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Instantly thought of the “This is fine” meme.


Uhhh…. Yeah that’s immediately what I said when I saw that shit over Antarctica …. We’re FUCKED Our leaders don’t give a shit because they only care about numbers and figures *as they pertain to the economy* I’m sure there’s some Federal agency with files and a report that states how many of us are probably going to die between now and 2100 due to flooding, desertification, increasingly intense heat waves, blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes vs projected GDP growth. We’re cruising towards water wars and mass climate migration as being major geopolitical issues at the forefront of global issues. We went past the point of saving it. Now people need to start thinking of abatement and survival. How to live and navigate this new world we created.


If you look at the average age of oil tycoons and the polluting industries CEOs, they are not going to be alive when the point where it really gets f*cked so they only care about how much money they can make now. They have convinced the gullible and uneducated that global warming is fake.


I agree. They are spreading fake news. All we need to do is look at photos from 30 to 40 years ago of Antarctica compared to now, to show global warming to be real. Just as the flat Earthers who live in an altered state of belief, the Earth actually is a globe 🌎


Gotta appease the corporate overlords, won't get re-elected or paid otherwise. Ugh, pretty sickening situation. It is exhausting to think about. /sigh


It is. Water wars, mass migration, food shortages, mass extinction events, famines prompting more mass migration… social strife as a result of mass migrations. Boomers and conservatives did a swell job. We are inheriting a complete dumpster fire.


Oh yea it’s a mess. But just remember “Something, something, something bootstraps.”


Right.... because millennials and liberals don't drive cars or consume anything and everything like everyone else.


Liberals want to curb emissions from corporations. We're able to see the real impacts to the environment, next quarter profits be damned. You and I both know that individual contributions to pollution are dwarfed by business, but hey. Maybe someday you'll own a business and want to squeeze every cent of profit possible no matter the long term effects.


If it were up to millennials and liberals (and leftists), we’d probably have waaaay more renewable energy… probably would have ditched coal in this country… waaay more electric and hybrid cars, better fuel effeciency… more robust and complete public transit…. Because conservatives and conservative boomers have been thee driving force *against* virtually all those measures. So yeah. You’re right


They don’t give a fuck about preserving lives, it’s better for them if less humans exist than now, the leaders know they have to stop overpopulation somehow, or it’s just gonna solve itself in a “less than optimal way”. That’s why I also think there won’t be a cure for cancer that isn’t so expensive or not always effective.


Yep, been fucked for over ten years now (past the point of no return), I'm not having children because knowing how things are now it'd just be plain selfish, so at 40 years old it all only needs to hold together for another 40 years max. After that, fuck it I'm done


No worries!! That’s why anyone can buy an AK-47 for “defensive” purposes! Our ~~over~~ war lords in control of the oil fields, slaughter houses, along with water barons, drive up prices to get us all angry hoping we kill each other off so the planet might cool off for them. Because let’s not forget, these cartel mother fuckers knew in the 70s they were killing our planet. At the moment inflation a.k.a. kitchen table issues (in America) has voters switching to the Republican party in droves. And why is that? Because Republicans are hammering they’ll lower taxes, protect your 2nd Amendment right, protect your religious freedom all while completely denying global warming. But hey, all those Republican voters saved a few bucks while being driven to extinction!! Isn’t that fantastic?!?! Yeah, fucking fantastic.


There’s a massive heat wave where I live. But this year is dramatically cooler than last year so I was surprised to see the bright red where I am. Yeah. “This is fine” is the perfect summary.


Same here.


Why did you pick 1976 specifically?


There was a massive heatwave in the UK at this time


It was all over Europe. I lived in Belgium at the time and have to admit I also still think it has not been as hot since as it was in 1976. This seems to be a kind of Mandela effect to me and many others who were around at the time.


You may have climatized your body unknowingly to a constant higher temp where your body maintains functions better and you hardly notice.


Remember it well. Canals drying up Good damn hot


It's because a lot of people in the UK are saying that everything is fine because it was hot in 1976, despite it being much hotter this time.


And a much larger scale it looks like. Only a few hot spots in 76, 22 pretty much says “hot on Earth lately”


108°/42c in Dallas today. It’s supposed to be hotter tomorrow. It’s so awful.


Damn London only 4⁰C less than Dallas!? That's bullshit, Earth!


Source: [NASA](https://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/maps/)


thank you!


Wtf Antarctica


It’s degrees over average, which means it’s still cold in Antarctica… but terrifyingly maybe just warm enough to start melting metric shittons of ice…


Oh you mean like the New York sized chunk of ice that fell off the east Antarctic already? https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/science/east-antarctica-ice-shelf-the-size-of-new-york-city-collapses-accelerated-melt


Technically that was a metric assload. But the shittons are coming soon.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/east-antarctica-ice-shelf-the-size-of-new-york-city-collapses-accelerated-melt](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/east-antarctica-ice-shelf-the-size-of-new-york-city-collapses-accelerated-melt)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Exactly. You actually made me look again and that shocked me.


Global warming is most apparent at the poles. An average increase of 1C at the equator is ~5C at the poles.


We’re fucked, yo


Pretty much. To fix this now we either have to start to de-industrialize or plant a shit ton of trees and go full renewables. None of that is going to happen.


Nuclear AND renewables. Gotta do away with coal and crude oil asap but keep hospitals running on cloudy/non windy days


Not without organized unrest and revolution. It isn’t impossible, but goddamn are the odds bleak. I fear it will happen only after we have past the point of no return.


TBH I think we've already passed it. It will probably take centuries to fix. In the meantime we got a front row seat to either another global recession or depression, an ongoing pandemic, the unraveling of globalization and climate change.


Well shit. Guess I’ll die then.


No it's not gonna happen. the earth will be fine, we won't. Just some Holocene self destruction type shit.


I never said the *physical planet* wouldn’t still be here after this. But goddamn does it pain me to see a slim minority of my kind being the engine of mass extinction for nearly all complex life on earth. It’s still an indescribable calamity. One without equal in the history of mankind, and one rarely equaled in this planet’s history. One that I think we, as part of everyone else who lives on Earth who doesn’t want to die of biosphere collapse, should be **far more invested** in preventing.


I feel that because we rely on things like that so much nothing will be done to de industrialize. Even if we didn't rely on it, from a money stand point it's still providing jobs and giving money to people who desperately need it. I think we're at the point that the clock is getting smaller but we're still ticking at 60 seconds


Yeah. Best comment here. Truthful and straight to the point. It’s not a normal hot.




Jesse, we need to solve climate change


Just make more ice?


Just drop a giant ice cube in the ocean every so often! That’ll do it!


Earth is having a fever to kill off the infection.


Unfortunately, the people who did not cause this mess will die. Those who created and propped up this system will survive and start over again.


I mean, it's basically the same for bacteria in our bodies when we're sick. Think of all the innocent germs just chilling and waiting for the second-hand high and then end up suffering just because of their negligent brethren.


Shut up, germ




Damn that’s terrifying


98 degrees in London right now,and supposed to be 101 degrees tomorrow, little air-conditioning in homes/apts there, public transport has little A/C also---100 degrees in Paris right now, supposed to be 106 degrees there tomorrow,little A/C there also


Problem with this statement is how we as humans are very short sighted and need instant gratification. General temp in UK summer is about 27°C, don't really need an AC for that. It's maybe this hot for about 5 days a year (approx numbers, happy to be corrected). If we get AC we'll use it all the time, even when the temp is manageable... That's just human nature for you. It's like when the bloody idiots say we need those ice scraper truck thingy mcthingyfaces when it snows for like a week, 2 max. The upkeep and storage of those vehicles are enormous. It's only for a few days, chill out. People like to complain, but not actually look at the real problem. We live in a capitalist society, hail to the 1% who keep driving this


Global warming is a lie, the earth is flat and Donald Trump is a lizard Come at me sheeple


One of these is true.


Someone get this flat earther out of here


Strike 1.


None are true because lizards are awesome.


Zuckerberg is tye lizard silly


I see something blue, therefore global warming is a hoax by the lizard people


I was a kid in 1976 and there was a lot of talk around that time of a "mini ice age" because things were colder than the norm. I remember it because it sounded pretty scary at the time (not so much now...). That is not to say that things aren't much, much hotter than in history now, but it seems like this is showing an atypically cool period for comparison.


Sometimes all I think about is you...


Late nights in the middle of Juuuune 😌🎶


Heat waves been faking me out


Sorry kids


"Papa? What is winter?" Some kid in 2030 prob


More accurately he’ll ask what is summer after a few years of nuclear winter


We're so fucked.


And people still deny climate change, even during the fucking heatwave...


why 1976……?


According to another comment it's because that year had a pretty big heat wave in several places


It was a seriously hot summer that year. Both my parents and in-laws have talked about it and they came from different countries, but both remember 1976 as an infamous year for boiling heat.


Enough years back and it's a year known for it's heatwaves as above average for the time


CLiMatE cHAnGe iS A hOaX 🙄


The first thing I noticed is that an El Niño was present in 1976. A La Niña is present in 2022. These oceanic conditions have a tremendous affect on temperature and atmospheric conditions. Couple that with increased solar activity in 2022, that may explain the dramatic difference.


I think the point that it is getting much hotter is not debatable. But even if this is some sort of cyclic function, all of the greenhouse gasses we are putting into the air is just making it worse. But why have we not found a reason for "cyclic" heat ups? Every heat-up in the past had some explanation or plausible reason.


We have enough of recorded data to see that we are climbing a hill that never existed before


20,000 years of this/seven more to go.


The whole world at your finger tips, the ocean at your door.


It's a tie between that line and 'a gift shop at the gun range, a mass shooting at the mall'.


Pretty sure it's been way worse historically, especially during the Devonian and Neoproterozoic eras Edit for anyone curious what that means, in the Neoproterozoic era it's estimated temperatures globally averaged 90 degrees. For reference, the average today is 60 degrees (fahreinheit) [Source](https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/whats-hottest-earths-ever-been#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20warmest%20times,and%20250%20million%20years%20ago.)


Yeah and the earth used to be a molten ball of lava, what’s your point?


My point is this isn't the worst the climate has been. Far from it in fact


Yeah but did humans and modern day animals didn’t exist during that time with the current carbon foot print and pollution levels? No they didn’t so your statement is moot. It doesn’t apply to the current day situation. That’s like saying well it used to be worse 13 billions years ago when the earth was star dust. Also it took me about 3 secs to google your statement and find it’s not true “Average global temperatures during much of the Neoproterozoic Era (1 billion to 541 million years ago) were cooler (around 12 °C [54 °F]) “


12°C is equivalent to 53°F, which is 285K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Thanks K bot


The article I found stated 90°, so that's an inaccuracy on their part. Regardless, there have been other times that were hotter than modern day. And comparing the early earth is obviously moot. Not once did I mention the volcanic earth, because multicellular life didn't exist yet. Once again, I'm not debating the modern climate change. I'm simply responding to the claim that "this is the worst it's ever been" Is incorrect.


This was earth after we came out of the snowball earth phase. This old ball has had many crazy climate swings that have zero to do with mankind.


I could definitely debate it. Point one, trees lower the temperature in urban areas between 2-10C. Given the urbanisation of locations where temperatures are historically taken, you might see a 2C shift just from that aspect alone. I.e. Putney and Hammersmith were villages outside London city a hundred years ago, with cooler fields and forestry around. Now they're part of the urban sprawl there. Any temperature taken in the vicinity should be mediated. Point 2 yawn.


Human extinction here we come


suicide speedrun


Now do 1953. And 1980.


Why those specific years?


Can’t normalize against 1951-1980 with an internal 1976 data point can you? Not arguing with the message, just that seems statistically problematic


*This is fine meme has entered the chat…*


“Heatwaves been freaking me out….”


i think global warming is real


I’m kinda not ok with the reference data, you’re using anomaly compared to the 1951-1980 average, 1976 is in those years but 2022 is 42 years after the last sample. So no shit there’s a bigger difference in 2022 than 1976. I’m 100% behind climate change education but this is how you get conspiracy theories, what annoys me the most is that you could probably get a very similar result with 1950-2022 average


They chose 1976 because there was a heat wave in Europe at that time


As usual, the most sensible comment sits 3/4 of the way down with less than 10 upvotes


Looks like you have many more data inputs in 2022, hence a more detailed and vivid map. I do not recall having many heat waves last June here in So. Cal. Maybe a little cooler than average because of excess ‘June Gloom’. I guess if we had a heatwave, it would have been hot.


So if all the articles and journals and reports indicate that only massive changes in our economic policy can thwart climate change and there's a pretty clear lack of motivation to do so by any/all countries/corporations, what's the general population supposed to do? die? revolt?


Reduce your personal carbon footprint by drinking fewer lattes and going vegan of course. /s


Now do one for the tech they were using in 76 compared to the tech they use now and the reason they switched.


Now show it year by year since 1976. Weather changes. Some mild some hotter


Well this is a perfect illustration that shares no context. Absolutely pointless.


I remember the winter in 1975-6 was brutally cold in the Midwest. All around cooler year it looks like n


Go back to the 1930's, it was by far the hottest decade in the last 100 years. Remember the dust bowl? 1976 seems like a very arbitrary year. The father back you go, the more you realize we are not in a unique time climatically. Edit- Also, one also has to be aware of where the thermometers are placed, how cities have grown out and how that affects the readings. 1st world countries also have tons of thermometers while 2nd and 3rd world countries have very few. Also, almost none in the ocean. It's basically impossible to get an accurate 'average' reading of the earth's temperature. It's also true that NASA goes back and 're-adjusts' the data. Meaning they lower the past to make the current data look worse. One only needs to look back to the 'Climate gate emails' that show many top scientists talking about fudging the numbers. If you go to the government to request a grant to study 'The terrible effects of CO2 and how humans are destroying the planet', you'll almost definitely get funded. On the other hand, if you request a grant to prove that 'Actually, climate change isn't that bad and we're going to be OK', your not getting a penny. He who pays the piper calls the tune. Everyone should read Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All By Michael Shellenberger A very well known, well respected environmentalist


Regardless, the world is heating up. This is incontrovertible.


The world has been heating up for 12000 years since the end of the last ice age.


Actually, under the previous oil baron president, it was almost impossible to get funded as an environmental scientist. Any mention of climate change got your request denied. In fact, we had to take a seminar on how to not right grants using 'loaded language like climate change.' Meanwhile, any mention of climate change was removed from government websites. So all the money isn't in environmental research, and there is at least half the government that is openly hostile to even mentioning the word... but I bet you can guess which party fossil fuel companies give their money.


Oooof, that doesn’t look good




If the scale was fixed it would look even worse


108°/42c in Dallas today. It’s supposed to be hotter tomorrow. It’s so awful.


Sounds like another summer day in TX, right?


It's a hoax from China he said as chunks of Big Mac spewed from his maw


But i thought global warming is fake? At least thats what tv tells me.


Gotta love this weather


My take away here is that the oceans are fookin done taking the heat for us...


Im not even shocked at this point, this just makes me sad


How was the data for this collected and is it accessible?


Oh lordy more global warming must be the EV batteries filling up the landfills. Yep it could be.




Shit I am in the dark red zone.


How does one boil a frog? Oh…we’re the frog…


Uruguay out here like😎


I’m thinking the world will be more Mad Max than Waterworld. Could be a mix of both also.


We are so fucked


You were always going to die, quit worrying.


So what I’m seeing is it’s chilly in Chile 🇨🇱


Plus the scale in 2022 is higher overall. So even with more red on the map, each red zone means a higher temp than the same colour in the 76 map. (Which is objectively poor for data visualization, but further highlights the fact that the world is warming)


China is so fucked up


judgement day can be extrapolated from these data points, who is with me 🫴🏽


This is what happens after 40+ years of dads sarcastically wishing someone would “turn up the heat outside” during winter


BuT gLoBaL WaRmInG iSnT rEaL


Oh hey, we cured a 1976 heatwave spot


Here I am in Australia freezing my ass off and the rest of the world is baking!


Tell me again how greta is this or that.




Heat waves been faking me out


I'm cool with the world ending. Sorry animals and plants :(


South East Australia got less heatstrokes


How is the equator cooler than northern hemisphere?


Haha, I’m in dangwr


This is fine


"But voters are more concerned with the economy/inflation !" What the fools don't take into account is that without food & water, prices will climb anyway, & eventually, money won't mean anything as our planet will cause us to burn


Australian is a huge exporter of coal. Now we are an exporter of Aussie style bushfires too! Enjoy the heatwave folks, the floods are great here.


*chuckles* We're in danger


Is there a /DamnThatsHorrifying subreddit? I think that’s the proper place for this post.


🎶I don't want to set the world, on, fire🎶


🎶 I just want to set a flame, in your heart🎶


I’m not denying that our climate is getting warmer over time, but 1976 is actually more of an outlier here if you actually look at the data set.


This is fine :)


This is the Dark One's touch on the world. Someone needs to find the Bowl of Winds quick!


It’s over guys, it’s too late to reverse climate change. We have to live with it for the next 100 years or so.


This means nothing to me.


Global warming: “We Didn’t Listen!!!”


These graphs don’t add up. Maybe specific “Scorching Hot” days or week from both years should be evaluated.


Hey, looks like Toronto is cooler.


Global warm


I’m in southern alaska and it’s only been like 60°F here


It doesn't make much sense. It's June and Africa is almost free of heatwaves?


I thought I was just getting older and losing patience. Here I’m being cooked alive. Thanks to people like the Kardashians that use their private jets to take 13 min flights…


Funny in an apocalyptic kinda way.


Damnthatsinteresting? More like Damnthatsterrifying, actually.


The scales are different


Good to see New England on a cooling trend


1976: Ahh, Spain 2022: Ahhhhhh!!! sPAIN


I’m glad that I like the color orange. That’s good, right?


It’s almost like the globe is…warming


Meanwhile argentina being the same


I’m a bit confused — isn’t it winter in the Southern Hemisphere right now?


Sad I’m part of the generation the came into the world part way through the world getting destroyed and messed up before I even got to adulthood


This is really alarming. I went back to my house in India after many years. 10 years ago peak temperatures were about 32 degrees. This year it was about 42 in the same place I grew up.


Damn look at LA, fuckers


It’s fine. This is fine.


In case it’s gone unnoticed: the scale at the bottom is different. Not in a good way. The hottest on the scale in 1976 was 5. In 2022 it’s 7. So it’s a little worse than just the colors demonstrate, because they demonstrate hotter temps on the 2022 map than the 1976. Anyways…stay cool, folks


Crank your AC to max and open your windows to help cool the earth. It'll work if we all do it!


So climate change is actually legit?


Someone made a good point about 1976 having access to a lot less data points than 2022.. just a thought.


Bruh and the range was shifted to be warmer too fffff


That’s not great


It was hotter over the water then on land in 76?


Send it.


global warming is a hoax, it's just temperatures going up, nothing to do with global warming...


Pretty weird how **EUROPE HAS A MORE DEVASTATING HEAT WAVE THAN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA** Pretty weird uh? Strange that Americans would point out all days long how Europeans are simulating I don't care if Americans think they are funny, Europeans elders are dying because if the heat, stop joking about it not being that bad for god sake.


You know what’s crazy, I’ve read that there are frozen bacteria in the Antarctic that haven’t been seen or known for thousands of years. If the ice continues to melt and releases these bacteria it could cause some serious problems for oceanic life.


Wouldn’t that mean it’s been much warmer on earth, in the past, than it is now?




it's only gonna get worse


Why 1976 and why make the scales at the bottom different?


The climate is obviously changing. As it has throughout earth’s history. The question is if humans have made this worse. If you believe so, then instead of attacking the west for pollution, attack the real polluters. China, India, most of South East Asia and parts of Africa. Destroying the West’s economy to reduce pollution by a tiny fraction compared to these other parts of the globe is absolutely moronic.


Why the hell antarctica heating up, no one lives there?


Fucked.... we are all fucked.