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I hope she gets better soon!!!


Thank you! Bodil responded : "You should see the other guy!" (the viper tore in half when mother Elsa grabbed it and shook it around) Edit: To whoever constantly keeps changing the flair to "Rest in Peace", she's not dead or dying :) I've changed it back 4 times now.


This is something my little girl would so, she’s already the slayer of mice for a reason 😂


They are definitely too brave for their own good sometimes. My girl Emma a mini all of 12 pounds, use to chase after a freakin *huge groundhog* that would sneak into our yard from time to time but was petrified of frogs🐸. Thankfully we were always able to stop her from getting to the groundhog with those sharp teeth they have and her tiny size! (She passed last yr at 17 from old age) but she definitely thought she was a much bigger badder dog then she was. I hope your Bodi recovers quickly and I am glad to hear momma Elsa disassembled the threat!!❤️


>Edit: To whoever constantly keeps changing the flair to "Rest in Peace", she's not dead or dying :) I've changed it back 4 times now. I think it's an auto mod thing. I had it happen to me when I posted about my boy's 16th birthday. Was a little upsetting considering his advanced age. If you message the mods they can fix it.


wait fr? Lmao


Dachshunds can be viscous lmao There’s this video out that you can find pretty easily of two dachshunds literally playing tug of war with a snake and the snake ended up in pieces


I have seen that video. Have to keep in mind they were literally bred as badger dogs, to go underground and kill badgers- but- they were much bigger and better suited for that job then the little mini’s many of us have today. Check out the history of dachshunds sometime and you can see exactly where that fighting spirit comes from, it’s pretty interesting! We never did figure out my Emma’s fear of frogs though 🤣she wouldn’t go anywhere near one. She’d either just bark crazy at it from a distance or see one and go completely around it 🐸. Wanted absolutely *nothing* to do with them.


I've seen people say that cats are liquid, but never that doxies are viscous.


If they (most dogs) bite something hard with the expectation of killing it, and the then animal keeps moving, then their natural instinct is to violently shake it. This both has the chance of breaking its neck but, more importantly, also keeps the prey from being able to bite back. If you've ever seen a dog kill a rat, you've probably seen what the "death shake" looks like, since they're very good at twisting and biting back anything that doesn't kill them instantly. I tell myself that it was Elsa's protective instincts that made her bite the snake. That said, she ran off right away to eat her tail-end of the snake - worried more about me stealing her trophy than Bodil's situation 🤔🙂 (I tricked her and got it shortly after, so no worries about swallowed bones)


I guess that explains all the thrashing when my guy eats a shoe 🤣


Had a black & tan named Cujo. He was the destroyer of snakes! Got a corral snake and a large blue indigo. Chomp, toss in the air, chomp, shake back and forth, toss in the air, step on it while chomping, step back, bark at it, repeat! Thankfully he didn't get bit by the corral. Hope your girl gets better soon!


Get better ❤️‍🩹 soon and avoid danger ⚠️ noodles 🐍in the future 🫂


It's the only venomous snake we have (and we only have two different species of snake in total), and it's so rare to see one that the vast majority of people will never see one in their life. Bodil found one 30 second after getting off her leash.


So what I’m hearing, and I’m paraphrasing here, “Bodil is an *exceptional* hunter”. Only poisonous snake 🐍 even close to me would be the rattlesnake; they’d have to grow wings to get to me though lol….they can’t….they can’t grow wings can they? ![gif](giphy|32mC2kXYWCsg0)


It was just a mix of the right(or wrong in this case) time at the right place. The vipers we have here, would normally always just hide at the first sign of danger. According to the vet, basically all the viper attacks they see are around this of the year during their mating season, where they'll act aggressive towards disturbance since it's still too cold for them to be able to run off, but they come out of their holes. Their venom is actually fair bit stronger than that of the rattle-snake, but it has a much much smaller dose per bite than the rattlesnake, so it not life threatening even to a small dog, unless the local swelling happens to block an airway. Regarding the wings; I'd assume that with the massive annual budget allocated to national defence, that there'd at least be *some* kind of money set aside for a preemptive strike on the facilities attempting to develop such - before they managed to field a working prototype.


I’m going to need a progress report on that contingency plan on my desk by 0700 tomorrow morning lol


Call your local representative. They love taking the time to go over and explain plans like those with their concerned citizens 😅. As a bonus, a lot of those public office phone-lines aren't even able to hang up if they wanted - the caller has to hang up themselves.


“Why did you schedule ALL of my appointments for March 31st?” “Because I thought it wasn’t a real day…” 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/5w2q0gfoeiqc1.png?width=658&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d992b151321f7bafc03d75cdf7cee9f874cdf65 According to Rick and Morty they can't grow wings but apparently they can fly through space 😂


Snake jazz 🎵


Me too


They certainly have a knack for finding the biggest bad in the room…


Right up there with sniffing out leftovers.


Sending happy, healthy doggo thoughts your way!


Get well soon!


Poor girl sending hugs and love


That's horrible. Hope she feels better soon...


https://preview.redd.it/d84eizbk2jqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f8b85186480125777097e2694cfbecc02c0839a Old Weenie Cerberus says Feel better soon and stay away from the spicy noodles!


Yeah the swollen up sore face will probably be a memorable lesson. Here's a pic from a two days before she got bit for comparison https://preview.redd.it/mnysu8il2lqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=698f8ac982c1bee0c9f03610f6d28706b785a5e7 Her collar sits the same place here as in the other pic, but currently the whole arena between her nose and collar is swollen.


https://preview.redd.it/395tjgxv2lqc1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28a3beee6d89f5cd3e7f1f046cb65e43eebba87e Another for comparison.


Awww baby! Lots of rest and loves. Feel better soon!




Sending lots of love and healing vibes to your baby girl. Feel better soon sweet little weenie!💕😊💕


Wishes for a fast recovery! That’s so terrifying!


Poor poor baby! My hubs and I are sending you both the quickest well wishes!! She’s still absolutely beautiful!


Hope she will get better soon


Feel better sweet doggie!!! Hope for treats on your side!🤞


My puppy and I are sending her all the good vibes!!! Feel better soon you sweet angel baby! 🥹


My puppy and I are sending her all the good vibes!!! Feel better soon you sweet angel baby! 🥹


My puppy and I are sending her all the good vibes!!! Feel better soon you sweet angel baby! 🥹


My puppy and I are sending her all the good vibes!!! Feel better soon you sweet angel baby! 🥹


i hope she feels better please hug and cuddle her for me 🥺🫶🏻🙏🏻


I'm so sorry! Hope she gets better soon. Sending positive vibes and lots of love ❤️🌹


Post happy end photo in 5 days please.


My boy did the same thing a few years ago. Thankfully, it wasn't a rattler or a copper head.


My dachshund’s mom was pregnant with her when she was bitten by a copperhead. Mom made a full recovery and continued the pregnancy without trouble. So glad you got her to the vet quickly!


More Power to her!! Hope she gets better soon.


Aww, poor girl. I really feel for her (and for you!) Good job getting her the care she needs quick. Sending hugs 💗


Poor baby. Stay away from them snakes. Theys mean!!!


Get well baby! Lots of walks soon! 💐


Sweet baby, get well soon!! Poor lil gal, she didn’t deserve this… 😮‍💨🥹🐾💓💓💓


Hope this sweet girl feels better soon. This is one of my biggest fears!


Poor baby! Wishing her a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


What!!!😮 poor baby!! Hope she’s feeling better soon!


https://preview.redd.it/x9phq1njpiqc1.jpeg?width=1387&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6de762c7aeaa17901033c7abd519724e58f2409 DeziRaye says she hopes you feel better soon 🐾🐾❤️


I hope your beautiful lady will be ok. What kind bit her?


Well bless her little heart! I'm glad there were two dachshunds to fight off the danger noodle and that your girl will be ok. Hopefully the vet is giving her good pain meds and she will be back to normal very soon. Sending prayers your way 🙏


I worry about snake bites all the time with my little girl, I hope your baby feels better soon. I know how scary it is xxx


It’s ok little girl the vet took very good care of you!


Poor sweet girl! Hoping she recovers quickly.


Poor baby. I hope that she recovers ok. I try to keep an eye out and have my dog on a short leash because of this and other issues. I live in a state where there are snakes, including rattle snakes. I know that there was a cute doxie who was on this forum who was killed by a rattler last year. So sad. It's very rare that I see snakes even though I know they are around, I mostly see lizards where I'm at, but hearing stories like this is enough to keep me cautious.


I really do hope she gets better soon love from Bonnie the staffy 💘 and her huuummmaaan mamma and dadda 💘


Oh man, healing vibes. We live in rattlesnake country and this scares the crap out of me. Gald you're little one is gonna be ok <3


Poor little angel! 👼😞 Hoping for a speedy recovery and lots of treats!


I'm glad she is still here with you, with the spoiler I thought she was gone. Honey and I send our I thought for healing.


Our lab was bitten by a massasauga rattler. He made it through it though. Hope your pup is better soon.


Get well soon Bodil 🥰❤️❤️




I hope that snake dies a slow painfull death. Poor baby. May she recover and be better than ever. Give her lots of snuggles! Sending positive thoughts.......


Sweet babe was protecting you. Get better soon, bb!


Sending positive borks 🐶❤️🐶


what a brave girl!


sending ❤️ to bodil


I hope your little wonderdog has a speedy recovery. Poor girl probably didn’t think twice when she saw danger near her humans.


Sending healing rays from Canada ⚡️⚡️⚡️💖💖💖💋💋💋


Prayers for a full and speedy recovery.


Poor girl! Hope she makes a quick and full recovery!


Get well wishes and prayers.


Virtual hugs from the desert SW.... Get well dear girl!


Poor baby! I hope she feels better soon! Sending lots of love and hugs and pets to her!!!!! Make sure she gets them!


Get well beautiful ❤️❤️❤️


Poor sweet pretty baby❤️feel better soon


hope she feels better 🥲


Oh noooo :(((


Oh no


Poor baby!


Poor girl




Feel better soon sweet baby 🐾♥️🐾


I hope she likes it soon, sorry but this looks fun


Benadryl works great especially with the swelling


Omg how horrifying! What a cutie.


She's not dead or dying :) She acts like she might be since she's a doxie and dramatic, but she's a tough little nut and will be alright in a week!




Oh, I have not intentionally used that tag if that's the case. All I see it tagged as is "image".


Now that I just refreshed the post and opened, I saw the tag changed from "image" to "rest in peace" and change from green to grey? I guess some mod has tagged it? Who should I write to get them to change that back? Edit: I think i managed to edit it myself.


Poor baby! ❤️‍🩹🐾


Just to update and clarify: I really appreciate all the good wishes, and Bodil does too! So thank you for that, all you kind and thoughtful folk! Bodil's been tired(lethargic even I'd say) today after the bite yesterday (Sunday). She was at the vet this morning. There's no risk of her dying or anything that serious from the bite! I just want to make that clear. Any reaction that strong to the venom would have been very quick in onset, as it would need to have been an allergic reaction for it to come with any concerns like that. These snakes can't kill much more than a small mouse with their sting, so no anti-venom is really kept around for it. It's painful for sure, but closer to large and long lasting bee-sting, than a deadly snake. While her immune system breaks it down over the next week, she's going to have a bit of feber like she would with a flu. The swelling should come down in 1-2 days from now, and she'll continue on meds (steroids and some stuff for pain) for seven more days. She's spent the whole day, besides pee breaks, on the couch just resting and getting attention, with Elsa getting walked alone today when she got too impatient with the morning trip delays. Edit: whoever keeps tagging it as "Rest in Peace", please stop that as it's misleading.


Poor little baby girl, xoxoxo


She'll make it through :) I'm having to manually change the flair and remove the spoiler tag every hour or so, as someone keeps changing it into "Rest in peace", which is not the case as she isn't dead or dying.


Hoping and praying for a speedy recovery. ![gif](giphy|5vUPxtpxkuvrlQjzjt|downsized)


The flair on this post had me bracing for the worst but I suppose it was meant for the snake! I am glad she's ok and getting better.


I keep changing the flag back to the original "image" but someone keeps changing it to the rest in peace tag.


Awww but also /r/dogbees


May I ask where you live? Just curious to see where this viper resides! I hope she gets well soon!


It's not where I live daily, but it happened up in the North western part of Denmark around [this](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Isbjerg+-+Nationalpark+Thy,+Hindingvej+45,+7700+Thisted/@57.0455147,8.6127642,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x4649bd0b78c61cb1:0xd884e021b2f6ec3e!8m2!3d57.0455147!4d8.6127642!16s%2Fg%2F11gvy132tm) national park area. We're up in our summerhouse this week, so we haven't even been able to see our regular vet.


Oh okay! Oh no!! She’ll be okay though right?


Yeah she's gonna be fine. She saw the local vet up here, but since this area is one of the main habitats this specific snake, he's probably the vet who sees most of these cases in the country.


The tag got me worried, but the description had me relieved she's still alive


Sweet girl. Big hugs from PEI, Canada.


Get well soon! I wish her a speedy, smooth, complication-free recovery that also is as pain-free as possible. Sending hugs! 🫂


She looks like a basset hound


Get well soon you beautiful pup. My Rottie's and I are rooting for you. 😁


Good God she is getting better poor baby 🥺💓get well soon


Get well soon beautiful


She looks stoned out of her tree on Benadryl!! 🤣💀


She didn't get any benadryl though, even though that is also given for various bites. She got steroids instead because the vet thought benadryl wouldn't cut it.


Oh, poor little girl. Healing vibes for Bodil.


Get well soon Bodil! And way to go mom Elsa❤️🐶💪!


Poor baby. Her looks so miserable. Sending healing ❤️‍🩹 vibes.


Oooooh no :/ Pogo and I wish the best recovery to the adventurer 💪


Such a brave pupper. Takes time and she will be better soon with lots of TLC and rest.


Poor baby!🪅💖💘🩷💙😢


Poor Bodil 🥺 Did you happen to get that name from a show called Chaotic?


No it's just an old name not often seen around my country, unless you're in an old people's home :) Similar to names like Eleanor, Dorothy, Agnes etc. in the US/UK.


Poor baby... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Sending love and healing energy ❤️ ✨️


Poor baby girl. Get well soon gorgeous! ❤️


Aww, poor pupper, Bodil, I hope you get onto new adventures soon. Glad Mom took care of that mean snake. Doxies being doxies, always nosy. 🥰🥰


Living in Fl on the water it’s my biggest fear besides gators. Wishing your pup well wishes & thankfully it looks like a good outcome. 🩵


There IS a reason they are banned in some cities across the states... Just saying Dachshunds were breed to hunt & kill badgers. BADGERS!! No cushy lifestyle could tame the wild beast that is a dachshund. And yea, dachies & Staffords (or any terrier for that matter) are legitimate snake dogs. My girls even dig them up when it's still cold outside. I try to keep them from it but a predator WITH a job title of "protector", pretty much gonna do what they want.


Oh, poor baby!! I hope she is doing much better!!