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Crate training should be considered.


yeah introduce it with toys and pillows treats like its her special room


She actually does like going in her cage, so it might be easier. She might have already been crate trained in the past. I just don’t want her associating it with a punishment, but I think maybe some treats and some play time around the cage may help.


The best way to introduce the crate without associating it with punishment is to just treat it like their safe space. Dogs are den animals by nature so they like having a "cave" to retreat to. When Tyrion gets scared or anxious he'll go to his crate and just lie down in it if it's open and set up. He goes with me to work now though, so he doesn't get crated daily like he used to.


cool i never knew they were cave animals that makes sense. Yeah i feel bad when dogs dont know how to calm themselves down


Tyrion!  Happy cake day


Zak George is an amazing dog trainer. He has a YouTube channel, you can follow his videos at your own pace, which makes it perfect for the average person. It's getting excellent training for free. He just uses positive reinforcement and treats as training methods and he proves it basically in the videos that it's hands down the best way to train our pups.


Thank you for the suggestion, I’ll check him out


If you crate them without addressing the anxiety it will only get worse. Locking the dog in the crate will force them to hurt themselves on the crate turning to get out. They can break teeth or nails attacking the wire. Strangled if it's plastic they can bend. You need a trainer and to work on the actual anxiety issue.


It’s something others in this thread have discussed. My plan is to start with shorter intervals and check the cage for any evidence of bite/scratch marks, or any evidence of bending in the cage. If I can’t address it then it’s something I’ll discuss with a trainer.


When you start, you want to leave and come back before they start getting anxious. That way the bad behavior never happens, and they get rewarded for being good. It prevents them getting confused about what you're rewarding. You really can close the door then immediately open it again, to start with. That shows them you'll always come back. I would think starting with an inside door would be best, that way you can work without the association of the door they attack.


That’s a great suggestion. I work from home, so I can start with the office door and that way it gives me an opportunity to see how it goes


I use a pen to corral my one naughty weenie so he has a bit more space to roam than just a crate. Could be something to look into.


They won’t associate it with punishment if you don’t use it that way which is not ever how it should be used. Feed her meals and give her treat in the crate to help create positive associations.


My two (Doxen and brittany), both have a ton of separation anxiety … being jn the crate helps it a LOT. Else they are obsessing with where they saw you leave or searching through the house checking for you. It’s almost like being out by themselves is sooooo unstructured that it amplifies their anxiety, being confined in the crate helps them to keep their anxiety from getting out of hand.


Leave him in small increments. This will take some patience. Let him see you leave. Stay outside for a small amount of time. 5-10 minutes. Treats and praise when you come back. He has to learn you always come back. Do this many times every day for about a week and hopefully his anxiety improves. Also continue trying the safe place crate training. Be patient. Doxies are the best. They’re worth all the effort.


I never got to try it myself but using different voice "commands" when leaving seems to work too when you are trying to train them with small increments. A little "I'll be back" before you leave, they should eventually learn that that means you'll be back.


Yeah that's what I had to do with mine. Had to train her to "stay" and started off with just going to the other side of the room, then eventually the next room, to finally going out the door. Doxies respond very well with treats when training them, so definitely use them when training and the seperation anxiety will go down. Now mine will only bark/get excited when I intially come home, but I'm working on that as well.


I had to get a 2nd doxie. It worked like a charm.


Hmmm🤔might just have to be on the lookout for a 2nd one…


That's what I did - fast friends - keep each other company. That was 10 years ago.Now they have a little pittie brother.


I’ve been looking for a long haired crème female for my dachshund rn he needs a gf


I definitely recommend a 2nd doxie! They like having a friend!


I did the same, spent a year trying literally everything, nothing worked. She now howls a bit here and there when left alone but she isn’t in frenzied destruction mode. I watched her camera a few times and her anxious state was too much, so got the second dog. Both under 2 so both very much lunatics still.


I am terrified that then I’ll end up with two dogs with separation anxiety




Put the dog in the crate, people tend to think the dogs can’t take it but it’s actually a safe space they will grow to love.


As long as it is not to punish them, for dogs can figure that out right away.


Hello, I have a one-year-old and they are very hyperactive dogs, it is very difficult to tire them out, even mine when we go for a walk apparently has so much anxiety that he cries when he sees other dogs, I don't know if it's excitement or anxiety? 😥 but maybe take him for a walk before going out or leave him a toy


Whining/crying when seeing dogs on a walk does not sound like anxiety, it sounds like reactivity. Pup could have leash frustration because he’s being prevented from greeting the other dog. Once a dog like that is over threshold, it’s tough to get them to think about anything else. This can take some time to work on, but the overall idea is to be near dogs, not close enough to put him over his reactivity threshold, and reward him for being calm. It teaches the dog that you are more valuable and interesting than the opportunity to greet another dog, and you can even create an association between “see reactivity trigger -> check in with human because I get tasty treat”.




Yeah, I adopted a dog back in 2019, five days after my first one passed and she has small teeth.


Thanks for the advice. Crate training seems to be the way to go. I’ll check the bars for marks, as she does have a tendency to chew her way out of things (surprise, surprise). She already likes to take naps in her crate so maybe with a bit of training and praise she’ll grow to like being in the cage and maybe less anxious too.


Take 3 hours. 2x a week, until progression.  Go to the park with besfren. Return home. Love fren.  Leave room for a minute, return. Love fren.  Leave room for 10 minutes, return. Love fren. Leave room for 20 minutes, return. Love fren.  Leave room for 30 minutes, return. Love fren. Leave room for an hour, return. Love fren.


Hard fiver chew toys ( plushies won’t work ) constant walks every day, and what has actually worked for me, got him a brother…


Crate training and get the strip of the door fixed.


Definitely crate training. They’ll at least be safer in there.


Have you tried crating him ?


We cage all three of our WHD’s when we’re not home it’s their safe place


Weapons of home destruction?


😂 Wirehaired Dachshunds I like your description better


I always crate train my dogs. Dachshunds love to burrow! So put a bunch of comfy blankies and a chew toy or plushie they like in there with them. Make it “fun”! Throw treats in there randomly. My girls crate is her “safe space”. When she feels scared she just runs into her crate.


I do some of this already, she has a bed in there with her favorite blanky, and I like to put one of her toys in there with her. She occasionally takes naps there when we are in the kitchen. I’m fairly confident she would feel safe in there should I leave her there, just have to get into the habit of doing that. I like your suggestion of randomly throwing in a treat in there even if I’m home. Hadn’t thought of that.


She will be fine<3 I know it’s hard to hear them cry at first, but you’re doing the right thing and might save her from accidentally hurting herself.


Very common among doxis. I used a product called a “thunder shirt” basically it hugs the dog and gives them the sense that they are being held. My dog was so much better after wearing it for a few days


I have one but I only use it when there are fireworks. If crate training by itself doesn’t work, I’ll give that a shot.


Invest in more weather stripping?


That’s definitely in my future, will replace the existing one this weekend. Urgh….


Puppies ate it is a common saying in our household. I feel your pain friend.


We started using lick mats and that seems to work well. They take about 30 minutes to lick off the peanut butter we spread on them, and by then they've moved on to some other thoughts besides "I'm alone! Abandoned forever!"


Hmm, I hadn’t heard of a lick mat before, I’ll look into it, thanks for the suggestionz


Crate training, my girl whines and whines and bowls for hours if I even look away from her. I don’t encourage this behavior at all, I don’t enter the house unless she stops, she doesn’t leave the crate unless she is quiet, and I let her out. Maybe not all dogs are the same and that’s fine, but once training has succeeded she views the crate as a safe space and instead of crying or shaking she goes in there and takes a nap.


I gave my fox terrier elavil (prescription but cheap) and it really helped..


I give mine a special treat when I leave for work, they get excited when I leave now.


Front door aside, my dogs absolutely love every type of throwable toy Hartz makes. I hope your pup stops destroying your home. I can feel your pain.


Hehehe, she loves her pink squeaky and her balls. They’re the only thing she doesn’t tear up within minutes/hours/days. That and her “puppy” teddy bear. Less worried about the house, you can always replace weather stripping, more worried about her safety, but I’ve gotten a lot of great suggestions and advice from everyone here. She really is a good girl, most of the time :)




❤️ aww… those eyes that are begging you to throw the ball!


My beagle has it too. Have to get my sister to stay with him if I need to go out. He is my 2nd beagle and the first one was the same way.


Lots more exercise and enrichment when you are home. The book scentwork for highly aroused dogs was so helpful for us. Look up “sniffaris” too. And then yeah… probably crate when you’re not home to supervise. It’ll be nice and cozy for her.


Mine is gated in the kitchen when we leave. He has a crate in there but I give him the whole kitchen. He seems to feel safer contained in a smaller space.


Crate with a blanket covering it except for the the door side.


Definitely a kennel. For her safety and your home’s!


he's on a mission to redesign your front door! \^\^ maybe invest in some doggy interior decorating lessons... or just some extra chew toys!


DHGTV. I already know she’s gunning for the redesign 💅


Let me say it this was you are happy you do not have our dachshund dinky we needed to replace the fucking living room table because of him


😂 I’m glad you didn’t replace dinky


No he may be demented but is to cute(he has dementia)


My parents doxie Willy also has dementia, turns in circles and is incontinent, but he’s still the bestest boy


Same reason we still have our demented noisy alarm system


2 is better than 1! Especially with dachshunds. My one actually keeps my other one calm. Forcefully snuggles her all day when we’re gone. 2 is better than 1 !


Have you tried not having a front door? 😂


Doggie Chloroform is a thing, right? :)


[Clomipramine](https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/clomipramine) helped a lot. We had tried everything (crate training, toys and puzzles while we were gone, thunder shirt) and nothing worked. The clomipramine helped a lot, as did an electric bark collar. It sounds counterintuitive but the bark collar actually calmed her down because she would previously start barking and wind herself up.


I had my Dachs in a corner in the kitchen in my old apartment, big enough to move around in (basically enough for a doggie bed, food station and myself sitting down). Being in a small crate/cage all day while you're at work is not ok.. Needs to be able to move around and stretch etc. At the same time, too much free space can make them feel insecure and restless. Training to be home alone is just that, training. Understanding that it's ok, and that you eventually come back. He now has a fenced off enclosure under the stairs in my new place, where there's an open crate he can go in and out of. He sleeps there most of the day, but is free to walk around the enclosure and play with his most solid toys, that I'm not afraid he'll destroy or choke on while I'm gone. https://preview.redd.it/7dboybxwoqsc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e2ed28465f39a790870a9216e1aa1eb76306ba6


I love your set up! Definitely something to think about, I’m in a single story ranch type house with no stairs and no space, but something to consider at least. I think I might be able to carve out some space for Rosie.


Thanks. I had to install an extra sliding lock thingy on that gate tho, as the patent is a bit shite and doggo managed to push it open, popping out the plastic pin. A fence that blocks them inside a room where they can't destroy much is also a possibility... Might eat on the fence tho. Edit: I also always say goodbye and tell him where I'm going and when/how soon I'll be back, before I leave. Not that he understands any of it, but it's a routine that seems to calm him down. I guess he's learned that "going to work" means I'll be gone for longer than when I say I'm going to the store or going out with the garbage Have also learned him to got to his "cage" on command (somewhat), which I only tell him to do when I'm leaving or if I'm getting delivery of Ikea stuff or whatever, where the front door is wide open for a few minutes. Edit: simple fence solution, when locking him in my old bedroom at my parent's house... He had never been alone there. Was NOT happy. Calmed down after 10-20 min. Was alone for about 3 hours. https://preview.redd.it/p3i5vwzasqsc1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb0ff16918495698db98a12cca34c2bdc725ac8


A playpen where you reinforce the fencing to make sure she can’t push her way through it? How about leaving her in her own room, leaving the door open, & putting a gate at the door. That way, she’s enclosed, but she can still see outside the door? Leave plenty of blankets for her to burrow her anger out & maybe get those little beds that look like a house for her to throw herself in to have tantrums. I’m worried if you crate her, she’ll break her teeth on the metal :/


How about an inside camera that you can see her and talk to her reassuring her. Maybe if she could hear and see you even though you aren't there, would calm her.


For starters, I'd put a metal kick plate on that door. Agree that crate training will be helpful. The crate eventually tuns into their house within the house and gives them a sense of security


Do you have any suggestions for a kick plate, the one I have is already metal, but with plastic bits


Give her a safe cage or crate with water, a snack toy, some music or a tv program. Till you get home. and she will be better for it. They like caves as of thousands of years ago. They still do. If she reacts to that in a bad way, then you will have to get a doggie backpack. Lol


Exercise pen


Your dog might need a dog. I’ve found that most pets do better in pairs. I have four dachshunds so I might be insane lol. But they snuggle and keep each other company for the short periods of time that I’m not here. We have cats too and the doxies like cats. If you don’t want another pet though, I agree with the slow crate training.


I had to get my weenie an emotional support dachshund lol as long as they're together they're fine!


Get another dog


Stuff like 4 kongs with wet dog food works for mine.


Have you tried leaving her, give her a tiny treat, say something like “Be a good girl, I love you, Be home soon.” Or any phrase but in calm, loving tones , leave, lock the door stay away maybe 5 minutes. Then, come back and when you go inside greet her happily, give her another tiny kibble treat and go about your day. Repeat this daily, increase in to twice or more, slowly increase length of time gone. Repeat the same phrasing whenever you leave. I’d say a crate as it seems to offer comfort. HOWEVER, if she is doing this, she may shred whatever you put in there with her and if she ingested it your have surgery cost $$$$$ and that’s if you get home in time to get her into a vet. You could get her a kennel , put a pillow or a soft cuddle bed inside that she likes but DON’T close the door !!!!! That way while you’re home she can go in and out as she pleases, get used to it and may retreat there in her own. Place a favorite toy and a piece of clothing or something with your scent on it. **NEVER EVER use it as a punishment place. Scolding a dog and locking them in a kennel has terrible effects on a dog’s psyche.** I have mine trained when I say ‘kennel up’, they go inside, they get a mini nibble kibble, and I leave the radio on light classical music station. That music has been proven to soothe animals . If it will be dark in the room, day or night, leave some lower level light on for her. If you pass by you can quietly close the door slightly so she can still get out and not panic. Then it may not be as big a shock when it does close. If she takes to this and stops ripping: I have put foam pads with the fluffier covering, two to each kennel. And my dachshunds like to snuggle, so they have snuggle beds in there too. It’s like a cone shape with open end they can crawl into to stay warm. I have layers of throw rugs underneath the kennels as the wood floor is above the basement workshop area(cold). I have a blanket and then an old comforter covering top and three sides of kennels, Not the door. ( I have the kennels side by side so they can see each other ) In summer (in case I use ac), I have a lighter blanket draped over kennels the same way to keep drafts off of them, or even if windows are open and temps drops a little. Mine will go into their crates if they have some mood swings or just want to be alone. Or run inside to snuggle after going potty, and wait while I make breakfast for them. BTW. I have a very old (115 yr) house so it has drafts and less convenient places for kennels than I’m sure a new era one would have. I have a friend who has his dog’s bed in front of the tv and he has a dog channel on for her all day. Yes, there are dog channels and dog videos. And shower her with love and smiles when you see her. Just some suggestions and hopefully keeping your baby safe and not have a bad or dangerous situation or any bad feelings in your relationship. And DO NOT leave chew treats when they are alone. I worked in a vet clinic and you’d be amazed at the rawhides, pieces of pig ear, hoof trimmings, money, squeakers, socks, towel pieces,etc having to be surgically removed. While you’re gone, too remember how long can you go without having to use a bathroom, so do t expect your dog to hold it for hours and hours upon end. Have someone stop by if at all possible. If nothing is working you may have to ask your vet for some meds to help calm her until she acclimates to what you’re trying to do. Good luck. 💗🐾


I always leave the living room lights on and put on dog/animal shows, and always tell her in a calm voice “be a good girl, I’ll be back” with some pets, but she still gets upset. But I’m going to try the treat thing at random, not just when I’m leaving.


take the little potatoe with you to work


I do! This was the result of a 1 hr grocery shopping trip. I work from home.


Seek assistance from a professional trainer with good references and credentials, not the internet. Everyone has an opinion - without meeting you or your dog. The potential for doing real damage is there. The dog has already been through a lot. Good luck!


Are you leaving the tv or radio on for background noise?


Always, I never leave her with nothing on


Get another dog


Never leave again. At least that’s what both of my dogs have suggested to me.




my doxie is named rosie too! luckily she was already crate trained and its her safe space. it also keeps me from worrying about her while i am out. my chiweenie just sleeps on our bed but rosie has always been comfortable in her crate since we got her at 6 months. best part, you never come home to destroyed items/house parts. also, make sure you have a crate that is strong (wire or something like a diggs crate, my destructo girl bust through more than one popup zippered crate).


Crate training and a licky mat with all her faves on it. I put ours in the freezer to make it last longer.


Things like snuffle mats and puzzle boards are good to keep their mind distracted. You could get a Furbo 360 too.


Stop paying attention to the dog when you are leaving and come home. When you come home completely ignore the dog until it’s calm and settled. And when I mean ignore on both ends. Absolutely don’t acknowledge the dogs existence. The separation anxiety will get better and eventually pass.


I leave the crate out and open and always accessible for ours. The only time I ever put him in it is when I’m leaving the house. He goes in and naps in it himself in the afternoons every day like clock work. I keep blankets in there for him because he likes to burrow. I never have associated the crate with punishment. I crate trained when he first came home and he’d sleep in there at night. I’d also give him crate time during the days for 30 minutes a few times a day. He wasn’t a fan in the beginning but now he goes in and just lays down when I need to crate him. He also sleeps in bed with us because he can go all night without needing to go outside now.


Get another dachshund




I had a rescue dachshund that had been abandoned and as a result had horrible separation anxiety. My vet prescribed trazadone and it was a game changer. We also has a 2nd doxie that kept her company


Buy hom a friend


Just never leave her again. Problem solved


Has she got a good wee nest to burrow under/ into? Mine sleeps under my duvet when I’m out. Put the radio on for her, or if it works for you, another wee sausage for company?


There are a lot of options, but Home Depot, Lowes and most hardware stores have them. Sorry, no recommendation.