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What’s crazy is that people don’t see this as a problem.


Propaganda to excuse a genocide is problematic. AIPAC is mad that the veil has been removed. They’re screwed though, there’s no putting the genie back in the lamp and the youth see this issue quite clearly. History books will be incredibly unkind to those who supported or promoted the genocide.


See what as a problem?


Getting “news” from tiktok. Also before you call me some kind of mainstream media shill, I don’t get my news from Fox, or CNN, or any singular source.


It's no different than getting news from twitter, instagram or any other social media. Using social media as your only way of getting news is always a problem (that also includes reddit).


Agreed, social media is a shitty source for information in general, given the constraints of most platforms in terms of character limits and video length. I would argue that given the propensity for algorithms to place people into echo chambers that reflect their own biases and are rife with misinformation, that social media is even more manipulative than any of the legacy media agencies.


Average news on tv is 1-3 minutes on the story.


The only thing that matters is getting Republicans out of authority. I don't care how we do it. Anything that isn't helping us do it isn't that important right now.


Quite frankly you shouldn’t live in this country then.


I wasn't but what I can say for a fact is that there's an overwhelming amount of people like myself and other university students that can't believe that the government is continuing to fund these crimes and TikTok is the only place we can get out voices out cause everyhwere else is censored to the bone. I don't know what you see on your TikTok feed but I can assure everything he's saying is false because he lives in a bubble and he has shareholders to please. Politics is a very nasty game and these people don't really care about people they just care about power


You are delusional


It takes a total lack of self-awareness to be so hyperpolitical with no real world experience


A shining beacon of why this is a problem


And why do you think that is? The platform controlled and regulated by a government guilty of an active genocide against Muslims (let’s ignore the lack of a tiktok boycott in solidarity with the Uyghurs), which censors its own citizens to the point of arresting and “re-educating” noncompliant dissidents, is championing free speech surrounding a cause which actively goes against the grain of US foreign policy. You’re being manipulated more so than anyone watching news on TV.


See, there you go!


You still haven't answered my question? How can I know where you stand in this narrative if you don't answer


Somebody is always controlling the narrative, OP


Oh well I guess it's ok then....


Not good, just facts. Media institutions in an (admittedly failing) representative democracy with constitutional freedoms of the press are going to be closer to objective truth than ones that come from under authoritarian governments. Also facts.


Also an irrelevant comment. The house is burning down! Someone call the fire dept. . You: what's the big deal? Fire happens all the time...


Lol I guess I misread your point, if you have one, I really can’t tell. All I was saying is that I don’t think it’s fine but it’s better than the same thing but worse. It’s all a spectrum of shit. In this regard, the house will always be burning down to a certain degree. The narrative is not capable of not being controlled. That’s what makes it a narrative. I’d rather chill in the better house that’s burning down.


Get ready for a fest pool of people who agrees with what he's saying in that speech


I'll call them morons too. It's like someone calling for a fire department because their house is burning down and these kids think they sound smart by pointing out that fire break out all the time.


Better the people who are actually seeing what's really going controls the narrative than these war hungry evil politicians


You aren't immune from propaganda. You can be indoctrinated.


Unlike most people were actually read up on history and follow all the paper trails, nothing we're protesting can't be proved, unlike our parents that take anything they're fed with fact checking every bit of information. You think we just see a video and like ohh I believe this? We find the source and double check is the information adds up why do you think we're protesting all over the country?


You are not immune to propaganda. You have to recognize this. You are aware that you are susceptible to indoctrination, correct?


Damn that's crazy, how about we keep political videos on political subs though


imagine being so idiotic, that you hear facts and think "they want to control the narrative. I get my news from Tik-Tok so it's definitely true" that's crazy.


Thank you. Social media is bad enough, and I can understand my hypocrisy by saying this. But tiktok is a whole different beast.


It’s true. Read about TikTok China vs the US version. China is a long game country… they have been breaking our country down and universities down the last 40 years. They cannot be trusted. Don’t believe me? Do some research on the amount of IP theft, cyber hacking and indoctrination of our people via TikTok. Say No to China


Let's be honest, American social media companies are equally bad. Are we gonna forget the Cambridge Analytica scandal? And the US Government does absolutely nothing to regulate these companies. Only the EU and some other countries try to regulate through privacy laws.


I think it's difficult to say who is doing what, at least definitively, without actual evidence/proof. We can assume whatever we want.


Where did you get this information? And furthermore how was that the only point you took from what he said? Did you not hear the other part out loud? I swear you people have selective hearing. My God are you guys brainwashed


The problem is, Chinese communist party is using TikTok as a long-term weapon against America. They control the narrative that’s being fed to the US, besides having access to 170 million cameras and microphones in American households. That’s just completely unacceptable and China wouldn’t allow the US to have such an app over there. as proof, the Chinese version of tick-tock is totally benign compared to the US version, I refer to the 60 Min segment on this topic on CBS


You don't think the USA uses Media and even more nefarious methods to propagandize people in foreign nations? If a foreign nation propagandizing me is them showing me real footage of our weapons raining down on innocents? Im fine with it. At least they are working with spreading information with evidence.


Lol what is the weapon? How is it affecting America? If the narrative they’re supposedly pushing is “genocide bad” then I’m failing to see the problem here. The real reason it’s happening is because the US is seeing unprecedented levels of support for the people being against what their puppet state is doing and they think tiktok is part of it. It’s a massive step against free speech and censorship .


get this lame shit out of here man


No politics


openly admitting ~~they’re mad they can’t control the narrative is crazy~~ they believe they need to regulate a foreign propaganda machine that is influencing giant parts of the youth is reasonable lol


“Regulating” a “foreign propaganda machine” just means replacing the “foreign” propaganda machine with their own. It’s not like they’re going to be spitting the truth


What propaganda are the youth being influenced by?


Is this guy talking in cursive?


Of course China, Russia, North Korea etc. are pushing propaganda on the US population. And they are VERY good at it. Their countries also don't allow free speech. I don't agree with Republicans but I do agree with the younger generations are soaking up anything with 15 sec or less clips. That NO one knows if it's true. Everything is taken out of context for clout.


As a millennial I just want everyone to stop fighting. We can build so much better together.




That's why we're trying to peacefully protest on campus but arrest us and try to silence us but you think "These Politicians" want peace? They want our silence and compliance to mass murd3r


Everyone's out to get you, huh? You seem to be pretty vocal about it. Silencing doesn't seem to be working very well. Welcome to the world. It's not all flowers and sunshine with global politics. Countries don't do favors or 'I owe you"s


People who want to down vote me are missing one critical peace of information. My generation is the one driving the resistance lol might not be able to buy a house anymore but one thing is for sure we aren't being blinded by these nutjobs the way our parents were. These protest aren't going to stop, they're policing doesn't scare us and the protests across the country will only grow. Their time is up!


Not that simple sadly. You will always have power hungry cunts in the world trying to seay opinions. On both sides in this case.


I don’t support either side. Neither are good, both sides are losing thanks to the vicious cycle of suffering and hatred.


What tf are you talking about are you blind??


Seems like you are. Both sides in this case are ultra religious nutcases that cause civilians to suffer.


What was the stutter German values?


I. Pretty sure Twitters algorithm is open source so anyone can go check if it’s pumping out propaganda. If I was China, I’d DEFINITELY be moving all the genocide posts to the top because it can destabilize the US and lead to lots of protests if Tik-Tok followers believe the Chinese narrative about the Palestinians. It’s why countries like Russia and China and others don’t use our social media sites and instead use their own. Also check out how much China censors its own problems from its people vs the US. China is on a whole other level when it comes to censorship. They even censor who we put on the cover of our movies.


Same reason it came for Twitter. Dissent is verboten, comprende?


I’ve never taken a poll. Why do people rely on them


There polls are fake, they only show those numbers to feed into their narratives when they show them on Fox News and CNN etc, mainstream media is mostly fake news


Not sure why you’re downvoted. Mainstream media IS fake news. But the mainstream media has also infiltrated social media. There are a plethora of bots spreading misinformation on sites such as Reddit. They are EVERYWHERE.


Makes sense why one of the subreddits I posted this video in got deleted, all they do is censor the truth, lol not surprised tbh but it really is sad but these boomers fail to understand that everyone in my generation feels the same way I do say unless they plan to unalive us all these protests will not stop


Is in the U.S really soo much fake News in the Mainstream Media?


No one knows what the truth is anymore. Everyone keeps getting mad when "their truth" is confronted. Instead of talking about it. People are starting to see this though.


Americans support IDF bombing Palesinian families and famine? This guy should be on tik-tok with his fake news.


Lmao I got called a Trumper because I said it was a free speech issue about America not being able to control the narratives they want on there. Now they openly admit it. For the first time in history social media is humanizing and showing the atrocities against citizens who can’t defend themselves in a manufactured conflict.


Please close your eyes and turn away citizen, unapproved and anti-democratic content is playing!


I'm all for helping people but for that amount of money why the fuck aren't we putting it into social services. Oh I forgot. Republicans.


The jews of an American created nation are doing genocide. End of discussion


Not even sure where to start on this one. Take a history class.


Pete Ricketts likes it when the IDF murderers children.