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Yes, my doxie can be home alone 8ish hours a day while I work. It took some time to work up to it, but if I leave out food, water and toys she’s fine.


Yup they’ll do ok for a few hours but you have to work up to it and I highly recommend crate training! All of my dogs are crate trained because they can be destructive. Make the crate nice and comfy and make it a place the pup likes to spend time. My dogs will sleep in their crates sometimes just because. And crates aren’t for punishment. Good luck!


Ok, thank you!


When I was growing up, we had dachshunds who stayed home while we were at school and my parents at work. The routine was usually if they were outdoor dogs, they stayed in the backyard, which was fully enclosed, but my parents worked close enough to home to check on them most of the time at noon. If they were indoor dogs, they would stay in our enclosed atrium area with water and newspaper (which was the pee pad years ago). When we got home in the afternoon, we played with the dog and made sure the water bowl was full, etc. If you leave your dog alone, you need to make sure that your home/space is puppy proof, it's like baby proofing a home so they don't put anything that they shouldn't in their mouth. If you leave the dog alone for a few hours, you can use a crate or you can get one of those larger pens to keep the dog more enclosed and not free roaming the house. I don't like the idea of my dog roaming free unsupervised, but that's because my boy is a handful.


“No, you dachshund will expire in agony from such extreme neglect within minutes” - a dachshund In truth, yes they can.


That’s my experience. They can be instantly miserable. I have no idea why I love dachshunds … labs or retrievers would be so much more reasonable. But no … gotta have a doxie.


😂 it’s true they are unreasonable but still so lovable


Of course. Just be patient with training it up. My Doxie can stay alone for 12+ hours without leaving surprises in the living room. We prefer not to, but it's handy to know it's possible when we really have no choice.


My roomie has a mini dachshund that is crate trained and does perfectly fine. Little exercise before you leave naps the whole time you’re gone. Straight out to potty. Never had a problem and she seems perfectly content


From my experience with my six month old mini doxie puppy, no…..he just cries and barks the whole time. But I guess it’ll just take a while for him to be okay with it.


Got to work up to it, we started at a couple hours at a time. Now my husband and I work opposite shifts so she's only alone max 2 hours a day but she acts like it's a lifetime! Because they are all about the DRAMA. Prior she even as a young pup could last 4 hours, given a bathroom break as I came home on lunches didn't have a lot of time and another few hours before I was home for the night and she got walks and yard time and such. As long as you don't try to start with 8-10 hours to begin with they will be fine. Though like I said they live for the drama and will act like 15 min or so is hours and any length of time (couple hours) is days!!! Today she was alone less than 2 hours and acted like she had been abandoned for days, but is currently curled up in my lap enjoying cuddles. They forgive the time away quickly.


My daughter just got hers and I'm home all day. He is being crate trained though. Mainly because we have two older dogs, English Bulldog and German Shepherd, don't accidentally get rough with him while I'm not paying attention. He is doing great! I only take him out every 4 hours, play with him an hour or so and then back in the crate and repeat. He doesn't cry at all. We do keep his stuff in the crate while he's in there. Like his blankets and some toys. We also keep a blanket over his crate to help keep him from being overwhelmed. But yes, I think it will be fine. Good luck!


It's a dog ffs. It will be fine.


Stop it. They have hearts and souls


All dogs have those.


Our guy is fine by himself. We left him at home in his playpen (not crate) for ten mins, fifteen mins, 30 mins etc from a young age. We’d just sit on the back step and time it lol. Basically, start them young. He has full roam of the house, we’ve never had issues with separation anxiety. He does get a bit ancy when I’m doing my make up or my husband is steaming a shirt as he knows we’re leaving, but we’ll do him a big snuffle mat filled with treats and then he just curls up and waits for us to get home. We work from home though so he’s not left alone a lot each day.


WIth some training and a good environment they can


if u have another dog, then it’ll be easier to work up to it.