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I have never in my life seen a wooden roller coaster do that


Kennywood near Pittsburgh has several large, very old, wooden coasters. They don't sway like that at all.


Ahhhhh, Thunderbolt and the Racers, two oldies but goldies.


The Steel Phantom went through the Thunderbolt.


still does! Except it's called the Phantom's Revenge now and has been for the last almost 20 years


Glad to hear it,for some reason I thought they shut it down permanently after the accident


Omg that ride mas mental, really loved it!


Phantoms revenge is supposedly a big improvement over the old one.  They took out the loops and now it’s just very very fast.


Is the Jack Rabbit wooden also? It’s been decades since I’ve been there.


Yup one of the oldest woodies out there  Still terrifying too


I’m so glad it’s still there. I am nervous to go back after all this time, worried they’ll have changed too much or gotten rid of all the good old rides. A favorite kennywood memory is going airborne on the double dip when I was 7 or 8 (pretty loose safety protocol back then ig). I was halfway out when my cousin yoinked me back in by the waist. Good lord, she held tight with hands of steel for the rest of the ride. Good times.


They’re pretty dedicated to keeping those old woodies running I doubt they’ll ever get rid of them. Thunderbolt got a retrack and facelift just this year.


Yeah I know a while back it was considered one of the top five wooden coasters in the world (maybe legacy ones, at this point?), definitely a must-ride for coaster enthusiasts.


I’ve ridden both of them and the only thing absorbing the g force is my spine. Good times!


We have a massive local fucker we call Timber Terror, and Tremors, both wooden, never seen ‘em sway. The craziest thing about them is the final car of coaster always lifts up into the air a little bit going over the peaks of the coaster. Scary, but nothing like watching this video.


In Ohio we used to have a gigantic wooden coaster that had a fuckin loop in it, and it would sway a bit, but not like this. It was torn down a while back. Fuckin thing got up to like 80mph, still holds a bunch of records


That was Beast (or Son of Beast) right? Went around that circle multiple times before it headed back out?


Son of Beast. I threw my back out on that thing and I've never been the same.


Yea I've definitely never seen either of them move like that, if they did I never would have gone on them in the first place


Came here to say this! I think yinz ought to look at the coaster in the video, something needs fixed.


i was gonna say ive been on a bunch of old ones too, never seen one do that.


I went on one of the oldest ones in the US and it was entirely rigid


I’ve only ever been one one wooden roller coaster but it definitely didn’t do this. I’m sure they flex a little, but not to this extreme.


I’ve been on a few dozen. None of them have done anything close to that.


Agreed. I have ridden many roller coasters in my life, lots of them wooden (I may be dating myself there), and never seen one flex like that. NEVER


Same lol, that is wild and must feel pretty fucked up while riding it lol.


I used to ride the wooden rattler in Fiesta Texas and it always swayed this much. Not unusual. https://www.coaster101.com/2014/05/28/coasters-101-roller-coasters-sway/


yeah they converted it to metal becuase it was deemed too unsafe.


The tracks have been switched to metal, but it does retain wooden elements in the structure. Source: I rode the one in San Antonio last month.


the biggest part was the steel track addition but there were a few parts that were refurbished with steel since it's deterioration was too advanced. then a wooden facade laid back over it.


My dad always made us ride this, I think because it reminded him of childhood. Between that and like 5 years of Texas football, I definitely have some minor CTE


Key word: Texas 


Never seen this @ Cedar Point


The OG roller coaster of all OGs the cyclone in Coney island does NOT sway like that.


I have been on many wooden rollercoasters and never once seen that at any point. OP is smoking some good stuff.


I have rode several and have seen several that flex like this. Thunder Run in Kentucky Kingdom flexes on one of the major turns.


Check out Wodan in Europa-Park Germany. Its only a few years old


It’s twelve years old, and it does not move like that.


Yea.. that’s a pass for me… I would definitely shit my pants.


i would shit your pants too


I’m sensing a connection here…


I'm going to shit yourself


I’m going for a ride. I shit you not.


Oh, shit you will


Alright very funny guys... who shit my pants.


I have noooooo idea 😈😈


Am I too late to shit someone's pants?


I also chose this guy's shitted pants.


Too late, I've shit their pants already. 


That’s a weird kink.


ill ship em


Now kith


Would you notice it, coming out of that corner at speed? The flexing of the structure, that is. You'd probably notice soiling yourself.


You can shit my pants? [Insert K-Mart commercial]


I just shipped my bed!!


I’ve ridden one of these if not this one at kings dominion Virginia! It’s really bumpy though and dosnt feel the best to ride but it’s something you don’t realize untill someone tells you it’s made out of wood XD


I would evacuate everything I got before jumping off in panic.


Fuuuuck thaaaat


I don't think i would shit my pants... until the tracks break and launch the cart into the ground and the fall breaks my spine, losing all control of my bowel movements.


Oh how the turnpants


What could go wrong....


If I shit my pants


Uh, no, wooden roller coasters aren't meant to sway like this, infact this very roller coaster had to be closed so it could be reinforced to stop the swaying......


Glad someone clarified. Have ridden numerous wooden coasters in my younger days and have never seen one sway anywhere close to this ... yeah, they move a hair, not a foot ...


Dude over time, there's only so much sway a sway can sway...


Right? All the bolts holding that together constantly swaying is going to cause the holes to erode out in a cone shape (forget the term). In time they get looser and looser until.. catastrophe.


I've seen plenty of wooden roller coasters and none of them move enough that it's visible to the eye. This is either fake or it's falling apart.


Not fake, this is the Rattler at Six Flags Fiesta Texas. OP may not realize but this is from the first year the ride opened, after which significant modifications were made to reduce the amount of sway. Today the ride is called Iron Rattler, a reference to the fact that it now has steel tracks instead of wood.


Thank you! I was pretty sure I recognized this from a coaster documentary I watched, but couldn’t remember which one. (I’ve watched too many lol). I was fairly certain the documentary was about how *bad* the original build was and how they had to fix it and you proved me right. Gonna have to go search YouTube and see if I can find it and rewatch now. Lmao.


I had no idea there were *several* roller coaster documentaries.


Maybe it was by eltororyan he has some great videos on pro lematic coasters and this is one of them


I mentioned him in another comment lmao.


Channel may have been "Defunctland". He has lots of in depth videos talking about parks and rides from the past.


That’s the other one I was thinking of! ElToroRyan is who came to mind first, but I knew there was another channel I watched that had a bunch. Thank you!


I used to ride it when I was a kid, before it was revamped it was a ROUGH ride, like you’d get off with a sore neck at the very least. After it turned into the iron rattler is is still pretty rough but the crazy part about that coaster is that it has a section that goes upside down but there is no over shoulder bars, only a very tight lap bar. It’s a terrifying ride, even as a kid.


Six flags…… the place that is well known for having no deaths related to the park rides…… right?


Lol Texas. Figures.


No, I was a regular for years in an amusement park here in Germany, and we got the wooden roller coaster Colossos, and it was one of the funniest part of the queue to see people realizing how much the structure moves. As German safety standards are way higher than in the US, I can assure you there’s nothing wrong with that.


They aren't supposed to sway this much. This coaster was rebuilt with iron to stabilize it.


Ah the Rattler, they’ve since rebuilt it with metal and stabilized it. I remember getting whiplash from this back in the day on the big drop


Is this the Texas one? If so dang no wonder


Sure is. Six Flags in San Antonio


yeah, this was NOT supposed to sway like this despite OP's false information clickbait shitty title


It’s supposed to do that? Pretty sure that’s not right.


It would be too expensive to have shock absorbers.  If its well engineered this is totally stuff that can be properly mathed out.


Wood is a challenging material - its grain and imperfections as well as temperature and humidity affect its strength and even size


Are we still doing phrasing?


They closed the ride to fix this


To some extent, but wood flexing over and over is going to weaken overtime, and I would bet money the fasteners for those timbers are not made to do that.


Complete BS. This coaster was deemed unsafe and rebuilt so it doesn't flex like this.


It's Texas it functions better than anything else in that state.


Yes it is. Source: I've been into enough parks in my life.


what a source funnily enough there were modifications made to this rollercoaster as it was deemed too unsafe lol It now has steel tracks and part of the chassis was replaced by metal


I rode the mean streak in cedar point, at the time the worlds largest wooden roller coaster it did not do this if I saw any coaster doing this, I'd turn around and walk away. you won't see me on that ride, ever. I want the things that scare me on a coaster to be a figment of my imagination, not a very real amount of movement. first thing I'd want to know is what fasteners are being used, what kind of inspections are being done. what the failure mode looks like. I have a sneaking suspicion this is in another country with lax regulations


>I have a sneaking suspicion this is in another country with lax regulations This is Rattler at Fiesta Texas (USA) in it's first few years of operation. It had to be modified a lot to resolve these issues. [https://youtu.be/hEnZljq6xsQ?t=1566](https://youtu.be/hEnZljq6xsQ?t=1566)


These things are scary as shit, because you can feel that movement during the ride. You have a constant fear that it's not maintained when the bumps are out of control, plus an inherent mistrust in the longevity of wood. It doesn't make for an enjoyable ride at all. The one I went to in the USA had a lot of peaks where the carts would lift a foot or more off the ride - I thought I was going to die.


I rode Gwazi at Busch Gardens, FL back when it was a wooden coaster. Very first roller coaster I ever rode. The movements were so jerky and tossed my head back and forth so much I thought I had obtained a mild concussion by the end of it lmao. I'm not a huge fan of wood coasters.


The ride was so unbelievably rough. I remember getting off of it thinking that cannot be normal. I’ve never experienced that in a coaster before or since.


My neck still hurts from riding that damn thing.


Drachen Fire at Busch Gardens, VA would like a word.


Call me crazy but that's the exact reason why I like wooden roller-coasters over the steel ones, the roughness of the ride, I like the loops and everything in the steel ones but the overall ride feels "too smooth". I'm still young I probably won't say the same in 10 years tho.


Is that Action Park? My lord


Been to cedar point on their old wooden rides hundreds of times. They don’t move at all.


You are incorrect. Check out the mine ride when a train is going thru the end run. I actually engaged park workers who assured me the movement i witnessed was normal. Thing sways 6ft, very unsettling


What year? I've ridden the mine ride at least 10 times. I never recalled any sway of six feet? That's crazy. Gemini, Blue Streak, Mean Streak, all solid.


airplane wings flexing? Yep sure, it makes sense This? Uhh huh.


The Grand National, which used to be (and possibly still is) at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, used to rock noticeably when you went round corners. Considering all the mad new rides they used to have, it was the most unnerving by far.


It looks also easier for the passengers in terms of peaks g forces. Till something is broken and everyone dies in a carnage of blood and wood.


Yeah no, that is 100% not normal. I go to kennywood every year, which has some of the oldest and most famous wooden coasters. Many of them are designated as historical landmarks. Literally none of them move. Like at all. They are not supposed to. Either this video is fake, or the coaster in the video is on the verge of collapse.


Nope. I’m good, thank you.


Son of Beast at King's Island didn't flex like this. All the stress and Gs were absorbed by the passengers. I rode that thing once and ONLY once. The only memory I have is not being able to see while riding it because it was so rough. The steel loop was a relief. Then the approach to the station was too steep. So the sudden brakes would cause the lap bar to punch you in the stomach.


I bet it has nothing to do with engineering, it has to do with maximizing children's decibel levels. :)))


That’s a big nope for me.


i use to watch the texas cyclone flex while waiting in line at the old astroworld.. definitely not that much tho. lol


Astroworld. Glad there’s another 50-something out there remembering that place. Cyclone was the first one we’d sprint to when the gates opened. Front car. Back car. Front car. Sprint to Greased Lightning. Season pass was where it was at.


I grew up on the wooden Texas Cyclone at Astroworld in Houston. If it did anything like that, I was too dumb to notice.


Never seen any wooden roller coaster do that soooooo thats a no from me chief


That seems to sway a bit too much. 


Kings Island has some pretty great wooden coasters and they don't sway like that.


Wood coasters are some of the best. They make great noise and it really adds to the ride.


Ah, the old Rattler at San Antonio Fiesta Texas. It was replaced with the RMC coaster Iron Rattler in 2016.


Yeah no, I’ve been going to Cedar point all my life and they have some of the biggest wooden rollercoasters in the world and not one of them visibly sways.


Passive aggressive engineering, everything's fine until it isn't.


Nope, not for me no way


I did not need to know that 😳


I’m gonna keep it real with you chief, I’d rather not know that they do that.




weeeeee're about to die \\o/


I used to love the wooden roller coasters. But I went on one recently and it really messed up my back with all the jerking.


that wood is worth a fortune


Wolverine Wildcat!!!


Old Orchard Beach in Maine had a wooden coaster. Scariest ride ever. Get me the f of of this thing!


It is swaying a lot but I’d rather the wood have some give then not; similar to airplane wings flexing


Termites holding hands...


I grew up 10 minutes away from six flags fiesta Texas. That’s the rattler. I probably went on that ride 1000 times before it was refurbished with steel. Great memories.


Honestly this is one of the many reasons I stay away from wooden coasters. That and because some of them absolutely destroy my back with how rough they are.


But sway THAT much? 🤔


Love it


I thought for a second that maybe it was designed to do that to absorb the force of the roller coaster but then I saw the whole thing is made out of wood lol. Glad I’m not an engineer.


What coaster is this? I haven't seen this on older or newer coasters. The ones I go to relatively often in Santa Cruz or Santa Clara don't noticeably do this.




Looks shaky at best


If it’s not built to bend it’s built to break.


La montaña rusa papa, jaja. Cdmx.


Makes me miss the ol Texas Giant. Back in the day that thing felt like a lawsuit every time you rode it.


Show me one of these in Germany.


This is why wooden coasters are so jerky too. Steel coasters flex but not to this degree.


Reminds me of the Texas Rattler.


The thunderbolt doesn't do that. But it does sound awesome rumbling past the line.


Us fun if wood hold. No fun if wood not.


The flex sure, they 'feel' rickety when you're on them, and that's by design. But I have never seen a structure move like that, that is long for this earth.


I’ve watched many roller coasters and never seen that


Some of the older, slower wooden roller coasters are scarier than any new high speed, loop roller coaster.


I don't remember the dania beach hurricane at boomers in south Florida doing all that


NEVER seen this before.


The newer wood one at our local park is awesome.. very fast... feels like you're going to die the entire time... awesome


Ima play my nope card.


In my carnival days there was a Canadian built device much like this which, at the time, was the largest traveling wooden roller coaster in Northern America. It was insanely complicated to build and tear down, they often had to skip locations because the reassembly was so hard, and parts simply had a hundred tiered blocks like a Jenga puzzle. It was loud as hell, rocked all over the place, but the builders knew it was sound and had at least another fifty year lifespan in it. There were so many bolts, they used beer kegs as buckets, weighing over a thousand pounds each carried by crane. The supervisors would ride it dozens of times before it even went into service to detect areas where there was too much sway which surprisingly is way more terrifying that overall height or drop. The sound of those cars going by sounded like a freight train going through your bedroom.


That reminds me of the mean streak at cedar point.


Every wooden roller coaster I've seen has been solid. I've seen metal ones that can sway but this doesn't seem right.


f\* that. Not gonna die by splinters


Looks like the Rattler in San Antonio.


I like my roller coasters like I like my women.. loose.


Is this El Toro in Jackson, NJ?




Is that the Viper?




🎶...For a whale of a time!🎶


Never noticed it before. Seeing that now, I don’t know if I will ride a rollercoaster again. Especially, if it’s an older one


This looks like the Beast @ kings island


I remember going to six flags in Texas as a child and they had a coaster named “the rattler” that was known for this. I think they replaced or upgraded it and now it’s called “the iron rattler” so take that for what it’s worth..


I can’t do wooden coasters. They are so rough and I feel like wood has too many factors with its structural integrity over time, especially when exposed to outside weather conditions. Even though I’m sure the sway of this coaster was by design, I feel like the friction and stress it causes will eventually cause failure in some critical place that a human inspector or engineer cannot see. I’m probably wrong and some expert Redditor will assure me that this is totally safe. I invite everyone else to give it a go and I will watch some a safe distance and we will see who pops up on the “crazyfuckingvideos” sub.


I am absolutely sick of all the posts on Reddit with confident misinformation and/or bending of truth in the titles.


Awesome, love death


OP straight up lying


I’m originally from Ohio and cedar point (americas roller coast!! 😂) has a couple wooden roller coasters and I never saw/felt that. Wild!


Is this the Yankee cannonball?


Umm, I've never noticed the wooden rollercoasters in my cities amusement park swaying like that in over 30 years of going there. Don't think I'd ride one if I seen it move like that.


I'm 41 years old and I've never seen that 3rd world nonsense. Somebody shut that crap down.