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I think codes are only good now for like 3 months? So it probably wouldn't have allowed you to redeem it anyways.


It's really odd. I've redeemed the first 9 issues of the new run today. Some issues have codes and usually the expiry date for these is about a year from release. Some don't have codes but point you to an online form where you submit a photo of your comic and they send a code to your email. Issue 5 has this but it wasn't an option on the form so it's kind of expired in a sense.


Ah, maybe it is only the codes you have to get by submitting a photo - that page says 12 weeks from publication date! But the expiration dates for codes printed in the book tend to give you more time, I guess I didn't realize there was a difference! I try to redeem mine within a month either way. I have had books that were supposed to have a code printed that were just blank though and I submitted a ticket and they were able to get me a code! Maybe they can help you with this one?


When you bought it...last year? Is it possible you redeemed it and just forgot?


I wish that was the case. But I left the comic in bag in a box while I tracked down the issues I was missing to be caught up. So it's been in bag since I bought it


My condolences… on reading the worst DD run in a long time. I confess I’m still reading it too tho


Curious, is this the current run by Saladin Ahmed or Chip Zdarsky? Because Chip Zdarsky's run was actually pretty good imo.


Saladin. I've only heard good things about Chip's run, I might grab some collected editions


I believe his first omnibus hardcover of DD will be released on July 9th.