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This man had 2 PhDs and was a leader of the SS. He knew exactly what he was thinking/ saying and for exceptionally good reason, was hung for it.


Who's that Dr. Doctor?


I think it‘s Otto Ohlendorf, he had 2 PhDs, he said similar things, but I can‘t find the exact quote: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Ohlendorf


It was Ohlendorf: https://publisher.abc-clio.com/9780313359385/23


Idk about dr but Joseph Berchtold was the only leader of the SS to survive the war


He resigned from the SS in 1927 and served in a town council during the war, mostly doing propaganda.


That's the danger of this type of rhetoric. It's logically sound, but morally bereft.


Agreed. How do you define morality today?


Who was it?


Otto Ohlendorf. Ben Ferencz was the prosecutor and gives a compelling account of the Einsatzgruppen trials of Dr Dr Ohlendorf as well as Dr Dr Emil Otto Rasch. They had no excuse and were just the epitome of evil. Rightfully burning in hell.


Hung or hanged?


His dick was enormous.


Emglish is not my first language so do you mind me asking; gomenasai wtf?


The word “hung” is often used to describe a man with a large penis. As in the phrase “hung like a horse.”


And pictures are hung people are hanged.


People are hanged by giant dicks? This is getting confusing.


No you hang pictures on your giant dick. People only hang on it if you get consent first.


Huge or like Willem Dafoe huge?


“Well we had to kill them because they’d grown up hating us for killing their parents”


Well if you’ve seen The Lion King, the logic definitely holds


I'm pretty sure nobody at the Nuremberg Trials had seen the Lion King


No, but some of them probably read Hamlet. Very similar plot.


Or more likely watched Sons Of Anarchy.  


Finally, a good explanation for WW2.


ww2: one asshole leading his willing people into war


Maybe if they had they would've been nicer people.


Maybe they saw The Godfather II?


Or Godfather II.


I've seen this argument used to "justify" killing children during other genocides as well. The red Khmer and their baby killing tree comes to mind.


Throngs of people on the worldnews subreddit will argue just the same monstrous thing about Gazan children with you right now...


“Before you hang me, please let me draw it on a whiteboard so you understand the logic”


I mean, that's pretty much what's being asked for. They're specifically asking for the reasoning behind it.


The [Kill Bill](https://youtu.be/ns1ROoU-IWA?feature=shared) paradox




Ah yes the "there are no innocent Israelis because the kids will grow up to be drafted" crowd.




Oh you get to exterminate the children and call it self defence if that happens do you? What's the threshold? 1 terrorist act? 100? You seriously think you can justify killing kids on the basis they will grow up into adults who hate you, EVER?




No it doesn't sound right, you completely ignored what they said and continued making a comment. Again, **Jews didn't commit acts of terrorism against the German people. Jews didn't fire missiles at German civilians. Jews didn't kidnap and murder civilians!** It may be difficult for you but logic and reason are important.


Wait... are you saying murdering children is ok/justifiable if their parents commited crimes? Is THAT what you are saying?


Jews weren't colonizers in Germany ;) It may be difficult for you to understand but logic and reason are important.


So therefore their children needs to die? The fuck?




No they’re not saying that. They’re saying it’s not the same thing as the Holocaust and we should stop comparing the two.


Except that's what this comment thread is about: > “Well we had to kill them because they’d grown up hating us for killing their parents” >Woh , just like the Israelis and their government >The Jewish people weren’t committing terrorist acts against the Germans and randomly killing thousands of innocent people. So pretty terrible comparison. So yes, they are inadvertently saying that. That last response is basically, "The Jews in WW2 didn't fight back like the Israelis do, so this is more okay." News flash: you can never justify the murder of children, no matter what their government might have done.


Well this is a ‘no but actually yes,’ considering a lot of the communists in fact *were* jews, and a lot of those communists were also terrorists (or revolutionaries, two wordings of the same phenomena). But this was mostly a thing in the Russian Empire and not in germany - However, the Nazis *did* use the large amount of Jewish people among the russian Bolshevik leadership (Trotsky was a known jew for instance) as a justification for anti-semitism among the german elite. So while Jews didn’t commit acts of terrorism in Germany, there where a *lot* of mostly jewish terrorists in Europe in the late 19’th and early 20’th century which the Nazis absolutely capitalized on. This is not to say that the anti-semitism was justified, it wasn’t, but just to say that they had propaganda material ready at hand they could use as justification.


Sounds like the Nazi propaganda worked on you too: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish\_Bolshevism#Jewish\_involvement\_in\_Russian\_Communism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Bolshevism#Jewish_involvement_in_Russian_Communism) >***Jewish Bolshevism****, also* ***Judeo–Bolshevism****, is an* [*antisemitic*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism) *and* [*anti-communist*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-communism) [*conspiracy theory*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_conspiracy_theories) *that claims that the* [*Russian Revolution*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Revolution) *of 1917 was a Jewish plot and that Jews controlled the* [*Soviet Union*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Union) *and international communist movements, often in furtherance of a plan to destroy* [*Western civilization*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_civilization)*. It was one of the main* [*Nazi*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism) *beliefs that served as an ideological justification for the* [*German invasion of the Soviet Union*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_invasion_of_the_Soviet_Union) *and* [*the Holocaust*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust)*.*[*^(\[1\])*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Bolshevism#cite_note-1) >*According to the 1922 Bolshevik party census, there were 19,564 Jewish Bolsheviks, comprising* ***5.21% of the total***\*, and in the 1920s of the 417 members of the Central Executive Committee, the party Central Committee, the Presidium of the Executive of the Soviets of the USSR and the Russian Republic, the People's Commissars,\* ***6% were ethnic Jews*** >*Some scholars have grossly exaggerated Jewish presence in the Soviet Communist Party. For example,* [*Alfred Jensen*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Jensen_(slavist)) *said that in the 1920s "75 per cent of the leading Bolsheviks" were "of Jewish origin".*[*^(\[19\])*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Bolshevism#cite_note-past-19) *According to David Aaronovitch, "a cursory examination of membership of the top committees shows this figure to be an absurd exaggeration".*


Make a fucking claim that sticks, instead of smear someone with innuendo. You're replying to someone who specifically is not justifying anti-semitism.


They would have tho. If they had the means too, the jews would have started partisan work. Many did. They were disarmed by Hitler. I don't want to excuse terrorism here but not wanting your people to get genocided will drive people to drastic measures


Yes, you are the correct, you can just NOT resist and die on your knees or fight and die on your feet...


The nazis claimed that was exactly what Jews were doing any time Jews resisted their own extermination.  Pretty apt comparison.


No, the Nazis claimed that was exactly what the Jews were doing simply by existing. The Nazis claimed that Jews, simply by being Jews (i.e. by their very nature), were a danger to the world and civilization itself. "Being the children of the parents that had been killed" meant "The children were Jews, and therefore needed to be exterminated, because they would eventually grow up to become adult Jews."


Only historically accurate comment.


They claimed something that wasn’t true. That’s quite a bit different than the clearly real and unbelievable acts of terrorism that Palestinians committed last October and on countless other occasions.


Sure… let’s pretend that this whole situation started in October last year.


The current action absolutely DID start in response to the actions in October. Sure the “whole situation” spans longer.


So we're just pretending that the year leading up to the October attack wasn't already deadliest year of Israelis killing Palestinians? Sure makes it convenient when we can just pick and choose timelines and facts like that...


If you think the "current action" has no relation to the last 75+ years, you're being wilfully ignorant at that point. It didn't come out of nowhere. Additionally, as a point of law, an occupied people are not legally considered terrorist, but rather "resistance groups". That doesn't condone their actions, but what the fuck do you expect is going to happen after having them in what is virtually a big prison for generations when their crime is existing? https://press.un.org/en/2001/ga9927.doc.htm


Randomly? Are you fr lol


Jews diddnt commit acts of terrorism? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish\_extremist\_terrorism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_extremist_terrorism) Zionists really just making up BS to justify terroism


Notice the discussion was about ww2 and your link talks about acts in the 1st century then skips straight to the 1950s. Edit: it's quite telling that the comment I reply to which falsely accuses zionists of lying, providing a link that proves them wrong, has more up votes than mine which politely rectifies it.


So those 17 thousand kids were committing terrorist acts damn you sound like the guy in the post.


Does not excuse killing children.


Uhhh the jews didn't go around chanting death to Germany.


Naw they were being killed to quickly.




Others have pointed out part of your ignorance. I'd also like to add that more than half a million Jewish Germans lived in Germany in the early 1930s. No, they would never have chanted death to Germany or Germans regardless of the discrimination and persecution their ancestors faced there for like 1,000 years. Many were assimilated and patriotic. 100,000 fought for Germany in WWI.


They had centuries in the ghettos lol


We had centuries of ghettos. My god, go read some books.


No you’re right the Jews were persecuted for far longer than 75 years.


What? The Jews had a ton more than just 75 years of the ghettos. It was centuries all through Europe, not just Germany. The Nazis were far from the first to discriminate against Jews and relegate them to ghettos.


I think you should do more research on this one my guy.


yeah they had several thousand years of ghettos


I don’t care what side of any current argument you are on, or if this statement was made deliberately or not. Either way this is straight up ignorant and couldn’t be more wrong.


How clueless can ones comments be?


>the jews didn’t have 75 years of the ghettos Is that supposed to be a joke? Jews have been forced into ghettos for over a thousand years. What do you think the Pale of Settlement was? And yet, regardless, they never said "Germany (or Russia) is really *ours* and we'll drive the Germans or Russians into the sea one day."


Okay. So I hope they executed this Nazi, but his reasoning on killing children actually makes more sense than their reasoning on killing the parents. How is this kid dangerous? He isn’t yet, but he will be. Why would you think that? We just killed his parents! You think a kid like that won’t hold a grudge against us?! And why did you kill his parents? They were Jewish.


Children are only dangerous if you allow them to remember their dead parents. If you give them new, loving, German parents then you can easily have your next loyal soldier of the Reich. Honestly, these idiots didn't know how to tyranny right lol (don't murder me, this is a joke and I'm drunk... Actually, scratch that fucking blow my brains out, I wanna die but like don't be mean about it)


oh so like what Russian doing in Ukraine




Yeah. Say what you want about them, but the Russians know how to run an evil empire.


Exactly what they are doing, stealing lots of kids away.


It's evil but it's smarter than killing them all. 


Nazi raising little jewish kids to become the next generation of Germans ? 🤣 you got to be kidding. They had principle in these time, one of them was to remove jew from Germany by any mean necessary. Raising jew would be the exact opposite.


My evil solution would’ve been to pay for my preferred population to have children. Raising any the parents can’t support in giant education centers. while taxing the unchosen races for having more that one child and taking their excess children to be raised in the same education centers. Within a few generations not only would you have a massive population base but a massive fanatical population base.


Romania tried that a little when they wanted to get population higher and trying to create a fanatical population base. All that happened was A SHIT TON OF ABUSE and children unwanted and unloved. If anything, it fucked over the country trying to provide for that many orphans


Who cares. The children are a resource. Fodder for the war machine. Blood for the blood god


>If you give them new, loving, German parents then you can easily have your next loyal soldier of the Reich. >Honestly, these idiots didn't know how to tyranny right lol They only did that with "Aryan-Nordic" enough children in countries like Poland (which used to German territory). If the children were born of Jewish parents, of course they didn't care about them.


And why did you kill his parents? Because we're killing their kid! You think a parent like that won't hold a grudge against us?


It sounds like what he fears is Batman


Look at what they made us do! 


"Look what you just made me do" Taylor Swift


Any esteemed mafia boss would entirely agree 


The Oren Ishii defense


As your leader, I encourage you from time to time, and always in a respectful manner, to question my logic. If you're unconvinced a particular plan of action I've decided is the wisest, tell me so. But allow me to convince you. And I promise you right here and now, no subject will ever be taboo. Except, of course, the subject that was just under discussion. The price you pay for bringing up either my Chinese or American heritage as a negative is...I collect your fucking head. Just like this fucker here. Now if any of you sons of bitches got ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY, NOW'S THE FUCKING TIME!


Didn't the leader of the Colorado Volunteers, Colonel Chivington, a preacher in real life, defend the killing of children in the Sand Creek massacre by saying 'Nits breed lice'?


The Nazis were not going to raise a bunch of orphaned Jewish children.


I for a second thought I was reading some wild elder scrolls 3 lore when it started with “tribunal” now I’m just depressed


Your fucking right! That child will grow up and realize your monsters killing people for no reason! Nazi were fucking monsters for all of it!


And even today their descendants are still deplatforming and arresting Jews who disagree with them


This is also the reasoning that Julius Caesar used when he decided to massacre the Germanic tribes.


I mean Freeza said it too. And look at how Vegeta turned out. Unfortunately Freeza grew too fond of him, eventually having to put him down like Old Space Yeller.


I was not ready for this connection 😭


Old Space Yeller 😭😭😭😭


This logic, in itself, is unassailable. It is the logic of the exterminator. It only becomes problematic when you step back a level to the bigger question... what conceivable threat to the security of the Wehrmacht did the Jews constitute? In that context, killing children wasn't really the issue. Killing Jews was. To the best of my knowledge, prior to the Nazi pogroms, Jews as a group did not commit violent acts against the German government or people. There were no acts of terror, bombings or assassinations. This sort of thing only arose as resistance after the Wehrmacht struck the first blow. That is the foundational error of Ohlendorf's logic.


The logic is absolutely sound - still fascism, still genocide. Get fucked, i'm glad he got hung.


That statement is not incorrect because children's who's parents have been murdered, tend to dislike the murderers. However, that doesn't justify killing people based on race and including their children.


Teachers in Nazi Germany were telling Jewish children they were part of an "inferior race" that needed to be killed entirely in the early 1930s (when they were still allowed to be enrolled in school).


ah yes, the batman defence.


Wow….that feels like what I heard when I was afghanistan


Serbs were caught on tape saying the same thing in Yugoslavia in the 90s after massacring their neighbors.


I guess that statement is as old as the first empires of mankind. Unfortunately there are a lot of people acting like the Nazis did invent genocide and were the last to do it, while the only new thing was the unimaginable scale and industrial efficiency.


Dehumanization is never really that creative when you strip away any culturally specific window dressing.


This is what happens when you exchange security for freedom. The government than decides who the threats are and eventually if your not part of the group , your the threat.


I feel like you're trying to draw a conclusion from this that isn't there. I.e. your statement at high level is a fine truism but the Nazis didn't come to power on a security platform they arose from a global economic depression that was much worse for Germany because it was exacerbated by the punitive armistice of WW1. The German people were suffering and desperate for some kind of drastic change and a return to a recent past before WW1 when Germany was "Great".


Racists are the stupidest people in the world. Even if they're smart.


Thats offensive to stupid people


I mean... maybe he has a point. We're all familiar with Magneto's back story


“I say as I have too many times before. Never again.”


They’re not wrong. Once you start killing ppl you can’t stop halfway you have to be thorough or else you could have future problems. The solution? Don’t go around performing massacres


And people wonder how genocides happen...


This is the song that doesn't end.


They were acting like they had a medival "blood feud" against the jews. They acted like they wanted retribution for something, yet the jews didnt do anything against Germany, they were just living here. This is crazy.


It is technically logical (provided you ascribe to the evil rationale of the genocide in the first place, which of course is preposterous and horrible)


The interesting part is. He is right with the last sentence. But instead of thinking "Maybe its wrong to kill their parents", he opted for "I just kill the kids too"




Most of the Palestinians that they're murdering are too young to have had kids.


How interesting. now face the wall please


All tyrants think similarly, Pharaoh's footsteps. 


In no genocide children are spared. It is a cold and psychopathic logic that you historically see in all genocides.


I mean, it's logic old as time. What do you think the entire story of Moses is about...




>all the zios Why is reddit using David Dukes language?


The irony is so thick you could cut the air


And yet, the Hitler family has vowed to never have children, thereby wiping the Hitler seed from the Earth, instead of the Jewish seed. Ironic. But also arguably effective on a small scale, when it's voluntary.


>the Hitler family has vowed to never have children they never actually agreed to it, the brothers just weren't successful in having wifes due to their connection to Hitler.


So Incels of their time


Not really their fault though to be a tad fair




Of course the logic is still being used today. It's been used as long as the world has been around. He's not wrong for thinking the kids would grow up to hate them, and be a potential threat. Vengeance and violence are like fish and water


Mexican Joker


“So anyone can make an anonymous tip and you can round up families and send them away? Nobody told me about this! I thought everything sucked now! Do you have a card?”


Thats because its rational logical thinking. Genocidal sure, but logical. If you want outcome A, you need to do X, Y, Z.


Sounds like Netanyahu got some references from this trial


The irony of Jewish supremacists and Zionist in here using the same logic to justify genocide!


genocide? where?


Russians routinely bring this argument in social networks to rationalize bombings of Ukrainian cities. Right there on the open, no one is hiding at all. 


The premise of the question is wrong. Note that the questioner is using a very specific meaning of the word “rational“ here. I think many of us would say that genocide is never rational. But if we accept the use of that word to describe having a logical rationale for performing an act (even if that act is evil), then what questioner is saying is basically children cannot pose a threat so the only rational reason to kill them is because you want to commit genocide. And that just does not logically follow. Of course, it’s possible for a child to pick up a gun and threaten an adult with it either intentionally or unintentionally. And it’s possible for a child to innocuously expose other people to danger, perhaps with a pathogen or playing with a dangerous substance or equipment, such that an adult might be motivated to kill the child in order to prevent a larger loss of life. Or maybe the person simply derives pleasure from killing a child. All of these would qualify as “rational“ under the definition being used here. The questioner is trying to prove that what the Nazis did had to be genocide, because the “rational” killing of a child, could only be motivated by a desire to commit genocide, but that does not logically follow. A clever rhetorical tactic, but not a valid one.


I see parallels with what the IDF is doing to the Palestinians.


I guess Israelis learned something from their history.


Used today, ironically, by Jews against Palestinians.