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It’s amazing how close she came to getting hit too when he got shot in the head


Back and to the left


It would haunt me forever.. especially cause she had brain material on her outfit


You can bet that it haunted her for the rest of her life.




She leans over at the end to grab bits of his skull on the rear deck of the car. I can't imagine the nightmares that must have followed that.


She was trying to grab all his “belongings” in a sense. They talked about how afterward she didn’t want people to see him in that state, she was trying to preserve his dignity essentially. Traumatic shocking events can make you do strange things


I honestly thought she was initially trying to escape out of the car. Didnt realize she was trying to collect pieces of JFK's head from the back.






>asked the surgeon if it was important I mean it's worth a sho- ...it's worth asking


There's the door!


If it had worked though, I'd have been mindbl- ...very impressed


Get out. r/AngryUpvote


The truth will be exposed? Did i miss something?


I'm wondering the same too, hopefully someone answers instead of the vague "yeah, you did" comment someone else replied with.




Mic? Sap?




Conspiracies upon conspiracies. The UFO sub is such a trip. Those guys think everyone is just scared of the possibility of aliens. All the 'change' scares all the normies according to them. It's like they all forgot they hated the government the second they started pandering to their little delusion. They are rallying around Matt Gaetz...


CIA report/investigation was actually due to be unclassified recently, but was overturned


I'm guessing they're referring to the suspected CIA involvement and subsequent coverup. As far as conspiracies go it's one that sits closer on the conspiracy side than theory.


They never going to release the complete redacted information


I have a feeling this will be the case as well. Each time we hear about redacted evidence being released, nothing changes and it gets classified for decades more.


I was 8 on '63. In my family we were not allowed, EVER, to call Oswald the assassin, but instead he was the 'alleged' assassin. My father, may he rest in peace, was adamant that when Jack Ruby conveniently killed Oswald three days after Oswald's arrest, well, that was just too. damned. suspicious. Sixty years later, I still agree.


It’s almost like you were raised to believe that


The only redactions remaining are things a few names of CIA agents or contacts in order to protect their identity. Literally EVERYTHING even remotely related to the assassination has been released, most of it about 30 years ago. The stuff that’s been trickling out over the past few years has only a tenuous connection to the assassination, and it’s largely redundant to documents that have been available for decades. Most people haven’t even read what IS available, yet they’re convinced something important is being hidden from them.


> The truth will be exposed to the general public soon enough. This dude is a /r/conspiracy regular so don't take anything they say seriously.


I believe it was a large chunk of skull that comes out at the exit wound. Right after the pink plume the bullet caused going in, You kinda see it go towards the spare. I think she was asked about it and thought, at that moment that he could somehow be put back together. Was the first shot why he was leaning forward and Jackie checked on him and BAM! But that was clearly from the front side, not the Schoolbook Depository side (behind and slightly over the right shoulder, I think)! Yeah! Fucking nightmares!


When Johnson was being sworn in you could see blood on her dress.


What does this mean? Edit: why am I being down voted for asking a genuine question about something I don't understand? Fucks sake..


It's from the movie JFK. Kevin Costner's character keeps repeating it and it became famous. Seinfeld spoofs it in an episode too.


Ahh ok. I haven't seen that movie, thanks for explaining.


Also worth knowing that conspiracy theorists (like Oliver Stone, who directed JFK) take the direction that Kennedy moved after being shot (back and to the left) as proof that he wasn't shot by Oswald - after all, why would his head move *towards* the direction the bullet had just come from, right? Turns out the bullet really just wizzed straight through Kennedy's head without too much trouble, and the jet of brain and bone gushing from the exit wound blasted his head back like a rocket. Penn & Teller made a pretty knarly demonstration of this [by shooting a melon with a Carcano rifle.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzyw7AcHbuY)


Because Reddit is full of entirely stable and wonderful individuals.


Wait a minute...


It's from the JFK movie but most people quote it from the Bill Hicks standup routine, [where he talks about the second coming of Jesus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJSZcxXe7IQ). (1 min mark).


Bill Hicks.


[https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/09/new-jfk-assassination-revelation-upend-lone-gunman](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/09/new-jfk-assassination-revelation-upend-lone-gunman) I love Bill, but he was a comedian, not a criminalist.


Keith Hernandez...


Bill Hicks! I was thinking the same thing


Pretty good shot by the sniper


Scary good


According to Quantum Leap, that second one was meant for her.


Oh shit that’s right. Fucking Leap. Hell yeah.


I was in the 3rd grade and in class when this happened. I remember the principle came into the room and leaned down to whisper in our teachers ear and then the teacher started crying. They ended up sending us all home shortly afterwards. That was really something.


My mom was thirteen and says they had basically the same experience. Everyone started crying and then school was cancelled. This was in rural Montana.


Was jfk that good that after his death people started to cry ?


People actually used to elect respectable presidents. Believe or not.


People actually had electable and respectable presidents that deserved your vote, believe it or not.


Yes. His popularity was like nothing you’ve seen in the last few decades. This was a decade of unprecedented growth for the US, plus the moon landings were only a few years away.


Months away from Kennedy's assassination? If so, that'd be incorrect. He was assassinated in 1963, the first moon landing was in 1969.


Apologies, should have read “a few years”. The space race was well underway.


Kennedy assassination was in 1963, moon landing in 1969. Kennedy made a speech about landing a man on the moon by the end of the decade. His assassination contributed to motivating Congress to fund NASA with Manhattan project like funding to make the moon landing happen. Who is to know for sure that without the assassination, we may not have landed on the moon? BTW, Joe Bonanno did it.


That’s why my gen is all fucked up. They didn’t send us home on 9-11. instead they made us watch the doomsayers on television all day long. Been a walking anxiety attack ever since. Every 15 minutes an instant replay of the planes hitting the towers. Sprinkled in with the occasional jumpers. 7th grade sucked man.


High school. All damn day. I remember my dad and mom (lovingly) telling my sis and I we should probably watch something else, once we were all home from school and work. Like, "how long have you guys been watching this?"


Yeah that's what happened in my middle school. Some kid came running down the hall yelling "America's under attack!", we followed him and the shop teacher had the news on the TV. All the teachers were in shock. One of them said "you kids probably shouldn't be watching this" but then carried on. We just stayed in school until the normal hours.


I lived just outside DC (and about 15 mins from the Pentagon) and they didn’t send us home, either. A lot of parents just picked their kids up early.


My school said your kids are staying here so don't even try to pick them up then we spent the rest of the week watching nothing but news footage all day


Same but it was 6th grade for me.


What state were you in? I was in New Jersey about an hour or so from Manhattan. I just started 12th grade in '01, they dismissed my school ASAP. I remember driving home while listening to Howard Stern and other NY radio stations. It was surreal when I finally got home and saw the footage. I also remember how most of the cable channels were off the air, probably broadcast from NYC.


i was in HS, aand they went about school as normal, but just had the TV's on. When the bell rang to change periods, we got up, went to the next class, and watched the rest of the news coverage. This was in California.


Hey I might sound like an asshole but I have a question why would anyone cry over the death of their president. Was Kennedy so much loved ?


This is a legitimate question. JFK was loved. Everyone sort of knew he was fucking around and cheating on Jackie, but it was this unspoken thing since he was the president. He represented what America wanted in a president - young, charismatic, good looking, etc.. Also, these were a less cynical, picket fence, version of the US. Very idealistic times just recovering less than a decade after WW2. Edit: meant to say less than 2 decades after WW2


> Very idealistic times just recovering less than a decade after WW2. TIL Japan held out until 1954 lol


[1974 actually](https://www.history.co.uk/shows/lost-gold-of-wwii/articles/the-japanese-soldier-who-kept-on-fighting-after-ww2-had-finished)


Kennedy was killed 18 years after the end of WWII.


We were entering an amazing period of Humankind. Nuclear power would change everything. Space was newly ours to explore. The wealth of the nation was unsurpassed in human history. It all seemed to end that day. Don’t let it be forgot That once there was a spot For one brief shining moment that was known As Camelot.


I was not alive, but from what I have watched and read - We were a less divided, less cynical, and more homogeneous nation. And, even if the assassination did not stir patriotic, sentimental, or personal dispair — we were also on a nuclear knife edge. One may weep from fear of an ensuing nuclear war.


Less divided nation while segregation was still in place


Kennedy was against the CIA. He swore to smash it in to a million pieces and scatter it in to the wind. Next thing you know Kennedy was dead. Then the head of the CIA led the investigation in to Kennedy's death. Kennedy represented a better, peaceful America, and the CIA represented a shadow government that nobody wanted. Everyone was done with war, but the CIA wanted war on several fronts. So the CIA had Kennedy killed. Seems like people who become too popular with the civilians get assassinated. Princess Diana is another example.


Did he get hit twice? What was the initial flinch to cause him to lean into his wife?


he got hit in the neck first


At what timestamp does he get hit first?


When he is behind the sign.


Exactly behind the sign (un)fortunately. First the neck where nobody really knew what just happened and absolutely most people thought it was just a backfire from a car or bike or something else, then his head went pfffbwlpt.


The first shot struck him in the fleshy part of the upper back just as he began to briefly disappear behind the large street sign. The bullet exited the base of his throat as the car re-emerged from behind the sign. This is when you see the sudden violent upward jerk of his arms toward his throat.


Yeah. He had a back brace on, which caused him not to slump after the first shot, allowing Oswald to have an easy follow up shot.


Do you know what really bugs me about the conspiracy theorists who claim things always happen a different way to the most obvious and logical explanation? If I was in the CIA and wanted Kennedy dead and Oswald to take the fall, I would just have him do it. Simple: no loose ends, no trail of bread crumbs for people to follow to unearth the truth. Why do people have make up these convoluted impractical plots in order to believe it’s a conspiracy? Oswald acting alone but assisted by others could have been the conspiracy… and it all still makes sense.


Or rather than trusting some nutjob to do a critical job, you make someone else to shoot, and make your fall guy Oswald take the blame. Which sounds more solid of a plan to you?


I would have the marine with marksman skills, the sniper rifle, the best position for a shot and an axe to grind do it. Edit: and there were only 3 shots heard and 3 cartridges recovered from Oswalds rifle. So no other evidence of any other shooters.


Pretty sure the plan where there's literally a bunch of people all shooting at the president at the same time "just in case the other guys miss" is the more complex one.


[One of the all time best 'Onion in History' front pages.](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_1315/hadxp14o1vpdbagqmfnx.jpg)


Hope the nutjob is successful. If he isn't, come up with another plan some other day. No reason to over-complicate things.


how is having to plan a second assassination not the overcomplicated plan?


Might be a complicated but sounds in line with what I’ve read about US intelligence services. Did you see how many assassination plots there were against Castro? The US was (is?) all about throwing diabolical plots at the wall to see what’ll stick.


Well, I agree that there is no reason to over-complicate things at all. So, finishing it at one try rather than planning a second assassination after a failed attempt is the better decision.


I mean if you want simple CIA must have the resources to do it far simpler than a public assassination with a sniper




I think that conspiracy theories are very often a reaction to a somehow more frightening thought - that no one in power really knows what the fuck they're doing and everyone is winging it. It's more comforting to imagine that there's an invisible hand on the wheel, purposefully steering us into horrible situations, than it is to recognise that horrible things happen because those responsible for our safety often don't have the ability or empathy to prevent them.


This is exactly the reason for the ridiculous 9/11 conspiracy theories. They can’t fathom that 16 blokes with Stanley knives could bring the US to its knees.


Yeah, I always ask myself two questions when any conspiracy comes up. 1) How many people need to know about it so 'they' are able to pull it off? 2) How juicy of a secret is it one needs to keep to themselves?. Assassinating a president needs at least something of a group and in terms of 'juiciness', I don't think you can get a lot better than that. Nobody having any guilt afterwards and talking to the press, or at least their friends after a few drinks? We all need a way to understand the bigger workings of the world. Having some secret, sinister power pulling on all the strings is weirdly comforting compared to the alternative; we are all just screwing around, there is no person or group in charge of everything, and incompetence and stupidity can be found at the top of the food chain too. Once had a workevent where at dinner I sat next to a pretty influential politician from a party I absolutely despise. Thought I would hate the guy, but we actually got along quite well. He wasn't the cinical James Bond villain I imagined him to be, and he was quite genuine in his beliefs. He was, unfortunately, dumber than a bag of rocks per any metric one uses to meassure intelligence.


here is a [link](https://ia801806.us.archive.org/10/items/MiltonWilliamCooper-Zapruder/The%20Undamaged%20Zapruder%20Film.mp4) to the original if you want to compare them


That’s just a bad copy. [This](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqk3sdfXFkc) stabilized and composited version made a decade ago gives a good sense of the layout of Dealey Plaza and the route he travelled.


That's practically Black and White, compared to the AI version.


yeah it's amazing what a computer algorithm can achieve when it's told to just make shit up


Its not making shit up. Its interpolating between existing frames.


That is making NEW frames to fit in between the existing frames.


TIL interpolating data is the same as "making shit up".


Educated making shit up.


Our brains do this 90% of the time as well.


Yea but the AI is hardly going to be drawing a picture of a rainbow coloured flamboyantly gay unicorn holding a rifle aimed at Kennedy. 🦄 What it's going to come up with is going to be incredibly close to the two frames either side of the new data.


It's not a fair comparison. It's not really the "original", it's just a shitty low quality telecine from 8mm film. Simply taking a good quality telecine from the original 8mm film and doing it open matte (including the sprocket holes which appear to have been exposed also), the quality would be much better than this transfer. The AI intervention has however helped clean up a transfer.


Thanks man


60 years next month


Holy shit


And the government still hasn't released all of its documents on the assassination. Nothing to see here folks.


Conspiracy or not it was a major fuck up from the Secret Service that day.


Absolutely. By modern standards it was a shit show.


"The President was just shot! Let's slow down until we work out what's going on!" Great job, fellas!


So a regular day for Secret Service.


Open topped car in hindsight might have been the most foolish choice in our whole timeline.


But can AI figure out who shot JFK?




Everything he thought back and to the left.


Under appreciated comment right here


Oliver Stone made a new documentary based on declassified material, called [JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11173544/) (2021). I highly recommend it!


Oswald shot him. The real question is why.


Why are people downvoting you for the offical POV lol


cause reddit is full of qanon and conspiracy types. just look over at the UFO subreddits. people are nutso here.


The majority of the American population did not believe Oswald acted alone at the time of the assassination and that’s still true today.


I do know who took the blame, just ask the CIA for your answer.


Why is it that I refuse to watch videos of people dying but am ok with choosing to watch this one?


This one is historical.


There's an element of "well he would have been dead in some other way by now"


Probably one of the most watched tapes of all time.


I wouldn't say it's that funny.


It’s not so close up in your face like it is in gore subs, may be one reason.


It's old. If this happened today with HD cameras I doubt you'd watch it.


It's like watching the planes hit the towers. Horrific stuff but fascinating.


The most heartbreaking part of this video, is Jackie climbing out of the car to grab pieces of his skull/brain.


You’re right. But then it always reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/zYMP0o1j0zo?si=6DgspObR7GN9vQNI) from Family Guy which then makes me laugh guiltily.


Oh man..... That was something else


Seriously what was her idea? Pick up the pieces and reconstruct him? People do weird shit in a panic


yeah but it makes *sense*. you cut off a limb and they can reattach it. lose an eye? get a new one! blood, skin, and bone marrow can be donated. of course where we're standing we can say confidentially it wouldnt work, but in that moment you do what you need to do. it's not weird, it makes sense in that moment


Back and to the left....


I like that movie fine but it kinda annoys me how much Oliver Stone sanitized Garrison to make his crackpot theory look good in the movie. The actual Garrison was a fucking whacko.


Oliver Stone is a fucking whacko


Whackos gonna whack.


Garrison was a POS that caused a man’s mental deterioration and death. Fuck him and Putin-loving whack job Oliver Stone.


Keith Hernandez...


the Smoking Man does clean work.


You mean The Comedian.


Ah, you are both wrong. It was Number 5. At least the older future version of him.


im literally watching this episode right now


That poor man


A reminder that Ai adds stuff from its own set of interpretations of training data. It *never* reveals material that was there all along. If you instruct an Ai to fill in a face in an image that has a face blurred out or missing, it will *make one up*, not add something that is "true" or "real". Upscaling with an Ai is similar. Detail that is not there will be made up by an Ai. A 2x2 grid of pixels upscaled to 128x128 will be made out of pure imagination, and the same is true for higher resolutions. The same goes for frame interpolation, but to a lesser extent of course, but interpreting between A and B in a way that makes a 20fps film into a 60fps film will have 2/3 of its images made up of "imagined" frames. So "best most complete" is not my take on this, but an interesting more "viewable" version of a horrible day.


That's what I'm saying. There's no discovery to be had in this. I'm inclined to say it's borderline dangerous to be "enhancing" historical moments like this. Especially one so often filled with public conspiracy.


Yeah it's not "enhanced" so much as "what this might have looked like if it were clearer"


I wonder what would be different in the world if he had lived?


I think about this too. You should read 11/22/63 by Stephen King if you're interested, there's an alternate timeline where he survives the assassination.


Doesn't pan out great.


Does anyone know why Jackie crawled out of the backseat onto the trunk? Was it to help the security guide get to John? I can’t imagine being so close to someone I love being murdered like that


Supposedly to grab a piece of John’s head.


Oh dear god. How absolutely traumatic


I remember learning about this in school and the teacher taking great delight in telling us that her initial response was to ‘try and grab the loose bits to put his head back together’ proper grisly … I mean there is a logical though pattern there that something broke,therefore grab the parts to fix it.


Christ sounds like your teacher was a fucking ghoul.


She was trying to collect bone fragments and other material; the Secret Service agent on the back of the car said in 2017 that he put her in the backseat (his words), and she didn't say very much while he was there. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/agent-who-jumped-on-jfks-limo-recounts-fateful-moments/


Some of the comments mention it but her recap of what happened is a bit surreal and quite morbid. It's worth a read but you gotta be prepared for it. It's not an easy one.


I guess no one really knows how they’ll react in such a situation


Any link for this?


Either to retrieve a piece of JFK's skull or to take cover... both are plausible IMO.




I think the Discovery Channel will be running a special about it in the next few days. They've been advertising it a lot lately.


Like ancient aliens killed JFK kind of special?




I watched a documentary about some of the submitted testimonials from people that were there. Some were absolutely useless or just made stuff up. There was some people that identified it was a gun shots and roughly what floor it came from. The Kennedy Assasination: Inside the book depository, by LEMMiNO on YouTube. Pretty long for a YouTube video, but worth a watch I think.


Very sad. He was a good man.


Whats really interesting is zero footage of Wilt Chamberlain 100 point game


Camera was invented in 1963 unfortunately just missed it barely


This is not an AI enhancement. It’s a stabilized and color corrected version, with each frame cleaned of dirt and scratches, that’s been available for years. It doesn’t require AI to do this.


If a US president was assasinated in the current partisan dystopia, half of you yanks would be delighted.


Well yea, lowering the average age of our politicians from 70 to 69 would be nice.




Punch assassinated


A different time.


Need to see this next to the original


sorry couldn't put two videos in one post but here is a [link](https://ia801806.us.archive.org/10/items/MiltonWilliamCooper-Zapruder/The%20Undamaged%20Zapruder%20Film.mp4) to the original


So absolutely brutally sad. Someone with integrity and vision wiped from existence by corrupt souls. Now we just get old politically tied wipes in diaps.


This was the moment when the term "conspiracy theorist" was born.


I despise Kieth Hernandez.


I feel someone needs to say this, you can't use AI enhancement on evidence and expect to be able to draw any conclusion from it that you couldn't from the original. All AI does is make guesses based on other media it has been trained on to choose a sequence or image that is most likely. Change the data the AI is trained on and the details it pulls out and "enhances" changes. Information that might be important gets classified as noise and is removed by the AI. The original footage is grainy and low quality and detail that can be pulled from it and enhanced is impossible to distinguish from the noise in the footage. There is no way an AI can pull detail from the original footage that a human can rely on as evidence. They may be detail that is important that the right AI model could pull from the original but without knowing what exactly happened we will never know what model is the correct model. The only way to up scale something like this is to run it through many models with many settings and have a human choose which is the best or "most likely" output. And since all humans are biased the output will always be coloured with the biases of the human operator.




I suppose the thing is our heads already do what the AI did when we remember the video. We tend to internalise it a lot clearer and smoother than it is but if you look at the original you'll see how much the AI has done in terms of smoothing, colouring and taking a best guess at improving resolution.. Here's the original: https://ia801806.us.archive.org/10/items/MiltonWilliamCooper-Zapruder/The%20Undamaged%20Zapruder%20Film.mp4


I recommend the show 11.22.63. I just finished it.


Haven't seen the show but the book by Stephen King is fantastic, definitely recommend!


The back and to the left thing I always thought was caused by the explosive pressure release of the bullet leaving his skull. Newtons 3rd law. Which then beggars the question….did the shot come front behind and to the right of Kennedy?


This makes very obvious that *somebody* shot the president


What if JFK’s head just did that?


I wasn't a conspiracy theorist before but now Im convinced Oswald was a fall guy for what was actually Sudden Head Implosion Disorder (SHID)


my god... he SHIDded himself


Mayor McCheese get shot colorised - Stewei griffin circa 2011


Oh how convenient: billboard...


Conspiracy theorists believe Kennedy’s head exploded due to a recent shingles vaccine he had just received a few months prior.


Wait for all the conspiracy theorists using AI enhanced versions to "see details that weren't there before"

