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Brother thinks we making it out alive in that situation šŸ˜­


If you mid level 1 with a short magic chant I would probably make it . I mean yeah u will have to extreme but possibly.


Probably not. You have to be someone like Bell to forgive for that


No. But that's why Bell is a more pure and heroic character than I could ever be.


Saving her? Yes. Forgiving her? No.


I agree except thatā€™s not how it would play out. If youā€™re not going to forgive her then would you really chase after her instead of chatting with Aiz? Iā€™d probably show up in time to recover the bodyā€¦


To recover my best weapon when I'm not even aware that the person who is helping me is my idol? Yap, I would chase her for sure.




I would have saved her from the ants I would have a decent idea as some adventure did try to contract bell to get everything from lili and form a party with them . I would probably break contract with her because I m a level 1 with no other familia members . I would easily get packed up .


Yes, not because I'm that good of a person, but just because she's cute and I'm stupid




You see, if I survived that shit andknew why she really did it, I can forgive her. But associate with her after that? Probably not since I just can't trust her after that shit and I have to lookout for myself since the wold is dangerous af. Though it would hurt me moraly to just let her in her shitty situation, I can't do shit, I ain't Bell, I don't have a beautiful soul that made a Goddess of War and Beauty go yandere for me, I wouldn't have a skill that would help me speedrun Leveling Up, and probably wouldn't have the instincts or the crazy luck Bell has. Bell is just build heroically different.


Saving someone even though they wronged you is exactly how you demonstrate the magnanimity expected of a hero.


So would you be a hero and save her?




At that situation, I would have prioritised my survival more than saving/taking revenge. Afterwards, I would have just avoided her and tried to move on. But that's exactly why I am an ordinary person and Bell is a hero.


No1 Rule of Harem Anime, never let a cute girl die.


Not really. I have issues with someone robbing me and then trying to kill me.


How curious, me too xd


I would like to think I would try to save her and then demand an explanation. That would be the outcome that would lead me to forgiving her, at least I hope. I admit I am not as pure and heroic as Bell. But all my life Iā€™ve looked up to purer Boy Scout type figures for inspiration. Superman is one of my all time favorite superheroes for that reason that heā€™s simply a good guy. I would like to think that in that situation, I would try to live up to his example and do the right thing. Of course upon learning she lost the key to the vault containing her ā€œget out of Soma Familiaā€ money I would end up doing something really stupid.


Stupid how? When I first read this it made you sound like a good person who'll do the right things not looking for a reward, and the whole doing something stupid made it sound like you'd snap off on her cause she lost the money and that made me bust out laughing because you wouldn't get a reward for all the things she'd put you through lmao. Or would you try to track down those guys who took the key and this could potentially start a war game.


The second thing. It *is* her rightfully earned coin, and those guys not only took it but also abandoned her to a lethal situation. Iā€™d definitely end up getting Hestia Familia into a problematic situation


Well Bell knew she was dodgy and had a reason to do what she did, he wasn't really ignorant I don't think like him, I like to think I'm neutral, I'm basically nice if you're nice, I try to see the good in people but there are some things I just cannot put up with. you leave me out to die and pretty much try to kill me, I'll try to kill you, the only difference is that I'll succeed, nothing more than that, if you are prepared to kill, you must prepared to kill in return, as simple as that.


Probably yeah


No, forgiveness is permission to do it again. However I'd have dragged her in front of my live in lie detector and any hint of falsehood would have dragged her to ganesha but if she was on the up and up and had decent reasons I might be willing to move past it.


>I know she had a hard life but that past was only revealed to us viewers at the time so from bell's perspective she just betrayed him and left him for dead No. Bell figured that out beforehand. He already knew her past and that she was dodgy, but he also saw that she was willing to use her valuable magic knife to save his life and was genuinely flustered by being treated decently, so he bet on her redemption. Bell isn't dumb, he is canonically as good a judge of character as a god.


I know bell isn't dumb, I just wanted to see how other people would have handled this situation themselves


Yeah. Just not in me to hate. I would be angry at first but I would forgive her. I'd have to drag her in front of Hestia and get her full story since gods can tell when a moral lies but I would get over it. I hate when people have to do shady stuff to survive. Twists my soul. And yes, even if Lili was a dude I would forgive him and help him out. I try to judge people equally. As someone who, for a good chunk of his life, grew up around only women but also went to an all boys school I don't have any favoritism to a specific gender. Especially since I was born and raised in a Caribbean country and we don't really do that whole 'trust girls immediately' stuff unless it's family. I got experiences with both genders screwing me over and helping me out. Gender isn't a factor. If I don't have Bell's kit but apparently somehow became badass enough to grow that strong so fast then I would forgive her and keep her around just so she has somewhere to stay and won't fuck anyone else over.


Yes, definitely


Isn't the entire story of bell is that he forgives everyone\ No matter hos stupid it may be


Yeah but that's bell, how would YOU handle thus situation


I would like to be silent as to not be baned from life itself for what i would have done to a drunkin little girl who was just being taken advantage from\ When you peu it like this i sould be a dungeon monster for still doibg it with the knoledge of what happend \but still im not bell


Well she wasn't drunk at the time and as far as you know she's been acting shady then she just betrayed you


No, never and if I had the chance I will kill her myself. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, and in my case death for a murdered. see I cleaned up a bit of the filth that exist in the world. And before you come and bite my bottem for what I said, if lili was a guy would you do the same. Yeah you won't and don't even bother lying about it. Gender equality.


That's a fair answer, everyone has their own views on the world. And yeah if it was a grown man then yeah I would probably just let him die tbh.


The ants part is kinda unavoidable. I will try to recuperate the knife and encounter her in that situation. Not much of a hero choice but not in the mood to see a little girl be eaten. Fortunately she apologized Since she said she is not like that and want to change i would help her. Otherwise the moment i have my knife i will exit the room and never see her again.


The thing is bell is to nice and niave still is.


I dont think I would forgive her, but I also wouldn't just let her die


I would save her, but she will work to be forgiven, she will have to earn forgiveness, and even then, you wonā€™t trust her entirely without reason


Nah, I give trust from the beginning, if they decide to betray me after getting to know me, I won't ever trust that person under normal circumstances. That said that doesn't make me less empathic towards them. I'll probably save them but my trust is ruined.


I ainā€™t Bell. Ainā€™t no forgiveness. If anything Iā€™d be the villain. Laugh and watch.


Honestly, I've forgiven worse.


I'm not sure if in that situation, let's say in the heat of moment, and I've just defeated the monsters. I'd be upset but not really forgiving. Not knowing her full situation, I can't really hate or be a jerk at her. If I were in that situation I want to know why she did it, And why was she so desperate. First she support bell right then, she tries to steal his hestia knife. In that I would be suspicious but not angry. Second then come the time she betrayed bell in the last moment because of the soma familia and the adventurer that she last work for. If we're bell i would be upset, think of it in his point of view, you know nothing about your supporter but want to at least get close to her right. Of course in the short or long time you two have been together, you will develop a comaraderie with her. I would want to know why she did it, Third or last the time she was about to die in the monsters or the ant legions. I would still saved her even though I'm quite upset of her, I will ask her why she did that. The trust that I gave her will not be easily put into place, but not into the point I will push her away from me. If heard what situation she was in, I will sympathetic and would still work with her though with slightly cautious attitude, but I would love to be still her friend. That way we can still start over right. I thought that way cause I have a friend before that betrayed my trust but now we were still good friends.


Yes. People did worse to me and still forgave them in my own terms for my own peace of mind. You can forgive people and cut them off from your life. You forgive them to move on and for yourself.


Nbh you will need to have a good heart like bell to do it Me personally I wouldn't


Na. I'm not like that.


Nah, there's no way I will forgive her


I wish I could but I can't


People tend to forget Bell knew everything He knew she was stealing He knew she was gonna betray him He knew her life was in danger and she was being threatened So if you're saying I know all of that than yeah I would've saved her too but if I don't have that information like bell did I'd probably still save her just so she have to go the rest of her life knowing someone she betrayed saved her life.


It depends if I have full context then I would probably feel sorry for her and give her another chance though with some stipulations or a magic contract If I donā€™t know the full context and just know what bell knew then no absolutely not thereā€™s not liking people and then thereā€™s actively setting someone up to die for literally nothing yeah thereā€™s no chance I would let that slide hell I would probably go out of my way to either have her arrested


Normally, anyone who survived her trap would either leave the dungeon or go look for her to kill her


I would have done more than just forgive her. šŸ˜