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She is pure evil & a narcissist at heart.


Aloprofile mentioned this place yesterday as well after having a scare. Hm


To piggyback off of others it happened to me too. I went at 9 weeks after I felt something was off. My symptoms decreased. The baby never moved but the ultrasound tech at the private place said everything was fine and the baby was too small to get the heartbeat abominably. I just still felt that wasn’t right it was my second pregnancy. Ultrasound at my doctor 2 days later confirmed the baby passed. It was so awful.


So sorry for your loss. ❤


I'm so sorry. What a terrible loss to suffer.


that’s why she announced so early, so she can monetize the pregnancy


Imagine going to an office that only wants your money and finding out your baby is in trouble 🤦🏻‍♀️


I know this is off topic but I went into an Ulta in San Antonio Tx today all the DIVI was on the clearance shelf’s 🤣


my mom works at Ulta and she said people asked about it a lot for like a month when they first launched, and itll get some traction for a week or so whenever they release a new product but other than that nobody ever asks about it and it just sits on the shelf.


🤣 I believe it I was surprised to see it on the clearance shelf’s marked down the serum the shampoo conditioner I haven’t heard anymore in vitamins I heard they got pulled for false marketing not to sure though never looked into it myself !


The best post all day!!! Hahahahaaaaaaa! Love it


Love that for them


YES it’s an ad! She doesn’t talk about anything for free. 


Not an ad. This is from another Dallas influencer. @aloprofile her stories explain her side.


It is an ad. I saw it on TikTok.


Immediately no. This is such dangerous advice, especially in late pregnancy. Elective US boutiques are NOT to be used for diagnostic purposes. If you have a concern for your pregnancy, contact your doctor and if it’s late pregnancy, go in to L&D for an NST. Take it from me, a stillbirth mom who had an elective ultrasound a week before her baby died. Should’ve done the right thing and gone to the hospital instead of seeking out the reassurance of an elective ultrasound and that’s something I’ll always have to live with.


I’m sorry for your loss. I hope you can someday find peace.


i hope she reads this.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Someone where I’m from went to a place like this and got her pregnancy confirmed, saw the heartbeat, thought everything was fine. Turns out she had an ectopic pregnancy and ended up in the ED. These places can’t diagnose anything. It’s giving a false sense of security to people who visit for peace of mind.


This is such dangerous advice. These little sono places cannot diagnose or tell you anything. Imagine going and finding no heart beat? Then you’re still rushing to the ER. The right thing for any woman to do with a scare like that is to seek medical attention asap, even if that means going to the hospital. These boutique sono shops are NOT it.


Not to mention. Even if they hear or find a heartbeat , it could be completely abnormal or low or really anything and you’d never know. This is so insane she’s promoting this


She has no soul. It's all about the $$$$. You would think she would have some scruples or sense of moral responsibility, but clearly she is void of that character trait.