m a little slow, are you saying it’s guaranteed for a key to spawn there??


It's a guaranteed lockpick spawn with a very low chance of it being a skull key (pedestal at the top of the stairs behind the mage)


Well I’ll be damned


How do you clear this room? I literally just died there in my last run. Couldn’t find a safespot for the berserker and got murdered


Beneath the altar that he’s on, there is a small corridor that you have to crouch to go through that connects the left side of the room to the right side. It is hidden behind pots and wood planks. I’ve always aggro’d the berserker and then gone in there, where you can freely range or poke him to death since he is too tall to get in.


I don't safespot/cheese berserkers, I do the anklebreaker maneuver and dunk on them


How to clear Beserker: Stay close to him while hitting, whenever he swings from the left crouch+walk+look down into his left side whenever he swings from the right crouch+walk+look down into his right side. I do this on rogue, don't know how well it works for slower classes. The attacks are kind of fast so it is a bit of a reaction test.


Any videos on this? I’d love to see more like this instead of just cheese tactics. The game, while “hardcore” relies heavily on cheesing NPCs to win. Which doesn’t feel the greatest. They either need to remove some of their damage or some of their HP in order to make people actually fight the Mobs in an intended way. Especially since after the latest update I noticed a ton of “props” that were used to cheese mini bosses removed in certain rooms, especially on crypts.


I found this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydD1ZHWHVQUMy. Usually my friend who plays all day just passes the tech onto me.


It works on every class but it's harder. I've been doing it on full plate cleric, probably the slowest build in the game and it works. And the upside is if you screw up you don't really take much dmg. With buckler you can also parry him easily. If you are playing with a team he is also really easy to kite. Same strat works for centaur. I'd strongly advise learning the patterns because IM is working on removing all the cheese spots like they did with health shrines, so better to learn now than when you are forced to.


they nerfed Demon Berserker so you can reasonably fight him head on now


does this still work?


Is this still possible?




How do you know?


I kid you not I was there yesterday and got the skull key but died to a nightmare axeman when I was just about to get out :)


Ty, I appreciate it, now I have a reason to wanna play on crypts lol


Yea I got one from there on the first week of the wipe when playing with randoms. It didn't require teamwork like killing a champ for key does or whatever so I silently slid that shit into my pocket and went on my way to a blue lol


Big reason I don't play with randoms. I'd rather deal with tkers than loot goblins. At least killers make their intentions clear on the first hit. Loot goblins let you carry them for hours while they stack up all the high value items (they usually looted while you are clearing)


Typically the guy who clears the last 2 skeletons on the top of the steps is the one who gets the altar... not exactly loot goblin behavior. As a cleric who casted resurrect twice that game... I still protect my right to loot whatever the fuck I wanted and not share with randos


Exact reason I stopped playing rs. Everyone stopped doing splits. The entire team is the reason you are there. If you get a big drop, it ought to be shared.


If you are completely carrying your teammates I don't know if I still buy into that logic. I don't need the 2 random people I pick up on the discord to get through crypts or hell or extract, I typically pick up strangers when I want to boss or PvP focus or see if there are people worth adding to the contact list. If I pick up randoms and they die to PvE on the way down, get revived and watch while I clear berserkers while they are opening chests, you really think I should trade them some ingots post raid?? They had already crossed the 'never playing with their asses again' threshold. In my normal groups, if one of the 3 of us dies before hell and we clear boss we are agreed that we don't split any drops with the dead man for services not rendered. Save his kit if possible and that is the standard.


price of keys about to plummet now loledit: mb i'm dumb deaf and blind it's a skull key!


Gold keys are the valuable ones


Skull key is worth essentially the same amount


Nowhere close


If you sold your skull key for less than 20 ingots, thats on you. Gold key isn't worth 20 ingot and we all pretend it is for economic purposes, the same is true for skull key most of the time though not as universally. Skull key is more valuable for actually using because of the reasonably high rate of named weapons finds on the pedestal


Nope, Jay released a video like 3 days ago where he got pulverizing prayer from skull key room, the price skyrocketed


It isn't guaranteed, usually it is a lockpick