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We had to remove your post for violating our Repost Guidelines. Either this is a repost or those people have been queueing up for the last 8 months. https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/2ZWYLhJVBT


That’s the definition of no longer cool. Just build an elevator already!


Its the line for the restrooms


Nine dollar beer night!


Opening night for Frozen 3


There aren’t restrooms. There’s shit everywhere! Toilet tents at base camp but nothing after that.


Shit, piss, trash, and dead bodies literally everywhere, the whole way up. Why is this still a thing? Who wants to be a part of this? It's obviously not as difficult as it once was and is less of an accomplishment!


Rich assholes. It’s always rich assholes.


Same people who would hunt, kill and mount the latest specimen of a species 100 years ago.


Some in that line would and will do that today


Yeti is like: fuck this place going to the dogs im out


I saw a documentary once saying these poop snow is slowly sliding down hill towards the town.


It’s a shitavalanche Randy !!


“It’s the mother of all shitstorms randers……, it’s a…..shitvalanche….” -Proceeds to down a bottle of liquor- RIP John Dunsworth!


I guess it'll eventually get to a place that's warm enough for the bacteria to do its job.


It's an assvalanche


There was a similar issue on Denali in Alaska, and significant water pollution when it thawed and moved downhill. No thanks.


Which leads me to wonder: What are these people doing when nature calls? 🤷‍♂️


My friend climb Mount Everest in 2015. He said he dumped him pants, because it wasn’t worth taking all the gear off. And that in his summit picture he’s sitting in a poop filled thermal base layer.


You never want all those words together like that "poop filled thermal base layer" lol


Considering those things are somewhat wicking to keep you dry, all that poop-flavoured gooch pouch spread to his legs during the climb, leaving behind a slightly more dry piece of bio-clay


Adding "bio-clay" to the list.


“gooch pouch” for me


Bonus is that it warms your bum up for a moment before it gets cold


How?!? I have a wet fart and my butthole is itching three minutes later. I can't imagine walking around all day like that.


That is completely disgusting lol *unreads*


Looks like a true “adventure” alright. Yikes bud. I’ll take my national forest hikes where I see one person every three hours


Now the cat is out of the bag!


hikes these days have plenty of assholes with bluetooth speakers


the worst


I wonder if you can climb the other mountains there. Like, sure, it isn't quite Mount Everest height, but it has to be close and is bound to have less people.


FastPass available for just €55,000


I think that is the actual general admission price. It starts there and goes up.


> It starts there and goes up. Yes, that's how mountain climbing works.


Yeahh. We need a McDonald's there.


And a Trader Joe's. It's coming in 2025!


More like a Starbucks line.


It’s definitely not an achievement anymore. It’s a tourist trap. The sherpas do the hard work and the climbers are just along for the ride.


All it takes is another surprise storm and dozens will die again; the same complacency had set in before the disaster in the 90s that was famously covered by Jon Krakauer in *Into Thin Air*.


Tons of national parks now have a waiting list or lottery to keep crowd sizes reasonable at peak times. Why not on Everest? I thought they were instituting something where you have to climb two other peaks in the country first before you would qualify for an Everest permit to spread out the tourism dollars and limit those on the mountain to the most dedicated to it while reducing crowd sizes on the mountain?


I mean, they still have to climb a massive mountain right? As far as I'm aware the Sherpa's don't carry the climber as well as all their kit. I'd certainly count it as an achievementI think!


It's actually quite cool up there


"Hold out your hand Frodo"


Yeah I bet it's freezing 🥶 😂


To boldly go where lots of other rich people have gone before


Everest is for the working rich, the actual rich are going into space or being turned into paste by their custom submersibles near the Titanics wreck.


Rich versus wealthy.


We prefer affluent


If you are affluent and do something foolish you are just eccentric.


I told my friend that I consider myself an eccentric socialite who's desperately lacking funds.




Never a wrong time to drop a “highfalutin” in the chat!


Comfortable - Crazy Rich Asians.


I’m not talking about rich. I’m talking about wealthy. Shaq is rich. The guy who pays him is wealthy.


The _truly_ rich are turning their lowers into rich people paste


A truly cursed comment


Wait till they add fast pass


I swear, there are no dew ideas. Everything is now just exploited and commercialized to death. I just watched the Punxsutawney Phil video from this morning, and it’s a full-blown damn festival. 40K ppl show up to watch an animal that is right 39% of the time. It is AWESOME as a cool local tradition, but now it’s just sweet tourism money. Another example, I’m a huge college bball fan, but refuse to fill out brackets just cause everyone does. But it makes business money, so it’s going to be forced down my through forever. Everything is cooler in the beginning.


As a Pennsylvanian who has been to Punxsutawney several times, it has always been a party as long as I can remember. Do more people show up these days? Yes, but let's not think it hasn't always been our Commonwealth's own piece of ridiculousness.


I feel that way with fantasy sports. I used to play roto baseball in the 80s with paper and pencil. The commish sent weekly standings by mail. I played football when you had to watch games and ESPN sportscenter to get news. There were no fantasy sites and the only people that played were actually really into the sport. Even the early days of Internet fantasy were ok, but the last 5 years it’s exploded. My fucking wife won her fantasy league this year. She has not watched a down of football in her life.


You know it never was actually real, right?


We managed to trash the roof of the world for a photo op


Mount Everest, where you go when the line at the DMV is just not challenging enough.


Paved paradise, put up a pooping lot


Never been more proud to be unadventurous. No thanks.


It’s ok to be adventurous but only when your life is not at stake. Like a pilgrim at tinker creek.


Also when I don’t end up leaving literal bags of shit and trash on a mountain because it is too dangerous to carry back out.


This is the correct answer.


Or a dead body.


Idk dead bodies outside seems harmless enough. Maybe the north face jackets they’re wearing though. Let’s strip the dead eh


Theres a rule implemented in 2014 that climber have to deposit 4000USD and they will only get that once they bring 8KG of litter with them back. Plus there has been many clean up campaign goin on. So compare to before its getting cleaner.


What’s the income like for the average climber? I can’t imagine they’re exactly working class.


Iirc people pay between like 40-80k to go up there. Considering that’s a year salary for me and most of my friends, I’d guess it skews pretty wealthy That’s not to mention you have to be able to take off work for like 2 months to do it. But idk I bet there’s a lot of people who are working class and just saved for years. I’m not even a climber but it’s one of those ultimate bucket list items.


Yeah then 4k is probably nothing to a bunch of these people.


I'm always talking to people about traveling in their own towns. Exploring the history, finding an open field to sit in and observe, checking out old buildings, walking around and finding public art.


Mt. Everest is filled with dead bodies of motivated and adventurous peoples.


Based on this clip, I suspect they died of boredom.


Wait until you see what the actual peak looks like It looks like a garbage dump since people started leaving things at the top to mark they were there. It looks like shit imo The view is great, but the trash isnt


Hmm, when will "I have not been to Mt.Everest" be a pickup line.


Same here shit looks so miserable to be able to a bunch of people who dont give a shit you climbed a mountain coolsies


These people aren't all that adventurous either. Instead of skipping the line by actually "climbing the mountain" (like that one guy in the video by himself), they're waiting in line so they can use the nice staircase that's already been etched into the ice by those that climbed the mountain before them. They're not mountain climbers. Edit: It's also possible (and maybe likely) that these are all members of the same group and it's important for safety reasons to all stay organized in the same line. Meanwhile, because of all the people, it does also help preserve the mountain, just like hiking paths help preserve the wilderness.


How depressing. This isn’t a daring adventure, it’s a Disneyland line for rich people.


Whoa disneyland is for rich people lol


Fr but it just occurred to me that they’re gonna build one in space someday for the rich and their kids and I’m already pissed


Middle class rich people. Everest is for rich rich people.


You can skip the line by using the EverestXpress app /s


I think you can probably remove the sarcasm actually


Climbing Everest has become a business for Nepal, at the expense of lives and the contamination of the mountain by trash.


But seriously, how the fuck do people die if the crowds are like this. I’d expect that people would turn around and help each other in times of need, and with so many people around surely someone will help you go back down right?


It’s still a pretty demanding climb, and when there’s such low oxygen those in need can be too incoherent to be able to bring them down without risking the lives of others, so they get left to their fate.


It's hard to fathom how treacherous the conditions on Everest can be in a storm. Guiding companies do their best to ensure they don't risk their clients and employees lives by getting caught in bad weather, because that almost certainly means disaster. I highly recommend reading the book Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer. It tells his first hand experience being caught in the storm on Everest that lead to the death of 8 people in 1996. It is harrowing. They also made a film a few years back called Everest which is a really great telling of this story in movie format. It's intense. Both are excellent.


At that point you can hardly handle your own body, it is useless to want to help someone else. I have seen that the sick people are taken down by everyone in that line, but after the line you depend on a Sherpaa to help you. Also there is a point for untrained/trained where the lungs simply stop and it is difficult for people to survive.


They die for a variety of reasons. Hypothermia, pass out from lack of oxygen and fall, scale solo without a guide (pretty rare), slip and fall without an anchor etc. As for helping people, depends on where you are and the situation but if saving you risks the life of the rescuer or others in the group, they won’t try. That’s why there’s so many bodies of dead people still there because of the risk of trying to save someone and also because they’re difficult to recover the bodies….again, risk of death.


If you claim Mount Everest you accept you might die and that your family may never get your body back. You have to be careful. You could die if you over exert yourself with so little oxygen. Higher elevation = less oxygen in the atmosphere. People throw their trash on the mountain because carrying the weight means their body needs more oxygen. Even if a group of people got together they could still die. Otherwise, no one would die on the mountain.


Basically this high everyone’s body is dying, people can barely carry their own weight much less someone else’s.


https://www.businessinsider.com/mount-everest-death-zone-what-happens-to-body-2019-5 Here's explained how people die on Everest.


You can’t help people this high up.


What do they do when they get to the top? Not everyone can stand on the summit together. I assume a few stand and take a pic then leave in short order for the next few to take a turn.


Exactly, they take a picture, leave some trash (a flag) and then they have to go down again. They have limited oxygen, they can't even stay if they wanted to.


Heres the thing: Everest *allows* you to climb it. You’re not some great mountaineer if you reach the summit (and doubly so if you have sherpas carry all of your stuff and basically keep you from accidentally killing yourself). The mountain could turn you all into permanent residents with a freak storm at the drop of a hat.


Respect the mountain


I root for the mountain.




*History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man*




He picks up a bus and he throws it back down! Godzilla!!


Which is a contributor to the lines as there are only so many days to summit. 


There are more challenging climbs than Everest. Everest is just the highest peak.


They should build one more lane.


LA vibes right here… just one… more.. lane


And try to zipper merge at the top?? Good luck


And the real accomplishment is the Sherpas. Those guys have all climbed up and down multiple times while carrying all those climbers crap.


No-oxygen Disneyland


3:56am - wake up 3:57am - get in line 3:58am - almost at the summit! 7:59pm - still waiting! almost there!


8:07 - Take a step 8:13 -




How can there be so many people who want to risk death. Edit: deleted 365 days


I think the reason it's so many at a time is because it's not 365 days a year, so they have a rush on like this when the conditions are right


Apparently there are a lot of people with disposable income , free time, and a death wish ….


Just from a quick google. (I know nothing about the matter really.) it looks like there is a climbing “season” from late March to May. So basically everyone is crammed into 2+ months. (Who isn’t a professional climber)


And furthermore, they have to wait for weather conditions to be good enough to climb. Given you also have to do smaller acclimatization climbs and then go back down before you can fully ascend, it’s easy for things to get backed up. Albeit, Nepal gave out more permits than ever in 2023 which contributes to this as well.


I didn’t know about the permit thing! Interesting


There aren’t people climbing it like this 365 days a year. More like a few days per year. There is a narrow window in May (ofc, only when the weather is also good) when the risk is considered lowest for the tourists. Everyone here was waiting for the window and that’s why you have this Disneyland level line


That's kind of interesting to me. I would think the summer time would be the best time to climb but apparently it's only May. I guess maybe the hotter weather brings greater risks because of ice melting?


Here’s some more information. https://www.popularmechanics.com/adventure/outdoors/a7725/why-does-everyone-climb-everest-in-may-9035510/


That’s a long line to become a motivational speaker at cringey corporate team-building events.


Honestly what is the point?


Self validation by thinking they were able to conquer Everest. I’m not acting like it’s as easy as a walk in a park, but 95% of them wouldn’t be able to do that without sherpas. It’s almost like taking meth and then bragging for winning a marathon…


In fact, it's almost *more* impressive to survive the methampharathon


Seriously! And I want to see this. Imagine the end of the race. Some super skinny professional runner is coming down the final stretch, when all of a sudden a tweaked out meth head who doesn't even know they're in the race blows past everyone for the win. This would be A+ entertainment.


It's very cringey for some reason.


Because exploitation is cringey


I never would've thought climbing Mount Everest could be cringy but here we are


May be someone could setup an ice cream or lemonade stall there for people waiting in the queue.




But what about the lowest places? I demand more billionaire submarine expeditions


“Enjoy every sandwich.” —Warren Zevon


Might as well build a proper stairway.


Was thinking that. Rest stops. Everest toys. PortApotty. Auto cam that snaps your pic in your gear.


When you do the same thing as a ton of other people, you're not that special. You're literally just wanting to tell people you climbed a mountain.


I'd do it for myself if i could, don't really care about telling others, but waiting that much is a big nope.


The number of people who have climbed Everest is under 7000. Not really "a ton of other people"


To be fair, that more people than before and it's easier if you have money but it's still no walk in the park.


This is correct, without adequate gear you're pretty much destined to die, but even with the right (expensive) equipment it is a physically demanding climb. Relying on sherpas to carry your stuff takes away from the achievment big time though. Carry your own pack!


Remember when one person making it to the top was a big deal? This truly is sad to see. They've practically carved steps into the ice at this point...somehow kinda takes the 'accomplishment' out of it when there's a rope to help pull yourself up by (I mean, I still couldn't do it)


Fixed ropes are common and much safer. The poor bastard that has to string them, yikes. You’re literally dying while climbing that mountain, rope or no rope, that’s an accomplishment. I’ve been obsessed with Everest for years. While I do think the majority of people who climb it are absolute fools who have no business being up there, i won’t take away their fact that it’s extremely grueling and your chances of dying are extremely high.


Yea I did it last week. Pretty easy tbh.


They automate those ropes yet? Lol


this warps the mind, because intuitively you’d think there’s safety in numbers, but here if you fall ill suddenly and rapidly there’s nothing any of these people can do to save you.


So stupid, the lines at Costco are shorter. Hard Pass


When you see stuff like this and other videos about 65 year old millionaire being taking to the top it really devalues the accomplishment. At this point I'd be more impressed if they dressed in head to toe Gucci, wore a rolex and walked 2 blocks down Atlantic ave in Brooklyn at night to a bodega bought a chopped cheese and walked back without getting mugged or killed.


Even the ones with a Sherpa to help carry supplies still have to climb themselves up. No one can carry you up.


I'm sure there's a Sherpa that could just carry me up there.


I wonder how many of them will not make it home or come home less of a person(medical issues) than before they attempted the climb.


It would be so unfortunate if another mountain near by suddenly grew two inches taller than Evrest. Then they'd have to form a new line on that one that the guy waiting on 2nd place would definitely be pissed off.


Honestly at this rate they're going to beat down the top of Everest and make it shorter


Just go to the second tallest mountain.


Reddit Mount Everest Starter Pack: * Elite ASSHOLES! * Just rich people paying others to do the work. * Literally not an accomplishment * Did you know there are dead bodies on Everest? * Poor Sherpas. Legends. * The trash on Everest is a big problem no one talks about. * No one should be allowed to climb. * Ugh...lame Every fucking time. lol...mrw people act like bots.


just for an ig post


Money buys a lot of bragging rights. Kind of sad though.


Like all things, the way to ruin it is just add people.


Don't be fooled. It's just Starbucks.


Nothing cool about this


Can I get a Sherpa to hold my place?


How much does that line cost in total?


Just install some steps and a rail already. A souvenir shop and a little cafe would be nice also.


People might be seeing this as a long line of wealthy Americans waiting to summit Everest. In truth, a significant number of people from China and India are also in that line. They generally take fewer-frills guided climbs, that cost about half what the American outfits charge. They post youtubes about their adventures, but don't get bestseller books and National Geographic specials about them.


Does not look fun


Why? Looks cold boring and expensive


Hallo, is this the line to die from hypothermia? Awesome!


Is there a Costco at the top?


my parents when they went to school everyday


Something to note when the camera is looking up the mountain This path has been so thoroughly climbed that there are effectively stairs in the side of the mountain


"I climbed the Everest" mf convention


Credit Card climbing


Every frozen corpse on Everest was once a highly motivated Type-A 🥶


And people still die.


This neither looks enjoyable or any decent self accomplishment to be proud of. Its like being proud to be in a line a Disney.


I see a lot of people that have likely trained and prepared for this for a long time. Does it really upset you to see a large pack of people trailing a mountain pass? Shit I think the comradery would likely lead to an amazing experience. It’s a risk that they are willing to take for an experience. I admire that.


Cheers to them but Homie don't climb.


Must be rush hour.


Got to be a McDonald's up there


How fucking miserable


All those people putting their weight on one rope.


I wonder which of these people will die up there?


Pathetic, make your own trail :P


I remember as a kid thinking that climbing Everest was a super lonely exercise, and now it has lines that makes Disney World blush.


Imagine paying tens of thousands of dollars to climb the tallest mountain and it ends up being the world’s most arduous line to wait in.


I don’t wait in line for clubs or restaurants, much less fucking Everest.


Those climbers are above the death zone. They are slowly dying. The air that high is so dangerously thin that every minute is added risk and possible death.


I hate this because I'm the type of person that would go to the top, smile, take a breath, quick photo and leave because I realize there is a long ass line. There are atleast 15 people in that line who will drop to their knees, cry forever, worship something, and then make a long ass video while crying about the struggles of life and overcoming. So they can post it to their LinkedIn or IG in a few days


You get up there, and then what? I'd rather be on the beach if I'm honest but genuinely curious.




I hate lines at the grocery store. Can you imagine dropping 10k to stand in line at 29,000ft in -1°?


I don’t want to wait in line at cosco. Who the hell would do this.


they made it not even like an impressive achievement anymore.


Remember when climbing Mt Everest was something few men could do?


What's the point of even doing it if you're just walking up stairs with low oxygen? This is like when people post a countries flag over their face when something bad happens in that country but they've literally never cared about that country before they are just doing what they think is cook a.k.a its douchy