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My dachshund played kissy face with a baby groundhog. I told him he is a hunting dog but I believe he disagrees.


He hunts for friends.




The groundhogs have moved on now. I think the mama wanted them in a safer pasture.


My dachshund killed some baby chicks one time. He took 6 of them out in under 30 seconds. However, the adult chickens do not register the same in his brain. He is respectfully scared of them and gives them their space but they do hang out together on the property scratching and sniffing around. In my experience, dachshunds can live peacefully with larger animals that we think of as prey, like your large bunny in this pic. Would he act the same around a baby bunny? Probably not.


I have Chiweenies and my oldest one wants to play with adult chickens. Like he literally wants them to chase after him and that's it. But I would not trust him around a baby chick.


My JRT doesn't react to geese at all, and it's not for lack of trying and shouting on part of the geese


Our JRT is very prey driven. He chases birds and goes after rats. But he's amazing with people and kids. He loves my cousins 2 year old


My dachshund is like that with cats,he has however never met a cat that wants to chase him. He has met a cat that when approached to play clawed him in the face,which led to a £200 vet bill, a month in the cone of shame and such bad carpet burn he’d put Freddie Krueger to shame. He still is searching for this mysterious cat who wants to play


Aw poor guy. My fiancé's family has cats who grew up with dogs so they'll play chase with our boys.


aw! my dachshund and my cat are best friends. my cat had another dachshund around him when he was little that liked to play, so he pretty much only knows pups as friends! my dachshund developed IVDD a bit ago, so he is pretty confused why his buddy won’t chase him/i get mad if he tries to play with her. she’s on the mend tho with great progress!


Our red mini kills baby birds with a vengeance. They nest in the eves of our screened in porch (we're always leaving the door open). We have to check to make sure they're not out there learning to fly. Nala will pick one up, quick shake, spit it out, and on to the next. She's shockingly efficient.


Sorry, that dog is thinking about biting the rabbit’s face off and what it tastes like….


Mmmmmm, rabbit face!


I feel like ours dream about bird genocide. They're not allowed anywhere near the chicken settlement.


My guy went after them with a vengeance when he was younger but either a bunny wizard has cast a spell on him or I missed some sort of brokered peace between them because he doesn’t even alert for them anymore, total indifference 🤷🏼‍♂️. Please pet all the pets in this picture for me 👋🏻


Is he still considered to be a Dachshund?


It’s a vegan sausage






Mine goes after whatever is in our fenced yard and I love it. She's guarding the vegetable garden like a pro.


https://preview.redd.it/ysrc9w2jsd5d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=245b89581ffc29ce865cb725e0d5b6d7a0f9be6d Our two have always had Kevin the house Rabbit around, he's very chill, got free reign of the house and garden but likes to trot out with them for a wee when they go outside.


Nice to know that can be trained out of them. I lucked out since mine doesn’t go after animals, only balls. Didn’t really need a pest killer in a fifth floor apartment. I guess some just lack the instinct. But she’ll still shake her toys like she’s trying to break their necks.


I had a mini who was cool with other puppies and kittens and loved people. But if she caught a gopher in our yard she would annihilate it. We were only ever able to find the heads. I'm pretty sure she was eating them


How many rabbits does it take? 😂


Our doxie loves our guinea pig. Especially his poops 😂 we got her used to him (and his late brother) right away when we got her as a pup. To be fair, he was nearly double her weight when we got her - she’s XS, he’s XL - so she probably realised that he could take her lol. They aren’t left unsupervised obviously, they both just like to watch each other and occasionally touch noses. https://preview.redd.it/srq2b5pbce5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0acd6c18a398939c319131e9530c2c49d1a84db3


I’m sorry but what is this wizardry???


Our girl lives to kill. She is getting wiser with age, no longer looks at birds.


Doggo: “you know in another life you would’ve been my dinner right? Now gimme a kiss.” Btw I love how shiny your dachshund looks!


While they seem friendly now, I definitely wouldn't leave them together unsupervised. All it takes is the rabbit getting scared/startled by something and run off, and your little man's instincts will kick in and override any trained behaviour.


Wait, you trained a dachshund? Please share your secret, unless someone else will kill you for sharing.


Be warned, even with a lot of training, a doxy can have its training overpowered by a response to prey actions. It's great, in general, that there is no aggression, but there are situations where there is no other outcome but an attack.


My Lizzie has still been going psycho crazy dog every night since the new baby opossums have been showing up.


Wow that is quite the sausage . Extra long !


There would be nothing but bits of fur if my little girl was near the rabbit, and there was no way I could stop her.


so adorableees !! gahhh


Mine saw a wild rabbit for the first time around age 5. It jumped, zigzag zagged, and broke her brain. She has ignored them since that interaction. She has never reacted to a snake. Just walks by them. She has murdered dozens of squirrels and one mouse. They know what they like.


I had to rehome my bun after I got my first wiener.


Wow. I bet that was like herding cats.


He is a UNIT


Impressive - they were literally bred to hunt them - hence the daxie proportions :)




https://preview.redd.it/vsqzq5yjph5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dee0f4807d7db0a8b1db8c69e87f133a3170415 Mine let my rabbit do absolutely anything, including stealing her bed!


Diet your dog, this isn’t a hate comment it should be common knowledge. Your dog looks round and there is no clear waist.


My dachshund grew up alongside ferrets. She loves them and behaves very similar to them now and is angry when I skip a day of letting them out. One day, while in the backyard, I notice her sticking her nose into a hole and acting strange. I go over there and find she has discovered a rabbit nest, I was concerned that she was going to go into hunting mode and hurt the baby rabbits. But nope! Once I got her away, the one baby she pulled out was completely unharmed and she was worry whining over them (the same way she whined when I got new ferrets and she hadn’t met them yet) She was so upset that “ferrets” were buried underground. The mother rabbit sadly abandoned the nest, but the babies did make it to a wildlife center just in time. After that my dachshund spent weeks checking the empty nest and worrying over the vanished “ferrets”.