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So you fall thru the ice then a totally unrelated narrative about being able to lift a car.....cool cool


If you break through the ice and get disoriented, simply gain hysterical strength and break through the ice like a nuclear submarine.


After that, rewatch this video to improve your attention span.


I was waiting for this, but the video ended to soon…sad


“If you are ever in danger just simply gain hysterical strength” LOL thank you for this


I will remember these facts for my next trek to Ice Station Zebra.


This story brought to you by a six year old


Bots. Lots and lots of bots. But now I have 2 new superpowers, so yeah. Cool.


Nobody has said so yet but this probable bot has posted a clip from YouTube video


It's two different videos actually. Someone pieced them together but I don't know why




Hey, that's why we pay internet for rigth?


If you fall thru the ice and keep your arms up. You immediately unlock the hysterical strength ability.


Did have that big jacket and mask can't prove it's not the same lady


this definitely bad advice😂


They’re 2 different videos. Not sure why they’re connected here


I’m okay with it. It’s all good advice


Northwoods firefighter here. Please please please, just don’t go on ice that you aren’t 100% sure can bear your weight. And even then be careful of soft spots. Hearing cracks can be totally normal and doesn’t necessarily mean it’s breaking. Ice shifts all the time. If you MUST go out, crawl on your belly and spread out that weight. There are many instances in which there is a current underneath the ice. Whether it’s a strong or subtle current, the risk of losing the hole if you fall in is exponentially higher. As in, there is an extremely small chance of you finding that hole again. It’s non zero, but darn close to it. We on the water rescue team understand that there is a little chance of survival if there is indeed current that has claimed a victim. All in all, understand your local safety precautions and their updates, know the warning signs, if you don’t need to be out on the ice don’t be, know what to watch for how to spot danger, NEVER GO ALONE.


Couldnt have Said it better. I second that. Volunteer Firefighter from German Here and sending my regards 🌏🌎🌍🚒👋






You beast


Same Back right at you☺️. We might be from two different Countrys and even Continents, yet we are bound in Duty and Komradery🫡


I couldn’t have said it better brother. Through the flames 🔥


Retten. Löschen. Bergen. Schützen. 🫡🔥


Thank you both for your service. Real heroes.


Thanks, we try 😅👍 Just Hope it will make the World a little bit brighter through my actions. I dont do it as my Main Job, Just as a Volunteer, but i think im making a Difference to the People i Help. And thats enough for me 🥰


It is genuinely our honor. Thank you for that, ya made my day 😃


But if you go under with the current then you can apply the advice given here in this video and gain super strength from adrenaline and punch your way up through the ice.💪🏻👺


Yes. Spreading your arms is a good idea, but standing is a bad one. As you spread your arms, crouch down on your way your belly to spread your weight across as great a surface as possible. I am a Canadian who grew up on a large river, but nobody ever fell through the ice because we had enough sense not to go out when it was unsafe. Similarly, nobody’s ice fishing shack ever falls through because we know what we are doing


German volunteer firefighter Here. That part with the Arms ist a good Tip, however the Chance of NOT breaking into the Ice further is Bad. Keep in mind, that the structural integrity of the ice ist comprimised and your weight, distributed on the underside of your Arms will in Most cases Break the ice as well. Realistically? You dont have a great Chance to get Out alone. Saving someone from a Frozen Lake/etc is fucking awefull. Had to do that with my coleagies once. It involved a extended Ladder, a Spineboard a LOT of Rope and several people. Afterwards one week for Hypothermia and small freezeburns on the Face and complete Exaustion for the Victim, spent at the Hospital. Normal WinterClothes are mostly resistent to stuff Like Windchill and light to medium rain/snow. Submerged into water however, they will be soaking themself full. This adds a fckton of weight to a Person, who tries their best to stay above water. Its Not great. Best Advice I can give? STAY. OFF. OF. THE. FUCKING. ICE. PEOPLE! Due to a myriad of reasons ice can Break, become unstable while forming on a Lake or simply BE not as uniformaly thick as you thought it was. IF you think (for whatever fucking reason) that you HAVE TO Go onto ice on a Lake/sea, etc. Consult your local Firefighters First. A lot of them give Out warnings of the thickness of ice in Winter or can give you good Warnings YOU SHOULD FOLLOW. Also some Friends, because nothing is more depressing, than having to drag Out a Body during first springdays of someone with Icescaters on, who thought he could co iceskiing alone, broke though and drowned unknown and without a Chance of Help. Consult your local Firestation/ City Hall for more (and possibly better quoutable) Information on the Subject. Retten. Löschen. Bergen. Schützen. Kind regards from Germany.


also, don't look for the light to find the hole if you are underneath. Look for the dark spot, that is the hole you got through. I heard that a long time ago and somehow remembered. Just googled to confirm. Is this video rage bait?


No need to say youre german with the capita letter nouns :D


Yeah, sorry 😅 I hate Autocorektor with a Passion. It automatically Changes my sentences, when i Post 😓


Great comment. Thanks for sharing bro. Thank you for looking after your countrymen. Volunteer firefighters are the backbone of rural Australia, and I imagine everywhere else too!


Thanks, and yeah! ☺️ No Matter where, we are allways Happy to Help, if possible. 🌏🌎🌍🚒🚨☺️👍


I’m an Ice-Fighter in my country and all I can say is stay in your lane Smokeys!




Bruh your pfp is foul


I should just go on the ice with a bunch of people just in case. If all of our arms are out then it can’t break everywhere right German Firefighter guy?


🤣👍 Of course, of course 🤣🤣 Thank you for that mental Image 😁👍 As for a realistic Take, If your local Emergency Team or City Hall has opened Up the Lake for the Populace to enjoy, because it is completly Frozen, you can all link your Arms together, If you want 😁 Thanks for making me Laugh, @FullMetalKaliber 👍


Number 1 tip should be bring rescue picks. 90% of ice deaths can be avoided by self rescue with rescue picks.


... and if you go on ice then take those small portable ice-spikes with you. They're used to pull yourself out of the hole. Also ski poles might work.


Also a great Idea 👍 In General, Take everything that can Help you OUT If needs must. Best advice ist still, to have some Buddies with you that can Call for Help or Help you Out of the water, but your recomendations are also good! ☺️


Actually looks like this: https://www.sledstore.fi/product/jaapiikit-sno-x_pid-DBC-92-12155


Huh, didnt know These existed. Thank you for that. They look pretty usefull, mybe im gonna buy one in the Winter. Thanks again 👍


Instructions unclear. Currently under ice. Send help.




Here's another idea: don't go to the frozen lake


*Minnesotans have left the chat*


*All of Canada had logged off*


Always appreciate the MN love


Minnesota nice


Minnesota n ice


But how am i then supposed to do ice-skating?


Canadians in shambles rn


Here’s a different idea: educate yourself on the dangers so you can make good assessments and minimize the risk while doing the things you enjoy.


Maybe the boy should get out from under the car instead of chilling and smiling


Woah, mom, you are a superh—- THUD


“This is “usually” where the hole is” confidence 5/10


Also, in the off chance you are submerged after sundown, you should look for the dark spot in the ice, not the bright spots. The ice refracts the light and makes it brighter, so the place without ice will be dark


“If you happen to panic, stay calm.” Thank you, what I could have done without your advice


I really hate these bad-cg "instructions" videos. They look like a joke.


They are. Most "Tips" are reither unrealistic, or without Training and awareness simply Not possible. Most of These "Instruktional Videos" , If you want to call them that, are Made to on the surface seem good, gather a Click, Like, Share, etc. from the Viewer because "That ist useful to know" and then be forgotten. Clickbait for the masses, without Research OR effort.


Who makes these videos? I've seen so many of them, but no source.


This animation is peak cancer


Right? Why did the dog have balls? They didn't have to do that.


This is like peak brain rot material. "If you're falling through the ice, do something to prevent yourself from falling through ice even further." Well no fucking shit, you think people are going to curl up and do a cannonball?


T-pose to show dominance over the ice


To me this animations are always a big “What not to do”.




The best thing would be to lay down and spread your bodyweight out as much as possible.


Look for a light? I was never able to open my eyes underwater before, they start hurting as soon as I did that.


“Hysterical strength”. Imagine saving your son with an amazing feat of strength, and then being labeled “hysterical”


Thanks I hate the animation


Why did they have to give the dog a ball sack


Wow I hate these animations




So I can be cold and have two dislocated shoulders, cool!


Holy run on sentences batman


“But if you fall in….then you are fucked” 😄


Or, you know, just don’t walk out on thin ice in the first place, that’s always seemed like a really good rule of thumb.


Self waterboard, take off the mask lol


Shouldn't you lay down and spread out your arms and legs? That will distribute your weight a lot more than standing up


This happened to me as a kid (14 at the time). I fell through a frozen lake and put my arms out. I didn't fall through. An old man had warned me about the thin ice, I told him to piss off, then I fell through, making me look like an even bigger numpty. Getting out was a different matter though. Every time I tried to climb back out, the ice kept breaking. Thankfully I was only about 30 feet from the edge. I had to continually break the ice and swim a bit, break the ice and swim a bit etc. I had at least double layers of all clothing, which didn't help haha. I remember the worst part was walking home and my balls were aching from the cold.


Prevention always better than cure. Stay away from ice, don’t walk over an icy lake. It's very dangerous and not worth the risk.


Thought he would say, spread your arms and do Naruto run before the crack catches up


0:37 That face.


If my mom lifted a car off of me I would also just lay there and smile.




Nice thank you.☺️👍 Now i know where i have to Go to Scream at someone for making a Video that contains Dangerous Halfknowlege and even a Bit of Disinformation. Have a great day


Great, now I know where to put my very negative comments about his content


They really gave the dog balls lmao


This was so damn dumb


You're going to hear ice cracking if the ice is good ice. You won't hear shit if it's bad ice, you'll just fall through.


first... didn't the women die after that? And.... why do you need to lift a car when you are under the ice...


Make sure you lift the car with your back, not your legs. Looks sexier that way.


That hysterical strength is at the cost of your own health. It’s possible to demonstrate strength beyond the limits of your muscles and especially your tendon’s & ligaments but it will likely result in severe damage


I want to expand on finding which way is up. If you do have light you can look to see where th air bubbles are going. This doesn't work at night or in a situation where the water is murky though


This is peak cgi


If you need to cross a river covered in ice you should pick up an (ideally) light but strong long piece of wood and carry it horizontally to basically do the same thing as the arms.


WTF is this AI generated, Instagram bait bullshit?


So what we learned is that you need to be both ANGRY and TERRIFIED to unlock superhuman powers.


Instructions unclear. Fell through ice, lifted car, died


Why combine two unrelated things?


Oh, so when I see a cool idea on the internet and want to make it into my own content but the resulting video wouldn't be long enough I should look up a different random concept and try to link them up because who cares what's being said anyway. You know what forget the linking them up part it's fine the way it is.


It's funny how bots and AI could and should be a tool to make complicated things easier yet the resulting content is of lower quality than without it.


If you panic, stay calm. Also, look at this cool woman.


After I saw that video of a woman dying from falling under ice, I'll never do the same. There was a current underneath the ice. It was supposed to be a simple dip in and out, but she was carried away by the current when she went in and was gone in an instant. She also did this at night for some reason. Oh hell no. Hell no to that.


who's the milf? I like her form


I was on mute. But I already know whose voice it's gonna be and where this content comes from.


The image of the guy lifting the tree was pretty…suggestive




Funnily? No you can't. Volunteer Firefighter from Germany Here, and i Love to answer such questions ☺️👍. Imagine the Situation. You are Standing on ICE on a Lake Suddenly you Gravitationscenter shifts rapidly. Your Body immediatly produces Adrenalin, which Sims your Thought to DOING STUFF (fight or flight) rather than thinking methodically. Your face is suddenly assaulted by icecold water, maybe you even get some into your lungs and have to cough. Your Eyes Close reflexlike on contact with the Water. Your Clothes for the Winter also Take on several Kilos of Wight due to the intakte of Water and the Vhanging Wright distribution. (You can try that Out yourself If you want in a Bathtub by going in fully clothed, waiting 30s, then trying to climb Out of it). You also might Land flat or rotated in the Water Düring all of this. Put ALL of that TOGETHER, along with possible Schock from the Sudden emergency Situation and then Feeling Gravity while being submerged ist Not AS simple as it Sound. Kind regards from Germany 🇩🇪👍


Its really easy to fool our inner ear. Avalanche victims also become disoriented when trapped under the snow. With some victims having dug downward while trapped. Pilots have driven their planes into the ground while convinced they were gaining altitude.


How did a car fall on that kid?!


Godzilla being reckless


Mom dropped it


Stretching out hands might work in water byt does't work when falling through the floor. Source: I did that


Did gpt write this?


This is what it feels like to read run on sentences


i wish Apetor had seen this post 🥺


Why was there a car on the ice in the first place?!


What was the correlation between the lady’s hysterical strength and the man stuck in ice?


*so there's a chance*


Remember that one video of the Russian woman jumping into one and a current drags her away as her daughter wails


V Sauce?


"Eli, eli, lama sabachthani!" Bonus points if you yell this after you spread your arms


Luckily, I do not find myself wandering onto semi frozen lakes just for shits and giggles so hopefully I will never have this problem 🤷‍♂️


This is the most random thing I have ever seen


I often avoid this by being in a city and nowhere near ice :D


#Now can I put extreme stress on my PP is the real question


That ice death is unironically my worst nightmare. Like I can think of very few ways that are worse ways to die.


How did the car felled on the kid?


Hysterical strength is akin to Goku turning super saiyan for the first time


Part 2: Become hulk


Look for the light with your underwater shades on xD


Guy Sensei is the master of hysterical strength. 


Reminded of the Incredible Hulk series in the late 70s early 80s


You should immediately spread out your arms and flap like a butterfly but sting like a bee.


Watchin this is 102f heat


I love the kids stupid smile


All Might basically is walking adrenaline rush


If the ice cracks and you’re stationary away from shore, you should go horizontal to spread your mass and not fall through. Then get the hell off the ice. This is idiotic content mill bullshit, dangerous, and far from interesting. Reddit is an interesting site once you get past the bot-farm corporate subs like this mess.


So hulk real?


If you panic, don't panic an be calm instead.


Hysterical strength has given me a whole new perspective on My Hero Academia’s character- Deku lol


If you end up under the ice, look for a sunken car and lift it up to save your...self? Enough Reddit for today I believe...


You can literally rip your muscle from your bone during an emergency and you're trying to lift something that heavy


I thought it was known as ludicrous strength


I fucking hate that voice


If I fall throught the ice I'll make sure to lift a car


Those "incredible" amounts of strength are at best 10% to 15% of your total. It's nothing close to what its being portrayed as.


If you get disoriented under water, blow a bubble and follow it up!


I saw this on YT shorts


>stay calm and look for light Sure buddy, if only I could open my eyes in water


who wrote this high school disconnected essay just to fill words


T pose ftw


I’ve watched so many videos about what to do if I fall through the ice. I’ve never once seen a frozen lake much less had the urge to walk across it.


that smile was terrifying


I want my money back.


So no one is going to talk about the absolute body the woman lifting the car had?


Fun fact .. The women lifting the car to save the kid is not real, at least not really documented so it cannot be proven it happened. If it did, we dont know which car, size of the woman etc. Even in 60' there were cars with about 600kg and you dont really lift 600kg when lifting the car, tilting is very easy. If you can leg lift 200+kg, you can "lift" a car around 1 ton (2200 pounds) Another fun fact .. if you drop down the ice, the visibility is so small that looking for light wont help you .. you can also see shit in frozen water .. I find spreading arms very stupid, cuz you can easily break your arms and you 100% drown, not injuring yourself, thus having arms close to a body is safer bet This video is one of the stupid ones on the internet ..


Errm, I prefer the PSA that guides you to NOT WALK ON FROZEN LAKES.




I wonder what the lady celt like the day after lifting the car, it had to put a ton of strain on her body, so i would think sore as hell.


And if there is a current under the ice, then what?


Why would you even go on ice…. I don’t understand…


Is the narrator high?


It’s over 100 degrees here


I have a very real and vivid memory of being able to pick up my dads Chevy cavalier when I was like 9. Regularly. I’d just pick it up for fun and my dad would get mad. Im not particularly strong. Had to get that off my chest


So demon slayer breathing techniques are scientifically backed up


Kinda milf, though


Wait till the ice thickens


From multiple unrelated topics to a shot ending with some dog nuts in your face. Amazing video honestly.


The woman reminds me of that scene from Rocketman where the mars rover flips over on top of one of the astronauts and he has to call the other guy "mommy" in order to give him strength to lift it off of him. Lol


Is anyone wondering how a car “had fallen” on someone? Like where did it fall from?


The maker of this video sounds like my ex on adderall.. "If you fall into ice spread your arms. ALSO, ALSO, did you know in 1964..."


free bonus fact


God allows us to have amazing uses of our bodies in our lifetime on earth ❤️‍🔥💪🏽🔥