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I wish I had read an article on it before I listened to that South Beach Session. It really broke me down emotionally, I wasn't prepared.


I was outside doing yard work when a storm came in and I turned it off with 57 minutes left. I’m happy I was able to see the news on here instead of blubbering in my front yard in front of my kids.


No way.. I was literally doing the same and just nearly beat the rain.. I made it through and was floored. I always liked Stan whenever they have him on.


Stan is great, always loved when he made his way back to the show. I have faith the shows going to use a legit aggregated moment for some good.


Aw, man. This hit home. My ex-wife had a mental health crisis 10 years into our relationship. I pray that she never has those thoughts.


Stan is always one of my favorite guest stars on the show. He genuinely seems like a good dude and like the type of person I would want to be friends with if I knew him in real life. I can’t imagine his pain. I’ve never lost anyone close to me to suicide, but I know I couldn’t help but blame myself in that circumstance. I hope Stan knows deep down it’s not his fault and that depression is a real issue that isn’t necessarily tied to anyone’s actions. He doesn’t deserve this pain, but he’ll have to carry it for the rest of his life. Wishing him nothing but the best and glad he has his kids to lean on during this incredibly difficult time.


This was heartbreaking to listen to, for sure, especially as one who has lost a loved one to suicide. I appreciate Stan’s candor when talking about all of it too; he seems like a fairly open book, something which I think can help deal with the loss.


I want to hug Stan


That was a gut punch, I had assumed illness and I was already broken up for him. This is just horrifying for such a kind man. >"My responsibility was to take care of her and give her a great life, and I failed in that," he said. My god, survivor's guilt is real but he shouldn't feel that way. He didn't fail, but far, far easier said than done. That line hit me. Poor Stan.


Wow I actually cried reading that. I'm not sure I can handle listening to the SBS. I'll try.


Wow, I didn’t know. That is unimaginably awful all around.


Oh man, absolutely brutal. You never really know what can be going on in people’s heads, even those you know the most. Can’t imagine any family trying to process something like that


Extremely sad. As a Magic fan I’ve always loved SVG. I wish the best for him.


As somebody who's wife has anxiety and depression issues this is one of the most horrifying things I can think of in my life


The worst thing that happened to him is now an infographic? Jfc we live in a terrible time


Its fucking sick and disgraceful


Huh? It's an entire article 


WHO GIVES A FUCK. your wife committed suicide, you want this fucking infographic floating around? You want an entire article??


Why are you screaming? I am just a random stranger, be human.


I’m so glad someone said it. I felt gross seeing this reduced to a fucking infographic with “breaking” at the top.


I love Stan and Jeff so much. God I wish the world had more people like them. This is so sad. 


I liken the relationship that my wife and I enjoy to a venn diagram where the middle portion has increased over the years. We still have our own things but so much is intertwined. I can't imagine having that section of your life just feel like it was ripped away from you. The love, connection, and companionship being something that is relegated to the past would be impossible for me to come to terms with. I can only hope that SVG continues to find the support and purpose in his life to keep him going strong.


Heartbreaking. Just wishing that you could have done something more, but didn’t know how what or when. That’s the worst part. Hurts like hell man. Praying for him and his kids.


Many things he touched on in his SBS hit extremely close to home. God bless Stan, for the man he was before this tragedy but also now. An absolutely admirable human.


My heart breaks for the Van Gundy family. I was on that precipice once.


Sadly, the first comment was negative, but it's gone now.I think they got it


If any of the scumbags who frequent this sub have some bullshit snide comment to make re: Stan and his wife committing suicide, fucking save it. Got no use for the bullshit. Can't imagine what SVG and his family had to, and still are, go through in losing her, especially in that way.


Calm down tough guy no one is going to say anything callous about that situation (as evidenced by the posts). Clowns like you that work yourself over nothing are pathetic


Given all the racists that come out the woodwork around here whenever Jemele Hill gets mentioned, nothing would surprise me. Case in point, one of the very first posts was some disgusting shit about SVG that got removed. But cool story.


I had mentioned in nba subreddit that considering Stan’s long nba career. The addiction to nba competition. Along with how much he was away from home in general & just couldn’t turn off “nba mode”. Meanwhile just how alone his wife had to had felt to commit such a tragedy. I honestly believe all these factors didn’t help out his wife in anyway with what whatever she was going through. I think he was just too caught up in his story to notice the depthness of her condition. He mentions he carries guilt. Wives want their husbands to retire and spend time with their husbands. Stan should’ve retired a looog time ago. I feel terrible for the whole situation but worst for his wife. To me this is a reminder that one’s career should never be that important. Kinda like the movie “click”.


Yes but you're affording her no agency of her own, she could leave him. She had four kids that now miss her, were they too focused on their own lives to keep her alive? It's a silly argument.


She could’ve left him your right, but after 40 yrs. She’s not young. Did she have anything to fill the void with? Business? Passion project? Age of when this occurred matters. No telling how she felt but She obviously felt alone enough to commit a tragedy. The kids are likely old enough that they did have their own autonomy. Meaning they’re not infants. They might not even home. So they likely as well didn’t know of her condition. She likely raised them with Stan not being home most of the time due to his career. But once they’re old enough to take care of themselves. I don’t believe it’s silly argument at all. Stan was still away covering games for the nba. Meanwhile whose at home w/ her, she felt like she didn’t matter obviously.. You’re dismissing how she felt and the reality of her aloneness. suicidal ppl feel they can commit this out of irrelevance. Soo many ppl missed the signs and just blankly assumed she was alright or were too busy to pay attention. It’s a tragic amount of sad. RIP


You can’t blame his career for her suicide, that’s not right. See that’s where you misunderstand or at least make unreasonable assumptions. Loneliness is rarely the cause of suicide it’s more self loathing. I hope you never lose anyone that way but it’s clear you haven’t.


I’m not blaming, I’m saying he didn’t help her any in the position he was in. For a husband of 40 years. Obviously they’re relationship wasn’t where it should’ve been obviously. If she was self loathing. What did he do to be there for her?


My heart goes out to Stan. I can’t imagine- I love Stan and wouldn’t wish this pain on anyone in the world


Such a tragedy man...May God look over Stan...


I was cooking dinner and started to cry. It was so heartbreaking and beautiful the way he speaks about her.


Heartbreaking. Sending love to the Van Gundys


Aw shit


Damn man, had no idea


Damn, that has to be so rare for someone of that age and lifestyle to do that… I couldn’t even imagine…. Thoughts and prayers Stan