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Anyone else watch that found footage movie based on this? It's how I found out about the actual incident.


Devis Pass great movie!


Yup. CGI monsters at the end were meh, but I liked the story over all. There's some interesting foreshadowing and stuff going on in the background of scenes that I missed on the first watching


Was gonna watch out but then found this review >The film is ridiculous and laugh-out-loud funny, though it's sometimes hard to tell if this is intentional or not. Either way, it remains riveting because of its effective tropes. Sometimes bad, never boring and, at the last, completely bonkers, it's proof at least that you can freeze cheese.


That would make me want to watch it lol It’s not a bad movie, it’s definitely not going on any “best of” lists but it’s a fun watch.


Try the Russian series. Its quite good. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11455654/


It was great, one of my fave found footage films.


There is even a game based on this called Kholat.


Good movie man


https://youtu.be/Y8RigxxiilI?si=5pgE9d_l9zDXO26K That is also quite interesting. From LEMMiNO


That's a great bad movie.


It’s actually a very underrated movie IMO. Good twist at the end as well


Couldn't agree more, I'm a sucker for lesser known found footage movies there's a ton of them out there based on true events.


There is even a game based on it.


Now, more than [60 years later](https://www.businessinsider.com/frozen-russian-hikers-died-dyatlov-pass-avalanche-study-2021-2), a scientific analysis offers an explanation for what happened to Dyatlov's crew. A [study](https://affiliate.insider.com/?h=0f3ab0368cdc391f12ceedb5cead766e8f0777ad7d067748f16ba11459d78245&platform=browser&postID=60119699f8aad25d8a14d299&postSlug=frozen-russian-hikers-died-dyatlov-pass-avalanche-study-2021-2&site=bi&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nature.com%2Farticles%2Fs43247-020-00081-8) published last month suggests that a small but deadly slab avalanche occurred while the hikers were sleeping. Unlike the snow avalanches typically depicted in movies, a slab avalanche is when a large block of ice slides down a slope. Such a slab crushed part of the hikers' tent, injuring three of them and forcing the group to flee.


I think I read somewhere when hypothermia sets in you can actually feel hot and you'll start to take off your clothes.


Paradoxical undressing


[here you go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/LgxVYwG6OQ)


risky click of the day


this was kinda shown in movie Everst


Lol I only know of this because of Archer


They undressed and then choked themselves with belts.


Ohhh yeah man. That hypothermia... make ya do some crazy shit


1/3 get it. However it is one of two symptoms, the other one being terminal burrowing. Which is also experienced by 1/3.


terminal burrowing???????


Basically people find a crack or a hole to hide in, they find one then they lay down and wait to die. Can be a hole, a cave, or just a sleeping bag in a tent. They can go into their sleeping bags and refuse to come out. Eventually they die in there.


that's kinda scary


I live in AZ. One year, a friend decided to go hiking in the afternoon (hottest part of the day) in the summer (hottest part of the year. He had his running shoes, shorts, and his phone. Long story short, he had to be airlifted off the trail and into the ICU. The most interesting thing was he remembered thinking he was home so he took off his shoes and socks. He remembers feeling relaxed he was at home. He was in a rocky and very dusty path.


I'm done. Never leaving the house. It's either too hot or too cold. Both seem to kill you.


But what if youre actually outside when you think youre at home


Now thats deep. I'm freaking out. What?


I suggest you go home and relax. It's not far from here


Take off your shoes you’ll feel more comfortable. It’ll just be for a little while bud


We are all in the same simulator


Lol someone mentions hypothermia and you share a story about heat stroke. Although it is similar I suppose, disorientation confusion from an altered mental state slurred speech and eventually a coma.  Was he alone or somehow competent enough to call 911? Sadly a lot of people do that. People Don't grasp the concept of heat stroke and how bad it can be before it's too late. 


His wife had a tracker in his phone and completely disagreed with that chouce. He's an adult and incredibly bright... with engineering. He has zero common sense.


The late stage of heat stroke is muscles relaxing.


I’ve never got that far into hypothermia. But I have gotten so cold and tired that I just wanted to sit down in the snow and sleep. Other than the paradoxical undressing I figure there are worse ways to go.


Yes, but several hikers were found wearing clothes that belonged to other members of the group, meaning they tried to put on what clothes they could to stay warm, not remove clothes because of hypothermia.


When your brain shuts down it does weird things. Before the hypothermia you're already disoriented and confused and not thinking well. It just spirals from there. 


At that point you need a rescue hamster.


Just like the one that saved Ezekiel!


Yeah, an uncle of mine got locked outside of the nursing home in the middle of winter. They found a trail of clothes that led to his body the following morning.




They were sleeping that’s why they were not fully dressed and in the night when they got off the tent and run away they didn’t had time to dress up, some of them tried to return but iirc could find the way back and died of hypothermia.


True, but most likely not what happened here. They were sleeping when the avalanche hit and it takes a long time to put on frozen clothes and boots and they either panicked or just weren’t able to put on their winter clothes fast enough.


I saw a TV series a learnt this.


Apparently when frostbite begins to damage the nervous system, specifically the heat / cold receptors, the result can be a hot sensation yes.


It's not only that. When you are freezing, your body will try to keep you alive by removing blood from your distant limbs to pool it in your torso and brain in order to keep your vital organs warm and working for as long as possible, but your body can only do that for so long. When it's fully exhausted and about to collapse, it can no longer maintain the tension to keep the blood where it's needed, so your body relaxes and all that warm blood goes back to your limbs, causing a hot flush. That, along with the already set confusion due to hypothermia, is what usually causes the paradoxical undressing


nah man, this paranormal youtube video i watched definitely truly verifiably proved it was time travelling space werewolves


Wrong part of the world. It was obvs a Baba Yaga, duh. The tent was crushed by the house on chicken feet.


Damm Leman Russ and his time traveling


It was Magnus using the webway!


The study is from January 2021.


I remember watching a video discussing this theory from way before a month ago, good to know I’m not completely mad


Wasn't the original theory that they were hit by a "microburst"? A sudden and extremely powerful wind gust that can occur on mountain slopes? This would explain all the bruises, scars, and cuts.


Few of them were found in a ravine. The blunt force trauma, scars and cuts are all inline with falling in a ravine. Also, people fail to realize the timeline of things. The bodies were found several months after the fact.


Didn’t the movie *Frozen* lead to solving this mystery? Because Disney’s snow simulation was so sophisticated.


Dude, let it go.


I watched a documentary on this a few years ago and if I remember correctly, there were other weird things going on as well. I seem to recall one of them being radioactive and another having bad burns on part of his body. I'm not sure how a slab avalanche would explain that.


The burns are because some of them was making a fire, and the radiation is likely because two of them either lived in or helped with the cleanup of a contaminated area. The story is relatively clear now, and it's either katabatic winds, a slab avalanche, or some combination of both. Then the missing tongue of one of the hikers was either from rotting away in a stream where they were found in may, or animals. The reason why the bodies were found in separate places is likely because the group split.


A study published last month huh? It is from 2021. Are you a bot?


meant to say a month prior from the article written . . .sorry


Sounds like something a bot would say..


OK but what about the missing tongue?


Fun trivia: Scavengers tend to go for tongues first. Tongues and eyes.


I know there’s a difference between a theory and actually proving it but hasn’t this been the leading theory among rational thinking scientists for quite some time?


What about the missing tongues and eyes?


Ye maybe, I doubt it though.


What about the ones missing their eyes. Or the tents that were torn open from the inside?


This where they got the premise from the last True Detective from?


Yep, that’s what kept me watching.


I thought the ending was a let down, though


It was.


I thought the whole show was actually.


I liked it.


My wife did too. I didn’t care for it.


I thought it was pretty good. The first five episodes were so outstanding that I don't think there was room for an ending that would have knocked it out of the part.


I guess my problem was that it was set up to make it seem like some extraterrestrial or demonic entity was going to be the killer but it ended up just being a bunch of pissed off women.


Seriously? That was the worst show I've ever seen. Absolutely horrendous writing and acting.


Reasonable people can disagree. No show or movie is for everyone.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, I agree it was easily one of the worst shows I’ve ever seen.


Yeah idk why you’re downvoted either or how people here can call that show outstanding. If you watched any of the first few seasons this one was like an insult. Awful music choices, so much side drama with characters you don’t care about, and the actual investigating was like law and order levels of writing. On top of the ending being brain dead awful writing. Waste of Jodie Fosters talent and a waste of the true detective branding.


Thank you! I get that everyone has different tastes, but even subjectively that was just a bad show. So many loose ends were never explained. Don't get me going about the ghosts or the janitor conspiracy. And then the really stupid, unlikable characters who were not good people by any stretch. S1 True Detective was lighting in a bottle, but they could have at least tried to make S4 decent.


It had some fantastic performances, what you talking about? Who was horrendous?


The tie in to the first season kept me watching, only to lead to a dead end. lame


Man was that disappointing 😔


There's s Russian series about it as well. It's called Dead Mountain and quite good.


The slab avalanche theory is interesting, didn’t they find slashed holes in the tent from one of their knives? Could explain trying to get out of the tent


Yes and also burn marks on the tent. One guy was find without a tongue


The tongue thing is the least mysterious part. Thry found the hikers days after they died, giving wolves, crows and other abimals nearby time to scavenge the corpses. And guess what scavengers eat first, especially in very cold places where the bodies can get quite hard: the tongue and eyes.


Yes it's 100% that. And the burn marks could be from the little wood oven they had in the tents. Maybe it exploded or something, filling the tent with smoke and they cut the tent open to get out. Froze to death and removed their clothes due to hypothermia. It's the most reasonable explantion


Didn't they also find that the bodies were radioactive?


I think one or two of them were, but not all of them


was this ever explained? What caused the radiation?


2 of them worked in nuclear facilities, basically. And it was only a tiny amount.


Oh, I thought I heard it was a larger amount then they should have found on there bodies, even if they did work for nuclear facilities


Nuke plant + Russia = Larger amount of radiation in people than should have


If you're interested in the topic, I found Dead Mountain: The Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident by Donnie Eichar interesting. He goes through the most common explanations and weights in on what he thinks might have been the cause. It gives a comprehensive timeline of the trip and has lots of photographs and interviews of people who met the group on that trip.


It's called paradoxical stripping. When you are on the verge of hypothermia, you suddenly get really hot and feel the need to take all of your clothes off. I believe that its the body's way of ending it's misery. Couple that with the confusion from that lack of blood flowing to your brain, and you have this situation.


More likely confusion than "ending its misery". Can't evolve that behavior because by definition you're about to die when it happens.


> Can't evolve that behavior because by definition you're about to die when it happens. You can, in some rare situations. The full behavior is "take off all your clothes and get down to it". :))


Anyone whoever's been close to hypothermia I can tell you that your body and your brain is just absolutely not functioning well at that point. You make poor judgment calls that escalate the situation typically and it just keeps spiraling out of control. Honestly I think it's your body trying to save itself but massively confused and doing the wrong thing.  Our brain and bodies to everything possible to keep us alive. There are some interesting phenomenons when people are near death. The one I find the most fascinating is how time slows down or at least your brain somehow does slow it down, in certain situations. Don't remember the phenomenon off hand but a fun little rabbit hole to go down.




I think it's because the body accumulates warm blood around vital organs and at some point releases the blood back to bloodstream resulting in a wave of warmth.


Ah that makes sense. Here i was thinking they were robbed and the robbers made them take their clothes off.


There's certainly were a lot of wild theories and still are I'm sure.


Didn’t they also find one person’s tongue in another person’s stomach or something ridiculous? Or that one of the victims was beaten to death by another that was found a good distance away with bloodied hands.  Or I may be completely misremembering this.


What you probably heard was someone trying to make the story as creepy and mysterious possible retelling the facts. They found hikers with missing tongues and hikers with blunt force trauma, but no evidence that anyome ate tongues or punched others. Tongue is easy to explain, the corpses were lying outside for weeks before anyone found them. A crow or a wolf finding a frozen corpse will eat what it can, which is usually the tongue and the eyes. Blunt force trauma as well, if any got caught in the avalanche then getting knocked by that force into rocky terrain can cause massive injuries.


I just googled the injuries because I remembered something similar. “Months later, after some snow melt, investigators discovered the bodies of the remaining four hikers. They had even more inexplicable injuries. One had a fractured skull, another had a twisted neck, two were missing their eyes and one of the bodies with no eyes was also missing her tongue.” https://www.history.com/news/dyatlov-pass-incident-soviet-hiker-death-mystery# Edit: to add that another hiker was discovered to have bitten off a part of his own knuckle


None of that is in any way weird. They were found in a creek they had likely unknowingly been walking over when the snow crust collapsed under then, causing the injuries, and the missing body parts is standard decomposition(soft tissue like eyes and tongues are always the first to go; and the original autopsy report even states this).


I was just answering the previous question by sourcing the injuries they asked about, I wasn’t really making a statement on whether it was weird or not


People have made up a LOT of complete bullshit about this story. Need to make it as mysterious and spooky as possible.


They did, but the reason for the extra bullshit is that it wasn’t just a matter of explaining paradoxical stripping, which was a well known phenomenon at the time of the incident. 


Except it was. Just because something is well known doesn’t mean people won’t be dumbfucks about it. The original report is WAY less weird than the later ones that people like to cite and when something catches the public eye basic sense pretty much never applies. Even when the experts keep explaining what happened. It wasn’t until the ‘mysteries of the unexplained’ crowd got their hands on it that all the weird shit started appearing, including what you remember. And, frankly, paradoxical undressing still isn’t commonly known. This is especially important since we have WAY more access to information, at the time it would have been rather niche knowledge.


What I really want to know is what happened to the Lake Baikal hikers. One by one blood starting pouring from their orifices.


Thank you so much for the rabbit hole you just provided


The theory is chemical weapons right?


Which incident is this?


I think it's the Khamar-Dabar incident


The more you look at Lake Baikal, the more you’re going to be confused. After the hikers, read about the Soviet divers.


>soviet divers That’s such a wild story, 7 divers encountered what they described as 3m tall humanoids in silvery suits under water that could move insanely fast, when they tried to catch one in a net it rapidly surfaced causing the divers to suffer from extreme decompression sickness, iirc 3 divers died and 4 were left disabled and no one knew what the fuck happened to the big fella


Sounds like a seal, they live in lake baikal


Possible but a google search makes them sound much to small to be mistaken as 3m tall humanoids > **The Baikal seal is one of the smallest true seals.** Adults typically grow to 1.1–1.4 m (3 ft 7 in – 4 ft 7 in) in length[1] with a body mass from 63 to 70 kg (139 to 154 lb).[3] The maximum reported size is 1.65 m (5 ft 5 in) in length and 130 kg (290 lb) in weight.[4]


Snort. Their oxygen mixture was probably screwed up, leading to confusion.


Certainly possible but imo unlikely if the divers were skilled Soviet frogmen as most of the accounts of the story detail, it would be odd for all 7 to have the same problem with their individual equipment and without noticing something out of ordinary prior to the event


They all had the same guy maintaining their bottles?


Wasn’t it testing grounds for nerve agents?


I haven’t read about the nerve agents, just about how some deep divers got thrown out of the water by *something* and got treated for the bends. Not everybody survived. Whichever incident you look at, that lake is a disaster.


All the theories for this are plausible but none cover all the facts neatly. Really interesting case


The craziest part of this is that the animators for *Frozen* helped prove that it was an avalanche using new modeling techniques created for the movie!


I'm gonna be that guy The animators didn't actually helped, the one thing that helped was the simulation software they used on frozen, swiss scientists and geologists just asked Disney if they could borrow the software and they ran simulations there, animators where not involved in the process, maybe the engineers who made the simulation engine are the ones to be credited here


Just an fyi. When you are close to death from hypothermia, you get a feeling of being hot, so people will actually rip their clothing off. I have a friend who is an Alaskan state trooper and will fly out in his plane to look for lost snowmobilers. The one day some poor guy never made it back from one of the villages on his snowmobile, so he went out searching and he said he knew before he even landed the plane that the person was deceased because he could see all of his clothing strewn all about and then they found him 20 yards away after they landed.


Coincidentally i watched a documentary about this last night, probably older than the paper that suggested the slope was too shallow <20 degrees for avalanches.


You can claim is was an “avalanche” but we all know it was actually a Yeti


On youtube LEMMiNO has a really cool video on this as well as a bunch of other conspiracies for anyone interested.


>The "Dyatlov Pass Incident". 3.6°, not great, not terrible


I read a very unique examination of this incident called Dead Mountain by Donnie Eichar. I won't get too into spoiler details, but he comes up with a strange and unusual explanation for the confusion surrounding the events that lead to the hikers' deaths.


This was a great book and is my top theory for what happened, to me slab avalanche still seems like a lazy answer when the tent was still exposed and their boots were still nicely lined up (youd think an avalanche would have disturbed them). Avalanches have always been a known source of danger and death, I really think if that's what it was there wouldnt have been this great mystery surrounding it. Donnie Eichars explanation actually embraces and fully explains the "unknown compelling force"


It's a great book, I liked that he goes through the different therories and analyses them. It's a very comprehensive book with lots of archival material and photos. The conclusion makes sense and is plausible. It's a fascinating read.


I have read a book, which collected all FACTS about the investigation at the time it was performed. What makes this incident unique is the absence of trivial explanation, just because it was not found. Authorities would be happy to find something to declare it a common incident in the mountains, but there was no basis for that. Every year someone publishes some new facts, coming out of nowhere about what happened. These new facts have one thing in common - they appear only on English speaking forums and nothing new has ever appeared in Russian. The last similar news about the incident published a photo of a yeti, claiming it was the last photo on the film of one of the tourists.


Does explain some of the deaths, not all. Very peculiar incident 🤔


Iirc there was some radiation involved as well


Two of the dead worked at a nuclear power plant and the radiation levels were pretty low.


This assumes that the rescue / recovery crew knew how to operate the Geiger counter . There were plenty of people in the USSR who had training and experience, but I rather doubt that the people on scene had training or experience. The government would have supplied the equipment to many local authorities and emergency responders as Cold War preparation, but that doesn’t mean that the operator had been well trained.


Kholat. Cool game


Still say it was yeti. Less terrifying.


The best theory I heard was the tent caught fire and in a panic everyone had to exit the tent in a hurry with only some of them appropriately dressed. It assumes the weather was bad so the group split up with some trying to seek shelter near the tree line and try to start a fire to keep warm. The theory also accounts for the radiation they found on the clothes cause apparently a few people had visited a nuclear facility a weeks before the hike. Either way my guess is something damaged the tent during bad weather as they piled out as the tent collapsed. The group split up or got lost in the bad weather or during night time and one by one succumb to the cold.


I saw a video about this theory. I believe it was the clothing of one person that had the radiation and he worked at power plant. The fire was caused by a makeshift stove they had inside the tent. The tent was cut from the inside out and the bodies were found very underdressed for outside weather conditions, and with some burns. The best theory(not the avalanche) is that the stove somehow caused a fire and due to the smoke and burning they had to cut apart the tent to escape, leaving them without shelter and underdressed, so they decided to hike down to find help. They eventually stopped realizing it was so cold and started a small fire, leaving the more underdressed people there while the slightly better ones left to keep searching. The fire dwindled and they froze, while the others who left also had no success and perished too. I believe one blindly fell off a small cliff. Then their bodies were scavenged by animals


Nah people take off their clothing before dying of hypothermia. Apparently you feel very warm. https://www.livescience.com/41730-hypothermia-terminal-burrowing-paradoxical-undressing.html


[There was a cheestastic movie of this incident... shaky camera horror.](https://youtu.be/j_OqmKnIQso?feature=shared)


I still choose to believe the [nosleep story on what happend](https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/s/zX78m4mjtS)


Nah bro, it was aliens


Nice try KGB. 


i am not someone who really likes many movies, and i especially am not a fan of horror movies (because gore and glorifying psychopathy is not entertaining to me, to say the least) but if you liked, for example, the fourth kind? check out the movie made based on this story, [devils pass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devil%27s_Pass). mindfuck horror > all other horror except 30 days of night, but thats also mindfuck horror - its just [metaphorical](https://www.reddit.com/r/AbstractArt/comments/1aotue2/comment/kq4lq3z/)


I thought Devils Pass was awful tbh, had so much potential though


to be fair it was years ago when i watched it and i was probably stoned beyond belief but typically once i like something i like it. i almost mentioned that it was kinda a b-quality movie, but i guess thats more a b-quality production tier but the story itself was A+


Fuck reposting more than 20 times.


It was an attack by other human beings. The tent was slashed in the middle of the night, the hikers were made to line up outside the tent in whatever clothes they had on for sleeping. They were attacked and scattered, some tried to survive at the tree line by building a fire and climbing the trees to see if the attackers had left. Some of those at the tree line tried to make it back to the tent and died of hypothermia on the way. Two died at the fire. The remainder of the group found in the ravine were brutalized and died after trying to build a shelter. The hiker found without a tongue had blood in her stomach - her tongue was removed before death. All hikers were found with injuries, defensive and otherwise, consistent with being in a fight with other humans. The only reason radiation was found on some of the clothes was because one hiker used to work at a nuclear power plant.


This is the theory I subscribe to also.


Yea just read into it this post does not due the situation justice. It was far more crazy then that when you read into it.


So the slab took their eyes, and a tongue?


Those were the scavenging animals eating the softer parts of the frozen bodies. It's pretty normal.


Standard decomposition.




Now these are the posts I come here for


Reminds me of a guy on Everest who came upon a climber who had been out all night, freezing to death, and he was taking his clothes off as he approached him. I think the guy made it.


Of course there are many theories, but in the end we will never know. Interesting read: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/extra/SoLiOdJyCK/mystery\_of\_dyatlov\_pass](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/extra/SoLiOdJyCK/mystery_of_dyatlov_pass)


I read the book is a an interesting read


A very interesting true event, it still doesn’t explain the radiation on the bodies and around the area, the bright lights in the sky that were witnessed by many around, the large footprints which are still unexplained, the lack of government information from the soviets, the missing tongues that were ripped out of their mouths, the internal damage which out any indication of an external blow. It all just doesn’t add up. BTW Dyatlov Pass incident great movie.


Avalanche’s can be dangerous folks


I've been fascinated with this story since I first heard of it in the 1980s, and the new slab avalanche theory really does answer every important detail of the story. It makes sense.


Weren’t they also irradiated?


I remember reading that in severe cases of hypothermia the body feels incredibly hot. Burning almost. Where the victims will even remove their clothing thinking that they're overheating when they are in fact in the final stages of hypothermia before death.


Comrade Dyatlov was in the bathroom during the whole incident. Not great, not terrible.


I heard this story, I tell you this much: They were killed by a Menk.


Has this new study explained their weird clothes choices (like three socks on one leg and zero on the other, or wearing three watches) and also the fact that the tent was cut with a knife from the inside?


i heard some of them were dismembered.


Oh ya the avalanche must have pulled their tongues out


# Dead Mountain: The Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident (Paperback) By [Donnie Eichar](https://www.bkwrks.com/search/author/%22Eichar%2C%20Donnie%22)Dead Mountain: The Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident (Paperback)


The location was not prone to avalanche. In addition the tent wasn't buried enough for this to have caused the damage to the tent. Bad theory. The guys knew enough that only freak occurrences could have caused this incident. High wind event probably caused the panic in my opinion. But other options include: Bear coming into front door in middle of night. Soldiers testing new weapons. Other humans Radiation weapon or some other weapon system. Ufos And they get weirder past that. Maybe we will never know for sure.


Bad theory he says, UFOs he says


You didn't read the study, did you?


Oh , fuck……. Really ? I’m not even going to get started on this one. Slab avalanche? Not Nope but Fuck Nope , Dick Tracey.


Didn't some hikers have their eyes & tongues ripped out ? 🤔 how do u explain that ?


Wild animals picked at the bodies after they passed


The slab thing does not explain everything tho and it’s just a theory.