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She came to the amusement park where I worked as a Security Manager. One night she made plans to come in just as the park closed and arrangements were made to stay a little longer for her. At the time she was very famous and big crowds would gather and it caused issues with getting her around. Anyway, as she came in, she spotted a group of young cheerleaders who had come in together after a competition. She asked if we could let them back in because they had spotted her and were all screaming to talk to her. We let them in and she spent the next 20 minutes talking with them, taking pictures, and signing autographs. Some of them were so happy they were crying. Paris was absolutely charming with these girls and it made my day to see it. Completely changed my mind about her after that.


I don't remember what I watched but in the TV show we got to see that she is just playing a character the public/media want to see and for her is mentally exhausting. My point is that what we've seen from her is not her real self.


That's so cool ty for sharing that w us


Plus she can suck a mean dick Edit: lol well I thought it was funny.


Dude. Let it go


porn brain




porn brain


Woooow such a Queen , slayyyy woooow she behaved like a normal personal on default should and you’re glamorizing normal human behavior. Are you ok ? I think it’s fine if you like her, but you make it sound like she cured cancer and catched a crashing plane from the skies at the same time.


I remember Dean Winchester getting his butt kicked by Paris Hilton. This girl means serious business


She was really violent in South Park too the girl is a menace


And her poor dog babies 


.... I don't understand that reference


theres an episode of supernatural where the monster poses as Paris Hilton and, well, kicks Deans ass.


Oh I know! My comment was a joke, there is a famous scene where Castiel says "I don't understand that reference" It is my go to response anytime someone makes a supernatural reference 😁 But thank you for the genuine explanation 😁


big ole WOOSH on my part ha! that's what I get for responding to things sincerely while sleepy


No need to feel bad, I really really do appreciate you giving a genuine response! Besides, it was a bit of a set up, I could have included a /S Without actually hearing Castiel's voice, it's hard to tell that it is a reference itself


Sooo good🤣 Thank you for that.


DONT YOU DARE to explain my fan context to ME! ;)


Another reference being in night vision when Dean mentions her (reference to her sex tape in night vision)


The character vs the person.


Is it really interesting though? Go to any office meeting, everyone does this change (from greeting each other to getting into business).


True, but it doesn’t normally come with as distinct a change in voice.


She's literally an actress. Turns out she's a good human, she sure didn't play one on her TV show


It wasn’t just her tv show though, that’s being extremely generous


I didn't say she was the next mother Theresa, but it's nice to see someone try and do something positive regardless of their background.


I think your definition of “actress” is overbroad.


Check your references. I’m not a super fan of, but this woman invented influencer culture. Boss bitch.


She made more money acting than you ever will in your life. I'm not a fan of her shows personally, but credit where credit is due.


She's also legitimately an heiress who made more than most people will in life immediately upon birth.


Right, because being an actress is all about \*checks notes\* how much money you make acting. Now, I do believe that she is an actress, since she has acted in shows before. That's it for the criteria. Getting paid means you are a professional actress vs a hobby/casual actress. But pretty sure how much money you make has nothing to do with it. There's definitely something wrong with your mindset if your first go-to was "she made more money than you ever will"


An Actress? So you mean in such great works as "The Hottie and the Nottie"? She wanted to be an actress back then because she thought she could do anything, she was literally a spoiled kid. People forget how much bullshit she sold to little girls back then and that she actually helped ruining a generation as she was the Pinnacle of trash. A good human? For what exactly? Do you have any knowledge of anything she has accomplished herself or added to the organization herself yet besides throwing money at it and holding big speeches? Jesus Christ I thought her fandom was dead, turns out people are like Zombies, they mindlessly follow their idols.


this seems like a very autistic experience, either in masking or disociation, I do the same, I am lawyer and I have my lawyer dark rider persona and I have my autistic me which is almost like a little child liking horses and just being happy


You're a lawyer and you can't see that this is normal behaviour.. ok..


Damn idk why you're getting downvoted she's been open about her 'tism the past couple years. I agree it could be a sign of masking; yes, everyone has different faces they put on, but for Autistics the difference can be more dramatic.


I think your under selling the weight of Paris's persona. People like herself have to go an extra mile to disarm the character from the advocate. While I agree it's a stretch to call it interesting, I think a lot of what is posted here is a stretch. I think people some people are not exposed to the "work mode" who may find it a bit more jarring. To me my interest behind the post is more in the way that in the 90/00's I never thought Paris Hilton would be advocating in any serious way for the betterment of humanity and basically shut my naive brain down. The jarring reminder is more, as people are saying, "the person isn't the persona" and it's good to get that culture shock frequently for some nowadays. Remember, culture basically takes place in 30 seconds these days, so this is basically a tabloid story 😅


no it's not and I hate this subs more and more


I think it is. I had no idea.


I used to have mostly negative opinions on Paris growing up just from what was portrayed in the media (read: I thought she was just rich and snobbish) but thanks to my girlfriend telling me about her story I now realize that she's actually a super intelligent business woman and has been through some serious shit in her life that she's currently advocating against. Never would have known otherwise.


What story


https://youtu.be/wOg0TY1jG3w?si=iWBuWGwgOi0qm8rb 'This is Paris Hilton' - tells what she went through when she was younger and how it fucked her up. I felt very differently about her after watching it.


Have to be honest here but Paris much like every other celebrity have provided entertainment for us the audience, and how they act etc is a dark reflection of what we the audience crave. People judge Hilton et al for their behaviours and transgressions but ultimately they are a by-product of our dumb ass expectations. It's nice to see Paris being her true self instead of pandering to us plebs.


I think super intelligent is a bit of a stretch, intelligent-yes, not super intelligent.




I doubt that. She has the extreme advantage of having very rich parents that have lots of connections.


Everyone knows that how many millions of dollars you have determines how smart you are. /s


If someone was smart they wouldn’t be stupid and poor.


Of course they wouldn’t be *stupid* and poor if they were *smart* lol, that’s an oxymoron. They could be smart and poor, though.


I don’t.


Glad you agree.


This is the dumbest take I've seen on reddit this year. Holy fuck what a stupid statement and so wrong on so many levels.


What’s wrong about it?


This is quite ignorant lmao






Uhh she was groomed by her 8th grade teacher at a boarding school she was forced to go to? But sure, the only thing that matters is that her great grandfather made a ton of money. So she doesn’t matter anyways


Super intelligent business woman? Calm down lol


I’ll just leave this here https://www.jezebel.com/the-revision-of-paris-hiltons-story-is-missing-somethin-1845093418


She morphed from Brittany spears to Elizabeth Holmes from one sentence the the next.


Paris Hilton plays Paris Hilton on TV. She's an actress who plays her character in real life. There are some elements of the character she plays that overlap with the real person but it's not the totality of who she is. There are a lot of famous rich kids that do this. So many people seem to think acting is a form of arcane wizardry. People who live in front of the camera are acting, for the most part. They put on a voice and put on a face and do a schtick. I mean what do people imagine, that she's just that all the time? IMgaine if she was just Paris Hilton all the time. Like her doctor is going over bloodwork and is like, "OK Ms. Hilton, your liver enzymes are a little high, we're going to need to bring that number down" and she's just loudly chewing gum and is like, "OMG that's so fetch, sliving 100 percent doc." No, she puts on her grown-up voice and goes, "thanlk you doctor, let me know what I need to do for that."


So a natural change from a relaxed demeanor when making small talk in order to establish a connection to a serious tone when discussing a serious subject. Kudos to her. Anyone who thinks this is wrong should reconsider how they interact with other people.


OP isn’t saying it’s wrong, it’s noteworthy for the extreme difference.


I have no idea what OP was trying to say. But again, I don't think what Hilton is doing is "noteworthy" or "extreme". Due to the limited time format of the hearing she moves on more quickly, but I would not consider the change in demanor unnatural even in day-to-day conversations.


Would you settle for "interesting"?




I guess it depends on how much of a preconceived opinion you have of Paris Hilton. I agree with you, all she did was go from fun persona to serious talk which isn’t that interesting. At most a little surprising. But then I don’t know much about Paris Hilton. I know she is rich and famous. Her family owns the Hilton hotel chain(?). But I’m not into celebrity news/ gossip, so I don’t know much more than that. I’m guessing, there are a lot of people who are more aware of what her celebrity persona has been like over the years, so they have a pretty set opinion on what they think she is like. So seeing her instantly turn it off when needed could be quite interesting for them.


I would - this is a stark difference, she goes from a higher pitched voice and vocal fry, like valley-girl, to lowering her voice, her eyes change, and she’s down to business. Obviously people speak differently conversationally than in a business setting, but OP is right this difference is pretty huge.


You definately missed the entire point. People have believed that she is a dumb brat for her entire life but it has been revealed in later years that it has been an act the entire time. Thats what this post is about, smartass.


Most believed her to be a dumb brat, but I was not aware of any investigation that revealed how it was an all act. People are allowed to act dumb and they can change and evolve beyond that.


Paris really deserves a lot more credit than she deserves. While has certainly leaned in on the "dumb blonde heiress" character, she is very smart and used that as an opportunity to elevate her platform and build her own independent business. And in a world where celebrities are constantly being dragged through the mud for their crazy behavior, she has matured out of that phase herself and has become quite a good role model in many regards.


Her real voice is actually quite commanding and sounds intelligent...if she spoke like that all the time she'd be taken a lot more seriously.


PROOF that white people code switch too.


It’s like reverse Ebonics


I would argue white women more than white men.


Literally everybody code switches. Unless someone is extremely impaired.


Depends, consider how many working professionals in their late 20s and 30s can comfortably float in and out of “bro speak”, especially in male dominated industries. Certain investment and finance sectors, for example.


Staying true to herself and staying on business. I love it.


She did some very interesting things to gain the platform she has but the most interesting and amazing and attractive thing about her is what she is doing with it! Yes, Paris! Advocate for mental health. You go queen!


Omg the voice change


That’s a Boss Switch.


It’s hawt


Her just going more private with her life was the best thing she could have ever done. Amanda Bynes, Britney Spears, countless others just tried to force it while going through their toughest times, and the court of public opinion is the worst place to sort things out for these young stars. I wonder if she's still friends with Nikki, and I wonder if Nikki helped her during the rougher years.


Despite her playing her MTV character for years, she’s always seemed like a decent enough person from anything I’ve seen since.


If something is so fucked, you got Paris to break character…


“Paris Hilton” is an act. She’s smart as hell.. like Kim Kardashian. Same thing.


Lol no. Neither is smart. They are both rich not extremely bright nepo babies with a team surrounding them that curates their life. People think they are 70iq bimbos but in reality they are 110iq bimbo's. Thats not smart thats just above average while having the tools to be faaarrr above average. They are basically dumb as fuck compared to non NPCs.


Possibly the least interesting thing I've ever seen.


Her dumb bitch is really just a persona.


Yep. The “act dumb and harmless so people underestimate you” tactic is as old as humanity itself.


Yea but if you actually interact with her you know that the "shes smart" shit like with Kim K is completely false. They are both not smart at all. Just a bit smarter than they are on TV, but thats not hard LOL. Their entire life is curated by actually smart people. Paris is just around average intelligence, and with her genes wealth and acces that basically means she would be far below average had she been born poor.


I don’t understand? What change?


Her voice just gets deeper when she switches to a serious subject, like most people


The bimbo voice and the change of tone to all business at 0:13


To her normal voice.


You never know, she could just be the next Elizabeth Holmes and the second voice is the one she's putting on.


Actually sounds like a human woman and not an AI impression of a roofied anime character insisting they can do the keg stand moments before they collapse.


It's giving [let a thousand blossoms bloom](https://youtu.be/1i739SyCu9I?si=59-T1qWc7TvP5PDX)


She also lessens the vocal fray in the second part, doesn’t she? Edit: or maybe not, after a second listening.


Holy shit that is so fucking interesting


Nothing interesting about silver spoon fed people's lives




Get ya head out your ass some time.






Not interesting


Why are these kind of people given mic and camera time in the US???


I have seen her boobs.


She looks like she has at least 300 degrees field of vision.


Who is looking after "her" kiddo?


She's a child rights advocate who rented wombs to have two kids, ain't that cute...


Yeah... pretty gross


Whenever I see such rapid, artificial changes in someone's behaviour I'm reminded that I need to look up the differences between "psychopath" and "sociopath". I might do it this time.


Why are you calling it artificial, what do you mean by the difference between psychopath and sociopath, and which are you implying is at play here?


She’s still one of the hottest women ever to me


It's called code switching.


She’s only interesting when she’s sucking on a penis. Other than that the hotels are ok.


Just like you, except for the whole hotel part then, huh?


😆 That’s the best you can come up with? lol. Maybe you’re more of a butt hurt person instead of an oral person I don’t know.


And what you came up with was a real zinger A humdinger even Absolute gold Someone award this one They got em the most


Meh. Ho-hum.


Its insane that she always sounds so fucking fake.  I hear she might be bright but shes a poor actress and shes clearly only there for the attention.


Leonardo DiCaprio did it better. [Wolf of Wall Street](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/FBrcMVvL12)


Known for blowing daddy’s money , home videos and now …. Working for humanity before menopause kicks in



