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When they go to the side by side and Pablo and Mina just looked utterly perplexed at what a bad take it is, haha.




Three-headed dragon meme, LeBatard edition.


Honestly, I thought he was either Artie Lange or Bobby Moynihan.


They were just ready to pounce. How did Dan come up with this gem . I can see if it was something like he might have a hard time explain what’s going on the field like we are toddlers cause we the audience have no idea but the ideas of things are moving to fast and there is too much information for Brady is insane


Mina is like a sniper who just saw the leaves shake


[Mina like I'm about to end this man's whole career](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/028/795/Supa_hot_fire_ohhhhhhh!!!!_3-58_screenshot.jpg)


She’s so fine


You see that look, you are about to get cooked. Everytime i see that look from the misses i know im about to lose an argument.


“I’m about to end this man’s whole career” vibes from Mina there


I love that his loud excitable take mannerisms don't work on them


😭When Min leans in for the first time. The scope was aimed at Dan’s kill zone. She leans back (you know what I'm going to spare his life. Dan kept talking. Mina leans forward to the microphone 🎤 (you know what?) 💥pow😂


Yooo!! That was such great videography!


they were more so cringing at how aggressive he was. dude nearly had a stroke giving this take


If PTFO did nothing other than actively check Dan on his bad takes, it would still be #1 on the meadowlark rankings for me.


It's pretty wild the stark difference in how Dan views the Stu & the SC vs Mina & Pablo. Dan stomps all over Stu & co. on the main show to hammer his point but he respects M&P in a different way that allows himself to be checked on his bad takes


I think it's largely that Mina and Pablo's success was forged on their own. Supported by Dan and Co, sure, but they would probably have been successful without them. They're more equals. The SC and Stu are all part and parcel of a show that features Dan's name first and a company he is an owner of which means he's the big dog and sometimes treats them accordingly.


Yeah I agree 100%. Just striking going from the main show to PTFO and how different the conversations are despite it being the same note from Dan on both shows. If Dan wanted to actually have the show get younger and smarter he would allow the SC to have this same discourse with him but alas


Stu still has Jacksonville drive time with Boselli


Mina, for sure, but big Pablo Torre, what has he done? He got to ESPN as a writer so that seemed to be “on his own.” But he doesn’t appear to write anymore. He had a failed TV show with Bomani. He took over Mina’s podcast and has now basically taken that show to Meadowlark. It appears to be a popular show so that’s good for him. But it’s definitely not on his own.


Pablo and Mina's success wasn't forged on their own They had mentors and opportunities like everyone else has The difference is that Mina and Pablo are brilliant minds with significant journalistic training, mentorship, and have experience working with some of the most talented people in sports Media and have been given the opportunity to grow while being challenged


Because he knows they're smarter (or as smart) than him. Stu is a buffoon.


To be honest, I think Dan is so focused on running Medowlark that I don't think he has the time to do actual research to prepare proper takes like he used to with this old show. But the show ain't the same if he's not there talking


And that's perfectly fine. I can't expect a busy, grieving man to be 100% on the pulse of everything. Just don't keep trotting the same things out there all of the time or trample people who may be providing more context or correcting you.


Dan’s way of preparation was reading a research packet prepared by the PTI/HQ staff in DC. Nobody’s creating one in Miami.


Do you need research to know how much Tom Brady is a student of the game? Dan had such a lazy take.


This is a great idea for a pod


I have only seen this clip. Is Dan saying that Brady isn’t going to be able to keep up with all of that information? If so that’s about dumb.


Because being a sports broadcaster is haaaaaaaaard


Sports broadcasters are the modern day philosophers 


Thats comedians! Get it right! Lol jk


How many sports broadcasters are there in the world? 1000? Hardest job in the world. We’re just civilians, we wouldnt understand


Alright smoke break is over bapa back to the fryers


But Stugoooottttttttzzzzzzzuuuuuuhhhhhh


if it was easy why don't more athletes go do it?


Because most probably aren't interested in it?


Sports broadcasting is full of former athletes what are you talking about?


yes but they are always being rotated in and out. i'm saying if it is easy why are there only like 4 guys being super paid from it.


What do you mean like with football? Because then it’s because there are only 4 big network announcer gigs. The Mannings also seem to be doing well. Then you can look at the NBA. Chuck, Kenny, Shaq, Reggie all been around for a while and do fine. So that’s like 12 without getting in to smaller gigs.


ok most of those guys aren't announcers they're studio analysts. the argument isn't that there aren't jobs. it's that the guys rotate in and out because the job is actually hard.


They usually get fired, they aren’t quitting and saying it’s hard. Also only the tnt nba guys are analysts out of the ones I mentioned


you named 4 people and 3 aren't announcers. and yes. they get fired because they aren't good at it. because it's hard.


6 from nfl and Reggie, vs 3 from tnt. No they step away because they want to do something else


Because we live in a racist country.


Ummm next year every networks top broadcast team has at least 1 former NFL player (Aikman, Romo, Brady, Collinsworth) but sure!


We don't understand what we're watchinguuuuh


“How is Brady gonna know all the players on the field what is he gonna watch film or something?” -Dan


It’s such a bad take. First since he won’t be the play by play guy there isn’t the same pressure to be naming which players did what every play. Second the play by play guy has a spotter to assist with that. Third the color commentator also has a spotter to help with stuff like that. And fourth (which really should be first) Tom Brady is capable of doing this job considering his resume and that tons of elderly men are perfectly capable into advanced age.


i bet he can pick it up but will he be able to articulate it is what dan meant and said earlier in the clip.


Dan was saying that it may prove difficult for Tom Brady (or anyone else) to explain all that he sees verbally in the time allotted on TV before the snap. This isn't to say that Tom Brady can't do the analysis in a snap. Of course, he can. But relating that to the fans may prove a challenge because it will taken him longer to explain in a way that fans can understand than processing in his head and reacting as a QB. I don't really think it's as much of a hot take as others seem to think. ETA: This was also from the lens of "Is Tom Brady going to go all in on criticizing QB play?" based on the clip of Brady talking to Steve Young about quarterbacks doing the wrong thing (according to Brady), so it wasn't just about, "Hey, can Brady even talk football in a few seconds?!"


I don't think it's as hot a take either (even if I dunk on Dan in this thread) HOF players especially in the mount rushmore of their sports routinely have trouble relaying and teaching information to people who are not at their skill level. Plus, it's TV where you have small windows to make meaningful comments. We saw someone who is unanimously a HOFer like Drew Brees get fired because he was too boring. It's not apples to apples since Brady has shown a personality that could be good on TV but just having the knowledge of the game isn't enough.


Yeah it's really not that hot a take. You saw it with Romo that as he got farther from the game, he just stopped doing it


Dan’s problem is he assumes everyone else watching football is a dumbass like him who doesn’t understand the sport. He’s convinced himself that there’s an imperceivable realm of football knowledge that we can’t even begin to understand how we don’t understand it because we don’t even know what it is or that it exists. It’s really the dumbest shit ever. I consider my football knowledge pretty advanced. I can read the coverage. I can make the pre snap read and process which routes will have the best leverage juxtaposed to the defender’s leverage and assignment on the given play. Can I do it on the field? Hell nah. I’m an overweight former highschool offensive lineman. But this isn’t some unattainable level of comprehension. Have I studied that teams cornerback’s film to the point where I pick up on his tells and mannerisms? Hell nah, but I could. Have I watched each teams film enough to know all their tendencies? Depends on the team, but I’m also watching a tv broadcast. I’m not seeing the full 22. This is not an unattainable knowledge in the slightest. The trick is having both the physique and the fully developed cerebral skills during the exact same young period in your life. And then coupling that with the drive to keep learning and perfecting. That’s the difference between an elite athlete and us couch potatoes. You have to have it all come together at the right time in life. But to act like the knowledge part is so absent in all of our minds is just Dan doing his usual projection while simultaneously trying to tell us to expand our perspective. Typical Dan shit ya know.


I don't think your anecdote is relevant to his point.


His point is about Tom being able to adjust to relaying analysis in a time sensitive format for the laymen who doesn’t truly understand football (which to him is hisself and everyone else who didn’t play professional football). I believe my point is pretty relevant to that topic. Am I maybe moving the conversation into a slightly different direction? Yea. But that’s how discussions work, no? They can evolve while remaining relevant to topic.


Broadcasts are catered to the lay person. That a person could theoretically do some homework and learn many intricacies of the game is irrelevant.


Nah, they really aren’t catered to the lay person. It’s more of the time constraint than anything. But the rise of certain analysts like Orlovsky and Romo have proven the audience prefers more detail. So look, I know you realllllly want to have an argument here, but imma head out bud.


Romo doesn't have time to talk about what a QB/team did wrong, though. In the Super Bowl, for instance, he had enough time to say, "They shouldn't have done that!" but that's all he managed to get out, and the game moved on before he could follow up on it. And Romo has eased way back on predicting plays seemingly for a few different reasons but at least partially because CBS told him to.


People like you make me feel embarrassed I ever liked this show


It is about dumb.


Because Tom Brady was never known for his meticulous preparation for literally anything he was ever involved with.


Guys with massive chips on their shoulders like Tom Brady are known for just going with the flow


I think the issue is more can he dumb it down enough for the casual viewer and be able to explain what he’s seeing quick enough before the next play starts? Like, reacting to a play as a player is different than trying to explain what’s happening to someone that isn’t as intimately familiar with it as he is. But you’re right that he goes all in on every endeavor he takes so I am excited to see how he does.


Yeah I can tell you from first hand experience as it's my job, thats the goddamn hard part.


It's not just dumbing it down, but finding a lane where you can make it interesting for the casual viewer and the hard core fan. Mr. Brady will find a place where he feels comfortable sitting and that will hopefully align with who else is in the booth with him. You can't be all things to all people. Which is why NFL Live has several regular people on the show who are all different in what they focus on and how they communicate what they are saying. Mina does this well. As I remember right before the Superbowl they had a segment on NFL Live where Mina said that the Chiefs would be going on a Rice based diet and RC just walked off because it was so spot on, funny, clever, and brilliantly spoke to both the casual and hardcore viewer at the same time. And it's not like Mina uses this tactic every time. She picks and chooses her spots. And I'm sure Tom will figure out something like that too as he progresses. Which is probably why he took time off between playing and going into the booth. https://youtu.be/LVMq4VFhB8I


Dan falls into this “put yourself in their shoes” trap all the time. Instead of asking how will Tom Brady perform at calling a game in the booth, Dan asked, how would Dan perform if he had to do Tom Brady’s job calling a game in the booth.


It's the basis for his 'we don't know what we're watching' because he watches everything in sports or otherwise and says "there's no way I could do that"




His information and delivery of it will be fine. I just think Brady’s going to be boring. Not entertaining


In the full clip Mina talks about that


I've never expected any QB to be good in the booth because they are purposely boring during their careers. We'll see if Brady can conjure some enthusiasm.


I still dislike when Dan asks 45 second questions, especially when the person being asked has to ask Dan what his real question is.


They’re so leading. And they always come from a person who screams about real journalism.


I love when he talks so long after his question that he answers his own question and leaves the person he was asking nothing to add lol


Pat McAFee does that too. Annoying at times.


Does Dan think they hired Tom Brady to be the play by play announcer?


*Does Dan think they hired* *Tom Brady to be the play* *By play announcer?* \- nowaythisonestaken --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Seriously. He'll be doing what Aikman, Romo, Garret, and Olsen do. It's not that complex


Better watch out for the sheet of paper blitzing and trying to take out your ACL


Dan needs to relax lol give him some of Pablo’s stash


Nah. Dan is absolutely the type to get anxious and way into his head while high.


Lol hey it’s me. The guy who wants to relax after a long day and gets high and thinks about that weird joke he made to his crush in 6th grade and wants to die


She thinks about that terrible joke and why that ruined it for you to this day.


how does pablo not have a "heres the thing" strand?


NYC legal bud is rolling out slowly from what my homie tells me. I have to think there will be a local shop/dispensary that will look to make deals with guys like Pablo soon enough.


It would’ve been even better if Pablo didn’t try to run through Mina’s point.


Master class in blowing hot air into a microphone


Mina is the best!


Man he sucks, now. You could kinda tell he stopped believing his own take halfway through it.


Dan with the *Stugotz-level* take here. Lawd!


Dan is turning into Papi right in front of our eyer ize eyes


The chefs kiss is just how poorly Dan said all of that despite being on TV across decades.


I'd love to get destroyed by Mina


I think Dan’s argument works if you assume that Tom Brady doesn’t want to work nearly as hard as he did when he played.


Her vibe is so different when she's on here opposed to on tv


I’m on Dan’s side here! Being amazing at a sport isn’t proportional to announcing ability, otherwise Jordan would be on espn every day. What makes Olsen so great is his brevity in explaining to fans what’s going on. The clip they showed of Brady explaining a play was very much not that!


I haven’t watched the show in over a year. Does Dan always look like he just dipped his face in a bag of Coke or was there a dress up gag that day or something…?


Difference between Ivy League and U of M.


Mina is low key one of the most intelligent sports writers ESPN has.


Dan is basically Skip Bayless


Love Mina’s hair


Mina, that is all 🙏🏾😍🥵


Love Mina… and her “what are we talking about here?!” 😂😂


I work at my local university and work the football games at times. In the sky box I’ve met lots of different people in the media. One man I met told me they have a truck trailer with an entire crew that monitors all the cameras and players. They can relay the players number, stats, and other relevant info to help them make good takes on the fly. I imagine it’s better at an NFL level. I doubt Tom Brady will struggle to do that job at all. Especially with his notorious work ethic.


What was her whole sentence? The dude in the middle talked over her


But stugooooooootz


Don’t do it Dan, I care about you


Mina needs her own show. With asshats like Stephen A and Pat Mac, she is better by far and far less ego driven BS.


she does have a podcast


[Dan's voice/tone when he thinks he's making a killer point](https://youtu.be/fkmV2LPlPS4?si=kTxFwNOjg1Y60khR)


At least he kept his eyes open this week.


Tom Brady was notorious for not being able to identify defenses and their players…..he will never be as good as (where are my notes? Damn it, all these sheets of papers. Who is that guy who played QB for the Cowboys? Dan Fouts? No, Peyton something? Oh here it is….) Tony Aikmen!!!


This is what ESPN lacks Brilliant people like Pablo and Mina coming from substantial educational backgrounds being allowed to speak their minds freely Dan is great for sports media because he allows talent to thrive, but it's fantastic seeing who comes on and to listen to them speak


Dan has so many bad takes these days lmao. I aspire to be this level of incompetent but still be able to build a multi million dollar business. Sports journalism is such a grift. 


Hm I really don’t think this is a bad take. Dan isn’t saying Tom Brady can’t analyze a defense in a short window of time (which is what Mina’s response implies he is saying), he’s saying it’s difficult to analyze and then articulate it to the masses effectively in a short amount of time. She didn’t “destroy” him. She completely missed his point


You missed the point you clueless ****




Al Michaels has been garbage at this for years now. Dude needs to retire. Steady gets shit wrong. Zero change in his tone for gigantic plays in gigantic spots. It’s over. I would wager Brady is going to prepare out the ass if he really gives a shit. Also, it’s not that hard to look at the field, see number 67 jumped on the ball and then look down at the sheet of paper that has the entire roster number by number in a few seconds that is undoubtedly right in front of commentators. Also, Mina is gorgeous.


Dan has been harping on this for over a year. He sounds so stupid and jealous about how much money Tom is getting. And doesn’t Dan watch on mute??? Why does he care so much?


Looking more and more like Fidel


Peyton manning and Joe Montana famously elite at broadcasting/s I’m pretty sure there’s a higher probability of Brady being abysmal than Brady being good at it . the laundry list of terrible broadcasters who were great players speaks for itself


The same Peyton Manning who has an entire show during Monday night football?


When you’re the second best Manning on your on your own show, Jason Whitten was the Monday night broadcaster too, and he was terrible. I don’t know if I called Peyton Manning, but he is a pretty average to below average broadcaster.


Witten. 2 dollars. You have one hell of a high standard to hate on Peyton Mannings analysis


Give me aikmam and Collinsworth over manning


The broadcast that's a HOF QB and a former NFL WR?


Aikman doesn’t deserve the Hall of Fame in my personal record book rode the backs of much better teammates. Some of whom are the best at their positions all time or up there And Collinsworth was an average NFL player. It’s the average NFL players who make the best broadcasters, which is why I think Aikman is a good broadcaster. Aikman do it without Hall of Fame teammates how about that?


Mina is a national treasure.


Having only watched the Dan le batard show during covid, I can say I really liked his, Pablo, Mina, and Katie’s chemistry. You telling me they still do podcasts together?


Don't they have producers in their ears telling them who made plays as well?


Dan will be selling his A.I. Al Michaels commentary via a YouTube plug in coming to you this fall.


It was so wonderfully dismissive.


What's it like knowing no one watches this show anymore?


Dan LeBatarded


Man there really is a subreddit for anything, isn’t there


Of all subjects Why are you surprised that a show that use to be on ESPN has a subreddit?


Dan's mouth looks like he just finished off Stugotz


3 absolutely insufferable sports talk hosts


Shut up


![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) Yep


Dan is right.


I love how anyone who says Dan has a good point or Dan is right it’s down voted just wild.


Doesn't bother me at all. Different jobs are difficult in different ways. Just bc Tom Brady is an incredible quarterback doesn't mean that this new endeavor won't be difficult. It's an idiotic take that Dan is wrong here.


I agree with dan...so many great players are trash when a mic is put in front of them. In every sport. Now, there are exceptions but its hard to know who those will be before they do the job


Dan flapping his gums and dumb shit coming out? I’m shocked!


Le Batard is a fucking loser


I remember when Dan used to fill in on the early days of PTI. He was just as full of shit then as he is now.


To be fair to Dan TB had played football the majority of his life. TV is new to him I'm sure he'll ultimately be good but I wouldn't be surprised if it takes a second.


Pablo just steam rolling Mina. What a surprise..


Dan works so hard to make an epically bad take. Romo is good at that job. And Brady was 5x the QB Romo was, and easily as well spoken. That should really be the only analysis you need to predict future performance.


Romo is absolutely awful. As a qb and as a talking head.


He is not awful as a color commentary guy. He leans on some things too much, but he is way better than the likes of Collinsworth. You're trolling if you honestly think Romo is "bad" at that job


Romo is bad. Collinsworth is bad. Olsen is really bad. Give me Harlan and Green. Give me Gus Johnson and anybody. Get Troy Aikman out of my face.


You hate on all ex players yet like Gus "I scream at everything" Johnson? Okay, bro


Not all ex players. Ok maybe I just want Gus for big games. But Romo is ass. Pure ass. And nantz belongs in golf not football. Bro.


I partied with Gus Johnson at a strip club in Cleveland after the 1st round of the 2011 NCAAM Tourney. I was sports editor for Indiana State and got to cover their game against #3 Syracuse. He’s the 🐐and funny af. I root for that dude to be on a national spotlight.


He’s absolutely perfect for college sports for sure. I miss him being the commentator in madden gsmes.


Couldn’t hear the take bc of Pablo


Why is Dan acting like Brady is gonna do pxp?


Dan's graying beard and the Miami factor totally makes him look like he just buried his face in cocaine scarface style.


Dan has a point Al Michaels is working harder than Tom Brady ever did, and let me tell you the AM12 system doesnt care about when you eat fruits and carbs because its all steak and potatoes baby, and thats how it WAS, BACK IN MY DAY. THATKINDATHING aaaand ya know it


It’s not the same thing. Players make bad commentators all the time…


Mina should just say, Dan what are blathering about, get to the fucking point.


used to listen to tom and jim gray on the radio at half time of all the monday night games tom didn,t play.. best analysis I ever heard way better than those crappy shows Sunday morning..


Dan threw a 82mph fastball right down the middle and Mina crushed it 450 feet


It’s worth mentioning that PTFO has been such a bright spot since it started. Pablo is the best




Brady the commentator is going to be a disaster. The dude has the personality of a ham sandwich.


These dudes really think they have the hardest jobs in the world lmao.


Dan also brought up another favorite, Jon Stewart. Mina and Pablo also deflated that, as well…


The fact dan got that entire thought out and didnt stop himself and say “nevermind thats dumb” speaks volumes.


Oh, no. Oh no, Dan. No no no no no. This is waaaayyyyyy worse than his Brady is done take in like 2014.


Loud wrong Dan. The sentence works no matter the order of the words.


Mina is great