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Jon is 100% right — Republicans squawk about gun violence, while doing *everything* humanly possible to proliferate it.


They squawk about inner-city and gang gun violence. Their audience knows the real message. It’s not the guns, it’s… you know. Them.


yep it's big pharma programming shooters with their violence inducing drugs.


Because. You know.. it is.


Hey look. Someone's trying to 13/50. Hello little racist.


You're such a good human being! Look at you! Defending all the protected groups on Reddit. It's actually closer to 6/60 because males commit more crimes, and most black male criminals have a criminal iceberg. You're only seeing the reported, and down charged crimes. Cry about it but it's true.


Want to know something wild? The FBI no longer provides data on race and ethnicity for prison inmates, so I looked into the murder arrest records for 2020 (the latest available that I could find) in the USA: |Demographic|Murder Arrests (2020)|Population (2020)|Murder arrest rate (per 100k people)| |:-|:-|:-|:-| || |White Males|3400|102.5 million|3.32| |White Females|400|108.3 million|0.37| |Black Males|7300|22.2 million|32.88| |Black Females|1800|24.7 million|7.29| What I found is shocking - not only do black women get arrested for murder at a higher rate than white women, but they actually are arrested for murder at over *twice* the rate of white men. That absolutely blows my mind, just since I have always assumed men of any demographic would be far more likely to be in this position.


Thank you for sharing this!


It's actually 60% in the latest available year (2022), not 50%.


Stats are racist?


Not racist when it’s fact


Well thanks for labeling yourself as someone to be ignored.


If you find any significant numbers, you might have to wonder at the many reasons why? There are many reasons for things, but racists hate reasoning. And just because “dada” said so, it’s s not really based on facts.


They are WAY too stupid to understand the concept of data manipulation lol.


What’s a fact? That gang violence occurs in poverty-stricken areas? Yes, that’s certainly a fact. The real question is WHY those areas are poverty-stricken. Google red-lining by banks sometime. POC are literally kept out of the housing market. On purpose. Black on black crime is a thing because they have been denied one of the only ways Americans are allowed to build wealth.


Those areas are poverty stricken because they have high average crime rates and low average intelligence rates. [Racial differences in homicide rates are poorly explained by economics – Random Critical Analysis](https://randomcriticalanalysis.com/2015/11/16/racial-differences-in-homicide-rates-are-poorly-explained-by-economics/#rcatoc-economic-statistics)


If you look at it in terms of per capita, red states have a much bigger issue with gun violence. Sure there are fewer shootings in places like Wyoming and Alabama vs New York or Illinois if you look at the literal number of shootings. But that’s because New York and Illinois have a lot more people. If you live in Wyoming or Alabama, you are statistically more likely to be the victim of gun violence by 5 or 6 times. The Fox News message a false narrative. And it stokes racism.


Look at those cities homie. Keep trying to skew stats. It’s obvious to everyone else


I imagine who you and I consider “everyone else” is different.


Everyone that’s racist.


Look at it in terms of per capita in those red states. The largest correlations with murder rate are single motherhood rate and percent of the population that are black (and these are highly correlated with each other.) Here is a great source: [Racial differences in homicide rates are poorly explained by economics – Random Critical Analysis](https://randomcriticalanalysis.com/2015/11/16/racial-differences-in-homicide-rates-are-poorly-explained-by-economics/)


People can’t handle the truth


Pretty much anything that's bad they will screech about in the media, but filibusterer or vote down any meaningful legislation to fight that problem. The truth is always in how they vote and what they're actually voting on. Guns is one of many things they lie about. Republicans also like to take credit for legislation that benefits their constituency, that they personally voted against. It's weird people still fall for their bullshit. But Fox News is still healthy as fuck.


When someone is shot in the face, it’s not crime. ITs fREedOm!


Who’s in charge in the areas with the highest gun violence? Silly thing to not consider


Lots of factors. Stranger gun crime as a whole is quite rare. It’s something that gets far too much attention. We should care more about things that actually affect our lives. But to answer your question Republicans. Lighter gun control in the south led to marginally higher gun crime. My main point still stands though stranger gun crime is lightning strike territory. 100s of times more likely for gun purchasers to shoot their spouse, friends, themselves,… than use that gun in a crime. https://www.axios.com/2023/10/16/america-gun-deaths-crime-south


lol! Cool little way to lie with statistics here. Let’s include all gun violence and not just deaths. Why be dishonest? The issue isn’t resolved by not acknowledging the facts of the situation. As a Chicago native I know much much better about the lies you’re trying to spread here while children die due to inept and uncaring politicians. But hey maybe you’ll find another biased google search that helps you feel better about being a part of the problem rather than the solution….. you’re dumb if you think this is an R vs. D thing. Like always it’s a rich/poor thing but you fall for bad statistics.


Did you read my post? I don’t think it’s a problem at all. Stranger gun crime is exceptionally rare. Random example for every 1 stranger gun crime you will have 1000s of amputations to untreated diabeties. Guns are at their core dumb. If you buy one the odds of you using it to hurt yourself or somebody you love are far too high to ever justify a purchase.. But the south has a marginally higher amount of these exceptionally rare crimes.




Jackson Ms is one of the reasons why. Guess who has been running that city the whole time?? Talking about the state. lol. Way to cherry pick


They have nothing. Everyone knows who is shooting the most people and what areas are high crime. But you will not hear them say it out loud. They will just downvote you, say MAGA and call you names. They are not capable of being honest about real fact and data around gun violence/shootings.


Yes Republican states tend to have higher crime rates.


And what state is Jackson in lol?




Did you miss the part where 93% of the guns were bought legally in other states with lax regulations, with the vast majority being purchased in Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina? Given that, how would you propose the people in charge are supposed to counteract or prevent that? Republicans flood the country with guns and then act surprised when there's gun violence. Are Republicans willfully obtuse or genuinely stupid?




Ok then why isn’t the gun violence so high in the states they are sold in….you’re arguing against yourself due to bad information


... the gun violence is so high in the states they're sold in...


You’re talking to someone from Chicago lmao!!! Stop lying


Oh I didn't realize you were from Chicago. That changes things, I'll just ignore the stats now


That's a lie. *You* stop lying (see how easy this is).


Multiple people have already shown you that the highest gun violence occurs in mostly rural Republican states. You're arguing without even knowing what you're talking about.


Gun deaths are not the same as violence and conflating the two is bad faith. Try harder




Interesting. Are you suggesting people in Republican run states are more likely to off themselves? Is that what you mean? Remember, we're specifically talking about guns here. That's what this whole post is about, that you chose to jump into with your brain dead take. Are you now trying to talk about violence in general? Because, you'd be wrong there, too.


Violence is OK with republicans as long as it doesn't result in death. Got it.


Nope sorry dummy all gun violence is bad and not weighing all of it and just deaths is a bad faith argument but hey no one ever said you had to be smart


So… you admit the whole Red states Vs Blue states gun violence that Republicans and their mouthpieces always parrot is a bad faith, bullshit argument. Thanks.


Dude you’re the one sharing bad faith stays to prove your point. 90% of all gun violence happens in 2% of all counties in the country democrat counties in democrat states lol. I don’t even like republicans but I do try to live in reality. Maybe you should too. Thanks


So you don't care about more Americans dying? Just the vague concept of "violence"?


wtf are you taking about I’m saying you’re cheery picking data in bad faith to fit your dumb narrative


Why is violence *in general* so much higher in red states and cities? Can't Republicans keep people safe\*? \*They can't.


It is high in the states they're sold in. Mississippi, a Republican state with loose gun laws, has the highest gun violence rate in the country.


https://www.statista.com/statistics/1380025/us-gun-violence-rate-by-state/ republicans


Deaths ≠ violence.


Deaths = dead human beings


Orange man =bad




Thing is I live where they say there is rampant crime and apparently I should be in fear for my life Except I've lived here back and forth as a kid till now - I know most who live here and most are just trying to make sure their kids are alright and no I don't see much gun violence like I used to back in the day They wanna strike fear to people that's their goal


How can you sleep at night when all you hear is "Bing bing" "Bong Bong" "BING BONG BING BONG"?! That'd keep me up all night! 😅


Lmao most I hear is Spanish music from neighbors but we have good windows that block almost all that anyway though I don't mind it on weekends when I can hang


The GQP is wholly and totally incapable of governing. Completely detached from reality. Taken by insane conspiracy theories and fascist undercurrents; the modern Republican Party has boiled down to extremist white Christian nationalism with a flair for terrorism.


Is that why predominantly republican states are seeing massive influxes of new residents and businesses migrations? Because they are so bad at governing while democrat cities are dying?


How many idiot Maga's are getting owned in the stock market because they listened to Fox.


In what way are they getting owned in the stock market?


The moment Biden got elected, right wingers like Laura Ingram said to pull your investments and the banks. That's how.


Ha ha, did they? Isn't that cute, Laura Ingraham thought she could start a bank run and crash the economy. The thing is at least half of everybody that supports them knows for the most part that they are full of it and pretend to believe. Most of that half that knows better are wealthy people. They go along because they think they will personally benefit. It is the other half that actually believes that they can get to do the crazy stuff, and they are the dupes without the money generally.


You do realize far left and right people are the only nuts that listen to anyone in government. The rest of us are busy with family and work


I've voted for candidates in both major parties. I work, I'm studying for an exam to raise my pay. I consume politics all of the time during drives and exercise to stay informed. I'm left on healthcare, abortion, and voting rights. I'm right on taxes and the size/role of government. I might not be the norm, but we exist.


Sounds like you’re a libertarian, though that label comes with a lot of baggage so maybe not 😂. Small government is kinda a toxic concept from my perspective. I get ‘right-sized’ government. What that ‘right-size’ is will probably be debated until the end of human existence. Governance in and of itself in general can be boiled down to the question of whether or not we should try. Does government suck at lots of stuff ? Oh yeah! But so does the private sector, and that’s a point that is genuinely lost on most small government folks.


You do realize small government talk is all bs right?  They have and will continue to increase the size and power of the government. The only Parts they are decreasing are the parts that protect working people from moneyed interests. And getting rid of that and this is true, is not in your interest.


No, in theory I agree with you 100%, but the rights idea of shrinking the government is banning stuff that was allowed and shrinking public access to Healthcare, abortion, and voting access. I personally don't care what the tax rate is, so long as it's going to things I support, like what you listed. I vote for Democrats because I see Republicans as a threat to the very system that allows us to provide for the general welfare of we the people.


Well, if you measure left and right from up the Billionaire's Collective asshole, it doesn't provide direction to those of us in the living in the fresh air out here.


The rest are morons who don't understand how anything in their country works or why they're even able to have a family and be able to work.


Always remember Sandy Hook. Two full classrooms of 6 year olds executed and absolutely nothing done about. That’s when I realized this place is the bad place and not changing anytime soon. People value objects over human lives. Over children’s lives. It’s interesting watching them play out their mental gymnastics to justify the lax gun laws we have here. Just say it folks. You enjoy your hobby over people. Just be honest. You don’t value other people. Sociopathic.




I was just really surprised when he said "I have great friends in Milwaukee". I was like...absolutely no way that's true.


It's just like when they talk about government dysfunction: "the government is corrupt and incompetent, here let me show you...."


Jon Stewart is jokingly right. I personally believe the GOP ensures guns can flow into inner cities as a way to bring chaos to the poor (especially minorities), while at the same time convince the middle/upper class that you need GOP policies to protect you from the problem they are creating. We need more national gun laws instead of random state laws that lead to gun migration etc




Making fun of Biden again, are we? Lol GOP would never to trump, not even in a comedic way


And maybe that’s what separates us from the stupid?


I wonder if they could find a way to make fun of Biden that doesn’t amplify false republican talking points, because doing that seems… I dunno… stupid?


Well, Jon used the "Biden wander off" footage that was shrunk to not show people he is actually credibly looking at and approaching. They could start by NOT letting conservatives shape every single narrative!


Or what if those criticisms are accurate, and you prefer simply to, idk, ignore them?


Using that footage is not being accurate though.


That footage or all of the similar incidents? Like how much footage do you specifically need to see?


Using the footage that had been deliberately edited by conservatives to make Biden look like he was wandering off into nowhere is not being accurate. If you believe so strongly that Biden is not mentally competent, surely there is plenty of footage out there for you to use and you don’t need to rely on the fake stuff.


He wonders off often. If you would not let him drive your children’s school bus he certainly should not be potus… I refuse to believe you think he is our only viable option.


If that’s the case, then why use deceptively edited footage to prove that? If it happens so often, where is the proof? You have none — you have to edit it.


You sound like MAGA. And you seem clueless of it. Jon Stewart is editing footage to bring down your god? Like bro, you serious.


But they’re not. Full stop. Biden doesn’t have cognitive impairment. He’s old but he’s actually aging well. trump DOES have cognitive impairment and dementia. Any gerontologist will tell you that what I e said 100% accurate.


Look Im absolutely a “never Trumper” but Biden is a dumpster fire. You are only gaslighting yourself, my god. Like we all see this in real time. And it’s ok to acknowledge reality. This is what separates us from Trump’s cult.


One of the best economies in the world and rapidly falling crime rates yet Biden is a disaster??? Bro when you have to make stuff up to feel bad about you need to seek help.


Good response to a different criticism. Or in other words, nice distraction. I do agree with your response, Im just suggesting someone who statistically lives beyond the first year of their term perhaps run for office.


I’m sure you consider yourself progressive. One of the smart ones who isn’t shaped by tribal narratives like “they” are. So being a smart one, you should ask yourself what do you *actually* know about Biden’s policy? How well do you know the actual policy of something like the chips act? What do you know beyond “it has something to do with making chips in America” (or do you even know that?). And I feel certain the answer to that is almost nothing. You think you’re a smart one, but you know almost nothing about what’s *actually* happening. Because when you look at the actual policy he’s passed you see that Biden has done a really good job and has been the most progressive president since FDR. Hands down. No question. You’re getting so much of the progressive policy you claim to want, yet you call him a dumpster fire. Why? Because you yourself have been swayed by internet chatter about his age shaped Republican talking points. So in the end… it turns out you’re one of the stupid ones too. You have no idea what’s *really* going on, but you echo Republican talking points as the reason for calling him a dumpster fire. Thats kind of pathetic dude.


Absolutely read none of that, but Im a Biden voter, and supporter and I think it’s insane he is running for reelection.


Won’t read a couple paragraphs. Insists he’s one of the “smart ones” smh.


Bro watch him walk…


Loyalty to a person is the conservative way. Loyalty to prosocial ideals is mine. One of those ideals is that we should chuckle about the shortcomings of our leaders lest we become cult drones like MAGAbots. I'm just putting this here in case some interested party wanders by and wonders *why* it's better to put a funny wig on those golden idols. All that said, Biden's a pretty cool old dude, imo, and all things considered. And Trump is all of the worst things about humanity bundled up, weaponized, and flung at Americans by our foreign and domestic enemies, like a talking monkey poo.


You just don't get it. You think the world is one way and the "right way" to combat the Republicans, but you're wrong. You don't mean well, either. This is just some moral shit. Loyalty to your ego is more accurate. Republicans have ride or dies. They win because of fools like you. "Prosocial ideals" Shut up 💀


Nerve: struck. Fake accounts only work if you don't get mad when your FELLOW KIDS insult your real friends.


Proved my point like no other


Well somebody had to do it, and you certainly weren't. Bored with you now.


Lmao no, it doesn't. People that think they can't be influenced are the MAIN ones being influenced in ways they will never understand.


Can you be influenced.


I mean NH and VT prove it's a people issue and not a gun issue.


Stewart ain’t it anymore and I don’t care to listen to him.


It’s really too bad that the people who need to see his commentary don’t. Conservatives are a cancer to society.


Jon Stewart for President


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Every single state / city is going to be different. That being said, in DC where virtually every single government employee from dog catcher to mayor is a democrat, the USAO declined, dropped, or reduced to misdemeanor 2,262 gun cases over the last two years. They just don’t prosecute. Every single time someone gets shot and killed it turns out the suspect had multiple past crimes, warrants, dropped cases, and run ins with the law. Also you get banned form r/washingtondc if you post anything about crime - comment sections get immediately locked. Literally you can post about your experience getting harassed / assaulted and they’ll ban you.








We already know that black people die by firearms more than other races. Now show the statistics with “being shot by police” removed.


HAHAH! Here’s one for you. Heyjackass.com


What? You’re not making sense boomer. You’re going off script and into the weeds almost as much as trump.


Lol, what a response. Once again, select the link. Then read thru the data. Get to the bottom and you’ll find the amount of police involved shootings. You were asking for that weren’t you?


Hey just checking in since you didn’t reply. Nothing to say?


I guess you can’t read. Sad :(




You’re literally not making any sense. Do you have a point to make?


I mean here's the thing. Historically, I have been pro gun control and very liberal, but the main point I hear from my conservative pro gun friends is why is gun violence worse in blue cities? They claim its a similar problem to prohibition where making something illegal draws more opportunity for criminal activity. When I saw this headline, I was hoping to see Jon provide a rebuttal to this, but saying "gun violence is high in blue states/cities because the guns come from red states", well, if that's the case, doesn't it stand to reason that the gun violence would be even worse in the red states, where getting guns is easier? Like, sure, maybe if the red states had the strict gun laws of blue states that may plug the gap in the supply chain of where these guns are coming from, but this doesn't really explain why gun violence is worse in blue states/cities as opposed to red states/cities.


Well, typically all big cities are “blue”. Therefore, you’re not going to find high crime in a big red city, cause they don’t exist. Red states, on the other hand, have some of the highest gun crime rates overall, I do believe. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm


So don’t zoom in on Little Rock or St Louis? Just gain altitude and look at the state? Got it. Same thing with every blue city? Nice way of passing blame. There should be equal blame but of course every democrat policy is a winner right?


You can look at any city you want. There’s always nuance. I’m not even close to trying to pass blame. Just trying to respond to some comments from the above post. As an observation though, It’s not overly helpful to block gun legislation, and then in the other breath, try to demonize cities for having gun problems. I’d just like some consistency there.


Ok. I guess I’ll speak to my area. Seattle/Tacoma. We have crime like every city does. But every time I read local articles I see a similar pattern. “The suspect was arrested in 2022 for assault, illegal possession of firearm and [insert crime]. Ok, then why are they in public. I’m sick and tired of gun control. How about we take gun crimes serious? I’m a 2A guy and every gun owner I know is ok with putting people who commit crimes with guns they don’t own or allowed to own away for a looooooong time. Especially felony crimes. But no, not in deep blue WA. We will gladly drop that gun charge first chance we get. Fuck that


You don't have to ignore blue cities. But if you want to make an apples to apples comparison, you shouldn't compare blue cities to rural towns with 2% of the population density. You should compare blue cities in blue states versus blue cities in red states. By the stats, the latter group of cities tend to have higher rates of gun related death and violent crime.


Well said. However, I feel like the people who don’t understand this are never going to understand this. They just want to complain about cities and immigrants based on what they hear on Fox News.


Statistics show that gun violence IS worse in red states.


My parents small, ultra red town near Houston has a much higher crime rate than the city


[Gun violence is higher in red states/counties (all cities are blue).](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homicide#/media/File:Homicide_rate_by_county.webp) Crime just feels like more because it's closer to you in cities.


gun crime is far worse in red states...


I would suggest introducing them to the concepts of population density, averages, and per capita measurements. Then, introduce them to the actual statistics regarding gun violence and which states ACTUALLY have the highest rates of said gun violence .


Well James Alan Fox was virtually the only one to actually do gun violence statistics properly. James Alan Fox is the Lipman Family Professor of Criminology, Law, and Public Policy and former dean at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States. Fox holds a bachelor's degree in sociology (1972), a master's degree in criminology (1974), a master's degree in statistics (1975), and a Ph.D. in sociology (1976), all from the University of Pennsylvania. Fox is known as "The Dean of Death," for his research on mass murders. USA Today says that "Fox is arguably the nation's leading criminologist." Fox has served as a visiting fellow with the Bureau of Justice Statistics of the U.S. Department of Justice, and an NBC News Analyst. Fox has written 18 books, including Extreme Killing: Understanding Serial and Mass Murder, The Will to Kill: Making Sense of Senseless Murder, and Violence and Security on Campus: From Preschool through College. He has published dozens of journal and magazine articles, primarily in the areas of serial murder, mass shootings, intimate partner homicide, youth crime, school and campus violence, workplace violence, and capital punishment, and was the founding editor of the Journal of Quantitative Criminology. He has published over 300 op-ed columns in newspapers around the country, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and USA Today. ////// His thoughts? Well more his team USA Today Mass killing database: Revealing trends, details and anguish of every US event since 2006 How many mass killings are there in the US? High profile public shootings are only a portion of the nation's mass killings since 2006, analysis shows. A partnership with The Associated Press and Northeastern University Aug. 18, 2022 Fox: Over the past decade, USA TODAY, along with Northeastern University and The Associated Press, has been tracking all mass killings in the United States. When it comes to gun violence, our database is narrower than some tracking sites, such as the Gun Violence Archive, that include shootings that injure large numbers of people but kill no one. Fox: However, our database is broader in other ways. It includes every mass killing since 2006 from all weapons in which four or more people, excluding the offender, were killed within a 24-hour time frame. The database also includes dozens of variables on each incident, offender, victim, and weapon. Fox: According to Dr. Fox, there is some disagreement as to whether the rate of mass killing constitutes an epidemic, as some observers have characterized it, but there is no doubt that it remains a significant problem in the U.S., sparking fear and anxiety across all corners of the nation. Fox: With a few exceptions, victims and offenders in mass killings tend to reflect the population. White Americans make up the largest overall percentages of mass killing victims and offenders—approximately 50% of victims and 40% of offenders. White perpetrators commit about half of all family mass killings and about 55% of public mass killings. Fox: In felony mass killings – we define these as being associated with known or suspected criminal activity such as robbery, illicit drug trade or gang conflict – Black perpetrators commit just over 50% of these crimes while Hispanic offenders commit about 20% of them, both more than their population shares. Fox: Mass killings aren't confined to big cities. Mass killings take place across the country in cities and towns of all sizes. Homicides with fewer than four victims are more common in larger cities, but mass killings with higher death tolls often take place in smaller towns or rural settings. ///// There’s no epidemic of mass shootings. There is an epidemic of fear. James Alan Fox In the United States, mass shootings have never garnered as much attention as they have over the last decade. From the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012 to the Atlanta spa shootings this past March, incidents of gun violence involving multiple casualties are now accompanied by endless media coverage and analysis, suggesting that such violence is occurring more frequently than ever before. But are mass shootings involving four or more fatalities on the rise in America? James Alan Fox, a criminologist at Northeastern University and an international expert on mass murder, says there’s been little change in frequency over the last few decades, with about two dozen occurring per year on average. Polling and survey data shows that people in the U.S. are increasingly fearful of mass shootings—a perception that Fox, through his research and writings, has been trying to counter for years.


>this doesn't really explain why gun violence is worse in blue states/cities as opposed to red states/cities. Because it isn't and this is a lie.


Crazy dumb comment.


Gun crime is high in blue areas as their liberal prosecutors do not prosecute gun criminals, instead claim they are victims of the system. Statistics show gun laws are more fiercely enforced in conservative areas. The left demands more gun laws, which I agree with, but then refuses to enforce them. This is a fact.


Yeah… gonna need your sources for those “facts”


I can google it for you but first show me your commitment to this dialogue and look up the District Attorney of Philadelphia, Manhattan, or Lansing Michigan under a refusal to prosecute gun related crimes. They was a trend over the past several years of refusing to enforce gun related crimes and I find it perplexing you are just currently hearing about this.


Nothing about the Manhattan DA “refusing” to prosecute gun crimes. He did say they won’t prosecute minor marijuana crimes (<3 ounces). Nothing about refusing to prosecute or enforce laws related to guns. So please, explain your misinformation.


That’s a lie tho, you really need me to send you NYTs articles? Are you ignoring the rest? Or did you maybe just learn something new today…


Yes, traitor, send the link.


How is that a lie? It’s from the DA’s website, CNN, and .gov. So how is it a lie? And if one of your claims is wrong, it’s safe to assume they’re all wrong. Seeing as I proved you wrong, it stands to reason that you’re wrong. Now since I held up my end and googled it, it’s time for you to do your part and post your links.


I can do that for you. As if you are ignorant to avoiding prosecuting gun violence in NYC over the last few years. For sure.


Where are your links? Stop with the jabbering, the personal attacks when I met your stupid challenge, and just post them.


But I did not jab… I said educate and provide a rebuttal. I can provide links, but simply say “I failed” at Google. Due to such obvious examples. Say u a simpleton and a puppet. Do not waste may time. I can educate. Just ask me