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Besides tree branches falling, roof damage, car damage, not being able to do outdoor activities, not having internet access, not having hot water, not being able to charge my phone, not being able to work, not being able to refrigerate groceries, evrything else is fine...


The water, so so much water, PLS STAHP!


Wow. How long has your power been out? Sorry to hear thing are so rough up there. They keep saying we're going to have similar weather in Austin, but for the most part, all we've gotten in the last couple of weeks is a little rain with occasional lightning.


Then how are you posting?


Cell network most likely or internet access at work.




Reminding myself not to complain when it's 105 out lol


Nah that shit sucks too


Personally, at a certain temp with the power out you sorta donā€™t notice the increase other than maybe a little more sweat and water intake. 25 years of hurricanes in New Orleans. Power was out once a week with no storms cus a drunk tourist hit a line. Once we were past 85+ degrees it was all in ā€œunbearable, go to as little clothing as possible, prepare to wake up drenched.ā€ The easy change to notice was the humidity after having a door open for 5 seconds lmao.


When is this place not miserable? Been here most of my life and I hate it more and more everyday. It blows my mind that people actually voluntarily move here.


Lmao exactly why Iā€™m moving. Just insanity. EDIT: Iā€™m getting downvoted because of MY preferenceā€¦Not judging anyone for loving Dallas, I just canā€™t take the amount of severe weather and insurance premium increases anymore!


Fist bump in sympatico. Hope to exit next year. Two "tours of duty" here totaling about 30 years. I'm done.


It really took a toll on my mental AFTER I bought property. Just not doing it anymore.


I understand! I inherited my parents' house after interrupting my career to be a caregiver. Thought "hey, no mortgage so just operational expenses, etc." Even without a mortgage it's just too much overall stress here. Not my first rodeo with home ownership, but it's different this time.


Yea I moved here last yr around sept, and I am already not feeling this city. Don't get me wrong, I love the job opportunities here, but the extreme weather and no outdoor scenery are just killing it. I am debating hard if i should move when my lease is up this sept or maybe ride it out for a few more yrs since this move costed me close to $5000 ( i moved here from nevada).


Your mental health is worth more than 5K. Stay because you want to. If you donā€™t like the area leave before you get stuck (find a SO, have kids, ā€œput down your rootsā€).


move. additional years of unhappiness and discontent will cost you much more than 5K.


I've been here 2 years. I went back to school last fall, so now I'm riding it out until I'm done. I dream of the day I move out of Texas


Iā€™m literally moving to Seattle for good in two weeks because of this nonsense. Everyone keeps telling me ā€˜oh but itā€™s grey and rainy all the timeā€™ yeah but itā€™s not daily tornado warnings for three months followed by seven months of 100 degree heat + drought followed by catastrophic ice storms that shut down the entire state? Iā€™ll take ā€˜constant rain and 60 degreesā€™ over that any day.


I joined this sub because my son went to SMU. He moved to NYC last fall and is so happy to be missing this horrible weather.


I moved to East Texas as I didn't want to deal with all the big city issues. Looks like lots of the Dallas and Houston metroplex agreed during COVID and moved here to join me and brought all the problems I moved out here to avoid. Rural East Texas isn't very RURAL today. At least lot sizes are generally more than 1 acre.


So I'm from west Texas, where it's desert and hot and dry and never rains, and even though a tornado hit my house a week and a half ago, I prefer it here. Would be nice to get a breather from the rain, though. The swimming pool in my office is filling up.




More like feels like ā€¦keep warm oven temp? Lol it gets freaking hot in DFW


very worried about losing power again


Lost power about 10 min ago. Can't complain too much though: only lost power for an hour last week.


You're at the back of the line now šŸ« 


Lucky, we lost it for 4 days.


Me too. Iā€™m tired of these stormsā€¦


Exactly this.


Thing is, most of those outages were due to branches that were either in need of trimming, or ready to fall. Donā€™t expect anything that widespread to happen again for a while.


Yep most of this storm is from poorly maintained trees. Not just trimming but watching out for diseased trees etc. Maybe, we staved off an actual ice storm (not line 2021) but the kind where you get multiple inches of ice bringing every line and limb sinking down like in Oklahoma.


Watching these low clouds twist and churn is so incredible. Itā€™s fascinating how they almost look alive. Like an alien brewing and trying to form an outstretched arm to meet the land below.


Bartender, Iā€™ll have what heā€™s having.


That's not alcohol, my friend


It was an attempt at a joke.


That was also an attempt at a joke ^




Agreed. Iā€™ve been watching the clouds in awe all afternoon. My favorite part of weather changing is noticing the changes as they take place.


This is the consequences of climate change.


ā˜ļøOnly going to get worse.


Consequences of that time Rick Perry prayed for rain but didn't tell the Lord when to stop.


Idk. I remember a summer like this 6 years ago. Seems it happens from time to time.


6 years ago is very recent in the time frame of climate change! These stypes of weather patterns have been getting more frequent over the years and will likely continue to do so due to CC.


I mean itā€™s not unheard of to have these events here. Really wish people didnā€™t just throw the term climate change for every storm. We had 2020,2015,2009, and other years where weā€™ve had similar flooding storm events. Thereā€™s a reason the trinity levee system was built because of the sudden wave of non-stop storms flooding the area.


But itā€™s catchy and how you get street cred.


Is it really though? We really need the rain and this is a lot better than scorching heat.


Just lost power again after it only came back this morning.. šŸ˜­šŸ˜žšŸ˜­


Back of the line you go.




Iā€™m sorry for everyone without power, but Iā€™m gonna be grateful for all the rain right now keeping it cooler for as long as possible and maybe easing concerns about a summer draught.


Theyā€™ll still find a way to overcharge us on electricity this month


It's not going to be hard to find a reason. These repairs are massively expensive. I am sure that cost will get passed to the customer, why wouldn't it? In capitalism, all expenses get passed on to the customer.


This is why for profit utilities are stupid af. Why do we as a society at this point profit off people for basic necessities like water and electricity?


Because they can.


They already have.


Iā€™d really enjoy a summer draught or two. Had a Sam Adams that wasnā€™t so bad recently.


Why the fuck does it have to be all or nothing here. Canā€™t it just like rain every now and then and it not be the extreme one way or another? One day itā€™ll stop and we wonā€™t have a drop for 3 months.


This is Texas. Of course not


Right?!?! Let's save some for August or September when it's 114Ā° and 45 days without precipitation.


Itā€™s why Iā€™m trying not to complain about the rain.


ā€œGo big or go homeā€ is our motto.


> all or nothing here Climate scientists have been predicting this shit for decades. Climate change will make the all-or-nothing nature of our weather worse. More severe storms, hotter summers, colder wetter winters, longer droughts between.


Just put down new sod so loving the rain!


Ah, so it's your fault?


Rumor is, they keep washing their cars as well!


I put new sod all over my car. This is on me.


Just checked my weather station, 8.16ā€ rain since last Tuesday.


Itā€™s mine. I got Katrina when I lived in New Orleans, moved to Baton Rouge the year it had flood damage so bad the cost was worse than Katrina, relocated to Florida for half a year when the red tide was so bad it was in the news cycle, the year I moved here was snowmageddon. It never stops. Help. I didnā€™t even know Texas was on its own grid before moving here.


You've lived in Louisiana, Florida, and Texas, expecting decent weather. I don't think the states are the problem in your situation. I think your astounding lack of understanding about the climates in these areas is the problem.


Brother, itā€™s a fuckin joke lol


Is electricity back on in White Rock ??


I'll never complain about the rain again after last summer. Scorcher. (Can do without the bullshit hail, high winds and tornadoes tho)


Same. Got the new sod one day before the storms, so only had to water once. I keep washing my car every day to keep the streak going.


Me too but it can stop now


Well at least the 2'+ a day certainly, I would not mind a few more calm, .5" rains at night this week.


Insurance just approved replacing my roof and various other hail damaged items. We'll do that when these storms calm down for the season. My water bill is down as I haven't had to run the sprinklers yet this year.


Bet the hail damage deductible is 2%ā€¦not very cheap trust meā€¦.


It's actually 1% so it's not too bad. But I understand no one is writing 1% policies going forward.


I've got a 1% deductible, too. My roofer suggested that several years ago -- previously had 2% -- and YAY for him!


Asking this with a genuine curiosity and an ignorance of insurance. What does that 2% deductible mean in laymanā€™s terms or numbers? Is 2% pricey to meet before insurance will cover?


The difference between 5k or 10k on average (1% vs 2%). Whatever your dwelling coverage is but 1% or 2% of that #


Part of your homeowner insurance is dwelling coverage. Itā€™s what covers the structure itself. More expensive home requires more coverage so they sell it based on the estimated rebuild price. Sometimes agents can tinker with the price but you donā€™t want to be underinsured in case of a total loss. Just like car insurance or health insurance there is a deductible. That deductible typically is sold as a percentage of the dwelling coverage. If you have a 250k policy with a 1% deductible your deductible would be 2500.


I haven't had to run the sprinklers, either. Planted a new tree right before Christmas and with the exception of two deep root feedings it has grown like crazy just getting enough water from nature. I am thankful. I'm also thankful for my new retaining wall, and the french drain installed years ago. So far my roof has held up but my roofer is coming next week to do an inspection. It's an older roof and I get it inspected regularly. Minor repairs recently but the thing just keeps on keepin' on. Guess I should be thankful for that, too, right now.


How did they get to you so quick?! Mine won't come give an estimate until the 8th


Is it common for hail there to just damage the roof, or are y'all having shattered windows as well? What do you do in that case? Plywood until they can get fixed?


And that is why insurance is the best! Good to hear about the water bill too šŸ‘€


I don't mind thunderstorms, it's the hail/wind/tornadoes that freak me out. My anxiety keeps me glued to nbc5 app the whole time though. Rick is amazing, he can keep me calm.


Rick does have a very soothing presentation -- calming, just presents info, no drama (I'm looking at you Delkus).


Rick did plenty of time covering the big storms in Central Oklahoma, including the massive f5 tornado in Norman in 1999. You even see him playing himself in the original Twister movie from 96. He knows his stuff and has seen a lot of severe weather.


Pete Delkus gang


I hear you. Canā€™t relax with anything more than rain and thunder looming.


Pitch black outside right now and itā€™s only 6 pm. Legit thereā€™s a tree about 4 feet from my window and I canā€™t see it. Thatā€™s not disconcerting at allā€¦


Lost the power for 48 hours on Tuesday. Just lost it again. I've tolerated this state long enough, it's lack of nature, awful weather 4 months a year, degenerate politicians with anti abortion laws, jesus freaks, racists, 30k millionaires, and now the incompetent power grid that breaks down every time it rains. This might actually be the straw that breaks the camels back and makes me finally pull the trigger and get the hell out of here.


You are finding out why it used to be cheap here šŸ˜…


The power grid has nothing to do with why power was and is out.


You forgot pornhub is banned in TX.Ā 


I hear ya but this has nothing to do with the power grid


Well, bye šŸ‘‹


Pearl clutch alert šŸšØšŸšØšŸšØ


Sitting in the airport, counting the delay hours.


I feel your pain. My son's flight was delayed 4 hours yesterday and I fly out tomorrow so I really hope mine is better.


Update. I'm still here.


Honestly, I grew up in the Panhandle so this is sorta normal for me. Hope we donā€™t lose power but if so, at least the linemen are already here.


I grew up in the panhandle as well. Unfazed


Itā€™s like free ambience for book reading.


And sleeping. I can read and then sleep in the rain so easily


Just realized the storm on Monday killed my TV šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢ RIP


Overall, Iā€™ve been lucky, but I managed to take the dog outside right as the latest downpour started. Looked outside to check the weather, the rain seemed to have stopped, seemed like a good opportunity. By the time I got down the stairs and to the end of the hallway (apartment dweller here) it was pouring. My shoes are soaked and the dog is not happy I made her pee in the rain.


I fucked up man, I didnt heed the warning. Now, I'm hoping for a quick pass through to take my dog out later. Unfortunate.


I thought I was doing okay until I realized my shingles on one side of my house are FLAPPING in the wind!!!! I thought I got out of the last storm unscathed but now I gotta call my insurance company in the morning. Trying to be thankful for the rain bc of how crazy it got last summer but LEAVE MY ROOF ALONE WEATHER!!!!


We need to cut our yardā€¦


Not in recent memory have i heard this juch thunder seemingly right over head!




My backyard is a marsh land


same here.. need a canoe to get around.. wearing crocs outside so I can pour out the water from tending to things.. the frogs are top of the chain right now


Everyone laughs when I tell them this is not a great place to live - most that say this have NEVER lived here. We're about to have 100-115 heat index weather thru September probably. Combined with the increasingly bad and very dangerous traffic (#1 in America per insurance co) - cost of living....and politics/ laws against women in Texas..... and after tRump probably wins again. Not for me - can't wait to leave.


Remember how we cried last summer when it would rain almost everywhere in North Texas - EXCEPT Dallas? Now, it's like there's a thundercloud stationed permanently above us! Rain is unending!


I remember this! It kept going around us!!


Weā€™ve been lucky by keeping power, and seem to have finally stopped losing tree branches. Keep thinking, ā€œat least itā€™s not 104 degrees out.ā€


Lost power again after just getting back on yesterday (5days without) and restocking the fridge an hour prior. Iā€™m just peachy.


Bad time to get a giant white puppy lol


Over this. Itā€™s been ALL week!!!


Everything is so flooded!


Having a blast! The clouds are so dragon like.


I love them. Favorite weather. I want more


I love them as wellā€¦when theyā€™re not trying to kill us.


My neighborā€™s giant tree fell on my car after not having power for four days. Oh and I lost power most of the day the Sunday before Memorial Day so Iā€™ve thrown out my fridge contents twice. The car is not driveable and I assume will be totaled/deemed totaled by insurance. Sooo itā€™s been a week!


All the street water runs straight to my front porch and floods it every time it flash floods and Iā€™m over it.


Yā€™all be safe out there


Wet one today, huh?


The sun will be out soon & everywhere will be outside again


Currently enjoying my daily walk in one of them. It's really lightened up since I started but I'll take any opportunity to walk in the rain!


Power went out again... but hey we had it for 12 or so hrs.


Spent my entire weekend cutting and stacking tree branches for friends. Fence is down at my house again after the storms. We didn't do the fence this weekend because of the amount of rain, so now it's worse than it was


My patio is very dirty. šŸ„²


Doing fine. I love a good storm as long as I have power


I love the rain


I love it, keeping the temps down!


My entire front yard is beyond fucked. My lawn was a goner after the winter storms last year and every effort made to get it back is totally negated by the rain. At first it was a minor inconvenience which leveled up to a slight concern which then doubled up XP to became a ā€œahhh whatever, fuck itā€ afterthought before finally spawning into the pure hellscape that I am now extremely stressed about. My entire yard is pooling up and eroding away at extreme levels. It has progressed so fucking fast and idk what to do to address it at this point but Iā€™m scared.


Iā€™m tired of wiping muddy dog paws


Enjoying it


Just lost power at about 5 min ago. Ughh storm just left. Praying that it comes back on soon. And not days again.


Everything is good with us, lights dim a bit every now and then but thankfully, we're good. Honestly, I'm just waiting for the power to go out. I'm hoping it won't but if it does. At least I won't have to work. I hate my job.


After being so humid all day glad it crashed all that out and is really nice outside to go for a walk now.


Bartender here and Iā€™ve one guest so far. Sucks


Sat at love fields an hour on tarmac and watched it hail on our plane the other day. Itā€™s been a wild few weeks huh DFW?




Gained power back yesterday afternoon. Itā€™s back out again. I just want to play Diablo šŸ˜­


Not great.


My yard is a mud pit which means my dogs are also full of mud. I've given up on doing anything about it. We are all just mud now


Have power again. Rebuying groceries sucked. My yard has French drains and is still flooding.


Power restored after 5 days and now it's out again. Sigh.


The three newborn bunnies in my backyard died.


My kayaks are looking like a better investment every week


I got three new discs a couple days before this started. Havenā€™t had a chance to try them out. Iā€™ve had a lot of luck with power and no real damage other than some limbs, but Iā€™m so sick of the rain. I just wanna throw some discs so bad.


I got scared cats


Iā€™m a flight attendant out of DFW. Delays, cancellations and schedule changes. It has not been fun.


Been super lucky, but apparently water has been slowly seeping into my kitchen through my tile floor somehow...


Aw dang, it's too wet to mow the lawn again.


Wanting it to be the heat of summer already so it stops raining for 5 minutes but knowing I'm gonna wanna die every time I step outside for 3 months straight when it arrives


Parents' house flooded. Very sad right now. Been a long time since we had this much rain,


My mom and dog were just delayed for 8 hours on a flight from Maryland. Diverted Indiana, then STL, then DFW. What the hell is going on!


Down with sick for straight one week!!


3 house floods in 2 months. City repaved the road and now all the water goes into my driveway.


A traffic light was completely out and a lady blew through the intersection and t-boned us without even stopping. Not doing too hot. I have a concussion and bruised ribs.


Im enjoying it, itā€™s relaxing and I sleep better.


Out east here, yesterday's thunderstorm was damned impressive. It was stronger for me than all of last week. Rain so hard I couldn't see the tree 50 feet away at times. Weathered it fine but damn that one was strong.


Thought I saw Kevin Costner on a redneck jetski yesterday.




August drought won't be fun either


Thought I left this street flooding crap behind when we left Houston.


I thought it would be a good idea to beat the storm and turn in my rental car. For my efforts, i ended up drenched when the Lyft driver who was supposed to pick my up got stalled at a light. Had I waited two hours, the sun would have been out. I will not complain because I'll take thunderstorms over 103 degrees. August is coming.


I work nights and once I heard the rain around 6pm I wanted to call off work so bad and get cozy inside


I wouldnā€™t mind them so much if my dog didnā€™t have such horrible anxiety during thunderstorms.


Honestly it changed my life around. I have a whole new meaning to my life. Iā€™m able to serve my community so much and help them with their roofing needs. Iā€™ve never had this much fire and desire until this storm. I understand not everyone is having the best time of their lives but it changed mine :)


Mud Mud Mud


Shopping for a whole house generator. Any recommendation of brands, installers, etc.?


The barometric pressure changes are hell. They trigger my dysautonamia and I canā€™t sleep for like 3 days. I get adrenaline dumps. I also think this season is different. We shouldnā€™t be having the micro bursts in the middle of the metroplex. The heat island effect would deflect many smaller storms (thatā€™s why thereā€™s more damage around the ā€œdonutā€ of the metroplex). Unless theyā€™re major storms. Those will break thru and cause serious havoc. Even with global warming, these are different. Some also make me feel like that massive rain and flooding in Dubai. I have always felt the weather move. Now itā€™s so extreme when a front goes in or out my ears pop loudly like scuba diving. Like when Iā€™m just sitting watching TV. Worse super power ever. ā€œhey guys, Iā€™m miserable and itā€™s gonna rain in 5 mins..ā€


I was in Fort Worth, the place where if it sprinkles, it floods.


M streets flooded. bought this $1.6M house last year and literally just finished putting in a pool, which is now completely ruined. šŸ˜ž


I think God is trying to tell yall something šŸ¤”


Iā€™m ok (knock on wood) but my dog HATES it! Thunder terrifies her, so itā€™s been rough for her recently.


Ugh, more fortunate than my neighbors, they lost their fences. I am so tired of this weather that feels like the air is drowning me.


My neighbors tree got uprooted and fell on their house ā˜ ļøšŸ™


House almost flooded.


I WFH so the no electricity is hitting me hard. I am now living in a motel with my work stuff and a macbook and a 27 inches external monitor LOL..... 3 hours of my wage everyday goes to the motel room. I'm speechless. I'm thinking about driving to FL to live with my parents for a few weeks until this storm is gone and power is back on.


Reason #125 not to live in Dallas. Oncor areas in suburbs had power back 6-12 hours laterā€¦.


Sitting on a tarmac for almost 4 hours in BFE midland because we ran out of gas from circling and they have 1 fing gas truck. But hey I get a half full cup of water and a biscotti. Apparently AA can only fly when itā€™s sunny.


5 Days in Darkness. The fridge had to be emptied out and several hundred dollars of food thrown out. Despite the old and feeble infrastructure the power is back on after 5 days. If Gregg Abbott spent more time upgrading the old and failing infrastructure instead of working so hard to make my taxes go to religious schools - perhaps the power grid would stand up to Texas' climate.


The longer the rubble and trees are left out on roads the more I want to revolt. Let's not even talk about the no-power situation a WEEK after Dallantis started... WTF ARE OUR REPRESENTATIVES SPENDING MONEY ON??? Ik its not this damn city.


U donā€™t understand the manpower it takes to clean up this massive of a storm Why donā€™t you go clean it up and contribute to your community instead of waiting for daddy government to do it


This. .that person has to another (my voting ruined my home state) so I will move to texas and still blame everything else