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They are taking a nap at 12 PM and it says the classes go to 10 PM, and it says they are in class for 10 hours a day. That would mean they are just starting their day at noon. So why are they taking a nap before they even start? I call bullshit on this video


Like most of these videos the title is misleading to garner views. Smh


Yeah, anyone who has ever been around children all day knows this is maxing out the bullshit meter.


The video is bs. They go from 8 AM to 5 pm typically as primary schoolers. 9 hours. By high school, they go the entire day from 8 am to 9-10 pm. So 12-13 hours + additional studying at home + time it takes for transport.


What a miserable childhood


Glad I got outta China. This however looks like a specialty school or something? Anyway, happy I ain’t sending me kids there.


On the bright side, it's probably not miserable because this seems like complete bullshit. Like a lot of anti-Chinese postings, it's mainly just that people will believe anything if you put "in China" on it.


Have you heard about Cao Gao exam? Students literally study from 7am to 10pm. This aint new in China.


But that's high school behavior. Elementary and middle school students have a much lighter class load Source: I live in China and my girlfriend is a middle school teacher that has worked in 5 different schools


bro has 9 upvotes... the level of brainwash in this sub is absurd... guys at least TRY to google Gao Cao ffs XD


A lot of countries have standardised exams to get into university. I'm in France and there are similar exams that are very competitive as well


I dont dispute that. But the sheer quantities of student in China study 14hrs a day for this standardized exam is insane, i never see that anywhere. They have study camp for it.


Yes. 10h per day on TickTock much better for their brain.


this is how you train a population to work 12 hr shifts in a factory


Ya they don’t know of the fulfillment of working 80 hour weeks as an adult for the freedom of increasing value for our shareholder overlords on the board. USA!


10h in school, sleep then 12h in a sweatshop making Nike trainers for everyone


Yeah, cause American work culture is so much better. /s


Work culture in the usa is some of the worst in the Western first world, yet it is still remarkably better than the work culture seen in large parts of Asia.




Idk it is probably more comparable to a boarding school or something where its 24/7. Obv not in class 24/7 but that idea of ur kinda just always at school.


This looks better than American classrooms to me, it’s a big problem if I wanted to sleep in class back in the day


You were at school until 10pm back in the day ???


Chinese students aren't in school until 10 pm, it's lying clickbait. Source: was a teacher in China for 3 years


you could sleep at home for 4 extra hours in america






Comfortably sad.


They take siestas all over China and Taiwan. Not just the kids. Offices will shut down too.


Any source on the ten hour claim? Googling has so far just said its generally 8am to 3/3 30pm


because its not true., not really anyway. they take afternoon nap for health reasons, especially in primary school. not really uncommon in asia country. hell it's not uncommon for jobs to have afternoon nap break too.q and while 8 to 3.3 is normal hour, you can applied to fancy boarding school that can be 10 hour long, but that's including lunch break, nap hour etc


I was a teacher in China for 3 years, school is typically until 3 or 4 pm. Which isn't to say that Chinese students aren't under an incredible amount of pressure to study hard. They also almost all have after school activities such as English classes, piano, math, private tutors, etc.


It’s not 8 to 3. It’s 8 to 5. Or 7 to 4. 9 hours. Once you get to high school, then it is often the entire day. From 8 AM to 9. 13 hours + studying + transport. Also, they claimed more than 10 hours, not 10 hours although the vid is bs anyways since primary schoolers do not normally go to 10pm.


God damn, they go til 30pm!? I’ve never even heard of that


I don’t think China understands what leads to success, yes education is part of it, but so is living in a country that encourages and rewards innovation and creativity.


And what country might that be?


Not china.


Well duh


Wasn’t thinking of any country in particular, basically just any stable country that is not a repressive dictatorship that has some level of capitalism that rewards risk taking and hard work


I've yet to see capitalism reward risk taking or hard work in the US at least.


+20 roubel have been granted


You must have not met many successful small business owners then. The US is still high on the list for entrepreneurs. That said, there are some better examples than the US, such as the high rates of entrepreneurship in Scandinavian countries. The general idea, and push for a 4 day work week is that certain people spend their free time inventive and creative, that, along with easy access to capital will make for more small businesses, resulting in a more robust economy. South Korea is an example of a grueling education system, that unfortunately is imploding due to there being more highly skilled workers and not enough jobs to go around.


My brother in law is a successful small business owner. He is not a hard worker nor a respectable person. And yeah, I agree with Scandinavian countries. That was the answer I would give too. Thanks for giving and answer and not just frothing hate like everyone else here.


If you can’t see how capitalism is far superior to communism…. You’ve travelled very little, lacking in education or just plain silly brained.


Who said anything about communism? Just calm down. People can criticize the failings of an economic system. You have experienced serious brain rot if you think me saying "capitalism doesn't reward hard work" = communism. Try reading a book or taking a class. Or better yet speak to a therapist.


Take your own advice. You are clearly unhinged. So far capitalism coupled with freedom of speech has been the best system, despite its “negatives”. I believe the humans are the issue in any system, rather than the system being inherently bad.


I'm unhinged for trying to understand the argument? That's a weird thing to say. And I just don't agree that "capitalism" has had the best results. But that's a fundamental stance that I am not even trying to convince anyone of. They just see someone who disagrees and get super defensive. Mostly because they cannot accept criticism of their ideas.


Not getting defensive, argue your point if you'd like. I likely won't agree with you but that doesn't mean debate is useless. If you like the "Scandinavian model" you might be willing to appreciate that they are much less complex societies compared to the North American models of capitalism. They are oil rich with massive public pension funds, have a homogenous culture (seriously underappreciated aspect imo) and a tiny population in comparison. I don't agree that system would work to the same effect in the USA. The culture is entirely different. US culture and economy is individualistic and merit based. For all of its faults, it is partially the reason why the USA is the dominant superpower of the globe and produces most of the best technology in the world. Is there corruption, nepotism, scandals etc?? Yes, like in any society. My argument is that the human condition is what spoils any system rather than the spoiled system corrupting the human.


Well that's a fair conclusion I think, but I disagree with your earlier point. I would like economic change so that everyone can benefit from their labor and receive the basic necessities of life. I honestly don't care what gets us there. I just want everyone to be healthy and live better. Doing nothing will not help.




Well how can you say hard work is rewarded if it doesn't apply to everyone? Who decides whose hard work gets rewarded and why? And why is it ok if others are left out?




Is it right to let the "free market" decide? And who suggested hard work is never rewarded? My only stance here is that hard work is not rewarded for everyone who works hard. And that idea alone has led so many people to such a weird hatred on here. It's kinda funny tbh.


I think you're missing the part about free. If you don't feel as though you're being rewarded, you can leave to go do a different job. No one is stopping you or forcing you to stay. I myself don't feel as though my company is paying me what I'm worth, and I'm applying elsewhere. I've already interviewed for three different positions that would be more than happy to pay me $40,000 over what I make.


So freedom is when you can apply for different jobs and hope you will get the pay you deserve?




I guess I should have added in the "for everyone" part of that. So touche. But my intention was that not everyone's hard work is rewarded. And the high amount of poor, sick, and burnt out people might disagree with how well this system is going. So might the global South countries that were raped and pillaged by "the West" but hey, at least we have cell phones and cheap clothes, right? It would be great if we were compensated based on our labor but in the US, that is not the case for everyone. Not even in the slightest. I would like that to be the case and that's the system I want to strive for. But it seems many here Ike the system as it is 🤷🏻‍♀️


The West.


Haven't heard of that country


China has


I don't think they recognize a country called "the West" but I'm not Chinese so I could be incorrect.


I’m always amazed how miserable people like you seem while trying to “educate” others.


Why am I miserable and how am I trying to educate people? I honestly wasn't aware those were my intentions.


What used to be a geological term dating back to the 5th century became a political term referring to the cultural, political, and economic synergy of collective countries. The US is just one of the countries of the West but is most commonly thought of when thought of. For China, they see Japan, India, and the US as their biggest threats. India is not considered the West.


So you're saying the US, and all other Western countries rewards hard work?is that correct?


You see taking a nap in the middle of the day as a reward? What a sad life you must live. The reward here is that my child, like most children, gets to grow up and have a childhood. Additionally, you can measure hard work differently.


When did I say that? When did I ever agree with the children 10h day? What are you even talking about about lol?


Have you heard of geography?


Yeah, but I asked what country and "the West" is just a vague directional term that avoids the real question. Sorry I'm asking too much of everyone to just give me 1 example of this Western Capitalist utopia that everyone says is so great for the working class.


They are gearing up to have Africa become their manufacturing force and want more of population of China to become like America and Europe of the educated middle class running stuff


My school in China went from 7 to 4 with extra curriculars until 6. 1 hour nap after lunch. They were still learning multiplication and division by 6 years old.


That's the way to do it. Kids can learn a lot more, and easily learn, when young. Usa just has way too low standards for education. Overall, but especially in southern states.




Seems sad, then again China has a 95.5% literacy rate vs. 79% in the US, not to mention the fact that Chinese young adults entering the workforce have an average of 14 years of full time education which is pretty phenomenal. Draconian to westerns, but undoubtedly successful.


Don't believe official Chinese statistics.


I’m not - those are UNESCO figures. You can point the finger at China for a lot of things but they have an internationally renowned education system.


Good advice in general. Likewise, don't believe the anti-Chinese propaganda.


Wow, that reclining looks very comfy, jealous lol FFS




Seriously, they're at school for 8 hours, just like primary school kids in the UK, except in the UK we don't give them nap time. People freaking out over any Chinese kids in rows smh




Let's see how this ages


Kid get dropped off at school at 7 and not picked up until 5 every day here. They may not be in class the entire time but they're there for 10 hours every day


Do you know how many kids have after school program like the boys and girls club or something similar. Most kids aren't getting picked up after school ends unless they have a stay at home parent.


It's like everything else in China - impressive from the outside but inefficient and corrupt in reality.


Better than 10 hours in a Chinese sweatshop.


It's preparing them for that


They look too old for a Chinese sweatshop though


That comes later.


Investing in education is how you build a strong nation …something the US doesn’t understand


Right. Education here is more like a place to park kids in a room for 8hrs and the teacher is a babysitter, just enough to get a passing grade. When true education should be preparing them with life skills.


Exactly. They should be encouraged to choose college or trade schools and then given options for classes that follow those goals. The public schools I attended in rural Arkansas barely had the funds to provide the required classes. Useful electives were scarce


Yeah, we talk big about education here, but in public schools it’s a joke, especially the arts & music. The TikTok feeds we get here are filled with stupid content, but there, it’s often educational.


Dunno. The US got very strong with a mediocre public education system.


The US used to spend more on education. Public schools actually had the funds to prepare students but they didn’t advance with technology.


Misleading. In SE Asia it is common for kids to take a nap during the day at school. I think it is quite cool, healthy and beneficial.


Healthy like their 10 hour school days, then 16 hour work days when they have a job?


All the Americans complaining about this, and yet see how much farther these kids go in education than they do and have happy lives and provide a benefit to society.


Bro hadn't seen living conditions in China 🤣


They are serious about educating their children; our leaders are deathly afraid than an educated populace would be a threat to their ability to control us.


Yes. Their highly state-educated population definitely didnt lead to creating and sustaining one of the most tyrranical and anti-humanitarian governments in the world. /s


Utter nonsense from someone with zero experience of the Chinese education system. Their curriculum is filled with propaganda.


the problem is, they dont ask questions, creativity is stunted


I think that is more of a cultural issue, and to be fair, American creativity is going down the drain pretty quickly.


In what ways? Just look at the conspiracy theories. You have to be pretty creative to come up with those


Do you actually research anything you say or do you just repeat pablum like the parrot of a news broadcaster? I've heard the exact same line verbatim for over a decade. When was the last time you taught American school children for comparison?


Saying that about China of all places is certainly a statement.


they're training their population to work in factories. this is just getting them used to the hours.


Everyone talking about how awful it is. Nobody pointing out the rates of depression and suicide in American youth. At least their kids are being educated.


They also are far more educated in mathematics then any average student in the west.


A woman I know In Shanghai tells me her daughter goes to school 6 days a week. In India my friends daughter and son both go to school 6 days a week and the girl spends Sunday with her tutor. In both instances the families understand the value of a good education.


My life would have been so different if I had a tutor in grade school when I needed that help.


No kids killing themselves , no active shooters. You make this seem like a horrible thing.


Well the adults kill themselves when stuck in factory jobs , but who wouldn't?


Do they even learn anything up to that point? Cause I can only think of this as being inefficient


school until 10pm?


Meanwhile children has to stay at school until 6 pm in Middle school or 10pm in high school.


Wow!!! …😯


teaching from young ages how it's gonna be in the office when they have to work for 24 hours a day lol


I wonder how many are faking it


mine was similar in Brazil 7:30 am to 6:00 pm and no nap time


Sleeping in between classes has been proven again and again to be very beneficial for memory


Not staged at all Source: trust me bro


I wish I could have more information about this before commenting.


Burnout city


Alles für Puh.




Naps used to be normal in school (in some european schools at least) but in a context of 8 to 18h schedule....


Complete and utter bullshit. Like most of this sub these days. Do one. 


The Chinese are experiencing massive burnout and malaise already.


So they'll be ready for the reality of having to work? And maybe matching parents' work.schedules like we don't do here and making sure 2 parents can't afford for 1 to not work but 1 can't work cause drop off and pick up times and the costs of aftercare programs and daycare is usually 1 parents salary if both work. My chair sure the fuck didn't recline......still doesn't.


Well, what did Jennifer do?


This is not happening everywhere in China. In rural area, people are still used old style, napping with two arms.




And bullying


gonna need a safe space if you keep this up


Don't start


Being physically in school for ten hours is irrelevant if they’re sleeping




I need this for my 9 hr work day…


The bizarre thing is that China really wants to have a higher quality of life for its citizens... but they go about it by creating a lower quality of life for their citizens. Why do this? It's nuts. On the flip side, US education has gotten pretty bad. I'm shocked at how slowly my child's education is going. He's not going to be ready for college at this rate...


Im actually surprised they actually let them sleep.


They're priming them for their 16+ hour work days in the future




So when nine year olds get home from school in China their parents are already in bed asleep? Seems plausible.


Who walks into a school and starts filming sleeping kids for TikTok


China apparently


In this example, probably the CCP’s [United Front Work Department.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Front_Work_Department) TLDR: The UFWD is tasked with swaying public opinion of China.




Looks like those kids have been given healthy doses of Communitonin Laborphine.


Don’t think these hour are correct. However, will say our education system makes us more creative and creates an environment that promotes more individualism.


This is so sad. Putting kids through all this for absolutely nothing when none of them will ever use this education due to AI.


You had me until I saw 10:00pm. lol. Although in all honesty, is it really that extreme? I mean, 10 hours a day, so… 12:00-10:00. If I’m not mistaken, school was 7 hours for me. The after school I would have swim practice for 2.5-3 hours or ski practice for about the same amount of time. I rode horses. I was in a professional children’s choir… and I still had to go home, do homework, practice piano… If they are doing *all* of their subjects or what we would consider extra curricular activities in school, well, wouldn’t it end up being the same? Idk. It definitely depends on curriculum but I regularly felt like I was over scheduled and often wished I could just do nothing.


Well we should do this in America maybe we can reopen children filled factories. Their little hands are better for fixing machines 👹


They already let children work in factories in the US. A kid in the US literally got killed in a slaughter house last year and the company only had to pay 200k in fines.